Looking at all the shilling on here it seems like this coin is too good to be true...

looking at all the shilling on here it seems like this coin is too good to be true. What are the arguments against its tech?
not trying to fud, I just want to know if I should put more.

Other urls found in this thread:


someone red pill me about how this is going to fail before i throw in 50k


itching to fomo with 5k gains from eth

free = vulnerable to spam attacks. they haven't figured that out yet. Theres fuck all overhead for someone to penny attack this coin and crush the network as we speak.

this coming from someone who has read a decent amount about XRB. that is the biggest downside atm that I saw.

There aren't any real negatives, get in before merchants start accepting it over BTC and it hits $100

i just listed the most glaring flaw in their free tx. do some research you will see the devs haven't sorted it out yet and are still working on a solution.

very much this

does this mean adding a second layer and charging a fee? aka iota

but they say you have to do a small POW with every tx so a spam attack could be costly. is it true?

it wasn't costly enough as it is that it would prevent someone from doing it in the future for any number of reasons.

that being said this coin is dope. but that is the key flaw i would say with XRB right now.

>Someone could spam attack it
The white paper already addresses this.
>However, the PoW required for each transaction limits the transaction rate the malicious entity could generate without significantly investing in computational resources. Even under such an attack in an attempt to inflate the ledger, nodes that are not full historical nodes are able to prune old transactions from their chain; this clamps the storage usage from this type of attack for almost all users.

i literally just read the dev AMA about this and he said himself the overhead wasn't enough right now and they would have to look at it. not gonna go find it because im lazy

t. guy who bought xrb last week

What about pruning? The community and developers both suggest pruning the blockchain as a solution, if you’ve read a lot that answer is sort of hard to miss.

>nodes that are not full historical nodes are able to prune old transactions from their chain; this clamps the storage usage from this type of attack for almost all users.
what does that mean?

>not going to find it
>its totally this easy to spam it and clog it
I'll tell you what you FUDding retard, go clog it up right now. You have two hours to pull it off. If you manage to do it then I'll send you 1BTC. If you fail everyone will realize how much bullshit this is and how superior this coin is to IOTA.

That's being worked on, not a huge downside desu..

yeah i'll get right on that

i know its being worked on. he asked what are the downsides, that is the only one i can see, why are people getting so fuckin snappy about it? it's not FUD it's the fucking truth

>I can't prove I'm right even when offered $15k to do so so I'll just call the other guy stupid

>everybody on Veeky Forums has the technical ability to launch a spam attack for a bounty

fucking mouthbreather

It takes days to sync your wallet. I got some coins last night and it's not done yet

so when this flaw is solved what's stopping this coin from become #1? why would any1 use anything else? I assume it will become the best coin for arbitrage

>its totally trivial to do this guys
>what do you mean you expect me to do it? Of course I can't
Fuck off shill, go shill your rapefugee coin on reddit some more.

No memes here. Quality discussion. That should say something anons. In addition, there’s a 42 BTC sell wall on mercatox. No one is selling and it’s been over an hour. Don’t miss out.

Nothing barring undiscovered issues. it's dope as fuck.

just download the data file separately, will cut the syncing to couple hours.

what do you mean? sync your wallet with what? Ive sent many transactions and it took a few seconds

1. Spam Attack possible
2. 7k tx/s is a meme, only realized in certain test conditions
3. Coin only transfers coins, not data. Can't use it to write applications on top of it to trigger mart contracts etc. Very limited in scope.

i suppose you are using web wallet

do you think the next big One will serve multiple purposes? (transfer of value AND data?)

yes, any reason not to? what the safest way to go?

Yes. (Hint: byteball does this)

Just remember the moment you sell your eth gains, suddenly money skell works his magic and the price moons. this happens without fail

web wallet is still vulnerable as any exchange wallet, if you want 100% security dowload destkop wallet, it takes time to sync all the bocks if you have older pc

Offer's open to you too, go clog it up tonight and I'll give out 1BTC, otherwise fuck off.
Its still a lot and instantaneous right now.
This is a positive not a negative, who the fuck wants to wait an extra hour just for whatever stupid cryptokitty shit just came out. There's a reason that Vitalik saw smartcontract cryptos as being completely separate crom cryptos meant to serve as currency.

Do you know reliable source?
I found something but it was on yandex disk so I didn't even bother to download it

With the blockchain. I don't trust web wallets and prefer to keep everything either on my ledger nano s or on hardrive

Well, that escalated quickly. I really didn't intend to come off as snappy, sorry about that.

i fucking love how this guy doesn't stop
>implying that pointing out spam attacks are possible means you can do one yourself

fucking retard logic folks. Anyone who could pull one off is far more rich and tech savvy than I am, it doesn't mean it's not possible. Goddamn you're thick

Very limited in scope? XDDDDDDD

Hey guys its possible to hack john mcaffees twitter.



theres one post here with the links, cant copy it directly because SPAM

1. You're a retard, obviously just buying on fomo, discarding any critique by plugging your ears.
2. Yes
3. It's a negative. Smart Contract != Decentralized App like crypto kittys. You can have nonturing complete smart contracts, which are useful for something like betting for example, or holding money in escrow for commerce so both parties are incentivized to make good on the deal struck.

Great, thanks

Spam attacks aren't hard and you're the guys that keep saying how easy it would be to do one on this so go do it or keep your mouths shut.
>Smart contract!=smart contract
Cryptokitties is just a couple smart contracts tied together brainlet.


Hello newfag pajeet.

Jesus man, are you alright? You should probably take a break from the computer, get some fresh air and clean your thoughts. Nothing is worth being that angry about.

dude you are a fucking lunatic. Go ahead and keep talking and prove further that you have no capacity to logically analyze anything, you complete and utter doorknob

So increased complexity is a positive now? That's extremely subjective and VERY often not the case. You probably shouldn't be talking about stuff you have no clue about. Do one thing and do it well.

You're the guy too retarded to know how to do a spam attack that keeps insisting that this is easy to spam attack when its not. Hell I'll up it to 10BTC, you still wouldn't be able to pull it off.

Also is that you, David? Get back to the Raiblocks bounty hunting.

strawman argument

this will be sorted by providing light nodes/mobile wallets.

I expect to hit xrb at least $50 - $100 in the next couple weeks, after the whales have played their game. It's just simple math. Look at the tiny supply vs the gignatic supply of iota (which is fundamentally broken (or let's say experimental) and not fully decentralized. If the government in Germany says no to iota and the HQ get's raided it's over for iota.
The 12 billion dollar question? Guess which coin the big guys will buy once it's on their radar?

>doesn't even know what a strawman argument is

Only brainlet here is you, because you obviously think that smart contract = only turing complete program written in solidity

This is not the case.

i literally never said it was easy, i said it was possible

please read what people say and don't spice it up for your own white knighting purposes. I said spam attacks are possible: THEY FUCKING ARE.

That is literally the end of this debate. There is no debate, you're just a complete fucktard.

1. Lack of explicit fees means it's defenseless against spam. It's only a question of mining power.
2. Requiring every transaction to use a costly pow fucks over exchanges and companies trying to use raiblocks. I mean if you had to make lots of payments you would need to have several servers just for mining transactions. Ridiculous.
3. The same pow fucks over low-powered computers (like slow smartphones) for the same reasons.
4. Because every transaction is separate it uses way more resources just to process them (more bandwidth, storage and computations). It's fundamentally less efficient.

In short, it's a shitcoin that got pumped out on iota's hype. In comparison, iota is a scam, as even with their coordinator it doesn't work.

Never said that it was only that. Learn to read you illiterate.
Prove it faggot. Oh wait, that's right, you can't.

>its susceptible to spam attacks
>no its not, I'll even give you $150k if you can prove it is

I don't need to prove something the dev confirms himself. Again, doorknob, mouthbreather, etc. Keep on making a fool of yourself

>Absolutely no programming knowledge and calls others fools
Go suckstart a shotgun faggot.

Why are people mean to Mercatox? I like using Mercatox...

at the same number of tx as bitcoin, would the mining ressources would be less or more that of btc?

okay you fucks

you finally broke me

im making a god damn bitgrail account right now and buying some of these fucking shits

god dammit i hate myself, first for giving in and second for not just doing it sooner when I saw this shit at 1$ or whatever


Its easy to call someone as overtly deluded as you a fool. I don't give a fuck if you know how to program, I know what the dev said in his recent AMA and I know it's the opposite of what you're claiming: you fucking little fool.

high withdrawal fees

What would you recommend invest into?

bad time to buy

Orders of magnitude less

That's a separate point thought, as raiblocks isn't a proof-of-work coin, while bitcoin is.

well thanks but ill just buy a small amount for now and see where it goes

Exchange PoW on client side - problem solved.

but doesnt every tx require a POW? from the reciever?

go back

People said the same thing at $1

Why? You think this sucker will go lower? I can see 1-2$ correction like yesterday, but nothing bigger then that.

The dev was being overly conservative because its worse for the main dev of a project to oversell than undersell. The reality is that it is not cost effective to spam attack this at all.

jesus you sound so retarded.

$150k is up for grabs still, feel free to prove me wrong.

Regarding low marketcap coins I'm in enigma, like the idea and the team.
Mostly in ethereum though, I'm getting increasingly nervous that the bubble is going to pop and ethereum is one of the few that's not going to -99.9% as it's actually used.

Look at litecoin ath in 2013 and the minimum price afterwards, -99.9% is not a meme, it happened

Yes it does but wayyy less than what bitcoin mining uses.
I mean bitcoin uses more energy than the entire country of Ireland at this point.

you do realize me not being able to program a web server doesn't mean it's impossible.
me not being able to paint the mona lisa doesn't mean nobody can progress beyond stick figures.

you do realize you sound like a complete fucking retard.

Yeh the whole 'free' transactions doesn't seem right. Nothings free.

It's centralized

Ohhh oh i see. So now it IS possible, but it's "not cost effective".

So you were, in fact, just being a deceptive fucking faggot all along. Gotcha, knew it, but thanks for confirming for everyone else.

who run the nodes and what are the incentives to do so?

I also realize that I know more about this than everyone arguing against me which is why I'm confident enough to put up this sum of money.
If you go back and read all of my posts I didn't call it impossible a single time. Not being cost effective is nearly as good because people aren't going to throw resources into a blackhole.

Except it doesn't use a costly POW. It just verifies other transactions. Are you telling me your fucking phone can't do a couple of quick calculations but it can play 3D games?

i also would like to understand this

what are the incentives to running a node

transactions are "free" so obviously nobody is getting paid out for processing transactions or anything... right?

>implying there aren't any reasons to spam the network that would result in a net gain for the attacker, despite cost

71k satoshis on bitgrails right now

first gains in my life like that

>Not being cost effective is nearly as good because people aren't going to throw resources into a blackhole.

What does 'cost effective' means. It's not possible to short raiblocks now, so there's no way to profit from destroying the network. Spamming it to the point of total unusability is a question of few hundred bucks for several ec2 gpu instances. Or several gpus in a existing mining farm.

You'd need closer to $2k/hour to keep it up.

>Except it doesn't use a costly POW.

Uhh it does, did you actually try to send a transaction from a wallet? It takes several seconds and uses 100% of one core.

Yeah no. Raiblocks pow has to work on a normal cpu so gpus are >30x faster. Just like original bitcoin cpu miner vs gpu miner.

Oh. No wonder I still like it, I haven't withdrawn anything yet.

>Yeah no. Raiblocks pow has to work on a normal cpu so gpus are >30x faster. Just like original bitcoin cpu miner vs gpu miner.
>If you can mine it on a CPU you can mine it on a GPU
Go try to mine quark with a GPU.



>send a test transaction of .1 LTC to make sure the site works
>wait for 11 confirmations before it finally reaches wallet
>try to buy 2 XRB with my .1 LTC
>Minimum trade 10.00000000 XRB

wew okay then

Raiblocks uses blake2 hashing which has the exact same performance characteristics as sha256 mining.
Gpus destroy cpus, fpgas destroy gpus (regarding energy efficiency at least) and potential asics destroy fpgas.

we were talking about this exact coin in our discussion group discord.gg/vNGsENy lots of useful crypto advice! good luck

>If someone is using xrb and it saves them hundreds or thousands of dollars per month in fees and customer irritation in delayed payments, they have a direct monetary incentive to using xrb and a monetary incentive in the health of the system.

bitgrail worked fine for me no need to test just send btc

okay maybe, but who runs them at the moment?