/40kg/ Warhammer 40k General

The Good Guys edition
Old >daily duncan (hes back!): youtube.com/watch?v=2CkdCVD-0lg
>GW FAQs (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:


Tau fucking suck and so do their players

You can summon after disembarking.

For the Greater Good!

It honestly really needs FAQ clarification

Speaking of old skool stuff, here's some words of wisdom from Nigal Stillman.

>be me
>live in Germany under Mommy Merkel (peace be upon her name)
>play TSons
>best friend plays Grey Knights
>he loves to homebrew
>one day he comes to me with some new psychic powers based off of old ones from back in 3e
>one of them is called Holocaust
>awkward but ok
>we play
>he tries to cast the power while we're in combat
>I roll to deny the witch with one of my sorcerers
>hear a knock on the door
>open it
>get tackled by large burly brown men in uniform who handcuff me
>get sent to jail under Holocaust denial laws
I-it wasn't supposed to end up like this Veeky Forums......

Anyone have scans of the open war cards? Looking to print and roll on them without printing out all the pages from the book.

Asked a couple threads ago. Thinking about doing a feral ork army. Take some savage orcs and ironjaws from AoS give me guns and what not, put the empire steam tanks boiler on a trukk, terradon copters. How's it sound lads?

Eth for weapon markings.

Pay Poland the $1 trillion reparations who dirty Kraut.

For the Greater Good, brother!

"Instead of moving in the movement phase..."
Disembarking doesn't happen at the end of a movement phase, the rule does not state that units cannot disembark and summon, and units can move after disembarking therefore they can summon instead of moving. The rule about disembarking means that a unit that doesn't move after disembarking still has to suffer a pentalty with firing heavy weapons and shit.

Just fuck and get it over with, you blue faggots.


>unrealistic expections.jpg


Whats your favorite obscure color scheme?

I miss Mech Infantry Marines. Why, Chad, why?

Is the one on the right eating a vegetarian kebab or something?

Do you not know what a taco looks like?


I still laugh at the burrito and retro milk bottle.

I agree.

I wish GW would take a queue from WotC and start using uniform language for their rules.

Was funny once. At least be more creative when reposting.

For the greater good

Thoughts on which Warlord Trait+Relic to use for my Malignant PlagueCaster? Also Lord of Contagion?

I think the Plaguecaster would benefit most from either suppurating plate, so he gains a 2+ or pandemic staff, so smiting is easier. Easier to get a 11+ and a 7+ for his pestilential fallout.

For warlord trait I was thinking maybe just the 4+ Disgustingly resilient. He doesn't really have the wounds pool to justify it... maybe the 3" MW one?

For Lord of Contagion I think the 'heal a wound a player turn' one could be best since he has 6 wounds which is pretty high. No idea which relic he could use. Maybe the grenade? But its so shit...

Yeah, 'and shit', which could be interpreted to mean the summoning rules.

And not summon, you can't just pick and choose arbittary shit just because it benefits you you fucking goon

They used to have that... under the form of universal special rules.


One of the best pics to come out of that update.

Point out where it says a unit that counts as having moved cannot summon. It says a unit cannot move and summon. English retards should just not play this game.

Post nurglings

The Calth and Prospero marines are Forge World "correctly-proportioned" right (even smaller than regular marines)?

I read it for the first time just now. Remember how many times that Fabius Bile vs. Knights in 8th Edition bullshit was reposted before all of Veeky Forums saw it at least once? I swear the majority of people on this board at any given time haven't been on for at least a week.


God damn you guys are still here?

It has been like a month now


You can either move or summon, but since you COUNT as having moved...well, then for the rules purposes ya moved


Apparently not, I've never seen a taco with a soft shell folded on itself and wrapped in foil at least.
remove kebabs now applies to tau, perfect

Why did i come back to 40K after playing bolt action and other games when i'd rather play them but i keep end up agreeing to playing 40K

I like to imagine the culexus is singing this


What chapter is this?

Can you move in the movement phase after disembarking? Yes. Can you choose to not move? Yes. Therefore you can choose to not move in your movement phase and instead summon.

Not really, considering every special rule was so poorly worded that you needed faqs for them.

Magic cards have their own language. It's very similar to english, but much more strict. As a result, if you know how to read it, you can answer any rules question.

That fabius shit went on for way longer than a month user. I was being very generous by saying a week.

Still waiting to see your non existant daemon army user

So you've never been near Mexico or seen a burrito?

Fluffwise, how much of Nurgleshit is airborne vs. touch/bloodborne?

I'm wondering if my Guardsmen Doods should all be modeled with masks or shemaghs or something.

It clearly states in the transport rules that even if you DONT move, you still COUNT as having moved for ANY rules purposes

Novamarines or Sons of Guilliman.

"even if they don't move ...they still count as having moved for ANY RULES PURPOSES..."

It doesn't matter that they can make a full move after disembarking. Weather they stay stationary or move doesn't change the fact that they already count as moving. Since they already count as moving, they can't trade their move to summon.

>ANY rules purposes
Jesus Christ nigger, read

Captcha: Look Kennedy

They are both. They do need breathing gear if they are near Nurgle stuff, at least.

How do you get nice neat quarters like that anons?

Novamarines but with the colours the wrong way round.

Something being reposted a lot doesn't mean it's being seen for the first time by people, it just means some autist is reposting it because they got (You)s last time so they think it'll get them more (You)s in the new thread. There is no need to repost the same shit thread after thread after thread, for weeks or even months, and you can fuck right off trying to justify it.

I think most of the contagious stuff you can catch from fighting nurgle-forces is caught from contact, whereas if they infest an entire planet youd probably want a gasmask

Either Novamarines, Sons of Guilliman (original the chapter do not steal) or homebrew (again, original the chapter)

All three are 100% across the board, and you forgot warpborne. Certain plagues that are particularly deadly or horrifying can stand out in each engagement, but basically when facing something Nurgle you better took your vitamins or you're fucked. Either way you're fucked actually

I'm not American, either country wise or continent wise, so no to the first one.
Don't think I've ever had a burrito either, saw the folded bread around something in foil and immediately thought of the doner kebab place near my LGS.
Some Nurgle plagues are actually psychic/memetic.

I thought people were trolling before but this actually makes a lot of sense.

Good old GW tradition

>the top five squigs link is gone
>the exact same b8 from 24 hours ago word for word
God has left this board

Gasmasks won't stop the Plague of Disbelief.

Does anyone know off-hand if the Cadian tank crews (the ones that come stock in the kits) have separate or attached heads?

>Diseases that spread through memes

And this is how we know Nurgle is real.

Could you deploy behind a wall or on top of a building?
Since technically 8th does not have heights

>an animeposter complaining about something ruining a thread

Kebab, wrap, burrito. And yeah, Tau are herbivores.


Not really because Isha is always telling people how to cure their Nurgle afflictions when he invents a new one and sends it out.

Yes it does.

Where did I read a story about some Death Guard warlord who constantly kept making weird and wonderful plagues for Nurgle but never got rewarded, but in reality Nurgle was pleased with him and just didn't reward him since he worked so hard to please him when he thought he wasn't doing well?

One of the plagues he made was 'really horrific', but it only infects 1 person at a time and when the person dies, it spreads to a random person on the planet.

>go into 40k general
>nazi faggot spamming
>autists argueing over rules that are written plain as day

Lets buck the trend anons. Anyone have any games planned for the weekend?

I'm not justifying anything, I wasn't the guy who posted it. Apparently you didn't notice all of the people responding to it like it was the first time they saw it every single time it was posted. It didn't matter that people said he was reposting it, people kept taking it seriously.

>muh red herring

>instead of moving in their movement phase
So if they disembark and choose not to move, they can summon. Also transported units are specifically not reinforcements.

Separate, mostly.

I wish ADB would stop jerking off to Abaddon for a minute but that's how we get awful fanfic tier OCs like Khauyon.

>a dumb pun joke about german laws is nazi
Are you for real?

The joke is on you.

He was never here. There is no peace amongst these boards, only an eternity of shitposting and skubfights, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

I read Alinsky's book, too.

Yeah, they don't move, so they can summon
Ach but oh wait! There's a little smidget in the Disembark rules that says that even if they DON'T move after disembarking, they still COUNT as having moved. Dang, too bad.


I have a game vs a guy playing grey knights, he's just started allying in some guard and I know where it's heading, within a few months he'll be converted over
Also the 3-4 dedicated shitposters are going to make sure that they keep actual conversation down, while the 3-4 dedicated retards will be sure to keep giving them responses

>look Brother, one our allied detachments sent me this funny picture
>why are you coughing Brother?
>Tau are herbivores
as if I needed more reasons to not play Tau, the only herbivores I respect are cervids.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Abbey Community College, and I’ve been involved in numerous competitive 40k games, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in the art of keyboard warfare and I’m the top troll in the entire Black Library stable. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Then I'll write you in as some shitty stock character that gets his head blown off by Abbadon the Despoiler, while getting butt-fucked by some lesser demon. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting network Administrators at 4-Chan, and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can write about killing you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands, and, a pencil. Not only am I extensively versed in Chaos Lore, but I have access to the entire library of Games Workshop Black Library and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable faction of choice off the face of the this earth, you priviledged CYS male. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Sadly, many of them were neither universal (Example: Missile Lock was only used for one weapon in the entire game, despite there being many weapons that were fluffed as lock-on missiles. Also "Harald Deathwolf rerolls to wound." "Do you mean Shred?" "No, he just rerolls to wound."), Special ("Soul Blaze. Wheee") or even rules ("My Bike Mek is Relentless. Can he use a Gitfinda on the move?" "No, he just counts as stationary for the purposes of shooting, not for the purposes of any abilities that affect shooting.").

Personally, I feel GW should have just cleaned up the USRs, as well as giving them meaningful names. So rather than having Relentless vs Slow&Purposeful, have Ignore Penalty(X), and Cannot(X). To use a 7e example, Obliterators would be Ignore Penalty(Move&Fire) and Cannot(Run, Overwatch), and Kataphtactons would be the same, except they would simply be Cannot(Run). They wouldn't need some special rule called "Heavy Battle Servitor" which is basically "Slow and Purposeful, but replace the Overwatch Restriction with the ability to fire a second gun."

How should I paint my Tau killteam? I tried swat, I tried snow camo and I tried roy fokker but I cant settle on one scheme.

Summoning doesn't care if the model has moved, it cares if the model can move.

The caveat being that the summoning takes place during the movement phase, so the next phases where the "this unit moved" rules come into effect have yet to count. D'oh! And you were so close, user.

>I only moved 8 of my 9 inches so I could still move and can therefore summon


Beside the mentioning it in unit coherency it seem gone from everything else.

You can't move after a partial move user. Literally the first rules paragraph of the movement section states that once a model has been moved, it can't be moved again.

Ah. In south Texas when you order a taco you will probably get refried beans, cheese and maybe some meat (depending on what you order) in flour tortilla wrapped in aluminium foil.