"SDA is one of the more productive authors though" edition
Previous Thread: Archive and other resources: pastebin.com
"SDA is one of the more productive authors though" edition
Previous Thread: Archive and other resources: pastebin.com
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Armiger Retriever
Everlasting Bludwurst
Subservient Collar
Subspace Backyard
The best for my loyal soldier wolfo who still remember me even after years of first meeting..
REMOVE SLICE OF LIFE remove slice of life
you are worst comfy. you are the comfy idiot you are the comfy smell. return to /thrash/. to our /trash/ cousins you may come our tred. you may live in the lewd refuge thread….ahahahaha , waifufags we will never forgeve you. Italic faggot FUck but fuck asshole comfy stink waifu kawai kawai..waifu genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead waifu..ahahahahahWAIFUFAGS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget the culling .tok we kill the king , tok return to your precious reddit….hahahahaha idiot comfy and waifufag smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE SLICE OF LIFE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. highlander+sda+symbiote+imaginos=kill tok…you will the culling/ beri alive in /cyoag/, beri making genie gallery of /cyoag/ . fast cyoa beri cyoag. we are rich and have OC now hahahaha ha because of beri… you are ppoor stink comfy… you live in on trash hahahaha, you live in a shithole
beri alive numbr one #1 in /cyoag/ ….fuck the waifufags ,..FUCKk ashol comfy no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur cyoa and oc. bri aliv and real strong author kill all the comfy farm aminal with oc magic now we the /cyoa/ rule .ape of the throg faget SDA fukc imaginos and lay egg this egg hatch and tok wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our (You) we will crush u lik a skull of pig. /cyoag/ greattst trhead
I'm gonna post this here so it's seen, I made a supervillain CYOA that's based on the superheroine CYOA. I thought it was interesting so, have a look please?
Cat. Because fuck your cocks, I like pussy.
I'll take a look when you finish it.
I choose the cat. Later, the man visited me asking for his cat. The cat too jump into his arm without hesitation.
And so, hell yeah I am choosing the cat. The owner looks like a bro.
It is finished, I didn't do any serious mystery boxes because they're bullshit and I hate them.
(I would love Warg x2 though. Never need to pay for air-conditioning again.)
>Subservient collar
>Everlasting Bludwurst
>Subspace backyard
These are the same items as that last guy... well, they're certainly the most _practical_ items in this cyoa (aside from possibly the bandolier)
do you hate pictures too
The prophecy of is fulfilled.
You forgot the mystery box.
What's with these stupid editions?
It's not finished until it stops being a pdf.
do you have the superheroine CYOA?
>all guys
Didn't even bother with it.
I don't even want the cat.
So what you're saying is that this isn't finished, either?
Or this?
Funky fresh
Or this?
(part 1/2)
(part 2/2)
Guardian Spirit. Sure I'm bound to some random kid, which could be annoying. On the other hand, the only thing I actually have to worry about is the Janitor.
Jus fo u bby
Is there any role better than Alchemist?
>Permanent Cajun accent not in green
Something is off about this option.
Saber CYOA please.
way too many words
where da cute anime girls at?
You can make the best cybernetics ever, plus your own robot army. And when you finally 'buy it', you get to be SKYNET. (Genocidal tendencies entirely optional.)
Saber is shit,
In dream of genie, what is the power level of magical girlfriend? Van she make small amounts of money? Cure acne? Put hormones in me? Teleport? I assume no reality changing.
agreed, caster is much better
Since the Janitor removes things from existence does that mean he can kill beings like Suicide man and Skelly?
juggernaut remains best choice- who doesent want to end up being AuO?
Battle Sluts 1.2! Prepare to cum- Edition!
Change log
>Female: Starting Ability Points increased from 20 to 30.
>Futanari: Starting Ability Points increased from 15 to 25.
>Male: Starting Ability Points increased from 10 to 20.
>All Body Types: New stats.
>Gnome: Skill Points gained increased from 15 to 20.
>Sexual Endurance: Cost increased from 15 to 20 and you can't purchase Sexual Endurance multiple times.
>Orgasm Limit: Clearer description, you must exceed your opponents Orgasm Limit to make them fall unconscious.
>Size Queen: Cost increased from 15 to 20.
>Fortitude: Cost increased from 10 to 15.
>Unyielding: Cost increased from 5 to 10.
>Heavy Armor: Clearer description and cost increased from 25 to 30.
>Escape Artist: Cost increased from 5 to 10.
>On Top: Cost increased from 5 to 10.
>Thirsty: Now works if either you or your opponent have a penis or the ability: Big Milky Tits, cost increased from 10 to 15.
>Smug: Removed and replaced with the new ability: Aura of Decadence!
>Slut Crest: Cost increased from 20 to 25.
>True From: Cost reduced from 30 to 15.
>Horse: Cost reduced from 25 to 20.
>Battle Beast: Cost reduced from 50 to 40.
>Ahegao: Points gain reduced from 30 to 20.
>Meek: Points gain reduced from 35 to 20.
>Low Stamina: New effect!
>Sensitive: Clearer description.
>Singleplayer: New description, new rules and buffed bosses and 6 new last bosses!
>Multiplayer: 2 new game modes!
Uncensored Version:
Uncensored Version:
Uncensored Version:
Uncensored Version:
Might as well stick to /trash/ and Reddit where this shit belongs.
I think he can kill suicide, but not skelly. Then again, suicide can literally just tuck a finger away somewhere and if he gets 'deleted' he just comes back from that finger, so YMMV.
Second. Shit does not belong in regular threads. Frankly I'm not sure why he keeps trying to toss it in here.
That's actually fucking genius. I'll remember that trick forever user, thanks.
>tfw no cat edition
Rolled 9, 4, 7, 5, 3, 2, 8, 9, 4, 10, 8, 7 = 76 (12d10)
Np, just remember to always keep your backups hidden and safe. (Bonus points for multiples, because it never hurts to be certain.)
It's not bad! I love it by virtue of adding more dude options.
I choose Mystery Box 1 because I'm a whore.
These threads had CYOAs with lewd content long before you came here.
9, 4, 7, 5, 3, 2, 8, 9, 4, 10, 8, 7
>Exitus rifle, Grenade launcher attachment
>Plasma pistol, flamer attachment
>Chain axe
>Power armor
(Not bad)
>Fool's paradise
(Well... at least you got the right companion for it.)
Well, you're not outright fucked, considering your equipment and companion, but you're going to have a hell of a time with it.
Dude, when you post a CYOA, name the image after the CYOA, or it'll get lost in the spam.
The image is the OC from last thread, btw.
And then lewd things got their own goddamned places to go. And it's more or less understood they should stay there.
Some faggots trying to force them to leave the board will not make them leave the board. They were part of this community before you. No amount of your whining will get them to go to your furry containment board just because you don't want to see them. Don't click on the images, and you won't be harmed. Their presence doesn't effect you, pissbaby.
Theory question: In a "Choose one path" CYOA, about how many options should exist, at minimum?
>Tyrone Grape
I should probably get to work on my CYOA again
Depends how similar the paths are or how big the CYOA is. If you're talking Paint level and just pick your path then 3 is enough. If you're going for something more it depends how unique each path is but I'd say no more than 5/6
I'd recommend it.
Completely agree.
Reposting OC from last thread.
>t. /trash/fag
Lewd cyoas werent ever on Veeky Forums. They were only on /d/ for a short while before they got kicked out.
Lewd cyoas are objectively the lowest CYOAs and consistently shit with very few exceptions. This is the Traditional Gaming board, and it's a blue board. Even the smut threads got pushed out eventually.
If you're a Veeky Forums grognard, I suggest you get with the fucking times and follow the rules
Looking forward to it.
It's the CYOA most likely to be released soon™that I'm the most hyped for.
>Lewd cyoas werent ever on Veeky Forums.
This is how everyone knows you're new here. This thread has had lewd shit in it since day one. Fucking No John was made here, I bet you don't even know what that is.
>Waah they suck!
Why should anyone care about your opinion? People will make what they want. No amount of screaming on your part will change it. All you can do is make your own CYOAs and support people making what you like. Whining about what others like makes you sound like a childish brat.
>Get with the times!
Another brat statement.
>Follow the rules!
The rules say no NSFW images. That's it. Anything else doesn't get deleted. If we're going strictly by the rules and by what mods allow, then you're still the one in the wrong.
You sound like that crossposting shitposter from Christmas.
Someone already did:
>Lewd cyoas werent ever on Veeky Forums.
The Pestilent
The White Lord
The Sword
The Maneater
The Seer
The Undying
The Holy Capital
He does, doesn't he.
This is really great, everybody is well written and seems like a good choice.
I hope you write more!
It's almost Christmas time again, I wonder if he'll try another stunt.
>Lewd cyoas werent ever on Veeky Forums. They were only on /d/ for a short while before they got kicked out.
>when you want to post an update to your waifushit but another minishitstorm about lewd cyoas has begun
Just post, the only thing happening is one guy being a bitch and other people telling him he's stupid. He hasn't even replied in twenty minutes, the argument is essentially over.
Needed a hot fix since Bad Luck and Low Stamina was op together.
Change log
>Thirsty: Can shooe to be addited to cum or/and breast milk.
>Sadist: Cost reduced from 15 to 10.
>Low Stamina: Will now trigger on a roll of 1 (or less) instead of 6.
I will I just need to do some spellchecks first
>balance act
>high tech bathroom
>skin lotion
>stretchy clothing
Janelle is a demanding roommate who loves bullying me with her massive assets and superior strength. As a result, she often twists my arm into being her personal chauffeur, cook ,masseuse and yes man/ sounding board for her ridiculous money making schemes she cooks up to make money using her newfound physique. Sometimes it's a home cosplay/modelling career, sometimes a livestreamed oiled wrestling match with another woman or maybe a softcore porno film where she teases and bullies a mysterious masked man. As long as I stick with her, she is sure to reward me in her own ways.
Sounds like a plan, though surely the self driving car would have been a good option if you plan on driving her around?
>Become a Saber
>Lawful Evil
>Saber Sakura
>Male Saber
>No ahoge
>Thick Robe
Strength:E (0)
Endurance: E (0); E (0) |-1 from Thick Robe|
Agility:B (7)
Magic: EX; A (13) |+1 from Thick Robe|
Luck: B (7)
NP: EX (23)
Class Skills: (35 allocation)
Territory Creation: EX (26)
Presence Concealment: C (6)
Item Construction: E (3)
Personal Skills
Golden Rule: A (15)
Divinity: EX (25)
Information Erasure: B (10)
Location Noble Phantasm (+3 modifier times 5 = 15+)
Imagine yourself a place mixture of these:
1. Transcendent Dazzling Castle of the Sun - Saber/Hideyoshi Toyotomi/Koha-Ace
2. Place filled with death traps, such as Jigsaw series, Cube (1997), Cube 2: Hypercube (2002), Cube Zero (2004)
3. The Fisher King, one of choices from an old CYOA (pic)
>Obtain riches, from casino or wherever
>Purchase an abandoned/condemned building
>Preferably at least 10 story tall
>Plant the core seed of the magical seed
>Start to reshape at will the building from the ground floor, going down
>Bounded field first ground break erected
>Studies ALL kind of death traps possible in all kind of death-trap place trope from movies
>Use magical energy furnace that can exercise nearly infinite power
>Make the place the most advanced and technology avant-garde murder house, purely controlled by the Servant
>If invited guests/commoners, entrance leads to normal metropolitan office building
>If opponent, any point of entrance leads to underground palace
>All people here are actually golems
>The place is indestructible from the outside attack, as any wrecks will be automatically repaired in short time
>Hire private assassins to do the dirty work when finding other Master's
Obvious weakness
>As a Servant, my "true form" physical body is weak as shit
>If killed outside the place, then permanent death
>Destroy the core, and the whole thing crumble
>Can't even hunt the other Servant, can only wait in my nest
>My Master will have to do most of reconnaissance
I'm going to try my hardest to avoid writing the "Friend" characters section until the very end because I guarantee you that will take a month to do by itself
Really the bulk of the graphical work is done, so I just have to wite everything and then find images for it all which is easily the most time consuming thing about the cyoa. It's now clear to me why 90% of cyoas are anime
No I mean I drive her around in my car instead of a self driving car driving us around. Besides, the stretchy clothing is integral to her cosplays.
Or keep posting with an avatar or name so you can get attention without doing anything, Pallas.
Powers: Blade, Redundancy, Shapeshift, Teleportation
Skills: Fighting, Speechcraft
Companions: Fatima for ranged air cover (and harem snuggles), Zhou Hao-Han for rip and tear (and +4 STR snuggles), I'm the sneaky assassin they have to rescue when shit goes bad
Equipment: Super Suit, Utility Belt
Faction: The Purgers - 90s era dark'n'edgy oh yeah!
Storage chest, Extra Sensitive, Multiple
Hi-tech bathroom, Breast pump, Stretchy clothing
Aww yeah, nipplecunts
>+3 modifier times 5
it only goes up to +++
so ya cant
Beautiful poetry. But after reading them carefully, the CYOA maker didn't specify how many Escort and the Lords you have to choose right? The description mostly just eulogizing their existence.
Therefore, what I shall do is:
>The Theban: gladly accepting his training
>The Pestilent: honestly learning his teaching
>The Merchant: gratefully relish his contribution
>The Jester: Cajole her service
The Four Lords
Accept whatever guidance they can bestow.
What is a King without his rightful crown?
>Doctor Kisukabe
>The Maneater
>The Undying
Like a yinyang, the fox beguiles, the demon orations. The doctor invents good shit.
Vassal City
>Meikyuu Academy
The mist is probably caused by those damn magic users experimenting their magical effect..
It took me forever to try to find a mildly sfw way to get a pic for storage chest.
I knew some people would want to use it for that purpose.
itd have to be a EX+++ at best, and the +++ arent direct power either, its a modifier (anti divine, anti human, anti trousers.etc)
Yeah, I misread it. It should be just 3+ .
Abilities- Teleport, Shapeshift, Redundancy, Telekinesis
Skills-Fighting, Speechcraft
Companions-Fatima Hadid, Carlton Ross
Equipment-Weapon, drone
It appears me and have similar tastes
My thoughts were, all companions have good powers so pick the ones you like the most, super suit is useless as a shapeshifter, and I'm an ancom so ofc i'm picking purgers.