>"I dont like d&d for ita rulea or theme, and would never play it, but that's okay because it serves as a containment RPG to keep-"
"I dont like d&d for ita rulea or theme, and would never play it...
I miss quests
Right here, you whiny faggot
Not the same environment and you know it.
Quests were always shit, what a surprise
Try going there and doing something about it instead of shitposting here.
>containment RPG
Fuck off and die.
>4 dungeon crawl systems and Burning Wheel
This is weird
Its almost like they have no idea whats good...
I'm more amazed that they've heard of Burning Wheel than they put it with 4 completely different systems in tone and genre
Quests weren't shit, but good thing we got rid of them! Now we got more space for threads like this.
>Not the same environment
It's literally the quest thread part of tg. It's Veeky Forums without all the stuff that isn't quests. How the fuck can it not be the same environment? Can you only get off to your waifus when half the board hate you?
It wasn't half the board, it was a handful of angry autists and the people running the quests and participating were fa/tg/uys as well who posted in other threads.
As for waifus, we've had a massive increase "____ girl, wat do" threads, so that didn't help. If anything it's easier to fap here than it was before.
Yeah, no. Revisionism won't work for you. What's done is done, and mods won't revert the board to how it once was. Your best bets are to A.) improve/moderate the quality of your shitty Panty Quests, or B.) buy ad space that has been suggested MULTIPLE times.
If you want /qst/ to improve its "environment, YOU need to be proactive and initiate the change. You're not getting let back here just because you're such a spiteful tool you'd rather spoil everyone else's fun just to have yours.
I haven't even gone on /qst/ or even participated in Quests when they were here. They were better for the board here then over there though. You're the one being a revisionist, but that's fine. We'll have another five 'elf slave wat do' threads in the next day or so. Maybe another 'block your path' thread. Really good quality.
Not him, but I'll take those over the impenetrable walls of text called quests any day
Then you should have no trouble carrying on on qst, fgt.
That's a false equivalency. In what way would the existence of quest threads deter or reduce the number of "elf slav, what do?" and assorted unrelated shitpost threads?
Quest supporters always make this argument, but it doesn't come from any place of logic. We had those kind of threads even during the heyday of quest popularity. It's simple addition:
5 shitpost threads
5 bait threads
12 quest threads
5 bait threads
5 shitpost threads
There is a clear and marked increase in the ratio of quality to shit fit their exclusion.
Don't get me wrong, not every quest is shit ; Lego Quest is rad as fuck, and the are probably others. But for every decent quest, there are probably 3-4 generic shitty quests.
D&D is a containment RPG though, it keeps vidya spergs and normoniggers out of the actually good RPGs.
newfags, they're called newfags newfag
>-the great demon Sanorax, Lord of the Tenebrous Wastes and Master of Ten Thousand Cruelties, from destroying the mortal realm. So long as men continue to enact the mighty binding rituals of D&D, our world is safe. Praise be to the wise sages who preserved us through the creation of D&D!
They should've just kept quests on their topic's board instead of arbitrarily dumping them all on Veeky Forums.