3rd round: Doubles decide the focal points of this setting. No re-rolling

3rd round: Doubles decide the focal points of this setting. No re-rolling.

I start: Everybody smokes a pipe in public.

Other urls found in this thread:


Giant sea serpents are vital to the global fishing economy

There is no Iron in the entire world.

Cats are made of glass.

Instead of tobacco everyone smokes sea serpent oil

Golf is the most popular sport in the entire world.

Hummingbirds exercise great mind control powers over any human that they perch on and, as such, are greatly feared.


There are no sports in the entire world.

Bears grow on a type of Palm trees.

Palm trees are everywhere.

There are no sentient species in this setting.

Anthropomorphic animals or animal-people do not and have not existed in any way shape or form, even in legend.

The King of the Moon is in a constant war with the King of Mars.

Everytime you cut down a palm tree two more grrow in its place

Catboys/girls exist. But lack genitalia, and spawn and disapear at random.

This is due to a wizard fight.

Gingers are vampires.

As such all wizards are forbidden from owning cats of any kind

People occasionaly recieve halucinations of these when eating coconuts,.,.,.

Faster than light travel is impossible.

Dogpeople exist, but they're real bros and not douches like the fictional cat people.

The zero has never been invented.

The world's oceans have been entirely replaced by spicy hummus by an unknown entity. Sea creatures do not seem to notice.

There used to be an empire that spanned the entire world ruled by lizardfolk. The empire is since long gone, though, and the lizardfolk that remain live in a primitive state in secluded areas.

No animal has ever been domesticated

In a world devoid of time, the birth of the first watchmaker was a sign of epic changes in the cosmos.


Polar bears dancing on beach balls.

Humans are the precursor race spread across the stars.

Pooping in public is widely accepted as normal.

This is going well.

Anyway, babies are actually delivered by storks.

I think the loli thing was what ruined the preivous thread.

the world was created by the gods rolling a bunch of dice. The gods then got in a fight about the results. That's why there is a giant "FAGGOT" sign on the moon.

Some people are born with butts where their faces are supposed to be, and faces where their butts are supposed to be.

The main religion's holy text is actually a cook book. Not even an ancient or particularly exotic one.

Thats some magical realm shit faggots

Politics are conducted in elaborate masks so that what matters is the station and not the individual, scheming to know a politician's identity is forbidden on pain of death. Upon ending their term (somewhere around two decades) politicians are lavishly rewarded and sent to a far away region along with their close relatives.

The world is flat, and we are what fell off the edge.

People are literally made out of hashish.

The moon is actually the AYY LMAO's observation base.

They are in charge of making sure the idiots on earth do not leave and bother other people.,.,.,.,.

Profita rolls are considered the holiest of all things in creation

Every person is infected with a disease that causes uncontrolled and inconvenient narcolepsy

The time police makes sure that no one accidentally breaks time when going about their daily business.

>I think the loli thing was what ruined the preivous thread.
I'm pretty sure it was that one butthurt dude who was upset that people didn't like his catboys that ruined the previous thread.

>Some people are born with butts where their faces are supposed to be, and faces where their butts are supposed to be.

The gods demand that their followers walk backwards, only atheists walk forwards.

If you eat mushrooms you get superpowers.

But only a specific type of musroom and its very rare,.,.,.,..,



I think the constant rerolling also ruined it.

"Dubs checkem", is a magic phrase that usually causes the caster to fail horribly at their intended task.

No girls are allowed in this setting, because they have cooties.

Time is manifested as a 10 foot diameter crystal dish in the heart of a major city. Breaking this dish could have disastrous consequences.

The main currency is Minecraft Let's Plays

Santa Claus delivers Coal to good children. Bad children are forced to work in his sweat shops.,.,.,.,.,.,.

Where do babies come from then Oh false prophet?

Their base of operation is located on the moon.


Undead us president lincoln has invaded russia.

Their base of operation dangles precariously above the mouth of an active volcano.

The worst time offense is a midget trying to make coffee.

Fucking fowl always ruining my arguments with facts

Everyone's favourite pastime is throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

Nobody ever taught the President how to read.

Going back in time produces a new parallel universe, making time travel a philosophical headache as it's impossible to know if you've ever "returned".

Closets in australia.

Metaphors are punishable by death

Debate rages constantly as to what to they should name their code of laws
This has caused many civil wars

Time travel is impossible though. The time police literally just look for people doing things that could "break time" but can't actually travel back in it to stop criminals.

Walking through certain doorways leads you to travel through time. The time police have to inspect every door in every new building to mark and map these time-doors. There is no discernible rhyme or reason to which doors are effected by this curse.

Bananas. in your office.,..,,..,

The meaning of life has been found, and everyone is pretty happy about it.

All such doors are then burned so as to prevent paradoxes ....and tax evasion

Meat grows on trees,.,.,.,., But only sausage meat.

Persons over the age of 30 are forbidden from having sex.

Biological immortailty has been achieved, but is only aviable to the wealthy elites.

The IRS would aprove? maybe?

The IRS is run by lizards. And chinese imiation of godzilla ,.,.,.

There are people who extract and sell snake oil. Snake oil is the base ingredient for healing potions.

Now that's an odd one, do these dubs transit over to by the transitive property?

Only on thursdays..,,,

They are run by the Time King.

All magic is based in mathematics. There are wizarding schools that basically just teach advanced mathematics.

Once evrey blue moon so yes every thursday

Bananas are legally allowed to be used in duels.,.,.,

The time police are shota catboys.

There exists a subrace of dwarves whose beards can be used as third arms. Losing a beard is as painful as losing an arm to them, though.

Eldritch horrors kidnap the innocent and spirit them away to dark corners of the world for purposes unknown.

The time police run "To Catch A predator".,.

All time police look like Idris Elba.

Only they hunt lolis instead of pedophiles.

Many return speaking of a dreadful torture known only as Cough-E

There's a factory for animated armors designed to randomly travel the land and pick up trash, then put it in their armor, then jump into a volcano.

I don't think we should add these kinds of things to the cannon, it's basically a reroll to riff off your previous idea that didn't make it.

>off by one

That would make it rerolling.

Welp, here we go.

God has abandonded this world.

fuck off

So India?

I said public, not their drinking water.

Every conflict is decided by 52 pickup.

No exceptions.

Snakes are far more intelligent than in the real world, and snakes take the place of dogs as man's best friend. Domestic breeds of snake are used for everything from jewelry (worn around the neck), to hunting, to guarding, to fish herding, and more.

Like this?

Also some people and dwarves do not have that weakness.

>TFW satan's trips are wasted on a shitty racist joke

There's a brand of alcohol that tastes sour to women, sweet to men and has a spicy taste to anyone with royal blood in their veins regardless of gender.

No girls allowed user