Warhammer 40k general /40kg

Untidy edition
Old thread



>top five squigs

>GW FAQs (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)


no need to roll for leadership when ordering anymore

>Being this assblasted he got beaten by superior Tau firepower

How's the hand Dorn?

Should I try to get Citadel paints or will any old acrylic paints do?

last time I played a tau player he did every scumbag thing he could to secure a win...against my brand new army that I barely knew.

tau players are almost as a rule turbo faggots.

>ywn be as cool as the guy in the OP image

Get Vallejo

Didn't know Kevin Owens was a 40k fan.

Gun casings dark red or black?

Flail of Corruption : Make d3 hit rolls each time you attack with this weapon.

Death to the False Emperor : Each time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability (vs imperium), immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon.

So if I roll 3 attacks for the flail and 2 of them are 6s to hit... do I get 2d3 more attacks? or just 2? Seems insane but it'd definitely one way to read it and I haven't seen it in the faq but I might have just missed it.

I can concur, the only tau player at my LGS was the least liked person there even when he wasn't playing Tau, when someone else actually picked up Tau and then dropped them right before the end of 7th because they said they felt like an asshole playing them

why? now I have to figure out the equivalent colurs and they're only slightly cheaper

just paint the fucking model already. this time you've spent shopping and posting about it you could have used to paint it, strip it and repaint it if you were unsatisfied


The problem with Tau is that the model line sucks. Fire warriors are some of my favorite sculpts in the game. Very cool, westernized, safe Alien aesthetic. Lots of smooth edges and just overall dope look.
And crisis suits are pretty cool too. And then things turn up to 11 and nosedive. So the only people that play Tau are either hyper weeaboo or WaaC
Captcha: magnus stop

citadel paints are generally higher quality, and it's easier to get actual paint colours since 40k is almost completely standardized with citadel colours.

Just asking for the ones that dont mind giving advice.

This is a long term project, I dont want to waste time painting something I'll have to strip in some time. It's just a general idea and a reference so I can send it to a comission painter

I think I'm doing something wrong mixing all this red and purple

How have all the infantry Tau players not eaten a bullet after realizing GW doesn't care about them?

Yeah, it can get insane.
You need to be lucky though.

the same reason there are people who voluntarily choose to play non-cadian IG or sisters

We're a combination of pathetically masochistic and in denial that we'll NEVER EVER get support

The dubs speak truth, but it's a hard truth
I'd kill my wife's first son for a new guard infantry box

Yeah, your scheme is a little wonky. You've got the bottom right color scheme but the shade of each color is wrong so it's coming across as garish instead of cohesive.

Dropper bottles.

Given. The example actually happened in my last game, but amounted to rolling 3 6s on 4 dice so it's not likely going to happen again any time soon. I relented to his opinion that it was only 2 bonus attacks, but mostly just because 2 guys with flails basically ate his whole unit of conscripts anyway.

Thanks for the input.

Whats up with the height of this dude from the legion command set? I'm gonna use him as a company champion, buts he's like a head taller than his captain. (Its that older space marine commander set) the guy is almost as tall as primaris marines.

>pick up cadian models secondhand, been wanting to play steel legion for a year because I love artillery and black and yellow schemes, and grey and beige is a good contrast
>figure "I'll just paint my cadians as steel legionnaires, then deal with finecast conversion kits for veterans/commanders
>the entire line is still, and will always be metal

It hurts.

Cheaper, higher pigmentation and won't dry out as quickly. In sum, you get more bang for your buck.
GW washes are better, though.


That's Sigismund, before GW realized they could cash in big money making a stand alone worse model of the character

He's standing up straight, the marinlett next to him is crouching slightly

Is there any chance the official GW online store would send me the anniversary limited edition primaris captain? the closest gw store i have is 5 hours away from here. by plane.

Warhammer schemes are best based on a L instead of the pyramid, square or direct complimentary of traditional colour theory, those are meant for posters and billboards

That makes since then, cause i though that the resin was on par with their character series, unlike the usual crap you have to fuck with for an hour.

If you're gonna be here a lot you're gonna have to get use to people shitposting in favor or against Tau

You can always mail them and explain your desire to give them money for goods.

Trips witnessed and appreciated.
Personally, I love the idea of a unit of Arco-Flagellants getting War Hymn'd by a Priest. 3D3 attacks each, min unit size 3... imagine the possibilities provided you make the charge

Where did the Riptides touch you guys?

Holy hell. You're right. It works like that, at least until they FAQ it to say "make an additional hit roll against the same unit using the same weapon". I mean, I'm still certain the Flail will be 1-in-5 on the Terminators, but even so that weapon is an absolute steal for ten points.

>posting an actually painted riptide


You know they are just salty over 7th Tau.

>Pathfinders can now split shoot so their specialists are actually worth a damn not to mention the drone synergy
>Fireblades being what they are, awesome
>Terrain pieces giving cover while allowing movement AND dealing mortal wounds to attacker (scaling with the horde meta)
Infantry Tau are fine m8

Quick post dudes and discuss what you are working on and hold the autistic lore discussions at bay! Speed painted Iyanden in pic related.

Which armies do you wish you could play against more? I've never actually got a chance to play against Guard, Eldar or their Dark cousins, and I wish I could play more Nids since it's always a good fight.

Been worning on my space marines side project. Got burnt out painting cultist.

trip 6s on a post about rolling 3 6s...

*xfiles theme*

Citadels are bretty good. Vallejo game are awesome, bc they are slightly thinner, and, come in eye dropper bottles.

P3 are some of the best, but, are thick and need to be watered down to the consistency of 2% milk

You applying with brush, or airbrush?

Had a big post typed out explaining to you why people dislike Tau for reasons different than that they lost to them once, but in reality I know all you want is a reply so here you go

What else did you expect from your dice, Satan?

In all honesty, I'd just interpret the 6's to produce 1 additional attack rather than to roll an additional "attack". But hey, I don't know shit.

currently working on my ork army, taking a while to paint because I put autistic amounts of time into each miniature

I was salty over 7th necrons, not tau.

I didn't really have issues with tau until 8e and I started seeing more tau players.

>posting anime on Veeky Forums
>but it's best girl
I'll let you off with a pass user... this time

They're here, spring the trap!

How likely would it be to come across loot from the Horus Heresy as an active Chaos Space Marine?

Would it be a weekly discovery? Yearly? Are their random renegades that just happen to find caches of old armour and guns?

Is it the "they are effectively playing a different game and work by taking away from other armies" pasta?

they look great. don't stop autising on them, it's worth every second.

>bunch ov poncy badmoon richboyz who dunno nuffin bout goin fast an smashin
10/10 would crash a trukk into and chop up
Which colours did you use for your skin tone lad?

>Finally get one of these fuckers to drop
Fuck this gay earth. Also to answer your question, warp fuckery allows damn near anything to be possible in 40k so its well within the realm of plausibility for warbands to encounter their legion counterparts at regular intervals

Well the great crusade and Heresy were both super wide spread, but it was also 10,000 years ago, a time span fans and GW have a hard time understanding, we still find arrowheads and pottery from that long ago but it's not an every day thing, a crate of bolters or plasma guns would have rusted away to nothing unless it was kept in a sealed environment
So I'd say hunting for heresy era supplies would be like an archeological expedition, some nerd from the thousand sons has discovered records of a battle on this planet, or maybe some imperial fists fortress long lost to time, so you and your group head out to see if anything still of worth survived
So while I'd say they wouldn't be impossible to find you'd need to do actual work and not just hope to stumble on them if you want any consistency

>be me
>live in Germany under Mommy Merkel (peace be upon her name)
>play TSons
>best friend plays Grey Knights
>he loves to homebrew
>one day he comes to me with some new psychic powers based off of old ones from back in 3e
>one of them is called Holocaust
>awkward but ok
>we play
>he tries to cast the power while we're in combat
>I roll to deny the witch with one of my sorcerers
>hear a knock on the door
>open it
>get tackled by large burly muslim men in uniform who handcuff me
>get sent to jail under Holocaust denial laws
I-it wasn't supposed to end up like this Veeky Forums......

got a chuckle from me.

2/10 shitpost digga
Drink an Astra and try again


Reminder that undivided princes exist in AoS, and that both Pert and Lorgar (the later specifically even in the latest codex) were said to have been elevated by all the gods.

keep shitpost arguments contained to 1 thread, autist, don't spill over arguments.

Yeah we all know that, there's only one faggot who loves to scream about it for the attention
What is frustrating is I can't make an undivided prince for some sort of bonus like in 3.5

death world forest, athonian camoshade, beaten up w/ death world again before layering with elysian green, highlight with ogryn camo
Glazes of thunderhawk blue and various reds for the eyes/lips respectively
>red armor
sure, yer fast and all, but none o' dat will 'help if yer krumlin' sum pry- mary's oomies.
like me warboss always said: you gotta be blasty... to be right nasty

I've 'ad 'nuff 'uf ya GREEN BOYZ... 'Av sum Red onez!

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Abbey Community College, and I’ve been involved in numerous competitive 40k games, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in the art of keyboard warfare and I’m the top troll in the entire Black Library stable. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Then I'll write you in as some shitty stock character that gets his head blown off by Abbadon the Despoiler, while getting butt-fucked by some lesser demon. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting network Administrators at 4-Chan, and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can write about killing you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands, and, a pencil. Not only am I extensively versed in Chaos Lore, but I have access to the entire library of Games Workshop Black Library and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable faction of choice off the face of the this earth, you priviledged CYS male. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

/pol/ leave

we dont want you here

>Red Orkz

How's the eye treating ya, Tuska?




he even looks like a faggot. Is this your typical chaos babby?

Any news on the Dank Angles?

What army you playin goi?

>red boyz
that's a krumping


orks, space wolves and eldar

get out

nope, I hope HH Angelus is out before Christmas


I told ya about the chaos wells! I WARNED YOU YA GIT!

I might just do that. I've been interchanging currency for material goods with them for quite some time, surely they would care.

post em:
>favourite marine faction
>favourite space marine faction
>favourite 'imperium' faction
>favourite xenos faction
>current army(ies)

It's the only known example of painted riptides I know of.

>Doing a Nightfall for the first time
>Drops the Last Word
>Every Exotic drop from then on is just disappointing

I feel your pain somewhat. Also that would be a cool premise for a novel.

>"Who are you?", one Black Legionnaire shouts, pointing his boltgun at the armoured foes
>"We're the Luna Wolves, sons to the Warmaster Hor-"
>*Abaddon reee's in the distance*

>So I'd say hunting for heresy era supplies would be like an archeological expedition, some nerd from the thousand sons has discovered records of a battle on this planet, or maybe some imperial fists fortress long lost to time, so you and your group head out to see if anything still of worth survived
Neat. Thanks for the help guys. Trying to decide whether I do a Renegade chapter that's stumbled upon some Heresy era gear or a Traitor Legion warband that's chosen to keep their gear in top shape.

>T H I S U P S E T
>over a meme greentext

>dark angels
>dark angels

>thousand sons
>Armageddon Steel Legion
>Dark Eldar
>Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, Thousand Sons

Gud; Con'sid'rin I can't see.

Mah boyz muv fasta since their red!


*As and aside they are red do to...(TLDW)*
Planet infested with Orks gets devestated with few spores remaining, after a few weeks of the humans leaving, Bloodletters and other deamons of Khorne start coming because 'Muh Blood n' Skulls" and after the last remaining Orks died and Bloodletter's blood splilled on their spores these new red orks came out. They are more akin to fighting hand to hand then with guns (hence I only use Slugga/Choppa and my Meganobs use dual Killsaws)

>imperial fists
>imperial fists
>imperial fists
>those + some tau and HH custodes

Read this; good guess too btw!

Your boyz look like they've been having a few drinks lately.

Warp is magic realm, so whole worlds are swallowed up, then spit out, thousands of years later, pristine as the day they went missing. It allows you a lot of leeway in terms of campaign ideas.

>dark angels
>dark angels
>dark angels
>idk lol
>dark angels, admech, grey knights


Good one

Man, this hobby sure is a good way to turn yourself into a bitter, pessimistic asshole.

If you do a warband who kept their shit in repair thy need to be a legion that didn't flee to the eye like night lords or alpha legion, the warp is naturally corrupting and degrading

fuck me, I meant to say
>favourite marine faction
>favourite CHAOS space marine faction
>favourite 'imperium' faction
>favourite xenos faction
>current army(ies)