Will Shadowsun be the next xeno girl in Guilliman ever expansive harem?

Will Shadowsun be the next xeno girl in Guilliman ever expansive harem?

Will Kitten mind it?

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also why is Yvraine trying to turn guilliman into a blob?

Absolutely not she she is with another all ready.

Are you so bored of the lore that you have to make threads for your fanfiction?

Are you so bored of the generals that you decided to respond to mine?

Please, I use the entire catalog to my advantage.

It's her fetish. She likes big guys and Guilly is too skinny for her taste.

Shitty fetish for shitty xenos i suppose

No, Shadowsun is for Corax

Roboute enjoys her xeno cooking and she appreciates it

>Tell me how you killed one of my sons again!

He said as he choked the life out of her

It wasn't meant to be

Taus are a disgusting species.

Guilliman won't have an harem. Guilliman is LOYAL!


But Guilliman is the de facto leader of an intergalatic Empire. And leaders get harems.

Only a degenerate Syrian or, by Jupiter, an Egyptian could see rulership in that light.





>High gothic scriptum

I imagine Turks would, too, and Turks are literally the worst people.

Implying the greeks dind't do the same thing.

Because 40k's lore has only improved over the years, amirite?

Kitten is ebony

Not if Tzeentch gave him a race lift alongside his armour change

>Dude all the Black Crusades were successful in their "true objectives" lmao

Kitten is mediterranean masterrace

Kitten is Indo-European

Or germanics and greeks

Whoever drew this needs to off themselves. What putrid, horrifying art

No, he's openly described as black

Everyone has to start somewhere user.

> Who the fuck is kitten?

His, literal, skin is brown/bronze. He's mianly of Mediterranean ancestry if anything.

More faggotry apparently

Just how dense are you?



How fucking old would Shadowsun be after indomitus crusade? Do t'au now have rejuvenation drugs?

Oh ok. I can't stand text to speech videos, and I don't spend much time here so I assumed it was just more fanfic circle jerk faggotry.

The Emperor himself describe him as black

The have been proved to be wrong before.


I know the guy who did that image, I pointed this out to him, but it was too late after he sent it.

stasis magic

Well.... Even if meme fuel the pairing makes a twisted sense. The tau are about inclusion and general basic decent treatment of their general populace, which was corax's non-combat preoccupation

>pic unrelated

God I hate his face sculpt.

Are you afraid of big black custodes user?

Jesus, I never realized there was that much difference in size between normal marines and primarchs.

Why? Looks good to me.

Go look at FW for a more serious size comp

Tau live for 40 years. It has been 101 years since 999 41M. She is dead.

Wow, didn't know they made Gabriel Angelos.

Shame 'bout dat DoW3 eh Gabe?

1. you replied to the wrong person
2. they probably put her on ice when the plot skip started and are just bringing her back now. because they sure as hell haven't written any new tau characters.

pick one you greasy dago

>It will never go back to just being Kitten describing the 40k setting to the Emperor
>It will continue to be godawful fanfiction "story arcs" forever

but i like Dorn!
and Vulkan!(lives)

Not that bad, m8. The show is enjoyable and, hopefully, will stay enjoyable for quite some time.

I think Bruva's own self-awareness is keeping the fanfiction at bay, for the moment. But how can we blame him, if we ourselves would do the same thing?

Do you Death of Hope will be any good?

Someone get this hothead outta here



you know what's gonna happen when fruit angel the lion comes back from his nightclub the rock and confronts guilliman about his xeno whores

It would be hilarious to see Lion coming out of the closet to finally start his own Heresy 10000 years later

>homossexual primarch confronts his brother over xenophilia

>the xeno I could forgive, but women?! Don't be a fag, Guilliman.

but seriously

there is no proof the Lion was gay

Aside from their origin. Well no, it's not confirmed, it's just a funny "that's why they're all secretive! It's cause of the euphemism. So deep in the closet they're in fucking narnia"

Or arabs or chinese or persians or indians or norse or steppe nomads or japanese.

Spoilers is truth.
When even the 'official' storyline of the game just feels like some teenagers putting together fanfiction wanking off their favorite factions, it's hard to fault fans for doing the same thing.

>For countless years we kept our geneseed pure, Roboute! Free from woman's taint!

>Roboute: But my brother, what a glorious taint she has! WITNESS!
>Lion: My Emperor... it's pristine and bleached!
>Roboute: Give in, brother!
>Lion: No! Homoloyalty is it's own reward!

Truly the greatest gift of civilization.

That should be the Emperor in size. A Primarch is supposed to be to a Marine what a Marine is to normal humans. They are just a little taller than your regular Terminator.

Maybe Magnus and the Emperor could be that tall, though.

>thinking this was funny
You should be ashamed.

I am ashamed of my words and deeds.

Atleast you've learned your lesson.

Clearly Lion is in the wrong here.

This would be so delicious. The Dark Angels gert split over whether they support the Ultra's new doctrine or not and they agonize about which side is actually heretical while still struggling with their past heresies. Beautiful.

Would Lion like traps?
Are the dark ones traps in disguise?


dark ones are little third world boys who look just like girls.

It comes from the Primarch being named Lionel Johnson after a gay poet from the 19th century

What if the fallen are actually straight but aware of the closeted space catholic butt sex of the Dark Angels and the reason the Dark Angels go to such lengths to find and destroy them is that Lion'El is too afraid to come out to old Dady Emps?

>Even better if the reason for him being gone 10,000 is because he's pacing around in a gay hissy fit at the possibility of being outed.


Guys,guys, what if like, hey listen to this, what if the reason Girlyman was ""missing"" all these while was because he was busy fucking Yvraine and making Primaris babies the ol fashioned way? This explains her birthing hips too.

i mean they are all Big[/spoiler Brown Custodes
>not engineering your perfect warriors to be golden when you have a gold fetish


Why are his hands so tiny? His hand-span should be about a foot across.

>also, implying son of the God-Emperor would descend to fucking a xenos witch instead of blessing entire soriritas convents with his "gene-seed"

and his semen

You finnally understood the directions GW is going with the lore.

Sometimes you want to eat something different you know.
A man can't live of bread and water alone.
