Did we already make a system for

Playing a game in Zootopia?

Cause I want to play as a cat mobster

Other urls found in this thread:


>cat mobster
Not a bad choice, not a bad choice at all



Urban Jungle (which is done by the same folks as Ironclaw) would probably be better if you want to do a cat mobster.

You're just mad because Ironclaw is a legitimately great game, it's just got furry window dressing.

Quite the opposite my good lad. I'm just mad that ironclaw is a fucking terrible game.

There's also the Spanish "Blacksad RPG". It's got nice mechanics for investigation and moral decay, but the furry is, here too, just window dressing.

I'm still waiting for a game where the furry race you play actually affects your skills or social status.


Peeps who made ironclaw were making some noir thing iirc

Wanted to try it, what's bad about it?


They don't have any rules for size differences, which are a significant thing in Zootopia.

May I recommend the comic Blacksad at this point?

I mean it's not Zootopia at all, but it's got quite the visuals for Noir.

And depending on where you wanna go, visuals might help, I just thought.

Oh shit, didn't even know there's an RPG for it.

Why do you specifically need a furry RPG

What components are vital and not purely refluffing

The only thing I could imagine, that's already been mentioned ITT, is size categories. Play a Mouse and an Elephant in the same game.

It doesn't fulfill the mobster requirement, but DnD5e is pretty easily refluffed for anything. I recall seeing a PDF where somebody made a whole bunch of animal races, and it has the size rules.

>inb4 ugh

>not posting the pdf

I might have it saved on my desktop but I'm shitposting in class right now. If this thread is still alive when I get back to my dorm, I'll post it if I have it. If it isn't I'll post it in /5eg/ so OP can check there.


That's wrong though, dummy.


I was at a fantasy themed convention a few weeks ago, and one of the panels was a demo of a fur-friendly fantasy RPG called Triten, where your race affects your starting stats and skills. They evidently wanted to expand it eventually to encompass modern and maybe sci-fi stuff. Wasn't the absolute best thing I've played, but it was a solid system.

Try modifying Toon...

Yeah, sure, Mobster cats with thinly veiled fantasy classes. Why is this meme a real thing? DnD is for DnD.