How do I make a character who, for all intents and purpose, enjoys killing people with out coming off as a edgy tryhard?
How do I make a character who, for all intents and purpose, enjoys killing people with out coming off as a edgy tryhard?
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by being classy instead
>mine fell first
>mine was taller
They like killing they just don't bathe in blood nor kill people for no good reason.
Also they are emotionally stable.
Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.
Have them enjoy the contest of combat rather than the killing, the thrill of victory.
Don't have them talk about it. Just have them do it.
Lawrence of Arabia.
He only enjoys killing if it serves a noble purpose, and when it's noble he enjoys it a lot, but inflicting even minor harm on anyone seen to be innocent turns his stomach.
People love to point out how most people avoid killing other people in wars, but they don't talk about a non-insignificant bit that have no problem with killing at all. Your character is the later type.
He enjoys winning and the feeling of a job well done. He just happens to be good at fighting, so that's what he does for a living.
Make him emotionally stable but have him REALLY enjoy fighting.
"Oh, never killed anyone before? You should try sometime! It's like sex but there's a winner!"
It's sport to him. He's a perfectly decent, friendly man, loves life, etc. He just happens to kill people as part of his job and enjoys it.
Killing is addictive.
Most dangerous game type. Wants to down people of high skill sets as an acomplishment.
Make it seem noble. Almost treat it like a sacred rite. You are fighting for your life against someone else who is also fighting for their life. They are giving it their all and so are you. I'm not sure but I think you may incorporate something like native Americans when they hunt. They don't waste anything, they treat their prey with respect. etc. etc.
I don't know if this is the typical tryhard edge but;
The character follows a bloodgod, for a good reason. This is the hard part to come up with, maybe the character is cursed or in total belief that the gods blessing is worth it.
And by that not only justify the killings but see them as good things. This = Likes it.
> It's like sex but there's a winner!
10/10 line. I would be shocked if no story has used this.
Just have him be like the Hound (With better dialogue than FUCK CUNT CHICKEN)
Killing is his purpose and he damn well enjoys his purpose, but he'll do other stuff too and have other priorities.
He doesn't have to be noble or righteous, nor grimdark and edgy, he's just a guy who likes seeing people die to his skills and getting something out of it.
There's a deep savage joy in destruction, a joy that goes beyond ego enhancement. Combat is the crack cocaine of all excitement highs. Ran towards the fighting with the same excitement, trembling and thrill as a lover rushing to the beloved.
Choosing sides is the fundamental first choice that a warrior makes... the second fundamental choice of the warrior is to be willing to use violence to protect someone against intended or implied violence.
>How do I be an edgy tryhard without coming off as an edgy tryhard?
>maybe the character is cursed or in total belief that the gods blessing is worth it.
why would that be necessary, plenty of real-world war gods had followers, look up the worship of Odin and cults of Ares for references on what these sorts of religions tend to look like
You could do Caim. He's a bit of an edgy tryhard but mostly he just disturbs people by just being really, really into killing.
Maybe he'd be more of an edgy tryhard if the rest of the party was less fucking horrible people, though. He comes off as refreshing by comparison.
>With better dialogue than FUCK CUNT CHICKEN
What are you talking about? That dialogue is perfect for a character like him.
Just make it a mild part of his character.
Have him be charismatic or introverted or however you like, have him engage with the party as any normal person would, have things go on as they would if he didn't get off on murder.
Then whenever you feel like he's gone too long without a kill, have him stab the shit out of some poor village person. Or take a sadistically long time finishing off an opponent.
Something that raises eyebrows from the party but it's just "Hey, man's gotta have a hobby."
It's all well and good to be an uncooperative tosser when you for the most part work alone, but it'd be awkward to have one guy in the party be a douche whenever someone tries to talk to him.
Sounds like it'd quickly become a "That Guy" greentext.
Your adding nothing to the conversation
That's the type of character I'm trying to avoid. But yes. Ye is better then the rest of the party he gets.
why do you want to make such a character?
Does their tendency have any purpose or role? How does it fit in the setting and the story?
having no problem with it doesn't mean they enjoy it.
in fact "enjoys killing" is a vague definition which could cover anything from a serial rapist psychopath to a viking warrior who thinks dying in battle is the greatest honor and reward for the afterlife
Just be an otherwise nice, friendly person. As long as you aren't constantly full of rage or wangsty sadness you're probably good.
Have him be someone that enjoys fighting. A blood knight archetype, basically.
By being jovial about it. No sadism, no malice, just fun. But not like in a creepy clown way. Think of a good-spirited Ork.
It's a pity he died so quick. He seemed like a swell guy to be around.
Already sort of been said, but: a savage warrior or gladiator who gets his jollies from honourable combat to the death.
But the worship of (for ex) Odin was more of a "In case I die" type of system of belief.
A motivator for men to risk lives in hopes of victory, maybe. I really don't know.
But if to kill just for killings sake is the goal, then maybe some sort of motivation else then just "because" is better.
Yeah, I rewatched that episode. A waste of a good character.
omg is this from Reddit and Memey xD
seriously though the shit artstyle looks like it so fuck off
I don't think playing as a blood knight is inherently edgy. It all depends on who he's killing and how he goes about it. So I guess the defining question is what do you want to do with said character other than make them enjoy killing?
>Killing innocents or otherwise for no real reason other than to kill them
>Gay shit like wallowing in blood or something
>Killing with the intent of causing as much damage and pain possible before the person dies
>Has some compulsive need to kill rather than just enjoying it
(While I'd personally put berserker stuff in the edgy category, I'm sure you could come up with something that could do it well)
Not edgy:
>Enjoys combat for combat's sake
>Genuinely hates his enemies believing them evil and wants to see them defeated at every turn possible/Otherwise has a justifiable reason to want to murder as many enemies as possible
>Has a terrible temper and doesn't react well to people injuring or threatening him/Trigger happy
>"I want to be the best swordsman/knight/fighter/whatever and challenge the most powerful warriors I can find to prove my worth!"
Arguably the biggest thing is making sure that the whole "I enjoy killing people" doesn't become his single defining character trait, because most try-hard types are bad because the focus on one single character trait and nothing else.
It is. Drop more spaghetti about your avid dislike of a show you don't even watch, bitchatron 3000.
I mean I hate it too, but for fucks sake user you could at least put some effort into your bait.
Ares is actually an interesting case, he was a god of the spirit of battle and tended to embody the brutality and bloodshed of war. His influence was generally an 'ok, we really need to win this battle' type measure and involved making a blood sacrifice (usually of dogs if memory serves, although the Spartans also used prisoners of war) and a promise to basically raze the enemy city to the ground.
Ares was basically a god who went; if you really need to win that battle just slaughter all your prisoners (and dogs for some reason) and scorch the earth behind you and I'll help you out.
Someone who had no moral objection to relying on that kind of god on a regular basis could make for an interesting character in the vein of what OP's looking for.
> Killing innocents or otherwise for no real reason other than to kill them
> Gay shit like wallowing in blood or something
I have seen some cases where this turns out pretty fun actually. So long as you play it off as something that should bring peoples ire and disgust rather than just a 'le fear me' thing.
Nothing more amusing than a party having to leash one of their team-mates whenever they go into town because otherwise he'll try and kill the general populace. Like a bad sapient doggo.
A shit fanbase doesn't mean absolutely everyone who likes it is automatically terrible. The likes of Jojo or GoT are decent examples of that fact.
That's a straw man and you know it
These things are really case by case, honestly. Provided you're aware of what you're doing and know you can pull it off well then more power too you. It's just I've seen way too many Blood Prince Roxases use those tropes in the worst possible way.
The show itself is worse than the crowd of pretenious neckbeards that flock to it, faggot.
>in most of civilized life, there are abstractions. there's always an excuse, rationalization, or way out.
>the closest to reality you can get is with STEM, but even there, the reality of business makes for design trades, or maintaining a reputation, or academic spats
War is full of deception, but there are no lies. If ontological philosophy is a computer, violence is the root.
It's not skub. There's no real controversy here. Rick and Morty sucks, everyone knows it but some people pretend otherwise because its """""dark""""" humor appeals to their juvanile sense of trendy, uninformed nihilism.
Okay. Sure. We get it.
So either contribute to the actual thread or go away.
It's a religious thing. He takes great joy in returning the wicked to the Great Wheel, so that they may be purged of their sins and reincarnate again, innocent of their past crimes. He feels pity for those who are irredeemably evil, and longs to give them another chance to achieve enlightenment. This also applies to non-sapient monsters and similar beings, whose death he sees as one step on the way to an incarnation as a kindly spiritual being.
It doesn't keep him from feeling sick when he sees the handiwork of monsters, but he tries to reassure himself that the deaths of innocents also gives them a chance to achieve a higher spiritual state.
It doesn't particularly matter if what he believes is cosmologically true in setting, btw. All that matters is he believes it.
> Dead warrior who continues the fight as a spooky skeleton to defend his granddaughter and the rest of his family
Only really related to your pic but the sentiment of that is cute as fuck. .
What are you so assblasted about?
That's interesting, I did not know that. Now I need to check this Ares up in more detail.
Edgy is just dark but poorly implemented. You have to be careful not to fall into the mindset that there are certain untouchable tropes or cliches that automatically make your character "bad". Harder to do right than some more conventional characters, sure, but like said you can still use things that are conventionally considered "edgy" so long as you're self-aware about what you're doing and play it accordingly.
Is the protagonist of my quest edgy?
>believes the purpose of fighting is to kill
>believes if you draw a sword in a fight you deserve to be killed
>not ashamed to kill a lesser skilled opponent
>will not attempt to spare someones life without a very good reason
>prefers to kill people he has a grudge against, not particularly against killing anybody else
>enjoys fighting a lot more than he lets on
Just a dick
Don't make it their only trait.
Well, he is played by Anons
be jovial and in good spirits
Something closer to Heavy Weapons Guy?
Don't make him a brooding loner. That's all.
Have him be somewhere other than the very start of his murdering career. He fucking loves killing people, but just killing regular, everyday people has gotten boring for him. There's no point or excitement in killing yet ANOTHER mother in front of her kids or whatever.
He seeks out unique people to kill, types of people he has never ended. Sort of like trophies. Sure, he will kill 'boring' types if the situation calls for it... but it's a waste of time to him, like being forced to stand in line before going on the rollercoaster.
Religious zeal is fun, especially if it brings them deep inner peace to smite the wicked in god's name.
>there's no such thing as quality in art just different opinion
Post modernist pls
Combat is stressful and winning feels nice. Don't overplay it; just have them treat it with the same level of enthusiasm as any other normal hobby and be conscious of which contexts are and aren't appropriate for bringing it up.
>I mean, talk about the funny stuff we do. After I shot this dude in the head, there was a guy who had his feet, just his feet, sticking out of some little rut or something over here. I mean, he was dead, but people have got nerves. I shot him about 20 times in the legs, and every time you’d kick him, er, shoot him, he would kick up, you could see his body twitching and all that. It was like a game. Like, ‘hey look at this dude,’ and the guy would just twitch again. It was just good therapy. It was really good therapy for everybody who was there.
—quote from a DEVGRU oper8or
Just shit up and focus on the thread you quad fag
So he believes he should be killed?
if you don't do the killing then somebody else will
I’ll kill a man in a fair fight, or if I think he’s gonna start a fair fight… If he bothers me, or if there’s a woman… Or if I’m gettin’ paid. Mostly only when I’m gettin’ paid.
Give it a bit of a Fight Club angle? It can be argued that men need to fight to fee alive.
I came here to post this.
>How do I make a character who, for all intents and purpose, enjoys killing people
Isn't this every player's character, and the general reason why we play games in general?
Naw, there's a lot of ways to come at killing.
Some people just don't care that much. It's not about killing, it's about getting their goals met. If that means cutting their way though an opposing force that's just fine, risky, exciting combat can be fun, but the kill is a catharsis, not a rush itself.
Some people dislike killing, or enjoy acting like they do. They avoid it when they can and when they do kill it's clean and fast. They want credit because if they do it quick then it's an act of kindness.
Then there are the ones that like the process. They make it last. They kill slow and want to hear the consequences of what they've done.
He delights in seeing those who do evil act suffer. Let's say a smug murderer is being all smug in front of him. Then he proceeds to beat him onto the ground, straddles him and makes his face look like a fine meat sauce from your local Italian Cafe. Hating evil and having a violent reaction to it isn't inherently edgy.
It's an ingrained part of the character. Death follows him at every turn. He killed his mother by leaving the womb, he fought in The War, he squished ants as a kid, he hunted animals in the peace-time, he's ferried disease across the land and watched all his friends die to the last man. It used to bother him, but now it's just a thing that happens. The idea of his own death consumes him and he'll often fantasize about it despite being content and meek.
Only because of your sheltered modern life. People enjoy killing and hunting.
He's open to the possibility. It's only a matter of time before somebody does.
Be like James Bond. James Bond kills a lot of people, and clearly enjoys both sex and violence. But he's never edgy, and he certainly isn't troubled by his conscience.
Be brisk, cheerful and workmanlike about it. Congratulate people on their sword technique, and say things like "Good man, good man. Nothing like a brisk fight to get the blood up, eh? A good brandy's best for after."
>make him a professional killer
>make him take pleasure for being professional and getting his work done
There, how difficult was that?
>projecting this hard
>on several levels
That's pretty much sidestepping the whole issue and I'd argue such a character would easily come out as edgy.
Why did he chose his profession?
What's his concept of death?
How does he justifies killing other people than his target?
Does he have limits to what he's ready to kill for money, or is everything and everyone fair game as the price is right? Does Babies cost extra?
What other concepts he use to define himself other than his job? Religion? Hobbies? Family?
Vampires suffer psychosis
Make a character that doesn't enjoy killing people and then make them enjoy killing people.
>Why did he chose his profession?
He did good on the interview
>What's his concept of death?
Its the end of life, tragic for some opportunity for others
>How does he justifies killing other people than his target?
When they are a legitimate threat to the completion of the job
>Does he have limits to what he's ready to kill for money, or is everything and everyone fair game as the price is right? Does Babies cost extra?
Depends on his mood, or the weight of his pockets
>What other concepts he use to define himself other than his job? Religion? Hobbies? Family?
Condo payment
Examine why that character enjoys killing people.
They must have a proper coherent reason, if only to themselves, that they enjoy murder.
If their enjoyment of the act begins and ends with that line then its a shallow waste of time.
Basically, give them a reason, and not one that exits in a vacuum to justify certain play actions. It must be a coherent thread that affects the entire character.
Is it a power fantasy? Do they enjoy the feeling of superiority when killing someone? Are they taking a rather aggressive and hands on method to population control? Are they just mentally ill? That personality trait has to be showcased in other ways.
How did it start?
How did they discover that fact about themselves?
How do they feed the root cause of that trait outside of those moments?
For example if your guy is doing it as a power fantasy, he might also be a bully that is hard pressed to take a diplomatic solution.
They may feel a thrill from doing something against the faith they were raised in, in which case they would probably be doing other things against the faith.
Perhaps they are insecure and seek the surety of doing something that cannot be undone to assure themselves they've made a mark on the world with their lives.
tl;dr Its the things behind it that make a personality trait interesting, and personality traits do not exist in a vacuum. Why do they do what they do and how does that root cause affect other parts of their life.
Edge is an issue with player presentation. Two of the exact same history having characters can come out completely differently based off the player.
There's so many "toxic traits" that some players tend to ham up on their characters to a ridiculous degree; Edge, Justice, Lewd, Greed, Lone-Wolf, etc. All these things can be fine when taken in moderation, but usually end up having that one aspect take over their entire personality when the player is an autistic shit who can't into social interactions.
The key is in how it's roleplayed.
>Tom the Assassin grinned as he wipes off his blade, content with a good night's work. His heart still racing after the exhilarating dance of death, he quickly checked the pockets of the unfortunate mark before fleeing into the night.
>Billy the EdgeMaster pouted like a child who's ice cream had just melted as the body of his victim finally went limp after hours of repeated lacerations. He licked the blood from his blade, delighting in the coppery tang as he mulled over what uses the corpse would have for him now.
Both Tom and Billy are contract killers who enjoy their jobs, but Billy's PC should probably seek therapy.
TLDR; Just don't be an over the top fag about it and you're fine.
desu user I think both of those characters are wacked in the head.
Conan the barbarian. The cultured thug. The spiritual aristocrat. The warrior-poet. Killing as a spiritually transcendental or purely natural act.
Very potentially, but mentally sound characters are called "Villagers."
The point I was trying to make was that Tom could fit in most parties, where as Billy would be difficult to roleplay having as an ally outside of an evil party, but if that's the case Edginess isn't an issue for you.
She was pleasant, polite, and enjoyed tea and cooking for the party. she was absolutely normal in every way, flirted with the big strong paladin, shy around the less chaste fighter, treated the cleric as her big sister, and was generally happy and nice.
And when they encountered the bandits, she was just as happy, pleasant, and smiling as she used her spells to burn people alive, electrocute helpless prisoners to death, watch people suffocate to death in her airless aura of the voice, and blast flaming holes in people.
The cleric had a heart to heart with her, and realized that it wasn't that she had no idea what she was doing was hurting people unnecessarily, she liked watching them suffer and die at her hands.
The party arranged to have her kept at the paladin's monastery in lieu of an insane asylum, mostly because when she wasn't actually in combat, she was very nice. So the best and safest thing to do was to arrange for her to stay somewhere that she shouldn't need to kill anyone.
This is one of the many reasons I'm not allowed to play evil characters with very exacting exceptions.
God that's fucking awful. Don't ever do this again. What a terrible character.
Have him not take money for killing jobs, because the work is its own reward
>A bewitching predator slipped in amidst the swarm of tittering sycophants. Though outwardly urbane, I could sense in her a mocking thirst. Driven half-mad by cloying vulgarity I plotted to rid myself of this lurking threat in a grand display of sadistic sport.
Not my fault they challenged me to play a chaotic evil character who could get along with the party.
Yeah but I can't forgive you. It reads like Elfen Lied fanfiction
That's okay, I still like you.