More specifically if you look under "Scenery Pitched Battle Profiles" in the GHB it will specify that Wyldwoods cost 0 points in a Sylvaneth allegiance army.
Evan Rivera
>Kunnin' rukk >greenskinz See? They are so shit you don't even know that they are a separate faction
Ethan Anderson
>GW gonna repack boyz like they did with moonclan and wanderers recently
Josiah Martinez
>they died
you're retarded
Daniel Smith
>meme tier >greenskinz Why? It's classic.
John Gonzalez
everything is getting reboxed white
because a lot of the legacy armies have trash rules because gw doesn't care about them, this left greenskins with bad rules, they don't deal any damage really, they have shit saves, terrible bravery, they're as expensive as other options with better damage, saves, bravery, etc, etc
They're a meme army and user is sad that they're not top tier auto win
Ryan Rivera
Classic for WhFB sure.
I'm not gonna repeat that user's words, they obviously suck balls in game terms.
The biggest problem is they fall into that awkward "Probably should have been deleted" tomb kings legacy slot. Greenskinz have no place since Ironjawz exist and are a million times more appealing, and even if you want 'basic' orcs, Bonesplittaz exist. Then you add every greenskin model except Boar boyz are terrible looking to the mix, it doesn't look good
Ethan Jackson
What are you working on /aosg/?
Adrian Perez
There might actually be some AoS starting up here, soon after a few players crawled out of the woodwork. To me knowledge, there is a Khorne daemons, Sylvaneth, beastmen, Stormcast and I think the new dworfs, some kind of death, and I heard someone mention skaven. I used to be a WE player myself, but I want to mix things up a bit, especially since as of the new update, I can't use some of my stuff as wanderers anymore. I wanted to play something new anyway, so rather than mope, I'll get something new. The problem is that I have no idea what I should run. What would be a good army to add to the mix that would be something different? Something from Destruction would fill the GA gap, but nothing jumps out at me.
Evan Gonzalez
Different than woodies? Chaos of any flavour, Ironjawz, Spiderfang Grots, Ogres
Lucas Green
I recently got into this and im destroying my friends army. Its great. He has a bunch of orcs, like basic units and i just bring 50 sigmarines and wipe the floor with him. Nobody at my game shop can beat me, im legit 8-0 so far. Anyone else,know this feel?
Aiden Barnes
Different to the woods, sure, but also different to the rest of the crowd. I like seeing many different armies vs more of the same. There are a lot of chaos dudes here, though they're all Khorne. Ironjaws look stupid, sorry, and Ogres are kinda meh to me. Kinda neutral about them, but I had a friend play them in WFB, so I guess I'm just avoiding them. Spiderfang looks cool if limited, though.
Jeremiah Baker
Got back into my arkanauts after a break from painting, Picture is one I posted when I done it a while ago.
Not sure what I am going to do next. I am torn between either painting a Khemist, or a Frigate.
Parker Roberts
I would say my definition of a meme army would be something that's used a lot and/or is used by spammy fat kids.
Brody Green
I don't know any spammy fat kids who play warhammer, they're usually lazy so they prefer video games
Jaxon Peterson
anything released since AOS came out is better than anything old that existed before the reboot. Also generally the newer the release the stronger it is. Power creep is a real thing.
Ryder Butler
>want to run 6 salamanders >$36 CAD per model
Jackson Torres
then don't run salamanders
Jaxson Rodriguez
but theyre so good
Jason Rivera
Any ideas on how I can get in contact with Jervis Johnson and write him a piece of fan mail? Thinking of contacting GW Corporate, but I don't know.
Easton Ward
Then spend $36 CAD per model
Jeremiah Torres
>Spiderfang Grots >recommending a meme Why would you do that to that poor innocent boy, user? At least recommend the Moonman Moonclan, so that he can field something other than three units.
Alexander Cox
What dorf allies are best to take with fyre dorfs?
Isaiah Ortiz
This was my main concern. I actually really like the spidergrots and remember think how cool it was when the giant spider was released. Gobbos and Tombkings were on my "had I the money, I would totally play that!" list. However, I have no idea why they're their own faction.
What's a good way to start grots with spider focus besides the obvious spiderfang box? Also, I don't plan on having orcs ever, so idk if that changes anything.
Ian Adams
buy three spider boxes
Jayden Richardson
Well, if you could still use the Venom Mob, I'd say three boxes of the spiders, plus the Grot Big Boss on Giant Spider. But now that the Venom Mob is gone to Settra's Retirement Home, you might could get away with two and double up on Big Bosses. You want at least two Shrines, though.
Sebastian Sanders
Fyre Dorfs?
Ryder Moore
Jackson Davis
Two shrines at what, 2000pts? Is it worth going pure spiders all the way to 2000pts? I can't help but feel their limited selection would be rough.
Also question about allies. Spiders don't have their own faction rules, so they're allegiance would be just chaos. Would the allies benefit from the allegiance rules?
Liam Gomez
Question: Can I leave part of a battalion in reinforcement points?
Example: If I'm running a Changehost and I have only 7 units toward that battalion (to make it easy lets call them all Pink Horrors) and leave one of them in reinforcement does it still meet the requirement of the battalion?
Blake Russell
Jace Walker
Spiders are destruction
Oliver Lewis
I know that and have no idea why I wrote chaos. I even deleted chaos while I was writing and apparently rewrote chaos.
Leo Scott
Two Shrines and a really shitty Flinger. God, the Flinger is fucking worthless. Anyways, you get the redundancy of having two wizards each capable of casting twice, so you have ensure that you have good targets for all three spells. My FLGS honestly hadn't really been paying attention to the new GHB, but prior to its release, 2000 points of spiders was perfectly viable and joyously gimmicky, especially on a table with a fair bit of terrain.
The standard for me was >Grot Big Boss on Gigantic Spider with Bellowing Tyrant Bellowing Tyrant, however has been radically changed and no longer effects Spider Venom. Probably either stick with it, or try some fun with Ravager since you've got three heroes on the table. >Spidershrine Arachnarok x2, one with Battle Brew >Flinger Arachnarok >Spiders and Spiders and Spiders and Spiders >Battalation
Without the mob, you don't necessarily need all three Arachanroks, so feel free to drop the Flinger, add in another Big Boss and 10 more spiders.
Grayson Anderson
Nolan Brooks
So, go with 2 Spider boss, 2 spider shrine, and fill the rest with riders (obviously). How big should the spider mobs be? What about allies?
Parker Stewart
Different people will tell you different things. I personally liked having a big meaty pack of spiders to really get the most umpf out of combo that the mob afforded you, where you were triggering 2 mortal wounds off of 3+ thanks to the old Bellowing Tyrant and the battalion, backed up by 10-man squads.
Now that the actual effectiveness of the meme is gone, I'd probably just stick primarily to 10-man packs. But again, I haven't done much with the new GHB, so take my advice with a gain of salt. With the mobility that you can end up with, maybe two groups of 15 and two of 10?
And I also don't use allies, so can't help there. Probably will have to now, if you want to be as effective. But anything than can give your units bonuses on their To Hit is worth its weight in gold in a Spiderfang army because it directly correlates to more mortal wounds.
Gavin Martinez
So, doing the points in the warscroll builder, 2 Shrines, 2 Spiderboss, and then 30, 15, 10, 10 spider riders is exactly 2000pts. That's 65 spiders. Which is, well, that's a lot of spiders, and for whatever reason, the actual box of spider riders is online only, which means I can't order it through my LGS, only the Spiderfang box, which is frustrating.
Anyway, I didn't see any way to give spiders a bonus to hit at all among the grots. Also, what should my artefacts be? I assume one of the boss spiders is the general, and Ravager looks the best to use, but I have no idea about the artefacts. Do you get one per hero or just one?
Evan Reyes
Huh. Did not realize that weird 40 points to go from 25 to 30. I'd personally learn away from something as ungainly as a 30-man pack of spider riders, especially since you can't get the full combo anymore. 20 spider riders should be sufficient, with 4 10-man packs or two 15-man backed up by three 10-man packs.
Try online. I went in on Spiderfang around this time last year, and I snatched up 60 spiders off of ebay with no problem at all. And as a bonus, they were about half the price of buying from JewDubz. The real issue with the online only is the fucking Big Boss. I ended up having to break down and go through them to get it.
And yeah, I don't know of anything off the top of my head. You're probably just boned, which is part of why I'm leery on considering Spiderfang Grots still actually competitive. You were locked to a mono-build for the mob back then, but you also had a really solid core. Between the loss of the mob and the change to Bellowing Tyrant, the Spiders got squashed pretty hard.
As far as artifacts, the answer is always Battle Brew on your Arachnarok. And when you were able to run the mob, that second artifact was always just another Battle Brew on another Arachnarok. You just get one, but if you run a battalion, you get another.
Honestly, the Spiders got shafted hard by the new GHB. Taking out the battalion that made them actual solid -- not only did it buff your venom, but the ability to be immune to battleshock while close to an Arachnarok is fluffy while also helping to mitigate the hilariously shitty Bravery of the riders -- really dropped them from a mono-build B-tier army into low C. And they didn't even fucking do anything about the fact that the Arachanrok is three completely different scrolls that all cost the same. The naked one is never worth running, but might be if it got a point reduction for lacking either howdah. And the flinger is just fucking awful.
William Reed
Man, that's kind of a shame, really. Here's hoping we get some more stuff, I guess. Worst case scenario, I'll grab other grots and give them a spider motif and hope that G-Dubs will eventually give us a few new units. There are plenty of cool things you could do for a clan that worships spiders.
So, I just realized that the Spiderfang box is only $7 more than the spider is alone. Holy fuck lol. I might actually just buy 3 out of principle of I'm starting.
Zachary Cook
Given its nature as a legacy army with 2/3 of the units available only online and only having 3 battlescrolls at all and that the Mob was stripped away with nothing in its place, I'd suspect that the army is probably on its way out. Or at the very least, is going to be ignored for several years before anything is done with it. Given that they didn't even fix the glaring error of a naked Arachanrok costing the same as one with the Spidershrine, it's pretty obvious GeeDubz ain't looking at the faction.
It's much the same issue that a good number of the smaller factions have, much like another army I was considering starting, the Scourge Privateers. The miniatures are serviceable enough, and the line is focused around one of the big super monsters they were pumping out for all factions in WHFB, but it's just a handful of units that will probably fade away into dust.
They aren't shafted nearly as hard as groups like Brettonians or Tomb Kings, but they also aren't really big enough for anyone to give much of a shit about them just wasting away. Maybe if they end up doing a unified Grot allegiance, but given how many other factions are completely broken -- Wanderers, the Skaven situation, etc -- it's not really a pressing matter for them to tend to nor for the community to yell about.
Jordan Perez
2 questions y'all:
How's the world of AoS actually set up? Are all towns essentially just little army camps for their god/hero to continue the fight against the forces of order/chaos/destruction?
How're undead armies looking? It's been legit years since I played this shit and I'm curious how the new not-vampire counts stuff is shaping up.
Mason Hall
Considering they just got a box. I doubt they're on their way out the door, even if that box was meant to be an ally to something, and likewise the Privateers are getting a box albeit shared with fagcast eternals. However, the factions as a whole lack anything resembling cohesion, which is part of my reason for having trouble picking anything. It's not like I can thumb through an army book and say "Hey, these guys are cool" to a few units that I like.
I've had several people ask me what armies there are for the game, and have been turned completely away when I told there really aren't "armies" anymore. In my experience, people don't want to play a grand alliance; they want to play Dwarfs, or elves, or Lizardmen, or daemons. Sure, they CAN play just those things, but GW isn't making it easy for them. For example, my friend was a fan of high elves in fantasy, but they're currently spread among what, 4 different sub factions?
I'm starting to remember why I had trouble starting AoS earlier, so I should really just stop.
Jace Parker
Well, like I said, I doubt they're going to get stabbed in the back and left for dead like Brets and TK were, but I highly doubt anything resembling an update is coming for the Spiderfangs for a long, long time. And that box they just got is just a token box that they started cranking out for pretty much everyone thanks to the new rules and the ease of putting together a 400 pt box. If they had done something akin to the Start Collection battalions for it, I might consider the future to be looking better than it is. But as is, the Spiderfangs are just going to collect dust in GeeDubs creative space for a while.
But yeah, I can definitely feel you about how hard it can be to get interested in a faction that actually has a range of... let's say more than 4-5 boxes.
And just curious, Privateers got a new box with Sigmarines? DIdn't know about that one.
Getting something is better than nothing considering the also removed all legacy stuff from playability, but yea I don't expect anything soon, which is off-putting. My problem is that I really want to like Sigmar and get into it, but I feel like I have nothing for me to bite my teeth into. Spoodergrots are the closest thing, but I don't know if I can pull that trigger on to sit with 60 of the same model for 5 years. Hell, I'm worried about games being stale after one or two time playing, so as fucking awesome as it is having a bunch of goblins riding spiders Skittering across the table, it doesn't feel like an investment with enough return.
Why can't I just be some stupid normie who sees something the like and just enjoys things.
Cooper Sanders
Huh. That looks kinda shitty. They've already bungled so much, I look forward to seeing them fuck up a campaign system as well!
And yeah, the only reason I went in on spiders a year ago was because I was able to get 60 spiders for about 60 bucks. That made it affordable enough for me to just say fuck it and dive in. And honestly, yeah, it does get pretty old when you're stuck in a mono-build. It sucks even more when you're playing against armies that are actively getting supported and get new things regularly. I mean, fuck, my friend plays Nighthaunt and even though it took the new GHB to actually make the Black Coach a useable Nighthaunt unit due to the armies lack of wizards, at least they got thrown some pretty nice bones -- things that honestly should have been in the game years ago, but better late than never.
Most of the new shit just doesn't really appeal to me. I even like Thousand Sons in 40k, but the Tzeentch dudes in this just aren't my style. The Cogfops are insulting stupid. Sigmarines are just dull. And I don't want to eat the Khorneflakes. I could probably do Sylvaneth or Seraphon if I wanted to play something supported, but they don't really interest me as much as the Spiderfangs, as much as the Privateers, as much as artillery-heavy Freeguild. Of which, I could only really recommend one to new players.
Even though I purchased them for AoS, I now honestly probably get more use out of them for playing KoW at my local FLGS than I do playing AoS at the local GW.
Xavier Harris
Sylvaneth are pretty cool, yea. I kinda like the tree people. However, there's a person moving to the area who plays them, so of course I autistically don't want to touch them now. Anyway, I know all about people getting new shit all the time because I've been a Sisters of Battle player since I started playing 10+ years ago.
The only other faction that maybe would interest me is Flesh Courts, but I'm not 100% sold on the ghouls. They're kinda derpy, but the army as a whole has some cool stuff. Their battleline always battleline if I ever want to expand into generic death, which is a plus.
Daniel Hernandez
Go brayherds
Jack Cox
>Are all towns essentially just little army camps? No, how did you even arrive at that conclusion? If you want a deeper look into how the cities in AoS tick, read City of Secrets, Auction of Blood and Spear of Shadows.
>undead armies That's a wide field. In general, Death is in a fair place, though a little anemic as far as releases go. Some armies, namely the ghost, vampire and ghoul subfactions recently got their much-needed allegiance abilities that improved them considerably.
Liam Cooper
It's a bit further up the conversation, but that's what the main other player I'm talking to plays, so I can't.
Elijah Evans
Play soulblight, spoopy ghost army
Adam Thompson
Sorry meant to say Nighthaunt, not soulblight
Camden Rogers
Just finished Neave. Left the helmet silver as per you guys' suggestion (though I did make the crest-thing brass to vary it up a little). The more I look at the model, the more I feel like she needs like a ponytail trailing behind her helmet.
Nolan Ward
Finale started painting the Skryre Acolytes I made quote some time ago. Just basecoats and washes for the moment.
Camden Baker
Aren't they nearly as limited as spidergrots? Don't get me wrong, ghosts are cool as shit, but can I really expect much from them besides infinity spirit hosts?
Jaxon Jenkins
How about Tzeench Arcanites?
David Rivera
Also finished the last model for my warband, a Longstrike-Raptor. I wanted him running as well at first, but that looked immensly awkward with that long crossbow, plus I doubt he'll actually move much, unlike the rest of the team. Next I wanted him leaning out behind cover, but that obscured most of the model and looked kinda awkward. At any rate, I still need a name and a summary for him, as his mates already do: - Ascus Summergale, former questing knight traveling the realms righting wrongs and protecting the innocent, now a Knight-Questor doing exactly the same - Morus Cloudcutter, a very aggressive and vengeful former Outrider for the Freeguilds in the wilds of the Ghurlands - Falmorus Welkintread, artillery observer that died delaying a pack of fleshhounds threatening to overrun a key defensive position at Phoenicium - Polus Mistveil, who spent his former life harrying a Bloodbound warband that had ravaged his Aqshian city before succumbing to age and injuries I'd appreciate any ideas.
Jackson Smith
My other question was more serious, btw because a death army seems far more likely to get anything than grots. Death seems to be split into Ghouls, Skellies, and Ghosts, so it seems reasonable.
As for Tzeentch, maybe. Aren't they kinda WAAC?
Noah Collins
Oliver Lopez
>: warband.jpg Wow, these conversions are really pretty GW-sque.
Henry Davis
Been working on bases for these nerds. I think the dirt might be a bit too 'warm' at the moment, so i'll either try cooling it down or adding red to the shrubbery. Probably both before I've decided.
Aiden Williams
Wargames should only allow one copy of each unit.
Nathaniel Sanders
That's a very strange axe in his right hand
Jaxson Brooks
It's a crossbow, but knowing my luck it'll probably be more effective as a melee weapon.
Connor Foster
That type of axe is called crossbow, user.
Aaron Wilson
I don't know if that's intended as a compliment or not, but GW-esque was pretty much what I was going for, so I'll take it as such.
Juan Thompson
>It's a crossbow, Then why it's painted in the same colours as armor?
Justin Nelson
To be honest I'm still undecided what to do with the crossbow. but it does have a lot of metal bits on it regardless.
Ian Johnson
How do you figure?
Elijah Bailey
Tzeentch CAN be WAAC. But they can just as easilly be a more balanced and fun army. Just don't stack bullshit things like skyfires (even with the price increase i'm sure they're still good) and the changeling on balewind vortex copying a lord of change's signature spell.
Nicholas Green
Eh, maybe. I have some tzeentch daemons I haven't touched in years I could use, but I don't like the fact that acolytes don't have a box, which makes them a pricey option. However, I dislike tzangors. I think they're retarded, and I don't see myself ever painting/using them.
Owen Watson
So I'm looking to (re)start my Darkling Covens army.
Since I have a bunch of other Dark Elf mini's lying around I can easily ally in the following > War Hydra > Chariots > Corsairs + Fleetmaster > Dark Riders
Has anyone played with them so far? How strong is their trait? Using a sort of combined arms force with your battleline units looks like a lot of fun.
Aiden Nguyen
I want to do some darklings because I play Deldar in 40k, but the price is beyond off-putting. Why are guard and Executioners FIFTY DOLLARS?
That being said, I like that idea you have of just taking 10 of each unit as a baseline.
Samuel Ortiz
>Using a sort of combined arms force with your battleline units looks like a lot of fun. Nope, pick an actual army.
Justin Moore
Kairic acolytes do have a box. if you mean those
Kayden Bailey
I mean a collective box like a SC! or something. I still can't get past the retarded beaks on the acolytes, though. It ruins the whole model.
Cooper Morgan
They are mostly to allow dreadspears continued fuction even after taking massive casualties (since they should be screening Darkshards anyway) as well as making Bleakswords actually viable (since 1" weapons don't lend themselves to huge mobs). Especially Bleakswords work well as a flanking force for Dreadspears that way. It's just a shame that the battle traits do shit-all for Executioners and Black Guard, but at least you can Command Underlings on them to get them into melee faster. Also a shame that we don't have any warmachines anymore, which would *really* help anchor our lines.
Samuel Rodriguez
Gabriel Martinez
undead bretonnians for armies on parade
James Hernandez
Yeah, what held me back in the past was not wanting to paint 30 of each unit. With their allegiance gimmick, I think small units working on close conjunction could work. They even have the battleshock trait where you can just take a mortal wound instead of battle shock.
The only thing the faction misses is some sort of +hit buff so you can abuse your executioners' mortal wound potential.
The trait just adds synergy to the battleline units that one their own are quite lackluster. Executioners IMO are already quite good and have a clear function in the faction. Just not too sure about Black Guard since in essense they are just really good Dreadspears. On the other hand, nothing wrong with a block of 20 halberd wielding murder elves.
Hudson Thomas
Christian Morales
thanks user, they look impressive but it's these that do the heavy lifting
Dylan Collins
Rolled 4, 5, 4, 6, 3, 3, 3, 2 = 30 (8d6)
I had fun with this in the previous thread so let's do it again
Jonathan Baker
Wolmar Lighteningfather
Ian Ramirez
Rolled 3, 6, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5 = 29 (8d6)
Let's see what name I get
Aiden Lewis
>Randus Shimmermaw
Pretty cool desu, gonna use it for when I get some SC allies to my freeguild
Colton Reyes
Rolled 1, 5, 1, 4, 6, 6, 4, 3 = 30 (8d6)
I'll give it a go.
Grayson Jackson
Currently trying to rebase 20 khornegors and 30 bestigors. Also painting up 24 minotaurs and other warherd beasties.
Anyone got some pictures of what they use as jabberslythes????
Any scans of blightwar around or at least the new point cost for the included units?
Dylan Cox
dear AoS how do i run nurglings? i have 16 of the fuckers and they never accomplish anything. what are they for? sincerely, some poor fuck
Luke Cox
I use them like this: >option 1: objective holders >option 2: summon in and use as a distraction >option 3: run at the back of your army to pick out and kill stragglers and weaker models >option 4: use a meat shield to slow down/weaken the enemy until your main force arrives
Jason Bell
>Blightwar Costs unchanged, Horticulous is 200, Neave 120, both battalions 180.
Grayson Torres
Is there anything stopping my pink horrors(or a proper wizard like a Herald) from summoning bloodletters if I have the points?
Owen Diaz
Yeah, I think another unit with the ability to disspell can deny a summoning spell
Nathan Anderson
What god should I dedicate my StD too?
Blake Thompson
>what they use as jabberslythes? What's wrong with just using the Jabberslythe?
Elijah Price
Hey, I'm just making sure there isn't some weird restriction I missed because in 40k marked/daemon heroes can only summon the same mark/daemon.