They don't have to be super hot or anything. I'm making a witch character for my new D&D campaign and I need sweet art.
Character Art - Witches
Also got some animu if that's your thing
I'll dump a few of what I've saved, I suppose.
For the record, there was an event on tumblr/deviantart a while ago called "witchsona week." Opinions on either website aside, googling "witchsona" will net you a metric fuck ton of character images for witches, many of which are pretty good.
Not OP, but thanks for the stash!
No problem, and thanks yourself for anything you're posting.
OP here, these are great!
please don't stop
np, I have a soft spot for witches. They get a bad rap and hipsters like to cling onto them cause they see them as being counterculture, but their function in human society was massively important.
This one's courtesy of the Towergirls threads.
One of the last on my hard drive, sadly. The rest are all saved on my pinterest account.
>heir function in human society was massively important.
I've not heard this before, go on.
Some of mine are probably looser interpretations of "witch" but I don't usually put too much thought into my categorizations- mostly gut reactions.
It's the same function as any other medicine man, shaman, or voodoo priest; the methods may be different but the goals are essentially the same. Not only were they well-versed in natural remedies (the plants used back then are used nowadays in modern pharmaceuticals) but they could also heal spiritual ills as well.
This isn't meant to over-inflate their value (which I admittedly did in the previous post- I just really like witches): they were essentially spiritual plumbers. You needed some food, you went to a hunter or gatherer. You needed to know which root cured a toothache, you asked the medicine man. You needed to know how to calm an angry spirit, you went to a shaman/witch/whatever.
Whether or not you believe in that stuff is largely irrelevant because self-hypnosis can basically be as good as the real thing. That's the thing about magic, though. Even if you don't believe it's real, you can't deny that there are methods you can employ to trick your brain into behaving in certain ways- even when you're sense of consciousness is pulling you in a different direction.
The main reason witches get a bad rap is because King James got spooked/used a public event to leverage spiritual-political power.
People used to see how magic and religion were inexorably linked. Ever look at the mechanics of the Eucharist? King James may not have been the first one to admonish people that called themselves magicians, but he's responsible for the popular conception of witches today. He literally wrote the book on it (King Jame's Daemonologie, if you're curious). Of course Shakespeare didn't help with Macbeth, but that was because King James was his patron. Shakespeare himself had a great deal of respect for magicians. In actuality, his worldview is quite Orphic. One might be inclined to say "big woop, Shakespeare thought language was magical, who cares" but it's pretty impressive when you consider that Willy was basically a country bumpkin from hicksville.
tl;dr the history of magic is fascinating, even if you don't believe in it.
Also while I'm thinking about it: magicians get thrown under the bus in Christian theology because of the implication that they are somehow able to command nature. Some people like to point out that miracles are laced throughout the Bible, but if you pay attention to the dynamics of the magic at play you'll see that most of the miracles aren't performed by people. Instead, it's God working through the person or God acting directly.
This has a surprising parallel with Eastern spiritual traditions, but that's a whole other can of worms.
I'm a bit of a newfag, so this is all I got, but here ya go, OP.
while out of topic for this thread, it is art-related:
if anyone has that picture of a particular flanged mace with an inscription (something along the lines of "please reconsider"), could they drop it in here?
I've been looking for the damned thing for months, but my google-fu is weak and it's not a huge enough deal to make it's own thread over.
Why don't you go to a character art thread that already exists there? Do we need a character art thread for every character anyone tries to make?
Best witch coming through.
Requesting wizards/warlocks as well, preferably younger
As well know, the greater the hat, the more powerful the witch.
>bad rap
Like are there bad rappers who make songs about witches?
It's bad rep
Short for bad reputation
Holy shit, this is a goldmine.
Bah, I'll show you a PROPER witch!