Veeky Forums Cringe Thread

Why are TVtropes affiliated sites always cringeworthy?

What's cringy about pic?

OPs attempt at a thread.

I mean the graphic design is a bit dated but other than that it seems fine.

I miss quests

The only cringe I'm seeing here is that faggot that is OP.

Don't care. But if you're wondering why tvtropes is cringe worthy, that's a question we can answer.

A few years ago, when tvtropes hit its peak, they embarked on a project to rename all their tropes because they were too tied to particular TV shows and they felt that the common names should be cutesy and also timeless. Then they started deleting tropes that the sjws thought were triggering and/or offended them. All this over the objections of a good portion of the user base which had just authored much of the site and given it much of the popularity it had.

Basically like many sites that suddenly become internet institutions of authority, the admins let the power go to their heads.

Wikipedia had this happen, too, when Jimbo Wales locked the database to stop people writing anything negative about Naked Short Selling. News sites that reported the controversy were banned as reliable sources and everything. The practice later played a part in the 2008 financial crisis and was banned by the SEC. And only then did Jimbo let a few tepid criticisms go through and mumbled an apology. And yet that probably was enough to save Wikipedia.

Basically, some sites survive their success and some don't. On one hand, capricious total authority worked when you were small potatoes. On the other hand, you also weren't subject to the temptations and pressures of being widely known. It's a tricky balance, and I think tvtropes got it wrong and so lost a lot of what made them vibrant.

>Then they started deleting tropes that the sjws thought were triggering and/or offended them.
That's a weird way to say "They removed most porn tropes to not lose Google Ads revenue"

That's a weird way to blame the Jews.

that site is actually pretty alright, i told some of my retarded players to read some of the articles and they actually improved

I don't think it's the site OP I think it's you

That's a weird way to say Skaven exist.

All of this assumes that tvtropes was ever good to begin with.
Given that about 40% of the original trope names were based on completely misunderstanding the tropes involved, I'd say it degenerating into irrelevancy did the internet a favor.


I dunno, if you don't care about the communauty I still find it nice to read.

This, I fucking hate when people say trope out loud. There's already a word for that, cliche, and it has the added benefit of not making you sound like a tool.

I cringed

Honestly the name change is for the better

That's a weird way to say warpstone in water pipes

Cliche is the word for an overused trope.

Their Mary Sue test is pretty fun

Trope is a weasel word for cliche without the negative connotation. Overuse is implicit.

Pretty much this DESU. Though I'll admit it is pretty useful to have an easily accessible list of hack writing cliches so I can use them and then repaint it so that I don't look like a complete hack writer while DMing.

Cliches are fine as long as you mix them in fun and interesting ways

A better question is why is this on Veeky Forums?

Tropes are narrative structures while clichés are overused concepts.
Clichés ARE tropes but tropes are not only clichés, it's just a way to analyze any narrative and characterization, overuse is not implicit because you can't write a story or character that couldn't be defined by tropes.

Except all story and character ideas are now overused, so, in fact, all tropes are in fact cliches.

There should be a mandatory worldwide 20-40 year moratorium on writing new stories, to let things get fresh again.

TvTropes was never good.

>Wikipedia had this happen, too, when Jimbo Wales locked the database to stop people writing anything negative about Naked Short Selling. News sites that reported the controversy were banned as reliable sources and everything. The practice later played a part in the 2008 financial crisis and was banned by the SEC. And only then did Jimbo let a few tepid criticisms go through and mumbled an apology. And yet that probably was enough to save Wikipedia.

Wait what

Why not just avoid things you don't like.


jimbo wales has 10 letters


Shut the fuck up.

TvTropes had been in decline long before the whole panicked porn trope deletion and renaming faggotry happened.