>want to play a wandering monster hunter for hire
>realize I've basically just made a witcher
God damn it Veeky Forums What should I do to mix it up a bit?
>want to play a wandering monster hunter for hire
>realize I've basically just made a witcher
God damn it Veeky Forums What should I do to mix it up a bit?
Also subconscious character theft thread, I guess.
Change the motivation.
Farmboy looking for revenge, richass in it for sport, nerd making a bestiary, priest out to evangelize his patron and protect the common folk.
Make him gay
A farm boy that was cursed by a witch to see all humans as monsters. The farmboy killed his own family by mistake; thinking they were monsters invading his farm house. Finding no traces of his families body's within the monsters he's slain; he travels the world in search of his missing family.Believing he will one day be reunited with them. A bounty is on his head for the murder of his family, and others around town.
The boy keeps traveling from town to town, to city to city. He wonders why so many monsters are after him. (They're actually guards, and bounty hunters after the reward)
I'm not really seeing how a wandering monster hunter for hire is different from 99.9% of all player characters in fantasy roleplaying. I don't see what about that incredibly broad descriptor makes it a witcher. If you'd said the first green line and nothing else I would have no inkling about your issue.
I mean I guess you could just be a general murder hobo and do more than just hunt monsters. You could like, kill people. You know, for money.
Are you a part of an organization of mutated superhumans that use dangerous poisons to enhance themselves?
No? Then you aren't a witcher.
Make him a sadist who hunts monsters for the killing and only holds back when the law gets in the way, rather than a mostly benevolent person who's always trying to find the best solution in a shitty world.
Alternatively play any witcher other than geralt
Make him a wizard who hunts monsters for their reagents.
Take away the "for hire" part and make his hunting purely for the public good, or tied into the local religion.
Every character I build is based on something. It's just arbitrary and obscure, at least among my circle, so no one complains
Have him be writing a book.
He tries out ancient tips and tricks lore and old folk remedies and stuff at every opportunity, and records the results in a rather thick notebook.
He weeds out what doesn't work and tries to find out exactly the reason why what does work, does.
Make him a victorian style great white hunter.
Monster-Dexter, raised by a Paladin that cast detect evil on him
Turn him into Solomon Kane?
Be a wandering monster hunter who only wanders hunting monsters because he's a prince whose throne was usurped...
...Oh wait.
1. Make him a trapper.
2. Arm him with a crossbow and a short sword/ shield. His primary weapon still being traps.
3. He is not a mutant, he does not drink potions to become stronger, his hair is not white.
Make him a lighthearted, fun loving redneck kind of guy. He's basically a big game hunter, it isn't some religious quest or revenge, he just loves ale and huntin', and his sweety back home.
Settle in a dangerous frontier town, trading free room and board for discounted services and access to the corpse prices that you don't use.
I unconsciously made a character that was the opposite of my previous one.
>member of a seafaring knightly order (like the Knights Hospitaller after the fall of Acre) becomes a pirate because he chafes under authority and wants to fight for his own gain rather than to defend others
>Former mercenary has a midlife crisis and becomes a Paladin because he wants to fight for a good cause rather than die to improve some merchant-prince's barganing position this year