Numenera 2 kickstarter announced. It says that it's more an expansion than a second edition...

Numenera 2 kickstarter announced. It says that it's more an expansion than a second edition, so the rules will be mostly the same. What do you think of this? You think they will fix the setting?

>monte cook

What are the odds there will be a full subsystem devoted to dickeating in the new addition? I can't see Monte not putting his favorite pastime in.

Honestly? I don't see the point. The game doesn't need expansion in rules or new edition. It needs more GM/Player handbooks to explain people how to run this without turning into THE most generic fantasy RPG, wasting the entire potential of the setting in the process.

For what the kickstarter said the expansion will be setting wise. So there is hope in that.

Is there anyone who still cares about Numenera? People got hyped because of the Torment game, but then that turned out to be shit and no one bought it.

I do, sort off. The game, at least for me, has a very serious issue with selling own setting. No matter how hard you try, unless you have both GM and entire party that get this, you end up playing some generic fantasy rather than post-apo sci-fi far flung future. And when I say entire party, I mean exactly that.
The game does absolutely nothing to establish its own setting, with zero tips for players how to stick to this. In many ways it makes it look retarded, since there is old-ass Metamorphosis Alpha that had zero problems with selling itself as "you are descendants of peple flying in a generation ship, but due to reasons things ended fucked up and you are not almost tribalistic, doing dungeon crawl through a huge spaceship"
Numenera can't sell it's own "it's so far in the future the entire world lives on shit scattered by few series of high-tech civs from the past"

I don't fucking get Numenara or that other game made by the same company whose name escapes me.
Two separate games, both of them clearly Planescape heartbreakers.
Both running on an almost identical system.
Both with the exact same art direction, and most of the same artists, to the point where way too much of the art is interchangeable. (And none of this art is by DiTerlizzi, which kinda makes it all pointless.)
And nowhere in all of that mess do they actually manage to *sell* you on the premises of their world, to actually make it feel as cool to you as Planescape theoretically did, back in the day.
I mean, no shitty railroad adventure where you fight a god nobody cares about and the setting's biggest npc does all the work, so there's that, I guess.

>The same company releases two very similar games
>Someone is surprised about that
Are you retarded or just trolling?

>Is there anyone who still cares about Numenera?
I do. In fact, I'm running it for my current party and so far everyone likes it.
I will most likely back crowdfunding campaign, because I thought about getting a printed rulebook.

>People got hyped because of the Torment game, but then that turned out to be shit and no one bought it.
>tfw I'm a minority who actually liked it.
It wasn't a bad game, but I have a feeling that people were expecting too much from it and disappointment was fueled by active RPGCodex autism.

>No matter how hard you try, unless you have both GM and entire party that get this, you end up playing some generic fantasy rather than post-apo sci-fi far flung future.
Most of my current party (Basically everyone except one man) played nothing but D&D before, but I feel like they kind of get it despite having a limited experience in PnP. I feel like system does a very good job in making both players and GM to "get" the feel of setting, particularly through character creation. Though most of responsibility to translate gonzo stuff lies on GM, because who else sets the tone of the game?
Also, running Numenera as fantasy game in slightly different scenery is pretty much legit way to run it. At least that's what written rulebook IIRC.

>litereally NU MEN ERA
>written by a numale autogynephile psycho who is obsessed with penectomy and male pregnancy
Jesus fucking christ

>I feel like system does a very good job in making both players and GM to "get" the feel of setting
I've got the exact opposite of the impression. The GM part might be somewhat handled properly, but once the game starts rolling and the GM doesn't take a VERY active stance to keep players "in", things will quickly devlolve into playing Generic Medieval Fantasy with weird names for most of crunch.

You forget to mention reddit and tumblr to get a 100% meme rating

>Getting more focused on who made it and how they gathered money rather than the game itself
Jesus fucking Christ

>The GM part might be somewhat handled properly, but once the game starts rolling and the GM doesn't take a VERY active stance to keep players "in", things will quickly devlolve into playing Generic Medieval Fantasy with weird names for most of crunch.
This is my first campaign set in Numenera, so I just might be lucky on players, but I still feel that it's the matter of way GM represents the setting. If he will run it as a GMF, then it will play as GMF.
Did you have experience that lead to the result you've described? I would be interested to hear it.

The pizzagate emails prove morty cook enjoyed a special kind of "pickle rick" on his pizza

Don't support autogynephagia

>assblasted transtrenders spewing ink because someone mentioned the fetish shit in the game they're advertising on Veeky Forums
Isn't there some suicide helpline website you guys can go shill this game on?



I've run Numenera with few different groups and also played it with two different GMs.
My general conclusion is simple: either everyone is on the wagon riding toward it being Numenera, setting on its own, or it turns into GMF within single game, even if caused by just single player in the group. So even if the GM does best to make it unique thing and handling the setting properly, player attitude is also very important. And the book fails to explain players why they should treat the setting as anything else than GMF

Thanks for free bumps, by the way

Why are you making it painfully obvious you only came here after 2008

It's because the guy who wrote it is a fucking terrible writer

Don't forget that there's nothing good in the game

Did anybody play the first one? I have never ever heard of anybody actually PLAYING Numenera.

And to make matters worse, there is not a single established fact about Numenera that derives naturally from its core premise without some kind of ridiculous plot device to handwave away all the issues it raises. If setting your game so far in the future requires you to make up bullshit explaining away everything from the existence of recognizable humans to the state of the sun, why not change your fucking setting to be less far in the future? It would literally make no difference except eliminate the need for all the plot devices.

I don't think anyone but monte or whoever the obvious shill is in this thread (an intern?) even claims to have actually played it.

Like I fucking care who made it. I don't even know what other games the guy made, so go fucking figure. It was the setting's premise that get me into the game.

Yeah, pretty much this. Damn shame, because by the effort to make the setting as open ended as possible, it made it disfunctional from the start.

>New addition

Are they adding pregnancy rules?

Run few games with it with my group, was so-so experience. The setting is one one hand interesting by itself, but so unfocused it is very easy to turn it into just generic fantasy game. Like user already mentioned, it's as if playing Metamorphosis Alpha, only with all the fun coming from being far flung future considering technology magic sucked out of it.

Yes user, everyone is part of the conspiracy

You keep mentioning Metamorphosis Alpha: what are the core mechanics like in that game, it sounds really interesting but Im avers to games that need a dumptruck to carry all their crunch.

It's a very old game with barely any crunch in it, making it rule-light from a modern perspective. Go ask in OSR thread about it, because it's that sort of thing. I've learned how to play "pulp settings" on that old geezer, definitely fun experience.
For me, Numenera was a way of working around the massive copyright issues MA faces currently (not to mention being a shit-tier 4e D&D clone). But the first edition of MA is really fun and condensed thing.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Though it still sounds strange to me, because I didn't have to explain a lot to my players in order to make them get the feeling of setting. Maybe it's just luck if what you've described is really the case.
Though I must admit part of the setting they described in main rulebook is pretty uninspired. I ended up luring party into the unknown part of continent in order to make my own content.

It's incredibly easy to run, and I'm having a lot of fun preparing sessions for my party. It's pretty open-ended, so I don't have a hard time coming up with new bits of lore.
I generally have a sweet spot for gonzo stuff, so it just might be my perspective, considering issues some anons described ITT.

>4e clone

Im not sure what Im in for, but thanks anyway.

Oh, sorry, my fault. There are few editions of the game. The only worth playing is the first one. That's why OSR was mentioned. The current edition is just 4e IN SPACE! and with all the fun elements removed from it.


>in the future humans will not be descendant from modern humans
>However they will also all be nonwhite because modern humans will racemix in the future


Who are you quoting?

Isn't that the game where you have to spend EXP so the GM can't be a dick to you ?
And gain it by letting the GM be a dick to you ?

The people inside his head who talk to him.

Being illiterate

So is Cook's last Scamstarter out already? Or is it still being developed?

Regardless, Numenera is the textbook definition of a "meh" system that's already over saturated with shitty supplements despite trying to be a more "narrative" game. I can't see this new one as fixing anything but Cook's lack of yacht funds.

>Making fun of trannies is automatically /pol/

Newfag detected

Said the real newfag, who wants to "fit in", only to fucking confuse /b/'s Warhammer Wednesdays with Veeky Forums, because he's this new to the board or maybe even this whole Tibetan internet tapestry.

I just want to know what they thought the fucking point was, given that neither game actually works.
A whole lot of effort to achieve nothing.

Both work well if you are not retarded. The strange solve lots of issues in numenera.

You mean an book i have to actually pay for, instead of simply handing out errata ?

Honestly, play Remnants. It's more or less the exact same except the setting sells itself well, and without a massive section that might as well be labeled "magic items."

No, that's FATE.

>written by a numale autogynephile psycho who is obsessed with penectomy and male pregnancy
Ok, what? Explain please, this level of retardation always makes me curious.

Maybe it adds a whole new layer of complexity to the core game?

Like 5e was meant to be? Modules and submodules?