Why aren't Octopi the basis for more sapient races besides the Ilithids? They are one of the most intelligent creatures on this planet.
Why aren't Octopi the basis for more sapient races besides the Ilithids...
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>Latin plural indicator
It's octopode, dude.
Nobody cares about the autist mollusks.
Harder to anthrophomorphize due to their alien physiology.
1. Many people have too little imagination to play anything but a humanoid.
2. Many people have too little respect to others to not insert their fetishes they've picked up from watching too much tentacle hentai.
3. Some people are too dumb and have too little respect to others to not immediately assume that anyone playing anything but themselves is inserting their fetish, duh.
4. Tentacle races would have certain advantages like having multiple arms (tentacles, I mean) and would need some extra balance.
5. Octopus race would not be very popular. Ilithids are not extremely popular.
Because it's fantasy. We want something
a) humanlike
b) fuzzy, cuddly
If not? Evil shit.
And phsycology. These are non-vertebrates, very different from mammals or even birds. They think and act very different from us, being ambush predators instead of persistent pursuer predators. Their lifespan is alsi just 1-year-long.
>tfw we're safe from cephalapods from plotting coups, due to them dying shortly after childbirth, preventing the accumulation of knowledge
Octocamo is the coolest shit.
Also, you can still accumulate knowledge. It just needs to be communal instead of parental.
I teach your kids. I have kids and die. Your kids teach my kids. Loop.
Because underwater settings are shit.
that's true, but I don't think we're aware if they're capable of that.
they're capable of some scary clever stuff, their ancestors ditching their shell, and relying on cunning and camouflage was hell of a gamble. cuttlefish have figured out how to use their defensive chromatophores offensively by visually overloading their preys brain.
Takkos are one of my favourite Morphs.
Not that I actually once Played EP. Sadly. I'd like to.
>Octopus can't be cuddly
Take a look at that webm again, bro
Because the Illithid are a fucked up race of Parasites on human bodies brain damaged to a point where they're in constant mental agony and turmoil they bring to control via psionic discipline that a hermaphroditic, and are only able to function if they have a psionic stone or Elder brain to soothe them next to the risk of partial personality disorder, unwated Psionic Feedback, and may or may not be Radiation blasted mutated Ex-Humans or a third species made by the scrapped narrative involving the Elder Things that triggered the Shoggoth Rebellion who may/may not have blown up the sun, died due to Tharizdun getting out, accidentally summoning Cthugha, and have a deity in the process of unintentionally mantling Yog-Sothoth on the Astral Plane per the old 1e lore before the potential Lawsuit arose.
But you've not read the Illithiad, Lords of Madness, The Illithid Symbiont article, Brainpower of the Illithids, and a fuckload of aberrant stuff, so what the fuck do you know you cunt? The truth matter of Octopi intelligence is that they've no reason to learn and become invasive to mandkind, as there is actual evidence octopi are more smart than pepole give them credit for when granted frequent human exposure. Camera theft, learning Human Water park Schedules to escape their tanks and eat fish, use coconuts to prevent rockfall/debris from volcanoe eruptions, getting into jars.
You give an Octopus a book to read with the incentive of food rewards, then don't act surprised when it becomes capable of sign language like a some gorrillas who have effectively communicated the like of their mothers being murdered by poachers in the past.
Fun Fact: There was no "beach amphibian stage" of human evolution, we came from under rigid unforgiving underwater and underground cave networks that provided the enviroment for natural selection to flourish, bolestered by passive radiation found underground.
cute octopupper
>*muffled underwater techno beats*
America has 411 missing persons from national parks everywhere, and all events relate to /k/'s commonly known skinwalker stories. These missing persons are all victims of an actual proven to exist invasive species that may be the very reason Humans walk the earth today, an honest to god sapien natural predator that is often mistaken for Bigfoot in it's sightings which we will refer to as "Shaggies" these fucking things are non-con-formative to human scientific standards of animal categorization and are seemingly alien in terms of physiology, having cat-like standards of flexibility, protected by smelly matted fur and are frequently shown to house-up in abandoned hard to reach locations, hunting before bad weather occurs to avoid detection by predators or group effort to locate their nests, taking refuge in abandoned mines, caves, abandoned human locations and sewer and subway tunnels if need be. They're tall as shit and are strong as fuck and most likely can cover ground extremely fast, next to being able to tear peoples fucking tendons out and snap necks like twigs.
Look up the like of Bigfoot sightings and the Grand Canyon Howlers, in the Bigfoot sightings there's this one in Arizona I think which stands out amongst the rest because it has a picture, and is clearly NOT a bigfoot, it's a shaggie, and those things are our little smartypants Human Killing aberrations from the earth that we crawled up out of. The difference between us an them? Easy, they fucking got jacked and spent their time underground far longer than us and have the evolutionary traits to show for it. Many of the missing person cases using Dogs to track have the dogs cease their work as if terrified of something, because they know these things are fucking bad news.
It's also reason to note, that they could be extra fucked up because of underground nuclear testing coupled with a few other things, but you really have to consider that next to the sea, underground tunnels and the underground in general is completely unexplored.
It went Water-Underwater caves amphibious stage, then mankind moving up through these networks until modern man came to be, sapience granted thanks to survival promoted through social and groupwork with said specimens of the time.
>Why aren't Octopi the basis for more sapient races
To give others a fair chance.
Octopi are fucking scary...and deadly.
Want to know what's really freaky?
Squids and octopi can (consciously?) mutate themselves within their own lifetime.
When your cells function, they use a process called RNA transcription, where they just copy what is written in your DNA to make proteins that do *whatever* the cell does.
But cephalopods are from a completely different evolutionary lineage, which gives them RNA *editing*, so instead of directly copying a protein base form RNA, they can selectively strip out the base genetic codes from their genome and re-write them as the cells are active or undergo division.
This is entirely unique to the cephalopod family, and enables them to migrate across environmental conditions in a way no other species is capable of.
Wait, wouldn't this technically mean the fucked-up transformation we know to be Cerebromorphis is actually possible? Just pop an Octopus in someones head and wait till it kills them, breed the Ocotpus and rinse wahs and repeat until the Octopus has mutated to adapt to a Human brain stem?
A lot of the "weider" aliens are based on them.
>When you replay this a few times to notice this is the only living creature you've ever seen with literal working apperance of Anime eyes that look adorable cute and the perfect border between 2D and 3D
They are aquatic.Aquatic animals can't use fire or javelins,so the transition from animal to sapient creature is impossible.
All in all they are pretty uninspiring.
Nobody cares for the autistic mollusk
Such. Bait.
>I don't think we're aware if they're capable of that.
I think in some aquariums or university they taught an octopus to open a jar, and other octopuses who hadn't been taught but had seen the others could replicate it.
Thanks for the Night Shift scenario.
Because octodad happened. Could you imagine "Pass the PHB bro" with one of those fuckers?"
>what are volcanic thermal vents
>what are harpoons & tridents
Is there any evidence of them having emotions? I remember some paper that suggested them a possible basis for an emotionless alien inteligence some years back.
>volcanic thermal vents meme
You faggots do know water transfers heat a FUCK TON better than air right?
We land lubbers can use fire/forges/furnaces because a human can stand or work near one of those things and not spontaneously combust. On the other hand if you are getting anywhere close enough to geothermal vents to actually use that heat for any reason chances are you are gonna fucking boil. Unless you are an extermophile that developed to withstand those temps like the organisms that actually live on/near those vents, in which case you are stuck in that vicinity because you probably can't thermoregulate well outside of that niche and thus have a shit all chance of developing sapience anyway
We speak neither Greek nor latin, it's either octopi or octopuses, bot are correct in English. Get reckt, nerd.
That's a question for philosophers first. I have a book on order called Other Minds, written by a scuba diver/philosopher of mind, that looks like it gets into that. But deciding what emotion is in a totally alien species is tough.
We need full scifi illithids.
what the fuck, literally anime eyes.
Why not dolphins?
When presented with a mirror, only humans and dolphins will eventually admire their genitalia, so I reckon we have the most in common.
>Their lifespan is alsi just 1-year-long.
I've been thinking of starting a thread to discuss the world in which octopuses have maximum lifespans of, say, 40 and don't die after reproducing. but are otherwise unchanged. What would octopus 'society' look like? Obviously not like something we would call society, but surely some forms of culture would take hold.
use a 10 foot pole moran.
Or just use the fact that you are able to stay on dry land for hours at a time to your advantage.
Fun Fact: There was no "beach amphibian stage" of human evolution, we came from under rigid unforgiving underwater and underground cave networks that provided the enviroment for natural selection to flourish, bolestered by passive radiation found underground.
Citation needed
Not to be a dick but really could you provide some citation.
>those bedroom eyes.
Oh mama
Are you me? I have pondered upon the same question since I was a teenager.
I want to fight that in XCOM now.
If you don't think maybe too much about cephalopod intelligence then you probably aren't talking about speculative fiction and worldbuilding.
Like, look at this shit. What happens when hunting parties of octopuses start drowning whales and carving their bones? They'll be rolling around in some baroque ivory battle spheres and it'll dope as hell.
That's something too add my Octopus race
>illithid infiltrates with cuttlefish powers
Fucking fund it.
Please tell me this isn't just some trained octopus for a TV ad. I desperately want to believe he's doing it for fun.
how do you train an octopus to do that?
Food, duh. It works to train anything that's trainable.
They do that because dolphins can't bite through coconut shells.
Yeah, is right. In my scientific papers, it's octopuses.
It's not octopuses or octopi because there's only one of them.
List of octo superpowers.
Smart, Ink, squeeze through small spaces, Water jets, poisonous, regrowing limbs. camoflauge,
That Octopus is giving me fuck me eyes and I'm not ok with that.
I still want some asshole to find the guy who was doing the Xenomorph mod and beat the code out of him.
It's actually octopoda and only if you're talking about more than one species. If they are if the same, it's octopuses
Your confusion comes from mistaking the "-us" part of octopus for a Latin nominative single ending. If it was, then you would be correct and "-i" would be the correct shortening. However, it is actually "-pus," as in the Greek word for foot, and therefore shortens to "-puses" or "-poda" accordingly
Unfortunately, the literary community has been buckling recently and put octopi in as an official spelling several years ago despite it's lack of any basis, so inb4 someone posts a link to Webster's it something
Has no one ever read Orson Scott Card's "Lost Boys?" For shame
Everything's so bright and colorful and mystical in the ocean near the surface where the sunlight can reach the bottom.
But I know better. I've been down there in those tenebrous reaches. There's nothing good that can come from that place.
I have had a similar idea only difference being that I don't want their lifespan to change, they still have short lives but also live communally rather than solitary lives.
>I'm not ok with that
Then what are you doing on Veeky Forums?
I know your derivation. I'm just pointing out that actual cephalopod researchers don't use it.
When a soldier dies does a chest buster come out like a chrysalid?
Fair enough. I just like linguistics and thought some people could benefit from the knowledge
They're not as fond of masturbation as other intelligent species.
If they jerked off with their tentacles, we'd be all over them.
Dolphins really take it too far. They're awful creatures in general, worse than we are. There are humans who are as fucked up, but they're exceptions. With dolphins, they're the norm.
I use the term "octopoopies". It gets me laid.
You are retarded.
>dolphin teeth can't pierce coconut shells
Go away with your conspiracy theory, Alex Jones
Got any octopus pictures?
They'll actually armor up with anything that fits -- there are videos of them fitting into scallop shells.
Yeah, it seems like at least one of those has to change for them to get on the technology train. I liked the vision of individual octopuses living like complete Viking tribes, isolated unless they need to come together for some great undertaking [or fucking].
I read somewhere that octopuses in aquariums sometimes engage in something like heavy petting, whatever that implies. Ah, it's the larger Pacific striped octopus. They also seem to mate face-to-face, kiss with their beaks and maybe have social gatherings? They're the ones who'll do us in.
>only humans and dolphins will eventually admire their genitalia
>dolphin rape caves
No. It's a real life octo
Jeez, I hope that little guy didn't cut himself on that can. The edges can get pretty sharp.
But I get laid regardless. Guys like you remain a diamond dozen.
Stop being a fag and posting unrelated pictures.
Still nonexistent unless they're able to live on land. You don't have technology without fire.
Give me pictures then you yid
You probably don't get metals, but you can still have technology, can't you. Stone knives and hammers and agriculture and stuff.
Right, I probably should have said you don't get advanced technology. You might still get "society", but animals arguably already have that depending on your definition of society.
>isolated unless they need to come together for some great undertaking [or fucking].
Some species of octopodes and squids are known to live in groups and even hunt together.
These same species have even been known to communicate with each other using their camouflage by flashing patterns of certain colors.
Because pic related will be brought to mind whenever there is an octopus race in fantasy so they can only be Evil eldritch abominations.
Ilithids are Cthulhu people rather then octopus people.
are baby ones Octopups?
I don't know, the cunt dipped out because someone made a hurtful comment.
Cuttlefishes are superior.
>That Octopus is giving me fuck me eyes and I'm not ok with that.
>Then what are you doing on Veeky Forums?
>X/Y/Z are the most intelligent creatures in the world
I think this is the problem, ultimately.
They aren't social. Smart, sure, but not social. Never mind fire, not being able to do teamwork has got to be one of the biggest things holding back the glorious octopus-controlled seas
Muphry's law in action
>despite it's lack of any basi
Etymological fallacy.
Octo is Latin too, you walnut
Jules Verne's "the Invaders" was a better one.
They've done experiments based on that and confirmed it now. Octopus can learn to do a task simply by watching another octopus do it.
if Humboldts start wising up, we're fucked
I wouldn't even count them as "octopus people", The only thing they have in common is the tentacles.
splatoon is pretty popular but.
>They are one of the most intelligent creatures on this planet.
one of
>one of
one of
>one of