Christmas crypto stories

>Be me
>Whole family doesn't respect me and makes fun behind my back
>Old siblings in academia, two even learning sjw stuff
>Family admires them for muh eternal academia but they don't earn money
>be neet but trades crypto for years
>be christmas
>whole family gifting each other, they give me gifts that make fun of me for being neet such as kids stuff (saying i am like a kid)
>Now is my time
>Proceeds to open sack of gold coins and lights cigar
>proceeds to tell them about my bitcoin
>they are shocked and in awe
>sjw sibling starts crying saying it's not fair because they worked so hard in university
>family get angry at me and tell me to go to my room
>listen to the millennial woes christmas streams for the rest of the night whilst finding a flat to rent in a posh area of my city
>pack my stuff up
>am now in posh flat with enough money to not work for decades but i will still trade crypto for further gains

You got any stories to share? Did you btfo any nocoiner leftists?

Other urls found in this thread:

That surely happened

Man I cant wait to pull something similar off, if I can that is. Good luck OP I hope your new accommodation is cosy as fuck~

>Proceeds to open sack of gold coins and lights cigar

pic related

Thanks bro! This is the salvation for a lot of us.

well done user, how much crypto have you made by the way

I have about 18 BTC and 10-12 BTC in Alts.

Congrats user, we're all gonna make it.

you're an inspiration mate, hearing this just replenished my drive.
We're all going to make it.

was believable until the sack of gold coins and lighting up a cigar at the dinner table lol and your parents telling you to go to your like a little bitch but cool I'm sure you were able to rent your a flat good job ya dig

All of us can do it man, this is our opportunity. Keep at it and you WILL get there!

It seems nonsensical to randomly open up a case filled with coins in front of them. Another guy on here said he gave them a bunch of excessively lavish presents to get back on them, and that seems more fitting for the occasion.

It wasn't at the dinner table lol, I was sitting on the sofa. A couple of people were already smoking so it was ok me just lighting up quietly, I was playing around with the sack putting the coins in my hand etc looking at them and they asked so I explained. That is when the really sjw one started to cry.


Tell us about what your siblings were crying about and their "millennial woes."
What do they study?

What does being a liberal have to do with gold coins and cigars?

For how long you've been doing this? Btw good job lmao fuck those nocoiners

>Tell us about what your siblings were crying about and their "millennial woes."
OP was listening to a podcast by a guy on YT named Millennial Woes. If you dont know now you know.

>mfw 4chins autists will be the new wealth elite in a few years

this was posted a few days ago, nice larp

Trips of truth

It was just one that was crying but the other acted like I did something really awful. By me talking about my success I think they were just really upset because they know that University is a meme, but they have always been able to look down on me for not going to university so they probably used to feel ok about it. Now that I am doing really well they can't feel superior to me. That is my thoughts on that at least. The Millennial Woes thing I listened to was this he is having a live stream now even.

The one that cried studies Gender Studies, no joke. They are the full nine yards (anti white, anti male etc etc). One studies a science which at least isn't a meme but they don't earn any money yet and have been there ages. The other study's politics/philosiphy.

It's a specific type of nocoiner leftist. This is there attitude on crypto essentially

Honestly this is huge for us guys, we are moving the money of society like wizards into our corner. Seize the moment!

Nope, I just posted the pic.

lol, itt: things that never happened

but still, made my heart warm, goodstory/10

Happy for you op

Nice job op. I had 10 bitcoin at $200 each but sold them. Have an alt portfolio now and plan to hold for 3-4 years. I’m blessed with my own family and good job so no worries. Recommend you find a nice church to attend as well. MW is ok. Check out TRS podcasts if you haven’t already.

op if this is're a good man. we have a bright future ahead of us. t. unidropout making more $ than most of my degree'd friends.

Thanks desu :). We will all make it.

Good going man, it has been an up and down road for me so don't get disheartened along the way. I could have had several million if I sold at the right times but I am happy to be doing well overall and have learned a lot of lessons.

Thank you, I have thought about church. I listen to Adam Wallace quite a lot that reccomends church too. Yeah I listen to TRS every now and then, I used to like 'Fash Britannia' lol.

Indeed it is and thanks user. That we do, stick to the path and we can all make it. I am in a similar situation as you with all my peers having gone to uni but I stayed back and now we are here.