IXLAN/XLN Spoilers




>beware my stinger tail

Is that it?

Kinda surprised it doesn't have 'X can block an additional creature' with a cost like that.

>doesn't have Reach

Reprint in Rivals?

Why? They're not on Murganda.

>long neck
>catching fliers


Er...functional reprint?

Why bother though? These are just some limited fatties, Murganda will be the set with vanilla tribal, more dinos and basic land synergy.

Vigilance would make more sense.

The triceratops does look like a solid pick for limited, I think.

>Murganda will be the set with vanilla tribal, more dinos and basic land synergy.
Highly unlikely. There would likely be some cards that care about vanilla creatures, but the design space is very limited and there's not enough for an entire set there.


>If there is anything a nature hates, it's taming

I think Muraganda got repurposed into Ixalan. Many planes have their names changed, which is also what happened with Tarkir.

They can just say muraganda is a specific part of Ixalan if they want to reprint the card now.

>think Muraganda got repurposed into Ixalan
Maro says no. Muraganda is the primitive world. Ixalan is the conquistador world. They're different themes.

MaRo was asked if that's what happened and he said explicitly not. Muraganda is a prehistoric world, Ixaland has steel and sailing ships.

>the biggest prey, for the youngest warriors.

That sounds too epic for 1/7 garbage.


It's hide makes for fine coin. if only we could pierce it.
"random tribe dicklord"

Will Jace get the pirate booty?

If Petroglyphs manages to make it into a Muraganda set, I'm betting it'll be, at most, part of a token-based subtheme rather than the set being full of cards with no rules text.

I really wonder where the rest of the Gatewatch ended up and how they will power up. Maybe Chandra is going to meet Urzas child.

Hmmm, shitty capsize. Nice.

You mean Mishra's?

is walk the plank the only good new black card in this entire set?


lul. Ruin Raider is the best card in the set

>Many who cross paths with an Altisaur come down with a sudden and fatal case of being-in-the-way-of-a-six-story-tall-dinosaur.

the card has nothing to do with capsize

So at what time of day is the full reveal anyway?

Capsize was a boomerang with buyback. This is a bad boomerang with scry, also known as a shitty capsize with scry instead of buyback.

Seems good for bad formats like standard.

Prerelease is a week away, so around then?

Full spoilers always drop a week before pre-release, so today it would seem

>"the wild strength of the dinosaurs"
>1 power

>huge dino with super long neck, flying dinos seen in the art next to its head
>doesnt have reach or enrage

>"taller than the tallest trees"
>doesnt have reach or enrage

also whiptail is shit

Is this the biggest vanilla creature?


Fucked up the image reply

Yes, 8/8 was the former record.

>dark ritual is a shitty lotus petal

I want to draft Doran Dinos now.

holy christ this flavor text is a back alley abortion

Is just every disperse variant a shitty capsize to you? That makes no sense.

Did they mix up the art on those two Dinos?
White one looks much larger than the green one.

Capsize is my favorite one, so yeah I tend to think Capsize when I see one. You can call it whatever you want though, I give you permission.

>People bith that the eorlds are toonshallow and uboriginal
>They use any means they can to explain the world, including flavor text on vanillas
>"lmao why is this flavor text so long and shitty it should just be a punchy quip"

Please forgive the shitty phone edit.


The dinos in the back of the green one are about the same size as the white one. It's way bigger when you consider the size of their surroundings.

I just find it weird how Veeky Forums the white one looks considering its 1 power.

Would have been good if the flavour text had referenced this in some way. Something like

>Altisaurs are rarely moved to violence, as their immense size makes them all but invulnerable to attack

>Gishathis the most important Dinosaur of the plane and supposed to be the incarnation of everything the Sun Empire's faith is based on
>not depicted ina ny card other than Rootbound Crag
He's going to be another Ishkanah/Unesh with little to no actual lore behind him, won't he?

Best one.


>implying dinosaurs are rivals

>"lmao why is this flavor text so long and shitty it should just be a punchy quip"
Maybe if that long flavor text wasn't also shitty. The short quip accomplishes what the longer text does and almost better.

It literally doesnt accomplish "the same thing". The only thing that edit does is give us an "epic" quote. The current flavor text tells us that while dinosaurs aren't technically tame, they can be subdued by a human who has tested themselves against them. This also helps explain the white- the dinos on Ixalan will follow those who prove themselves. This card has 0 other rules text. Let them use the god damn real estate to build their world.

>Sun Empire

Flavor fail? Shouldn't it say Merfolk?


The merfolk in general in this set are a flavor fail so no

>Merfolk think humans get stronger when they fight dinosaurs
Sounds right to me

>Hey human, why don't you poke that dino? Bet it'll make you stronger!

Jaya would be the most obvious person for Chandra to meet and get taught stuff to power up.

Nevermind, I mean it should be Vampires. I thought Sun Empire referred to the Merfolk because Vampires normally hate sunlight.

>Maro says no. Muraganda is the primitive world. Ixalan is the conquistador world. They're different themes.
Pretty shit to limit a word to just one theme though.

Didn't Miss Ballard get decisively killed somewhere along the line? I remember being bummed about that.

You know how it is
>short snarky quote
>long explanation
>story flavor text
>world description

Basically spergers gonna sperg.

Jaya should be well over 3000 by now, and I doubt she became immortal.

If you plan to have nearly endless amounts of worlds its important to limit them so they don't step on each other or blur together. Ixalan already is having a hard time being distinct from Zendikar conceptually even with the hat world limit.

I'd rather have those new planes be parts/regions of existing planes rather than be something on their own.
It feels too weak concept-wise at the moment.

At a glance, I thought it said "Looting" and spent a half second trying to wrap my mind around what White was doing with looting and how a dinosaur would accomplish it.

Maybe she pulled a dread pirate roberts and will meet the current Jaya, only to have the title passed to her.

Why would you do that when the whole conceit of your game is that you are a mage who gathers magic from an infinite number of planes in a multiverse?

The Sun Empire is the dinosaur riders, user.


No, it's very much indecisively. Another character made an allusion to her having died, but not only was it indefinite and offscreen, it was during a block with alternate reality shenanigans going on.

There's literally no difference of these characters magic themselves to a new world to these characters rides a ship to another island. You just want to complain.

Planeswalkers were immortal as a rule back before the mending. If she survived up to then, it's only been a few years since.

They were, and any PW who existed before the Mending lost their immortality. It's kind of Lili's whole thing.

Just send Chandra to Cowboy world. She can at least shoot fire out of her fingers, so she can pretend to shoot a gun.



Yeah, but the point is that Jaya could still be alive now even if she were 3000 years old total, as long as she was alive around the time of the mending.

Liliana's whole thing is less about immortality and more about eternal youth. She could easily have lich'd up or something if she weren't obsessed with keeping her tits perky.

>People are still autistically screeching about this
Jesus fucking christ just let it go already

8/9 actually


Don't get me wrong, I'd like guns in MtG. It's just something that Development does not want, and they're pretty vocal about it. I was paraphrasing them.

Isn't the full spoiler meant to come out today?

He's got trample.

We've had 9/9 Kraken tokens before too though, if that counts.

Are tokens considered vanilla even if they're the effect of other cards?

The case for guns in magic
>introduce sharpshooters over the criminally underused archers
>unique look to them in each world
>guns were used in magic's past
>certain worlds need guns to resonate with players, such as the wild west world
>they already have cannons, so gunpowder does exist
>have more "badass womyn" in magic

If you want ass big, there's Indomitable Ancients. 2/10

Yes. That's half the point of Muraganda Petroglyphs.


Maro does. He didnt want vanilla enchantment creatures because they didnt feel enchantmenty enough but knew he needed more ways to get enchantments and used inspired and such to make enchantment tokens as a compromise (he acknowledges this may have been a mistake) which is why it was a big thing on Born of the Gods.

This is going to be ANNOYING in limited. Relevant creature type, blocks everything, and for a decent cost at common. The kicker being it's not threatening enough to warrant removal unless you're swinging in for the win.

Probably unplayable in limited.

Average playable, hits above average vs Vampire token decks.