WIP - Work in Progress General

> making a general to reply to the old general edition

>>Citadel Painting Guides:
>>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36
>>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers
>>Painting Videos only
>>DIY Lightbox
>>DIY Spraybooth
>>DIY Wet Palette
>>How to Moldlines
>>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
>>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy
>>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)
>>Priming With Acrylic Gesso
>>Green Stuff Casting
>>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation
>>Reinforcements are en route
>>Previous Thread(s):
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Nope just hours of hate and a priming of white krylonIts just krylon white matte primer my guy, all touch ups are done with white scar but they are hard to do

That leg looks so great that I'm inspired to share my own WIP.

Sorry about the poor focus, but then again the HD video camera seems to exaggerate every flaw that you don't notice IRL so that's probably a good thing.

Dude that rust is perfect

Just ordered the wooden base and styrofoam for my AoP board, really excited to start work on it when it arrives. Anyone else building a custom display?

I literally basecoated it with GW's Typhus Corrosion and drybrushed with Ryza Rust, just the way they intended. That's what it's like.

The only things I did differently was skip the chipped metal effects because for me these plague swords look like pure congealed rust. So I went for pure rust with nothing else.

Made my very own lightbox with baking paper and duct tape. Gets the job done but I think i need to invest into more powerful lamps.

Also forgot to add pic

Huh. I've always looked at light boxes as a bit too labor intensive to be worth it but that looks totally achievable. A cardboard box, some duct tape, and baking paper. Nice.

Might add the results. Posted this one last night but without lightbox. Tips on getting better results using lightbox are welcome (like how strong lamps should be used etc.)

I thought so aswell but it was very easy to do. Took like max 30 minutes to build. Most of the time took me to tape the box flaps together.

Yes I think stronger lighting is all you need at this point.

paintjob aside

I finished this yesterday.

I'll probably put some gloss varnish on the eye, and some armour chips.

Finished my Engine last night.
Painting it was far easier than building.

I love it. The eye is too good.

I will most likely start making chest-high walls today, then I will make a lake and 2 hills down the line.

Thinking of using spanding foam and stucko for the hills and looking at some national brands of matetials to make the lake.

I fucking love Mantis Warriors. Even if the Yellow is a pain in the ass to paint.
The guy on the far right is the only one thats layered and highlighted, the rest are just basecoats and wash.
A couple Questions for you, /wip/:
What Color should I make the plasma coils?
Do the red Bolters look good?
Do the brown/leather Tabbards work or should I repaint them as normal cloth?

Almost done this guy, just hung up on the scheme for the banner. I have most of it decided but still have no clue what colours I should make the banner itself. Any ideas are welcomed.

Also, my first time trying weathering/chipping on a model. I'm trying to make it look rusty as well.
Am I doing this right? Or should I just keep it clean like on the left side of pic related?

Nearly finished this Doomrider conversion, just waiting on one more bit and need to file down the green stuff in the leg and hand after it cures.

Dear god user, that looks amazing.

It's... it's beautiful.

Is doomrider a dapper?

fucking great
how did you make the bike

I would make the main colour on the banner black to differentiate it from the model
Model looking ace so your banner should turn out great

The bike is just the standard chaos bike with the skull shaved off, the doom siren from the vehicle accessory sprue, a couple demonette claws and wrack Sickles on the front, and a couple gargoyle heads from the accessory sprue on the exhaust.

I'm really getting the hang of it nao

Reposting cos I lost the old thread I posted this in like a retard:

Anyone know how well Warlords Pike & Shotte 28mm minis mix / kitbash with gw (especially whfb) minis?

I wanna convert some of these bad boys for a Bloodborne skirmish but I'm afraid the difference between whfb Empire and these would be too jarring.

Consider using a sponge to make the rust patterns, make sure you wipe off most of the paint. Use a brush to join up the sponged bits so you still get the sponge pattern, would look less blobby.

Looks probably very good, better photo would show for definite!

Gotta echo what another user said, I think you are overdoing the washes. I like using washes heavily too but you really have some extreme pooling of dark washes going on and it looks a bit messy.


Please make the terrain white so it looks like a giant mountain of ___snow

It warms my heart to see more Mantises. What're you using for your yellow?

Is that a freehand logo? Good stuff, looks great
Real fan of these.

its finally finished, almost 2 fucking years of on and off building, painting , and jigging a nagash sitting on a magewrath throne C&C welcome.

Necromancer Warband Update

Managed to squeeze some time in to paint this dude that's going to be a Thug or Raised Zombie or something. Just need to snow his base.

Had to use a tub of scenic snow to reflect some light, too shiny pre-matte varnish.

So my Yvraine models head got lost in transit, anyone recommend some good female head swaps for an eldar female with long hair? Sorry no pic as phone is shit

Here's what I recommend for colors. Your marine is gorgeous by the way,

I'm lacking any bone colors. Can someone tell me what colors I can mix to make my own?

Impressive. On my miniature when I was clipping the bell weapon from the frame it launched somewhere in my dining room. I had to replace it with an axe head from my putrid blightkings set. Here's mine.
I'm an amateur painter. Started working on him yesterday.

White and yellow.

How much yellow? I'm guessing only a small amount, right?

Making progress on Lord of Contagion and friends. Painted the purple cloth now Im just going down the list of sections to paint before I continue with my blight drone and helbrute

Holy shit. I aspire to paint as good as you.

And backview for Not Typhus

Just a tiny bit. On second thought, maybe use orange instead.

> amateur

Shut your fucking mouth. It just needs a wash and ittl be golden

Have you got Rakarth flesh, or zandri dust, or anything like that.

Failing that. half white, quarter brown, quarter yellow.

Make sure to grab some Krycell snow powder for the cocaine.

Jesus, don't put them on that bench top. It's horrible to look at with that background.

Put a piece of white paper behind them, or something black.

The colour choices look really good so far.

Aw, stop it you!

Ah yeah my bad on the background I'll set up a light box for the next photos to come. Thank you on the colors too! I really like the weeping legion look.

What do you guys listen to while you paint?

A mix of Duncan and Morrakiu.

Anyone have any recommendations for lights to paint under? With the night coming earlier and earlier and the room lighting in my paint area being awful it's becoming hard to paint.

I have an LED desk lamp, but you really need light from 2 sources to properly illuminate what you are doing to prevent shadows on some models

you could try using a head lamp. Go for ones with the highest Lumens.

Right or Left? Left is nuln oil only, right is super thin abaddon black with nuln washed in.

I'd say right as it looks cleaner but maybe you are looking for dirty looks

Started a 3D base for my Dunecrawler. C&C welcome. Does anyone know what glue would work best on the foam. I need something strong that won't melt it

Didn't see your post in time. Looks really good though. I like the checkers for the lower right shield, may use it other than the tan I painted. And thanks for the compliment.

Got the base coating done and am just looking it over to see if this is the direction I want to go.

They look about the same to me.

I didn't think background checkers would look good but they really do.

Great work. Maybe include a little yellow on one of the shields though.

this makes me feel bad about my own skill level, I love it.

Thanks. Fot the center shields I like how it is because it gives it more of that checker feel. Not sure what I want to do with the shield to the rightmay just make it yellow. Was also thinking Red with the Blood Angels symbol? Not sure if successor chapters honor their parent chapters in that way.

Your freehand is amazing.

Been working on an old, rusted out knight, almost done now, just waiting for varnish to dry while I beat up the chassis.

PVA/White/Wood Glue is good for that.

Thank you, whoever gave me the color recommendations for bone. It worked! Kinda. Good enough!

Just finishing up my living ancestor for my squats for a game this weekend.

I'm working on this Chaos Spawn I kitbashed together. I'm trying to get better at painting here, I followed the meathod Duncan used for painting Nurgle skin (White undercoat followed by two layers of athonian camoshade) but something just doesn't seem right.

Any tips?

Thin your paints.

Inherited a small force of harlequins that have been painted with black and white checkers, you guys reckon if i alternate some washes over the white checks itll look decent and colour them properly?

I don't see why not. Just make sure to apply them in super thin layers so they don't pool. The glazes would probably be better.

>but something just doesn't seem right.
You put the washes on too thick and let them dry in big puddles. Washes look like shit (and not the good Nurgley type of shit) when you slather them all over a mini.

Cuidado! So, Im thinking about a strip in the middle of his helmet, but I dont want to paint it red because of the eyes. Im thinking yellow, but I dont know, thougths?

You let the washes pool. You can give him a hard drybrush of that green+white you have going on, a then reaply the wash in the most deeper parts.

Well I had wrestling on in the background this evening when painting. YouTube videos, whatever sport happens to be on (Test cricket is brilliant to paint to), battle reports, Slayer, whatever really

That's really sharply painted battle brother user.

Do it red, no reason not to

I got an idead for my deathguard models. Tell me what you think.
>Prime white
>Wash with 50/50 mix of athonian camoshade and agrax earthshade
How would this look for the main armor color?



This is the method i used.

2 years of work. picture on the side and you cant see a thing.

Anons, maybe you can help me with some sort of color identity crisis.

I painted my base so far with "Warplock Bronze" from the Citadel painting palette. Now I was looking to make some non-metallic colors on the top and I thought about taking some sand tone. I got "XV-88", "Karak Stone" and "Zandri Dust". Would you think those colors would net a decent enough contrast, or should I switch my color scheme in total? I really liked the Bronze so far and I do love the sand-ish tones (like Khaki?) from the latter 2.

Thanks for any advice

mini still casts shadow, so it's not working properly. Light should be stronger indeed, but not directed straight onto model.
I found that tutorial very helpful.

Conversion looks good but painting seems basic. Can hardly see anything because you've backlit the photo and posted it sideways.

> Yellow.

Tell me about it.

I ran out of steam half-way through a Gargant big-mob... about a year ago.

Post pics, what minis are you talking of?

Not my painting,

Doe's Veeky Forums think this model would be fine for an governor, or is it too commissary. Thinking about painting it sky blue and regal.

I have limited greenstuff skills, but I could change parts of it.

>an governor
lol sorry, i'm half asleep.

Made a little progress

Got sick so took a few days off painting

Also wanted to do some free hand on GUO since I hardly see any

Sure, here you go. This is actually my first miniature ever painted, and I really suck at painting, at least that's what my memory tells me when thinking about art class.

You can see the current color on the metal (Warplock Bronze) and the 3 colors in the back in question to fill in the currently blank spots in front of the legs (from left to right: XV-88, Zandri Dust, Karak Stone.

Apologies for the (maybe?) bad lighting and/or pose/photo of it.

The question still stands: Will the sand-tone/khaki colors (seen above) give enough contrast or should I swap to a new palette at all?

I love your painting style. Truly art.

Day off project done. Wish the lighting was better, washed out the highlights a bit...

>Anyone know how well Warlords Pike & Shotte 28mm minis mix / kitbash with gw (especially whfb) minis?
Warlord sells minis that are mainly sitting somewhere between GW and Perry in term of scale.
They are somewhat inconsistent depending on what ranges you look at since they bought a lot of molds from different companies.
I only have some Antares and Hail Ceasar stuff from them so I can't really speak about the Pike and Shotte stuff specifically.
Maybe you'll get a better response if you ask in /hwg/, since scale is a mayor concern for these guys and GW is pretty much everywhere.

GW themselves is fairly inconsistent as well. The old Empire plastics and the new stuff look pretty different.

From what I have learned about scale from my collection of both GW and Warlord sculpts I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the GW pieces probably are gonna be a bit bigger, especially noticeable when you look at the feet and hands.

You can get away with a bit of variance in height and proportion, without it looking off though, since people come in all sizes IRL too.
Heads with hats and beards make it easier to hide slight size differences too, you just have to watch try and keep is somewhat consistent.
GW feet can be twice as big as truescale feet, so you may have to make a choice there, but if you get a bit inventive you can get away with a lot.

No idea what Bloodborne is btw, so not sure how much freedom you have here with your conversions.

I would go with Karak stone, but you need another color I think
Also it's probably not a good idea to go for a desert base

Is there any color you would maybe suggest? And could you explain why it would be bad to go for a desert base? Is it because of the current color already, or the difficulty of making a desert base look good?

Pretty cool. How does he stack up heigh-wise compared to a normal squat?

Maybe a deep, bluish green or a red/orange color.
As for the base, I think it looks too similar to your primary color already; you usually want a different color so the miniature can pop more.
Desert bases are quite easy to do, but if you want to do one I wouldn't recommend the classic "Sahara" yellow desert, but maybe a gray lunar desert or a red Martian one.

So guys, I'm a new painter and I fucked up by gluing my magos dominus together before I started painting. I realize now that this is a terrible mistake, but are there any ways that I might be able to mitigate it?