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Are any tribes in Ixilan going to be viable with a couple of vials and some legacy staples?

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I don't think any tribal creatures from Ixilan are going to make much of an impact. Entrancing Melody or Ashes of the Abhorrent could be pretty funny in the right meta.

Slivers would be a cheap build. Dunno how its powerlevel is in meta.

Post your deck's theme song(s)

Also, how's your sideboard fellow Branimators?
4 Macabre
4 Wear//Tear
2 Pithing Needle
2 Silence
1 Elesh Norn
1 Inkwell
1 Blazing Archon

I swapped the 1-of Duress and Grave Titan (hardcasting seems like a stretch and Inkwell is a better 1-of to throw away to Surgical or if it hits the field win the game on its own) for the Silences, since I figured they answer most stuff, either trade with a counter or force Wxx to play out Containment Priest which you can then Brutality, cast in response to a fetch etc etc.

Patrician taste in music.
Plebeian taste in decks.

Hey, at least it's still a deck.

Dinos can actually probably fit into a Nic Fit mold, particularly this one as it just shits out value. Others have pretty decent spell-like effects stapled onto big beefy bodies.

>That feeling when you've always really wanted to make a Thrull or a Dwarves Tribal Legacy Deck but are unsure how to do so.


I've played against Dwarf Belcher before, it can play the aggro plan or look for a combo kill with recruiter to stack deck. Seems soft to combo though.

Unfortunately, I doubt it. Though with that said, the dino 3-drop that eats graveyards seems pretty cool.

It'd be funny to see Dino-Stompy. In fact, I really need that in my life. Just as long as it's called "Jurassic Park."

>Dwarf Belcher

You have piqued my interest.

Looking for input on my black hound deck, for casual play.

1- Dark Ritual x4, Sinister Concoction x3
2- Hymn to Tourach x4, Grave Strength x4
3- Thraben Foulbloods x3, Vampire Hounds x2, Victimize x3
4- Mortis Dogs x4, Flesh Allergy x2
5- Hounds of the Farbogs x4
6- Caustic Hound x2
7- Hollowborn Barghest x1
24 lands (to be jazzed up later)


>Dwarf Belcher

Hmm, I'm guessing it uses Dwarven Recruiter to "stack" the deck then fires off the Charbelcher for lethal? But how does it speed up enough (or control enough) to work?

>mfw you hurt my feefees

>mfw khans and onslaught fetches in the same deck

>mfw I play different art on every basic land and a different art for every Hymn to Tourach (fallen empires alts)

Can 4c leovold even beat 12 post? You dont have waste lands to slow them down

4 color Leovold has access to Baleful Strix, Liliana of the Veil, Jace, and Deathrite Shaman. In the sideboard you have Edicts, Hymns, and other cards to punish slower decks. You should be able to handle 12-post. While they produce a billion mana, your toolbox has access to the best removal in the format. 12-post should be a big, sitting duck for your deck.

Library of leng with readd the runes to stack whole deck in any order

alternate art was the best part of Fallen Empires

WotC should bring that back

Theres a legacy tourney at my LGS this Saturday. I have both Lands and Infect completed. Does infect have a chance at doing well? I'm way more experienced with it but feel like there's too much creature hate going around for it to do well.

Experience is generally better than trying to metagame in legacy. It's true that all the control decks are probably unfavorable (although I have never played that matchup personally), but if you feel most comfortable with infect then you will perform better than you would with lands

Replace the vampire hounds with ghost hounds for spicy tech against DnT

>Look up Dwarf Belcher
>find a list
>see a post replying "Okay but how does it beat Elvish Piper"?
>Look at date

I feel so old now

>turn one thoughtseize into surgical
>kill their deck right on the spot
>snap caster it back and remove their other slower win condition

What deck folds this hard?


how do you thoughtseize a land to surgical it?

turn 1 took his loam
turn 3 took his punishing fire
turn 4 jace

so what if he just naturally stage + depths

So did you Snapcast the Thoughtseize or the Surgical? What about Dark Depths/Thespian Stage and Crop Rotation? What about that new green creature they use, the one with all the clue tokens?

block with strix, bounce the token, now he has to redraw his combo

surgical so i could take exile fire. Like I said I could beat 1 combo and the odds he draws it again before i get another answer is zero

So he played Fire after you surgicaled his Loam on turn one? Or did you just have two Thoughtseizes in your opening hand?

I slapped his hand and it touched his graveyard. Judge ruled it had to stay there and gave him a warning for having weak wrists.

Harsh but fair.

I actually did slap someone's hand in a game at a tournament recently.

turn one thought seize isnt surgical
turn 2 deathrite shaman and ponder, he fires the drs
turn 3 snap back surgical
turn 4 jace

he had like exploration and shit but not much going on


>block with strix
It's id.

yeah but it protects jace so i can bounce it on my turn

Thanks. I don't play the regular Legacy crowd often, but I'll keep them on my sideboard just in case.

>Japanese Foil Karametra

I'm so tempted

this isnt the edh general

What do you other storm bros think about Perilous Voyage? Better than Echoing Truth in the SB or worse? I can see situations where EOT bounce Thalia/Chalice/3ball and set you next draw step is gas, but it would also be worse in scenarios where your facing down multiple of the same lock piece, which is when Echoing Truth shines.

It also can't bounce your stuff, for what it's worth. I think it has a lot of potential to pull you out of bad situations with the scry but Echoing deals with multiple Chalices on 1 while also wiping EtW tokens.

I'm definitely gonna test it. ETruth bounces multiple permanents pretty infrequently. I think the scry could be big game. The fact that it can't bounce your own shit is pretty minimal. I don't think I've ever used ETruth like that. It's just never come up.

>multiple Chalices on 1

...why would someone cast multiple chalices on one? Wouldn't they go Chalice on One, Chalice on Two, Chalice on Three?

because you arent gonna stop an abrupt decay

>why would someone cast multiple chalices on one?
My recent experience has been people putting chalice on 1 and 0 against storm. People used to put multiple chalices on 1 because the main removal was Decay in Storm decks (due to Counterbalance). It's annoying, although not impossible, to storm off against chalice on 1. It's nearly impossible to storm off against chalices on 0 & 1 without removing them first.

>Chalice on Three?
Chalice on 3 does nothing against ANT or TES unless they're being VERY weird and running Grim Tutor or something non-standard in the SB. Chalice on 1, 0, and 2 (generally in that order) are your best bet against storm decks.

>Want to get into Legacy so that I can play vs some real life buddies for fun
>Cards cost 100-5000 dollars

How do you guys.. actually 'play' Legacy?
Do you just use your old collections, only theory craft and refrain from actually playing the format or something?

I budgeted and bought into the format. When I got out of school and got a job that paid more than minimum wage, I bought duals. But I got my LEDs while I was still a poor college student. To be fair they were a bit cheaper a couple years ago, as we're duals. Recent price spikes are nuts.

i play on xmage

I play IRL at my LGS with whats in my collection. I've been playing since the stone age so I can build most any deck with a few exceptions.

I do exactly this

What do you guys think of legacy tron?

hot garbage

Its an inferior version of an already terrible deck. Wasteland gives 12post fits; it would massacre a deck trying to assemble tron.

Wastelanded until you cry yourself out of the store.

Not in this format champ

My whole legacy deck costed about 520 euros where 320 euros were 8 cards. And i bought alot of pretty old foils and pimped the deck out. Still need sideboard wich is like max 50 euros

>playing br reanimator instead of superior ub reanimator

>implying I'm not building into it

Anyone here play the leylines deck? Or have it in your playgroup? Is it any competitive?

I think tron is a lot better than 12 post

lol no, just no. Cloudpost is banned in modern specifically because it is better and easier to make tons of mana with than Tron. The same applies to Legacy, there is a reason why you see Post decks and Tomb+CoT decks but don't see Tron decks (seriously, search mtgtop8 for Legacy Tron decks, I'll wait). The fact of the matter is that we have better lands for "going big" in Legacy than are allowed/exist in the Modern cardpool.

It's fun as fuck to play, but it's not competitive at all. You'll randomly hose some yard based decks and some storm decks with leylines, but other than those matchups you'll be grossly underpowered compared to tier 1/2 Legacy decks.

How is it fun at all to play? A buddy of mine tried it once and you either had the nut draw of 5 leyline, sanctum, opalescence, or you mulliganed to oblivion and do nothing. It creates the most non-games I've ever seen, and that's saying something because there are some pretty damn uninteractive decks in legacy. You might as well just gamble alone and not waste someone else's time

Nigga, i hope your trolling, because this is one of the dumbest statements about legacy I've seen in a long time.

Because it does something pretty unique and interesting? Just because a deck is linear doesn't mean its not fun to play once in a while. I bet your one of those shitters that complains about Belcher or PSI.

I actually think it has much more potential than other posters seem to think. Revoker and Pithing Needle in the main would be a bit clunky, but I definitely think there are ways to make it work. Could run a green shell for Scryings, Crop Rot, and Loam, and maybe blue for some card selection. Then just big dudes all the way down.

Tron has one major advantage over 12-Post, which is that none of the Tron lands enter tapped.

The big problem with it is the same problem decks like Post have: there are other ways to get enormous dudes on the field that are easier to use and more resilient. I'd still be down to try it at some point, though.

I bought into Legacy with Poops in 2013 when I realized I already had half the cards lying around and I didn't need duals. Then I started moving Modern staples and random value-cards I'd accumulated over the years to get LEDs and the pieces I was missing for Dredge. After that, I just started unloading more value cards I wasn't using to buy into more duals (I've got nine), and there you have it. I don't have an extensive card base; just enough stuff with good crossover value to play most Storm variants, Dredge and Manaless, Charbs, Poops, and Reanimator (U/B). Working on Nic Fit at the moment. It takes a lot of time, but if you've got a good supply of cards, you can do it pretty cheaply. The only problem is that I don't have a lot of Modern staples anymore, so I'd have to throw down quite a bit to get back into that format.

I think a Legacy Tron deck will probably end up as a slightly worse 12post with all of the same issues as the latter. Your going to be super vulnerable to Wasteland, and your going to be doing very little until turn 3+. This means your pretty much going to get destroyed by almost any combo deck in the format and will probably get out tempo'd by delver variants. If you want to play with fatties Reanimator, S&S, Big Red, Eldrazi, etc. will do the same things but faster and without the general weakness to Wasteland.

That's an odd way to spell inferior. Speed with just enough relevant interaction is everything in a+b graveyard combo vs drs: the meta, and RB has a lot more unbeatable 6s and 7s compared to UB's none.

Considering the format is currently all Stonewaifu-DRS deck or combo decks. Don't think so.

Hoogland pls go

tron would be in a weird spot between MUD and 12post where it isn't doing anything as good as either of them

also neither of those decks are that great in the first pace

Ah, I only played against Chalice when I was playing against Merfolk and I was playing Pox, so they did eventually get the 1-2-3 lock (I still managed to squeak out a win, thank you Snuff Out, Beseech the Queen, and Nether Spirit)

please stop bullying MUD

MUD is a good boy

MUD did nothing to deserve this

Nah, at least other turn one decks require a little brain power, like counting to 7 with belcher. But with leyline, you make literally no decisions whatsoever. If you think that sort of style is "cool and interesting," you probably belong in edh general

>Realize there was a tiny 1-room hobby shop across town
>Head over, chat with the owner a bit
>Store seems to be a failing business, not many people show up
>Check out his singles
>Tons of legacy staples, 2 Useas in good shape, Dack, Painters Servants and Grindstones
>He's running a draft tonight but said that people don't always show up and no one was signed up
>Got on social media and told everyone I know who plays magic to show up
How can I help this guy out, having a magic scene 5 minutes from my house would be paradise. Hopefully I won't be the only one there tonight.

Personal tutor in miracles? Or at all in legacy?

Get a group of people committed to draft and show up to the store with them

I had the good fortune to have a taste for old cards when I was a scrub. I bought up cards I thought were cool, like mox diamonds for 30 a pop, city of traitors for 50, grim monoliths for 10, and a glut of modern shit when the format was new. I really didn't know what the consequences of buying two sets of snapcaster and liliana would be. Then I sold out of modern, keeping only the legacy bits and bought duals and a few supplemental cards like LED, infernal tutor, show and tell etc. It was pretty sweet having ANT, miracles F, snt, eldrazi, and reanimator all ready to go at the same time.

>implying I don't have both
>implying I didn't go back to Br for a reason
Gotta go fast

It's been tested and found wanting in Storm, but you might be right that Miracles is a good place for it. Of course, it would've worked really well with Top, and it didn't get played back then, so there's that.

MUD's one of those decks that has stellar matchups against certain things but doesn't have the consistency to match everything it's likely to face. Then Eldrazi came along....

Don't get me wrong—I think it's a pretty sweet deck. I just think it's in a bad spot because there's a more consistent kill in the same mana/prison package.

Stop enjoying things I dont enjoy! Only I know the right way to have fun!

T. Salty shitter

The miracles package is too tight for it to fit but maybe parfait? Just need to find more spicy sorceries outside terminus.

MUD deserves everything it gets

It's awful because I just want to play giant artifacts, not spaghetti monsters. MaRo has ruined my life.

>tfw Burn, Big Red, Dragon Stompy and the newly brewed Ruby Storm are all strictly mono-red and competitively viable
Legacy is currently the best format for red mages. Feels good man. Where my red niggas at?

Whatever happened to that spicy red welder deck?

seems like ruby storm stole it's thunder even though ruby storm is objectively bad

I wish there was a competitive red coinflip deck desu

>calls a deck that has been putting up decent results objectively bad
>wants a competitive coin flip deck, a mechanic that's objectively impossible to ever be viable
I don't get it

>decent results
>one league 5-0 in the past month

come on dude, its a trash deck that can occasionally cheese out some wins. It's not even better than belcher

desu it's moon-proof and can iself run moon on the side. that perk alone makes it interesting.
>occasionally cheese out some wins
it goes off as consistently as other storm decks. it's main drawback is not running maindeck protection.

That's a pretty huge drawback mate.

you can probably try running Blood Moon in the main. could make for a fine deck.

True. I'm just saying that not having access to black for discard like traditional Storm decks is a huge drawback. Blood Moon is a decent piece of disruption, but won't stop you from getting blown out by Force or Mindbreak Trap when you go to combo off. Defense Grid as a 2-3x in the SB would probably be better against blue decks, it shores up the inherent weakness to permission that not having discard causes. There is also the possibility of the deck running something like Silence to protect the combo turn (Like old version of TES), you're generally playing a minimum of 8 ways to make W in the deck, so it doesn't seem that far fetched.

Legacy event at my LGS today, bringing finished loam pox down to rip up my DnT/stoneblade/delver meta. I'll keep you guys posted if you care. Event kicks off at noon


4 smallpox
4 sinkhole
4 hymn
1 entomb
4 decay
4 mox diamond (flex) if budget is an issue
4 Liliana veil
1 Ravens crime
2 cabal pit
1 karakas
4 wasteland
4 catacombs
4 bayou
4 factory (Mishra)
1 worm harvest
1 pulse
4 loam
3 urborg
3 barren Moore
1 nether spirit
2 mire

Pretty standard loam list. Entomb is there for nether spirit pressure or to find bojuka bog or entomb a loam to get my engine going.. very fun deck, would recommend. Can start a very good budget build from mono black. Lilly is the most expensive but TOTALLY worth it to see the opponent publicly act like they shit the bed.