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Have you ever run a pathfinder game in a dieselpunk or steampunk setting?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Have you ever run a pathfinder game in a dieselpunk or steampunk setting?
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You don't need to make a thread as soon as we hit bump limit, Veeky Forums isn't that fast of a board
And to answer your question: No, my group doesn't feel that 3.PF lends itself well for higher tech levels, we got a lot of other options if we so desire
I'm feeling bored again you guys, anyone up for a game of Creature Roulette? Anyone that wants to play roll me up a d11, I need at least 2 players.
>Creature Roulette?
what's that?
Rolled 10 (1d11)
no idea what that is, but here's my roll
It's something I came up with in a fit of boredom one day for occasions just like this. How it works is that first I get at least 2 "players" to roll a d13*, which determines the creature type as allotted by the pfsrd. I then ask those people to roll another die with a number of sides equal to how many creatures are in that category, and depending on what's been rolled I try to create a believable scenario that would involve the creatures involved. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard.
*I said d11 above, it's supposed to be 13. My bad. I'll still use 10 though, now roll a d744
Rolled 544 (1d744)
sounds fun, i guess
Rolled 1 (1d13)
It's literally the Veeky Forums sticky you dummies
Rolled 365 (1d744)
And here's the second
As for the other posters, you don't need to feel embarassed about messing up, only for not reading the bloody sticky
Ah woops, my bad, i should've read better before rolling Well what do you know, i might need to listen to my own advice
Oh god, what am I going to do with this.
Now you roll a d234. It's all good, it can be a bit confusing the first time you do it.
Rolled 111 (1d234)
Thanks, i'm curious as to where this'll end up
How was your weekend, /pfg/? Do anything fun or exciting, game-related or otherwise?
I joined a Starfinder game, and my usual PF game didn't happen. One player's kid was sick, another didn't show up as usual, and another had internet issues. We have a 4 player minimum to have a session rule, and we only had 3.
How about yourself?
>Have you ever run a pathfinder game in a dieselpunk or steampunk setting?
no, that sounds pretty lame t b h
so is your group looking for new players?
My WotW campaign put a few more weeks on book 2. Also my character's Mitran Brother was almost killed by the super-wraith, but she dispersed it before it could.
Now he's comatose, which makes him an easier prisoner, but a character moment is coming up, as family is one of the few things she values above power.
In the game I'm running, my PCs continue to be Air Pirate Muderhobos, but I've successfully gotten them intrigued into the central plot of the setting. Should be interesting as they learn more as to what they'll do.
Very well, thank you. We're building up to a dramatic showdown with the investigator's great-grandfather in a realm of madness. I also saw the recent It adaptation with some friends-a very good movie.
What do you have planned for the Starfinder game?
How will she handle the new situation? Is there a reason she values family so highly? How did you hook your players into the main plot?
Started a 1 player campaign last week and had a blast, continuing it on Wednesday.
What sort of person is the player character? What's happened in the campaign thus far?
Player character is a necromancer attempting to rebuild the defunct Daemonic cult and thus far he was exiled from the city he formerly operated in and has begun to construct his undead army.
The no-show and the internet problems are friends of the GM so they probably won't be getting replaced. The game is E11 no gestalt, very little 3pp, so I doubt most here are interested.
The Starfinder game was a bit spur of the moment. Somebody needed a replacement, so I jumped in. I have no clue what the story will be. So far, we've gone to a castle to see if these knight guys are willing to talk, or if we're going to have a war on our hands. I'm still playing catch-up on the story so far and character relationships.
Good to hear, realms of madness sound exciting. Was this after capturing all the creatures that escaped the tear caused by that mayor guy?
I kind of like the general being this slow again. It's like the before times, before the bamboozles, before the rampant lewdity, before even the PoW devs came around here.
So I've been thinking, considering how shit Paizo's Fleshwarping rules are, would it be smarter to instead just port over the fleshgrafting rules from 3.5 instead?
No matter which way you look at it, it was a horrifying and awesome sight to behold. It was almost like a scene from a Ghibli movie, with a mass of Havero Tentacles (d234 user) littering the land. The Havero these tentacles originated from had recently crash landed into a nearby mountainside, and after burrowing itself into said mountain it decided that it was high time to take a nap, which in and of itself wouldn't be an issue, the problem is that once it falls asleep its tentacles begin to infest and destroy the native environment around it.
This did not, however, go beyond the notice of the Jinushigami (d544 user) that had claimed this region as his Ward. Returning from its travels, the Kami came down on the tentacles encroaching on his habitat with a sturdy vengeance, smashing each tendril in his way in only a couple swings each with his Quarterstaff, enlisting the help of summoned Elder Earth Elementals and destroying many of the ones underground with a cast of Earthquake. It seems the Jinushigami is intent on driving the invader away from his Ward, but the real question is whether or not he will regret his actions once the Havero has awoken from his slumber.
Whoops, forgot to add this at the end of the post, Havero Tentacle user the link to your creature is here:
Jinushigami user your creature is here:
We decided to drop the weekly non-Pathfinder game we had been doing (which some of the players seemed to be losing enthusiasm for) and start up a Pathfinder game in its place. Two of the four players are new to Pathfinder, but the rest of us are going to take good care of them. Now I'm eagerly awaiting the next weekend and trying to figure out exactly what I want to be doing for my character.
same here, it's a good feeling to have things back to "normal"
Indeed it was. When we attempted to force the creatures back into the rift, we learned that the lord mayor wasn't quite as super-dead as we believed-he interfered, and the entire city was dragged partway into another plane-one home to some horrifying creatures and some entities whose notice we're pretty keen to avoid. After considerable running around, we've figured out that the cult responsible for all of this began with the investigator's great-grandfather, who'd gone missing decades earlier, and who is apparently alive and well in the rift-and has been masterminding everything that's happened so far.
Do you have any character concepts in mind?
Make it an Elder Junushigami and you've got a brawl for the ages.
Given the description, her brother got cursed to experience the death of the wraith on a loop until the curse is broken.
She values family, because despite being LE, they're all she had after her family lost power. And her older brother got her into inflicting pain, and other things...
The younger brother had run away and none of them new he had joined Mitra. (The DM says it was a convenient point to throw him in at, when the inquisition attacked the horn.) He ran away because their mother went from an ice queen to a raging bitch after the loss of face.
So, a lot of it is the fact that she hadn't seen him in something going on 8 years. Yet, she knows he can't be allowed to leave, knowing what he does, and being a member of the Mitran Inquisition. But can't bring herself to kill him, yet might be able to if they fail to break the curse.
For my skyworld game, well they did what pirates do, and loot things. I told them some of their crew had found a strange stone out in the jungle of their little island base, and within they found an underground temple, terminating in a bearded devil guarding a large, highly magical crystal.
In the second session, they decided to try to find out what that crystal was/does, prompted. Their organization didn't make much progress (basically lifted the WotW organization rolls for this.) but putting out the feelers caused the primary antagonist organization to take notice, and offer to buy it, and any more they find, off of them for 5,000 gold.
They spent a good 5 minutes or so arguing about if they should sell it, and finally agreed to accept the bounty, but hold off on selling the one they already have for an in-game month.
Going to be even more interesting when the they find out that the secondary organization (and their self-declared prime rival target) has the same bounty, and might attack them for the one they're holding onto.
I'm running a post-magitech-apocalypse setting myself. Humanity rose up to throw off the shackles of the gods, did some major damage but ultimately got beaten down. Still, the surviving gods have consolidated their power as the Heavens, with a singular church enacting their general will. Ancient artifacts and warmachines litter the land, while actual magic items are more rare than most games, and tend to scale with the user.
So far the party has a stolen APC, sold off a bunch of riot armor and a... hot air ballloon Cessna. Escaping the lands controlled by the Orthodoxy and teaming up with super advanced robot lady who wants to rebuild her corporate empire. Currently discovering a flying island/fortress/golem modeled on a manta ray that will need cleared of monsters before they get full use of it.
Time to kill that motherfucker! Then go drink wine.
Oh yes, I have a particular concept in mind, and it's already pretty fleshed out in background and mechanics. Briefly, the concept is a gnome wizard who wants to invent an entirely new color. It's something I've had on my back burner for a while, waiting for a chance to play it. But now that I actually have a game to mold the character to, I'm starting to look at some other options as far as archetypes and/or prestige classes go, and it's just turning messy in the sense of overwhelming options and I'm not sure what I want to do. It's gonna take some thinking. I've already asked for some advice from /pfg/ a couple times but I gotta work out what I really want to prioritize mechanically.
Seriously, have you ever seen a matchup that reminds you more of what you would expect from some kind of crazy Ghibli-esque fight scene straight outta Princess Mononoke? I AM sitting here wondering what the effect of Earthquake is on creatures that are just straight up IN the ground is though, part of me wants to apply Pokemon logic to it and say that to calculate that you look at the bit regarding creatures in the Cavern section, remove the Pinned quality the spell applies since creatures that can dig can't be pinned by rubble and rock, and double the amount of damage sustained.
Also if anyone wants to go again just give me another round of d11 rolls.
Do you ever cook?
What's the lowest your SAN got?
Degenerates: Assemble!
Kindly stop, and just wait for your discord buddies to sign up.
E11? is that level11 ? (sorry, i'm a bit out of the loop)
i don't mind the rest, and it sounds like you need a spare player (even if 7 people is starting to get into pretty huge territory for a party)
E11 means level cap is 11. I'll poke the GM to see if he'll consider another, but I wouldn't bet on it. I honestly think the no-show is much too busy IRL to play, but we'll see.
Can you cast Bestow Insight on yourself? RAW, the target is just "one creature touched" and the spell makes no explicit mention, but it seems that you can bestow extra insight on how to use a skill to yourself.
I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to cast it on yourself
You can indeed use it on yourself, nowhere does it state that "creature touched" spells can't be used on yourself, just like how "weapon touched" spells can be used on yourself or on nearby allied weapons.
thanks man, post ITT when you have news
I'm starting to question whether the main villain of my current campaign is going to be able to stand a chance against the party or die like a bitch.
If I want to make him an initiator worthy of a decent challenge, should I just change his few class levels to Warlord or Warder, or would it be better to give him full maneuver progression for his Hit Dice as something like a Fighter archetype, sans actual class levels?
Speaking as a DM, if he's your main villain then feel free to "cheat" a little bit in order to make him more powerful or even just flashy, NPCs and enemies aren't necessarily bound by the same constraints that players are, and in some of the homebrewed games I've played in the final bosses ended up tossing out crazy stuff that made them more reminiscent of a Final Fantasy boss than something out of Pathfinder. Doing this also makes the fights more memorable down the road since it's such a departure from what they're used to fighting.
Not yet. If my game goes on long enough, not!Egypt will rediscover the usefulness of steam engines and start fighting not!Babylon again.
No, but my copy of Last Days of Constantinople came in. I'm redesigning the city for a Pathfinder game in Faerun. The necromancer cult will live in the Galata district with the Elf PC's false front nearby.
The Druid did before he changed his character.
Tell us about your PCs.
A Rajah, a Warder, a Warlord, a High-Psionics Soulknife, an Inquisitor, and a Witch.
What level are they?
The main villain is going to need some backup to prevent it from becoming 6 vs 1.
It's literally too degenerate for me to sign up to.
The intended level will be around 15-17.
For the villain or the PCs?
Tell us about the campaign. What "theme" will the villain have? What terrain will the battle be fought on? Are there any reoccurring enemies that might help the villain? Are any of the PCs more invested in the story than others?
We stopped in a town for a bit, had a sexual kerfuffle, then ran into some fire drakes after leaving the next morning. Then we climbed up a cliff, spotted a templar camp, then all proceeded to have a collective brain fart trying to get down the other side rather than go back down the vines we used originally. It did make us realize how hilariously limited our characters' power sets were, though.
What you've got to realize is that the clever cook puts unlikely things together, like duck and orange, like pineapple and ham. It's called 'artistry'. You know, I am an artist the way I combine my business and my pleasure: Money's my business, eating's my pleasure and Georgie's my pleasure, too, though in a more private kind of way than stuffing the mouth and feeding the sewers, though the pleasures are related because the naughty bits and the dirty bits are so close together that it just goes to show how eating and sex are related. Georgie's naughty bits are nicely related, aren't they, Georgie?
/pfg/, I'm trying to build a Barbarian (1) investigator (3). Would it be worth going Urban Barbarian? It would basically mean giving up changing the target of Studied Target while raging (next level) without the archetype.
With it, I'm losing extra hit points and the Will buff for the ability to use what people in a rage usually can't.
But is it worth it?
Why that combination?
I haven't been keeping up with APs lately. Are Strange Aeons or Ironfang Invasion any good?
"Frozen vampire souls" go for only 7,000 gp.
Whatever an "inverted soul gem" is can be sold for 10,000 gp. What are these?
Could you guys recommend any online RPG tool w/ inherent tokens and maps resources? Doesn't have to be freeware
Aaaaaand in one paragraph you made me more physically ill than the fuck bots game ever could.
Ironfang has a pretty weak start, and from what I've heard it doesn't get much better.
How can I get dex to damage with ranged thrown weapons?
At level five, one of the players has gone and done something stupid and gotten into debt. Is 10000 gold back breaking?
Art objects, in this case probably made by some daemon that died as a starving artist and is still trying to prove their career choice to a long dead parent, or maybe their ex if an erodaemon, they seem likely to do a bit of frozen heart and inverted soul art.
starry grace for starknives
Daggers as Urogue
at that level? they might as well re-roll especially if they're not a crafting full-caster
Well, they're about to be sixth level, possibly 7th depending on how much fighting happens in the next few sessions which will only be a few IC days
And he got a lewd robot for it
still going to set him super-far back WBL wise to the point of obsolescence for many levels
you're the GM, make him do some really lucrative, really illegal, really dangerous job
that's a pretty big debt, but i guess some rare/albino animal poaching, contraband, sabotage... could help
or go the whole mile and make them do an heist
How do you make the game fun again
Get drunk.
The magic item pricing chart thing has me confused. How does one price something with unlimited uses?
Say I wanted gloves that let me use Produce flame, how much would they be? (1st level x 1st level x 2000)x2 minutes per level for a total of 4k GP for using Produce flame whenever I please?
I want to rape a Erodaemon until she gets pregnant.
I think those elves enjoy starving. Keeps them thin and graceful.
I want to bully an Erodaemon with the help of a Succubus.
Given how many half-elves seem to be running around, I rather think they're attracted to bulky humans.
They just need a muscular, hairy man to show them what-for
Sounds like a Shindol doujin, pretty sure there's a few games from here it would fit in.
When are we going to get evil PLD?
>Evil PLD
>Player characters rape monstergirls
>Run by a generous, magnanimous GM
>All the players are polite, well-adjusted men
>The group actively attempts to hide their logs
>Antipaladin's player avoids the spotlight and never posts in the thread
Did you just accuse Wist of being impolite?
Yeah, your waifu is shit, what?
Screw evil PLD, when are we going to get a Konosuba-esque campaign?
Bitch I will cut you
Sounds like user has cut you deeper than you ever could with knives.
Anons, anons. This is a board of love. Now kiss and make up so we can all go back to.......what are these threads even about these days? Talking shop is slow as usual, no new releases to discuss and meme apps and games have all but disappeared for the most part (not that I am complaining about the last one, but they at least made these threads seem more active),
No, the game isn't dead either, you silly willies.
I could interest you in some logs with drunk elves courtesy of intrigue, user.
Or, I could post about the shenanigans I'm getting up to with playtest 2, like the Soulforger paladin-esque arch.
Or I could post about that soul-crushingly depressing game idea i had about the place where everyone loses their memories, and just wants someone to remember them when they can't.
My mind gets ideas when it's this tired.
Why is that runway on an angle and not just running the length of the other balloon?
Ship-Carriers do so to maximize space and runways in a smaller area. This air ship clearly has no such issues.
It's a free board, do as thou wish.
Fuck off
Do you choose your weapons and traits only for pure mechanical benefit or do you sometimes choose weaker ones for flavor? Even go un-optimal with few feats to get some more flavor? Pic not really related, it's just funny.
though, to be fair, any PF Gunslinger would LOVE to have a Maxim.
I do my best to marry mechanical competency to interesting fluff. If something is mechanically powerful but boring, I won't go for it, but it it's mechanically weak but interesting flavor-wise, I still won't go for it. It has to be both to get me going.
How would you go about making an antimage in PF? Specifically, someone who ( or whose order) believes that magic creates an unjust imbalance in the world and devoted themselves to fighting against its use.
No idea how good it is, but there's that.
i'd say go the Sniper Route. Use the Overwatch Style feat Chain. Readied Actions Fuck Casters, And being able to make more than one per round even moreso.
Investigator because it's a versitile class, inspiration, and it can get mutagens.
Barbarian because it's so frontloaded. Martial proficiency, increased movement speed, and rage.
In the end I'm looking at mutagen+rage for +8 to strength.