How would your setting fare against the magical girl apocalypse?

how would your setting fare against the magical girl apocalypse?

If you wanted to read an excessive gorefest manga you could at least read the good one.

what makes you think I haven't ;)

Gonna have to be a little bit more clear about what you mean, exactly.

Basically a bunch of doll-like magical girls show up and start killing everything.

Anything they kill rises up as a zombie of sorts.

The op one makes things explode with it's wand.

it has a character that is basically the human /b/, and somehow manages to be the only smart character

Is this a show or something? I guess this isn't all that different from an average necromancer plague. Depends om how hard the mages are to kill, how many there are, and how powerful the zombies are. Is there a way to resist being exploded and raised as an undead? A typical fantasy world should be able to deal with this sort of stuff.

Magical girl of the end.

It's a manga.

Well the tip would be to avoid the wand, but when she powers up it's an rage thing.

And that's only the explody one

*range not rage

Oh, I see. Well I'm sure a group of adventurers would be able to put a stop to these monsters, maybe the gods intervene too, and some of the powerful old warriors/mages would have an interest in defeating these witches as well.

Don't these mahou shoujo turn into massive steroid looking freaks with muscles big enough that they punch people's flesh off? My knowledge of this is purely from pics I've came across but shit looked freaky.

Given that the setting includes heavily armed magical girl starfleet along with the devastatingly powerful ace of aces, probably pretty well.


But this one only possesses people.

Then she got a boost that makes people ripped

It should be noted that they are virtually invincible

They'd wipe out most settings that aren't either so advanced that they're space age or so fantasy that they've got ludicriously broken magic.

Unless you put them into another plane I don't think they would be effected that much.

They are invincible

Invincibility is a challenge put forth by mundanes and weeaboos
If anything is on the table, magic wise, we have a lot of ways to deal with the witches
>aforementioned banishment
>soul removal
>anti-magic zoning

Well banishment would work.

Really don't have souls

Traps could work. Random police dude steals one wand, which they are pretty weak without.

One has some kind of polymorph powers.

Kind of biodroids wouldn't fall apart, Wands wouldn't work.

Rape cop best cop

Ok, I'm lost


Don't ask me, it's a mystery

Do they have to follow the rules of magic as in my setting? Or do they bring along their own cosmological-supernatural infrastructure somehow?

Google gives me a Lamborghini


Man psykers have it rough

It's the manga, "Murcielago." Exceptionally violent action manga with a very predatory lesbian as the protagonist. It's worth a read if you can handle those aspects since it's absolutely insane in a fun way.

they are not, you just need to kill the bitch that keeps respawning them, or kill the witch that is commanding them

They are basically just complex golems that look freakish and do weird shit to spook people, they are actually controlled by human witches who clearly follow a conventional logic to their magic

I thought Alucard was only a girl in WWII, the fuck is this?

Witches are pretty strong however

An alternate history where every instance of "vampire" was replaced with "serial killer", and "Seras" is somehow both more cheerful, has bigger tits, but is just as much of a shit-wrecker when pissed off.

But user, gofast is not Seras. Rinko is.

Then that'd make Gofast kinda like Walter?
Actually that kinda fits.