Who came up with the vegan elf idea and why did they think it was anything but pure crap?
Who came up with the vegan elf idea and why did they think it was anything but pure crap?
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Literally where and what?
Also, who is that chocolate dessert?
Mad Cow Disease is an even bigger bummer when you are losing out on centuries of life.
More seriously, why complain? Vegan elves are pretty rare in my experience and usually just a trait of the wood elf equivalent.
to my knowledge it was popularized on Veeky Forumsvia "hippie elves" from DF
i wouldnt say its crap, since their domain is usually the forest, so exaggerating the nature-y lifestyle helps distinguish them from city dwelling humans of the plains and grasslands and tunnel dwelling dwarves of the mountains
tolkien-eque elves lived in cities, but making them even more woodland based helps set them apart from humans
you might not like it, but it perfectly and dramatically serves to highlight the differences between the 3 of them at a single glance and paint a striking contrast between them
Whoever invented the hippie druid meme.
There are the wood elves from TES that are strictly carnivoures for retarded ideology reasons, so I find that even more baffling.
I don't know who came up with it but it was further perpetrated by that talentless dipshit and the Inheritance Cycle.
Even deer will eat an animal, let alone a bear or mountain lion or what have you.
Who is this semen demon?
The elves in the world of Dwarf Fortress are vegetarian protectors of nature. They waste nothing, and take only wood from naturally fallen trees. As mentioned earlier eat the plants and fruits of the forest, but also they waste nothing, and if they slay a dwarf in battle, they will eat him.
also they are pretentious sods.
>so exaggerating the nature-y lifestyle helps distinguish them from city dwelling humans
That's complete retard. "Nature-y" lifestyle has nothing to do with not eating meat, on the contrary hunting would be even more important. This is the interpretation of city-people not knowing what living near your food sources means. It's the city-people that rarely see meat, eating more bread and vegetables.
>Who came up with the vegan elf idea
They are rarely a thing. I think that bad YA-fantasy series some don't like to talk about had them.
I think good forest protectors would make sure that certain populations would not get out of control, culling them when need be, and exterminating invasive species. I can then see them eating the meat, making leather, and making bone hooks.
I think it got popular from joking about WoW night elves who can be about as hippy-dippy as you can get. It doesn't hold much water since they're actually kind of deep into the animal savagery thing, but it's an easy shot to take when your race's defining class can turn into a tree.
A J Love
>What cityfolk faggots think a woodland race is like
>"I love skipping and frolicking through these beautiful trees and forests while skipping flowers and only eating salads because I want to protect the pretty bunnies!"
>What a woodland race is actually like
>"The only reason I was picking berries was because I wanted a side dish to go with the bear that tried to maul my family"
AJ Love
>tolkien-eque elves lived in cities, but making them even more woodland based helps set them apart from humans
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Read the books, seriously. The only real elven city in ME, without them living innawoods even if it was techincally a "city", was probably Gondolin.
Also, no, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If elves dwell in the woods and don't have much agricolture (at least in our sense, barring permaculture of fruit trees) venison if anything become more important. Unless they... I dunno, do IRL traditional people living in forests have animal husbandry execpt for things like turkeys?
Worst offender to me was Isekai Shoukodou (who in other aspects is bretty gud)
>stuck up elf bitch bitching about humans and muh animal friends
>ends up in human restaurant
>let's see if these can even cook a vegetarian dish
>she has just put down her bow and is in ranger attire
I guess we should think she uses that for shooting leaves?
>He isn't accurate enough to shoot leaves and fruit out of the highest trees
Fuckin' humans.
Someone foolishly thought "likes nature" meant "doesn't eat meat".
You know, personally I am not even against woodland elves or whatever be vegetarians, but:
1) No more ranger bullshit
2) Tell me what they fuck do they eat instead
>Being pacifistic to the extreme
>Unwilling to harm others
>Religion based on reincarnation
>All-loving group of people
I'm just pulling things from the top of my head that makes a perfect justification why they can go vegan. You meanwhile sneer on the concept, because.
Not to mention the thing in question being so fucking rare it's more often player's projection than anything else.
>unwilling to harm others
>>stuck up elf bitch bitching about humans and muh animal friends
It was fine, she kept it to herself. She is much ncier that you make it sound.
>I guess we should think she uses that for shooting leaves?
If you paid attention, her mother said that it can be dangerous out there, so it was probably for self-defense.
>The elven princess infiltrates the Dark Lord's stronghold
>She manages to quickly take out many guards with the famed elven art of Stealth Archery
>She easily dodges all the dangerous traps spread throughout the stronghold
>Finally she enters the Dark Lord's throneroom
>"I must commend you for coming this far, she-elf! But you're a thousand years too early to stop me!"
>"Stop you? Heavens no! I just wanted to tell you I'm vegan!"
>>Being pacifistic to the extreme
I thought this thread was about elves.
Tolkien's elves are described eating copious amounts of meat many times, and if you look at their bodies, or the bodies of elves in Warcraft and most other settings, they are clearly those of omnivores or carnivores.
A true long-lived vegetarian species would have a big gut housing big intestines, like a gorilla, and likely relatively short legs as well given the mobility requirements of such a diet. In fact, Dwarves among the genetic fantasy species mostly resemble a "vegetarian race".
"Depends on the setting"
Funniest thing in all this is that I can see DWARVES being vegetarian more than elves.
>living innamountains or under the earth at least for months
>in the underdark shit grows slowly
>and anyway whatever walks is generically pretty nasty, better killing them off
Personally I usually describe dwarves in spring/summer being pretty good sheperds and occasional hunters (when it's cold, they simply gather hay and have cattle/sheeps/whatever in caves), and I can imagine dwarves having at smaller underdark creature domesticated for food/whatever, but it makes more sense
You know, this is funny, because in general elves are good, but anything than "all-loving" or "pacifist" (in dnd they are no less genocidal than dwarves against orcs).
To the point that honestly this should work better with another race (perhaps halflings).
I honestly think the worst racist is the silent racist, IRL. Well, the most dangerous, at least.
Why not use a spear? Bows aren't good for self-defense, movie Legolas sheaninigans aside.They used the ranger imagery but didn't think it through. I don't mind the vegetarian stuck up stereotype getting told, but gee.
>the dwarves were actually the best as of now, amusingly enough they ate fish
What setting has these super pacifist elves? It can't be the popular ones.
>What setting
Have you ever heard about homebrews?
>I honestly think the worst racist is the silent racist, IRL. Well, the most dangerous, at least.
Are you kidding me? For such a horrible racist she sure likes to go back to the restaurant and is really friendly with the staff for no good reason. Or this has fuck all to do with racism.
>Why not use a spear?
Because this would require the nip writer to think outside of the box when it comes to applying western fantasy.
>>the dwarves were actually the best as of now
>tried to kill his friend
>Have you ever heard about homebrews?
Yes, but you can't expect me to know about some fags homebrew setting.
>elves are all 30ft. tall crab people with antlers!
>because in muh settan...
Yeah, that makes for great threads and good discussion where we try to talk about common tropes.
Beware the mysteries of the forest.
>or the bodies of elves in Warcraft and most other settings, they are clearly those of omnivores or carnivores.
to the point that elves in Warcraft have huge fangs compared to any other race
It would actually be a pretty deep subversion, if you think about. More power than anyone than manages that, but elves are and always have been a martial race.
She does change her ideas, I'm stating that that scene (stuck up vegetarian ready + a fucking HUNTING BOW) was stupid. In the rest of implying setting it's actually interesting how the races seem to work. Nothing to write home about, but still.
>I liked the lizard guy
The dorfs were good, not necessarily nice, I liked how much of bros they seemed to be.
Here's a similar question:
If druids are meant to be guardians of nature, why must all of their equipment be made of nature? You don't see policemen covered in skulls and blood, do you?
>You don't see policemen covered in skulls and blood, do you?
That'd bring crime rates down a lot though.
>unwilling to harm others
Vegans do this to people.
They encourage people to become this entity
Yeah, I guess policemen protect people from other people, so that kinda makes sense. More sense than the druid thing anyway.
>tfw no ara ara~ overly protective onee-san type samurai gf
Personally my druids aren't that... metal, they don't really go around wearing skulls and shit. Maybe antlers, but not that much. They probably use more selfmade clothes than anyone but honestly I don't think they just don't give a fuck about practicality and a degree of aesthetics.
Pic related, deerskin boots from TLD. This is how I think druids (and rangers) use their time in the long winter nights when they don't have Wildshape to spend, more than just wearing half-skinned pelts.
If anything if a druid doesn't give a fuck he would go around naked with something magical against the elements.
>flowing hair
No, no, no, no, god, NO!
Feels good, mane.
maybe she's into the pain
Or into going bald.
Use a fucking bun.
Women in sensible asexual armor with their hair in buns is my fetish
Only place I've heard of it is The Inheritance Trilogy, and that was only because Paolini was absolutely in love with them at the moment and wanted to use them to espouse all of his favorite ideologies (even he admitted in retrospect that it was heavy handed and cringey, and IIRC he added a meat loving elf latter on, so kudos for trying).
The in-story explanation was that they'll all telepathic so they feel the suffering of every little animal they might possibly eat, but as I said, Paolini admitted this led to a lot of internal inconsistencies that just made them look like hypocrites (e.g. they had no problem killing or even torturing their enemies).
For a brief period around the 80's-90's it was trendy for science fiction and fantasy writers to depict "perfect" or "advanced" societies as being vegan. It was a zeitgeist thing.
Japan I guess
Also Thicc vegan elves.
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai
>You don't see policemen covered in skulls and blood, do you?
What is warhammer
>people in thread keep bringing up Dwarf Fortress elves as examples
What the fuck they're cannibals, who pushed this meme?
>Viking helmet
I'm so disappointed right now
Don't mention that.
>Faggoty race of pointy eared bisexuals
adds up to me
It's For Honor fan art, and For Honor plays fast and loose with reality and taste and latency
Yea, still doesn't excuse it though.
I could knock her helmet off with a long stick(or a sword) then just chop her head off.
There's a reason why they didn't use horns
I don't know the show, but speaking as someone who had a lot of fun living for a couple months in Japan with my vegan sister, it might have something to do with the Japanese definition of "veganism". Long story short, they don't really "get" it. They think of both vegetarianism and veganism as diet/health things, and they don't seem to grasp why people might have any moral problem with eating animals in general. They'll get not liking to eat a PARTICULAR animal, but given the enormous variety they eat and the fact that they don't consider sea creatures to be part of the same classification, this can lead to a lot of hilarity.
>Excuse me, can my sister have this dish without any meat?
>Absolutely, mister! Is fish okay?
>No, no living creatures at all.
>It's not raw fish!
>Nothing that was at any point alive.
>I see, I see. No problem at all, mister. How about shrimp?
>No shrimp, no creature, only the vegetable parts.
>No noodles?!
>Noodles, but nothing... no creatures...
>How about squid? Is she fine with squid?
>No squid!
>Very well sir, thank you
>eventually receive the dish with octopus
There were even times when we specifically asked for vegetarian dishes and they took PRIDE in having given us meat, because their logic seemed to be that the only reason someone wouldn't ask for meat is if they couldn't afford it. They were being generous!
Nah, apparently she really was an holier than thou hippie.
She did imply that it was 50% pure disgust for meat, but apparently it was also because muh animal friends, only barbaric humans would do something like that, etc.
As I said if done right would actually be interesting, but...
>muh animal friends, only barbaric humans would do something like that
Like what, eat meat? Also what do you call it when someone is constantly putting down their own group while praising the others?
why are you on Veeky Forums, /pol/, and, /k/?
Donald trump is your president. ree.
thats because Japan hasn't been infected with our autism yet.
Japan is a land of contradictions. Extremely buddhist, extremely adverse to violence and weaponry. Yet at the same time extremely cruel and misanthropic, towards each other and animals, and god help you if you're a foreigner. OH THEY'LL BE POLITE. They'll be super fucking polite and nice and treat you fairly. But deep down they fucking HATE YOU, you fucking disgusting gaijin.
>Also what do you call it when someone is constantly putting down their own group while praising the others?
I generally put the -boo suffix on the end. Like Weaboo for Jap fans, or Cinoboo for chink fetishists, etc
To add to the confusion, throughout most of Japanese history meat eating was hugely taboo... but they didn't consider any sea creature "meat". They were proudly vegetarian, but ate copious amounts of fish with almost every meal (Meiji is generally credited as the one to make meat eating vogue. He also made it okay to drink foreign alcohol instead of sake, and to this day French wine bottles are offered to his shrine alongside the traditional barrels of sake).
>Japan hasn't been infected with our autism yet.
The country has the highest number of unique mental conditions in the world (to the point that even relative laypeople have generally heard about hikikimori, karoshi and chuunibyou). It's got more than its fair share of native autism.
I didn't know you shitposted on Veeky Forums too, vomit-kun
This is because blood and other shit was considered unclean, and many types of white fish didn't have blood that they would have recognized as blood (the exception being shit like tuna, ofc)
Little wonder that Catholicism, which had similar dietary laws, made fast traction till they banned them
Who came up with the fat-assed brown girl idea and why did they think it was anything but pure thicc?
>I generally put the -boo suffix on the end. Like Weaboo for Jap fans, or Cinoboo for chink fetishists, etc
I mean a real word. And I mean more in the sense of someone always holding their own group as inferior in general, and not holding up one group as superior if there is more than one other group. Because it seems to be common among trendy society for males to hate men, Americans to hate America, Westerners to hate the West, white people to hate white people, and humans to hate humans, to the point of advocating our species' extinction.
That's what she apparently tought, user.
It's nothing really strange. Catholics think (well, used to) that as well, friday was penance and no meat day, so fish.
In general we have problems nowdays about thinking about sea creature in terms of sensibility (for waht is worth, fishes do suffer).
>the diabolical fu manchu attitude
Can we please stop the memes? At least if they're THAT old? Thank you. Japan has its fair deal of shit, the usual extremization of bad stereotypes isn't gonna help anymore than weeb fetishization.
(those two extremes are pretty much older than Perry, amusingly enough)
They're called 'Hipsters'
That was more to do with monotheism. Funnily, like most East Asian cultures the Japanese were all for religious syncretism (their view of religion was and in many ways still is very "pragmatic". Someone shows up and says "this god is good for a promising afterlife", they go "sure" and add it to the panethon. Someone else shows up and says this one's good for the harvest, they add it too), but monotheistic religions made them very uncomfortable because unlike everything else they'd picked up (e.g. Buddhism), they DISALLOWED the existence of the entire rest of their beliefs by definition. There's nothing to say Kanon can't be a bodhisattva AND pals with Amaterasu AND on good terms with Taoist Immortals but if the Judeo-Christian God is real then all of the above are no good to worship (either they don't exist or are demons).
And this pissed A LOT of Japanese off.
>Who came up with the fat-assed brown girl idea
Evolution by natural selection, my man.
>hot climate
>more melanin to prevent sun damage to skin and eyes
>fat deposits more concentrated to avoid trapping heat in the body
>When you FROG a country so hard, they have to buy French wine en masse every year
Actually, the wine for the Meiji shrine is gifted by several monasteries in France and Belgium.
Now it's Veeky Forums related.
Kill it.
>negress elves
I want this. Not shitty meme tier brown elfus, but actual black people elves. Yes.
I think the best, most descriptive name for that strain of thought is "Suicidalism", but there must surely be an extant word for people I'm describing.
You called?
This is good too
Love the flat-top. The hilarious thing is canonically, Elven hair in Shadowrun just grows in 80's styles like that
>Not shitty meme tier brown elfus
What's it like to have shit taste?
I remember lurking on this thread. One vegan got BTFO'd so hard he actually admitted to it, it was pretty glorious.
What is it about the dark bronze skin / blonde hair combo that gets me going? Webm unrelated
Contrast. Same reason why so many people love the dark hair/pale skin/light eyes combo.
>What's it like to have shit taste?
Tell us, anime elf-fag that doesn't play traditional games.
As a recluse neckbeard you like something that reminds you of the sun (the color of the hair as much as the skin) and outdoor activities.
I should know, shit gets me diamond as well.
Many of their cities are in giant sentient walking trees thanks to that, so the Green Pact is ultimately pretty practical for them even outside of the mystical bent.
What weirds me is that they're apparently allowed to use plant based building materials so long as they were cut down by someone else and aren't from Valenwood, but eating vegetables from anywhere picked by anyone is still taboo.
Not that it prevents you from making a Wood Elf and eating 300 apples in any game I've played.
no bulli
I'd play if I had friends
The idea of a herbivore race isn't far-fetched at all. Why would this trigger anyone.
>retarded ideology reasons
Isn't it due to the local nature god/mega spriggan/whatever saying "Don't eat plants or I'll fucking wreck your entire species".
Yes it is, look at herbivores in nature, even omnivores-turned-herbivores like gorillas and pandas. They are horribly inefficient creatures that must spend their entire fucking day eating and resting or else they would starve to death. It is only through omnivorism that a species can achieve sapience, since eating 300 grams of cooked meat is easier to come by and takes far less time to devour than 3 pounds of cabbage.