What part of your daily routine in life attract one or more of the dark gods?

What part of your daily routine in life attract one or more of the dark gods?

>neet that spends 3 hours a day fapping
Nurgle and Slaneesh are going to fight over this soul boy.

I feel you, I was once like you but then I started nofap and noporn and feel much much pure and better.

On the other hand I am striving for perfection like never before so I might still get fucked by Slaneesh

Khorne for shitposting on the Internet.

I have a chronic rhinitis so you could probably guess who is my patron.

I'm lazy and want to change. So Nurgle and Tzeentch fight for my souls, but I'd rather convert to Emperorism.

Too calm for Khorne
Too content for Tzeencth
Too healthy for Nurgle
I aint a perfectionist but I like tits and loud music so I guess it's Slaanesh

What is the god of shitposting on /sp/ and /tv/?

Tzeentch for manipulating players

>Listen to vaporwave constantly
Welp, looks like Slaanesh's gonna get me.

>primarily listen to vaporwave, lowercase, harsh noise, and extratone
>literally cannot orgasm from vanilla sex anymore
>put greater and greater quantities of spices in my food until I find my limits

>nofap and noporn
>feel much more pure and better
It's a placebo you dink.

Even placebo is good if it helps you.

All life fuels Chaos.

>Raging alcoholic
>Terminal lack of ambition but hard worker
Nurgle, maybe?
Definitely not Khorne or Tzeentch, I'm completely pacifistic and am not good with change. send help please

Infrequent bouts of rage for Khorne
Not doing shit I know I'm fully capable of for Nurgle
Hookers for Slaanesh
Apparently being a emotionally manipulative little shit completely by accident for Tzeentch

Is it khorne or slaanesh to only truly be happy when at the gym?

>Want to learn how to draw
>Want to create beautiful stuff
>Keep producing bad drawing no matter what

Khorne, because I'm pissed and want to punch something all the time.

None. I'm such a waste of space sack of shit that none of the Chaos Gods would bother.

Me and my Dad would probably be a Tzeench affiliate. We listed today from memory the puzzle games which we've completed, there were atleast 15.

I personally would like to serve the Alpha legion.

Khorne is best god.


No that's nurgle

I guess smoking weed all day could go to either nurgle or slaneesh

I balance it out with a little Tzeenchian psychedelics

Judo doesn't feel very Khorne-ey

Everyone's going to answer Slannesh and Nurgle. If Veeky Forums existed in the 41st Millennium it would've birthed Slannesh instead of the Eldar.

Honestly I've actually unironically been worshipping Khorne for a while now. Really gets me pumped and my almost endless supply of self-hatred now has a use.

Blood for the Blood God. Skulls for the Skull Throne.

I'm a biology teacher, spreading knowledge about mutations and change in allele frequency between generation to all the kiddos.

Tzeentch digs it.

I'm pissed and want things to change, but it's normally my anger that drives me so Khorne.

Nurgle and Slaanesh like basically everyone else here, but also Khorne. I have anger issues, I've had anger issues for as long as I can remember. There is definitely something appealing about the idea of letting loose and just indulging in my anger and hurting people.

>industrial techno
>niche drugs
>compulsive porn consumer

I think I know where this is going

i wake up every morning with a stuffy nose. Like another level, and post-nasal drip.

I have very bad joint pain, it's chronic. My doctor's told me it is polymyalgia, but idk. It hurts a lot.

At least I've somewhat grown used to it and have built up a tolerance to pain

>frequent rage at the idiots I speak to on the phone at work
>general sloth
>jerkin' it

I'm not sure I have one for Tzeentch.

The big guy...

Only truly happy: Khorne
Only truly Horny: Slaanesh

Getting incredibly pissed all a lot, but only on the highway or behind closed doors. Know my way around guns and forging, but I doubt that's the main focus of Khorne.

Ah Tzeentch. I don't really plan against my fellow man, nor do I desire drastic changes in my life, but I do have some inventive ideas I keep to myself. Not really ambitious in the manipulative sense, but I like to try and keep my wits about me. I one time drank my brother's milkshake, so I guess that counts for something.

Nurgle... hmm... I abuse my body a lot, especially my eyes. Improving my diet and hitting the gym more has reduced it though. I guess I leave a mess of my drawers and clothing so that gotta count for something.

Slaanesh... gah where to start. I'm trying to keep up with muh good Christian values but I is a weak man. WEAK. Anyhow, mostly just occasional listening to incoherent music and fapping to questionable (but perfectly legal) material. Oh yeah, and I mastered the power of peripheral vision gawking. You can't be accused of staring at someones tits if you aren't staring at someone's tits. Tsssk, even a righteous man falls seven times a day yet rise again, but the thing I ain't no righteous man.

If rape is used as a weapon of war, where does that go under?

Work - Probably the most varied activity I do and even then its just a longer repertoire of repeated tasks
Lunch - Homemade salad with chicken
Gym - Same exercise routines
Dinner - 5/7 nights its pork shoulder steak with apples and sauerkraut
Video games - I prefer to play the same game over a long period of time then get new ones
Fapping - Fapping to the same tried and true pics and vids

We have a honest Emperor's man here. Miracles happen.

I get frustrated but don't like to act on it. Khorn wouldn't take me. I'm pretty chill but I don't like the notion of gathering diseases; working to clean up my act and improve lifestyle, so moving away from that. Slanesh requires either perfectionist, which I'm not, or chasing the dragon, which I'm lame about.

I'm not all that ambitious but I live in dreams an fantasies. Give me real magic and I'll make damn sure there'll be a spectacle about it. Biomancy and Divination for best results.

I'm pretty much a Slaaneshi cultist in the making. I have done a lot of questionable things for the experience. I have lost everything more than once and undergone horrible consequences for things that in the end simply bored me. I won't even begin to go into specifics.

If the Dark Prince was real I would be probably already Marked.

Nurgle to a tee.

>listen to techno shit
>pornhub is too vanilla for my tastes
>have thrown away painting I made because it wasn't perfect
>teacher fished it out and asked why I would throw something this beautiful away
>nearly had an anurism telling her it was imperfect garbage

I'm ready for the loud my dudes.

Maybe Khorne
>bottle up emotions
>mostly anger
>have a lot of unresolved anger issues
>barely keep it in check when I'm actually pissed
>hold back the urge to just go nuts and beat the guy who budged in line half to death
>fantasize about getting into a true Melee bar brawl and pulling a Khârn

I want to get rid off my bad habits and become a good citizen that wouldn't raise a suspicion of the Inquisition. What kind of boring life do you have to lead to avoid the gaze of chaos?

Extra heretic

I like to court all four. Life ain't anything if you're not praising the Dark Gods.

>road rage to/from work over the most minor infractions
>fap 3x or more a day to most anything on /d/
>spend free time doing absolutely nothing and loving it, cultivating pot belly
>scheme and plan at work for promotions/raises/getting that bitch fired

Nurgle or Tzeentch, maybe slaanesh

On one hand I live in filth and barely take care of myself beyond the aesthetic, on the other hand I have a bad habit of manipulating people to get what I want rather than work for it myself.

I referee paintball for a living. So Khorne I guess?

> Masterbate violently, shoving various beer bottles and cans up my ass, until I ejaculate over various small creatures.
> Aroused by pretty much everything now.
> Search for the most beautiful paintings, objectively fine art.
> Stare at them for hours, massive erection.

I have no shame, but society holds me back from fapping in a gallery.