/nwg/ - Naval Wargames General

South America tried to into dreadnoughts edition.

Talk about botes, bote based wargaming and RPGs, and maybe even a certain bote based vidya that tickles our autism in just the right way.

Games, Ospreys and References (Courtesy of /hwg/)

Models and Manufacturers

Rule the Waves


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I never understood having 6 2-gun turrets: would it truly have been so difficult to have the same total number of guns redistributed into 4 3-gun turrets? Surely the heavier turrets and larger barbettes would be offset by the smaller citadel, consolidated superstructure, and generally smaller profile/better power-to-weight ratio?

Triple turrets were mechanically more complex than double ones, plus there were some major teething problems that took some time to solve. Not to mention that the Argentinian ships were designed and build before US started using triples.

The Brazilians' experience with those things makes you think the Ottomans were on to something about taking care never to have their government "under the guns" of one of their warships.



The big guns Brits used for their dreadnoughts (also applies for states that used guns derived from those guns) didn't really get decent until 13.5//45s.

Also Greenboy shells.



>brazillian dread what do
>don't commission the cray-cray son




Monitors a sex.

I love this. Brazilian government tries to prove they're all big and bad by acquiring modern ships only to get them stolen out from under their noses by a bunch of dindus and made to give concessions at main gunpoint.

yandere brazillian brown beachbunny shipgirl when?

All of my yes.

South America, the promised continent of meme countries. Well at least Bralizians didn't manage to turn themselves from a potential great power into a borderline 3rd world country that is only remembered because of a lost war and internet maymays like Argentinians did.

Especially hilarious considering Argentina and Chile's dreadnought designs were both more powerful than the Minas Geraes class. The Rividavia class was better armored AND faster, and the Almirante Latorres were super-dreads with 14-inch guns instead of 12s.


Can the user with the lovely ww2 ships on the pill shaped bases please post some pictures? I've just got some ship miniatures and I want to steal your design. Thanks


Thanks to these threads, im starting an RtW game this week. This seems like it should be an enjoyable little clusterfuck.

Ha! That's USS Oregon parked along the south waterfront in Portland. I recognize the hills in the background.


>modernized Brazilian dreadnoughts with trunked funnels

Tubetop for the remodel version, I think.

I'll post some in the morning, along with a how-to. I'm away from all my stuff right now, and won't make it there any time tonight that I'll still be reasonably clear thinking.

Thanks, user, and post when you can As long as your posts are in the naval general, we'll find them.





Normally I never save pictures of the Iowas, because they annoy me for the sheer amount of wank they receive, but that's actually a pretty cool pic. I've always enjoyed pics of ships docked, and seeing the rest of the harbor around them like that.

For me it's all about WW2-era pictures of the Iowas. 9 out of every 10 Iowa pics you find are, naturally, gonna be of the 80's refit.


How viable is a no capital ship (BB, BC, CA) game in RTW? Has anyone here tried? What are other fun challenges that people do?

>How viable is a no capital ship (BB, BC, CA) game in RTW?

Enjoy getting fucked over by navy league screeching about cruisers and prime minister/kaiser whining about not having enough battleships.

What if I only build really shitty battleships when people start complaining about them, and just mothball them?

You could probably get off with 6k coastal battleships with 9 inch guns.

Subspam isn't quite fun-level.

Alright, so which country should I play as? Japan has the torpedo bonus tech, but it's kinda far from Europe, where all the fun is.

I'm not going to subspam, ok.
P-please reply

If you want torpedoes Austria also gets a bonus to that research.

>Being a literal K.u.K

>Subspam isn't quite fun-level.

Spamming u-boats can be pretty effective tactic against UK if you can build up a critical mass of medium range submarines.

>not wanting to fill up adriatic sea with wrecks of pasta boats

>wanting to destroy those beautiful works of Roman art

Right then. So a little bit of background first. Galeforce 9 produced some really nice looking acrylic bases (which are now OOP) for the defunct Axis and Allies: War at Sea game (Pic related). This was where I got the idea to do lozenge style bases. There is still an active WAS community, and there is somebody that makes new acrylic bases still. So if you're wanting the least amount of work, then you could try asking here> forumini.boards.net/ to see if you can't track down someone to make acrylic for you.

If you're up for a bit of work, then here's how I go about it. cont.

>Be KuK
>design a low-freeboard, short ranged, cramped, -1 x4 11-inch/6-inch secondary battery for 10,000 tonner, start with two and 2 building
>get lazy and AC design is that with some legs, less armor, 10-inch guns and a forecastle, start with two
>lay down two more B's at game start
>right about the time have 6 B's, realize have re-errected 3-emperor's league- alliances with Russia and Germany...
>here's the plan- stick and move in the med, Willie and Nickie smother the north sea in under-gunned B lard, win on blockade
>opening engagement a 6-6 B match, sure, I do it. I'll fuck off for port if Ican't gang up on something
>sink a cruiser, decide to leave with the laurels...
>next fight, 5-6 ok, risk it
>meanwhile not-BC's are keeping the VPs roughly even because they own anything they encounter
>12 British B's now in med fighting inconclusive battles every month
>North Sea finally being blockaded
>super-cruiser gets torped finishing off a raider CL, the victory-point engine starts to wind down
>unrest at 9, two B's left, no CLs, two CAs... send in a revolutionary
>BRIT GOVERNMENT COLLAPSES-SORT OF, victory with 5 points!
>get egypt


>scrap unrest-spewing deathtraps, lay down -1 11-inch 20,000 ton BB's
>keep cruisers

So I have large amounts of scrap matboard leftover from framing posters and pictures and the like. It's easy to cut, fairly low profile, and for me, was essentially free, because scrap.

Ideally you'd have a t-square, triangle, or a carpenters square, and you'd take and mark out a bunch of blanks to the size you desired. A steel ruler and a utility knife with a fresh blade will do nicely for cutting them out. (Don't waste a good x-acto blade on this, it will wear them out quickly).

Previously, I would take a coin that was approximately the right size, and mark my round ends, then rough cut with a pair of scissors and then shape with a soft sanding block until I had as close to a circular rounded edge as I could manage. However, someone in /hwg/ turned me on to using semicircular leather punches, which can be had for pretty cheap off amazon, and nowadays that's what I use to do the rough cut. I still have to shape it with a sanding block, but it's overall less work to make it look nice.

Next is basecoat and then rough waves with a piece of sponge, followed by blacking the edges with a sharpie.

Last up, I add a battle jack name of the ship, the wake, and then brush over the whole thing with some future wax, which is basically gloss acrylic medium for cheap.

I don't permanently attach ships, because I like being able to take them off for pictures or other things, and because I want to experiment with water effects somewhere down the line, so these may not be permanent bases.

Now I don't know what scale ships you have, so pic related may or may not be of use to you. However, the idea behind it should be. I've tried to standardize on two lengths of base in three size categories: Super short small for things like corvettes and coastal subs, and longer for TB's and DD, a short and long cruiser size, and a short and long capital ship size. You'll have to play around for a while to find what feels right.

If you were doing 1/1800th, I could give you more specific measurements and post my PDF with the flags if you'd like.

Fine, I'm starting an Austria run with the following rules:
No building capital ships (BB, BC, CA) except for the ones at start, unless some losers start clamoring for them, in which case the cheapest, shittiest, coastal battleship shall be built.
No subspamming unless we're really fucked.
Historical tech
Game budgets
Legacy Fleet
Is it even possible to get fleet battles without battleships?

January 1900
Admiral Ribbentrop, the new Commander-in-Chief of the Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarinee, took office as the year began. A firm believer in the Jeune École doctrine, he ordered the prioritization of light forces over the heavy and unwieldy battleships and armored cruisers so famed in modern times. Will this radical naval theory bring glory back to the K.u.K., now just a shadow of its former self? Only time will tell...

To lead the new fleet, two Bravo class light cruisers, 6900 ton ships armed to the brim with 6 inch guns and torpedoes, were ordered.

>Is it even possible to get fleet battles without battleships?

I remember getting few in my battlecruisers only runs.

The SMS Kigio, a legacy destroyer design, was discovered to be too slow against modern standards, reaching a max speed of only 27 knots. Such incompetence!
Our scientists have invented the improved hydrostatic valve, increasing the speed and range of our torpedoes, the backbone of the new fleet.
As the foolish construction queue from the previous minister begins to clear up, two more Bravo class cruisers were ordered in November.
Our relationship with France has taken a sudden turn for the worse, a fact not helped by a recent policy failure by the Kaiser.
For some stupid reason, I am only going to use CLs and DDs. I'm not even good at this game.

On March 1901, the Salamander class Destroyer was designed, due to the invention of the 600 ton destroyer and the worsening relationship with France. 12 ships were ordered to begin the production run.
Bastards! France has sabotaged and sank DD Panther! June 1901 is a month that shall forever live in infamy. Hopefully our training in night fighting and torpedo warfare shall pay off.
Our first battle takes place in Cattaro, where the French Fleet intends to raid our coast.

Contact is made with the French Fleet at 02:20, 06/16/1901. We'll show them the might of the our Empire! Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze, Unsern Kaiser, unser Land!

Although we have lost many brave sailors, the French B Trident was sunk by our torpedoes! Hurrah!

The jeune-ecolle can probably manage to not sound like crazy-people buoyant on a sea of blood that got lucky if they sell that as heavy-ordinance is most effective in land installations, that's where we put the guns and then hammer-and-anvil with the modern fleet.

12 more Salamader class destroyers were ordered as a reaction to our losses in the previous battle.
Small battles continued for the next few months, leading to small losses on both sides.
The movement of the French main fleet to the Mediterranean has lead to the blockade of our beloved empire! Something must be done! But must we abandon our core principles so quickly?

The Admiralty acknowledges the suggestion from our loyal citizenry!

>Not going for a Capital-ship-only run.
Pleb detected.

Capital ships are boring, DDs are cuter

>DDs are cuter

>3" guns
>cuter than
>13" guns

Do you even Rule the Waves?

And id love to see those puny little 4"ers kill a legacy CA. All Caps or bust!

>Not wanting to be penetrated by a torpedo below your waterline
What are you, gay?

>Not putting a full stack of light anti-DD guns on all of your Capitols.

Error: Pleb detected. Not enough Dakka.
See for further details.

>What are you, gay?
Asks a 'man' who doesn't like having lots of big guns.

Austrians do start with a +1 3-inch, small but cute as a button

... I'll give you that one. Also Germans.
Who are totally not my favorite nation partly because of that.

I always wondered what that gun is supposed to represent. I know that the Germans have a +1 3" because of their 88mm guns, and the Italians probably because of their 90mm guns, but what about the Austrians? The closest thing I can find is this thing, but it's only 66mm in caliber.




Hey user, thanks for this! Hadn't thought about standardising base sizes. Also really like the painted bases.

I've picked up some 1/3000 navwar ships.

Another hideous French beast. At least this is a new one I wasn't familiar with.

Frenchies are an acquired taste.


I am firmly convinced that every French naval architect in the latter half of the 19th Century was suffering from tertiary syphilis.


join the battlecrusier masterrace. Dreadnoughts are for losers.

>Dreadnoughts are for losers.

No, they're not!
They're just ... sitting in the port, doing nothing and looking pretty ... seriously, wtf's wrong with the RtW design team - battlecruisers tend to get included into battleship battles, and BB's never get to show up in BC's battles? Even when my BB's are just as fast as BC's ...

bitch say what


From the thumbnail I thought this was a cargo sub, pic very related.


Maybe next year.
December 2018, probably.

I can safely say that BB's will show up to BC battles, moreso if you don't have BC's or CA's (or CL's for that matter).

Maybe next decade.
December 2017, anyone? It'll sure make MY Christmas.

I've had a couple of BB-only runs in which ALL of my late-game Cruiser battles were 2 5kt CL vs. a 48kt BC affairs ...

Sounds like it is a time to spam 8k ton kitakamis.

Playing an almost exclusive big boat AH game.

>Early 1910
>France(and not Italy surprisingly) has been eyeing us for over two years.
>Finally go too far for them apparently and they declare war.(probably had something to do with us making an alliance with the US)
>AH immediately gets blockaded of course.
>Over the course of three months my smaller but far better trained fleet roflstomps two French squadrons.
>1BB, 2B, 5CA, 2CL, and 8DD sunk for the loss of 1CA and 1DD on our end.
>Up nearly 10k and each time peace comes up they want to keep going.

Happily Frustrated.



That's not how you spell Kamikaze's, user ...

What's your favorite ship with a story behind it?

Fat French aft.
