Standard General
Deck advice, ask user what he thinks about X card, bash standard players etc
Standard General
Deck advice, ask user what he thinks about X card, bash standard players etc
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Does this have a home after rotation? I really want to force it, but I'm not loving it without Deep-Fiend to munch it.
Great start, forgot pic
If you like it then there's nothing wrong with forcing it in there. Personally I'd rather use the card slot to glimmer/pull/etc during my opponents end step.
god-pharaoh's gift decks are still gonna be a thing, as are archfiend of ifnir cycling decks, this card is a staple in both of those
What's the answer to U/R controls decks Veeky Forums? I can't even start a board presence for one turn before my shit is destroyed or countered by something. They just play a land and pass with full mana leaving me hopeless.
>tfw UR control
>tfw played it since gearhulk was printed
>tfw this set
right now? Lumbering Falls fucks them over hard
Post Rotation? Side in the Carnage Tyrant
Cats my man
Where does this fit in standard?
would be playable in temur energy splashing black, but i think its not going to find a slot in any of the decks that currently exist, wait for the new GBx decks to appear following the rotation of all the GB stuff from return to innistrad
GPG isn't great now. Abrade means main decking artefact hate is on the table and now we have Relic of Progenitus lite for sideboards.
Temur Black of Grixis Pirates using treasure to pay G.
U/R loses to just about everything these days.
What kind of janky-ass shit are you trying to play?
So im gonna update my mardu vehicles deck into something competitive. Really liking br vehicles atm, but I want to do a pet deck to have fun with. Thoughts on bw monument? Vamp tokens etc
22 Lands
4x Concealed Courtyard
9x Swamp
9x Plains
28 Creatures
3x Legion’s Landing
4x Vicious Conquistador
3x Mavren Fein, Dusk apostle
4x Bloodcrazed Paladin
4x Sanctum Seeker
3x Bishop of the Bloodstained
2x Vona, Butcher of Magan
4x Bishop’s Soldier
2x Duskborne Skymarcher
10 Spells
4x Vampire’s Zeal
4x Vraska’s Contempt
2x Arguel’s Blood Fast
R/W dinosaurs looks busted with all these 2CMC dinosaurs you can play for 1 mana
i also made R/G dinosaurs
>36 creatures, most of which are subpar without other pieces out
>No spells whatsoever
>No card draw or filtering
It's too reliant on having your 'make dinos cheaper' creatures out, which themselves are not dinos, and the deck actually can't get going until t3. You drop your entire hand and then pray.
Also, why the fuck is Ramunap Ruins in there without any other deserts?
So with everything revealed I want to start brewing on my Revel in Riches control deck ASAP and get to testing that shit.
Put together a rough first build for it that's Dimir with Vraska in it rather than Grixis, using Drake Haven/Favorable Winds.
It's basically that Dimir Drakes deck with some shit replaced for Treasure support, really.
Please be gentle. Or don't be and just give me some genuine responses and tips on where to take this thing.
>It's too reliant on having your 'make dinos cheaper' creatures out, which themselves are not dinos
just like eldrazi
>the deck actually can't get going until t3.
you can double spell starting on turn 2 if you get the 1 drop cost reducer
>You drop your entire hand and then pray.
you have hazoret
>Also, why the fuck is Ramunap Ruins in there without any other deserts?
uhhh it can sac itself? the guy who just won a GP with mardu vehicles played 2 without any other deserts
>miscounted when brewing
I should really not try to build new decks with 4 beers in me.
No Gifted Aetherborn?
Forgot about that, he'd be perfect
Metallic Mimic is also good. Yaheeni is the other vampire standard legal but without a sac outet he isn't great.
>mfw I'm taking UB Metalwork Colossus one last time to FNM
>fully aware that meta is full of Abrades
I'm gonna gender them and there ain't shit you can do about it
We already have Crook, which is a bit better in the long run, since you can target individual cards before GPG triggers resolve without having to nuke your own graveyard if you're using any aftermath cards.
UR is kill
you must play grixis or USA colors
>want to play dinosaurs
>dont want to waste 90 dollars for three chandras that will drop to pennies once she rotates
>want to play pirates
>don't want to dip in three colors
>want to play vampire or merfolk
>their tribal synergy is much weaker compared to dinos and pirates and will most likely have to wait for Rivals of Ixalan before they can really take off
>muh chandras
you don't need chandras for dinosaurs
WTF i hate standard now
So Flying Pirates seem pretty fucking unfair with Jace and the Proliferate Pirate from Aether Revolt.
Chandra is played in all formats mate.
Skyship Plunderer into Jace indeed is pretty fucking absurd.
Is an army of Jace even that powerful? He makes a 2/2 every other turn and has conditional looting. Even with 2 or 3 on the board he's not overly threatening.
>first round temur energy, get slapped with appetites and abraded
>second round r. Red, get knocked down to seven before I can play yev's expertise, he burns me with the gas he drew from courier
God. Dammit. Rip my chance for FNM fatal pushes
GPG doesn't target before resolution so you have to keep their graveyard empty of threats if you don't want to exile your own graveyard
I'm thinking the same thing. Why not Walk the Plank over Essense Extraction? Or is the gain 3 crucial, you think?
Is Bone Picker worth it in a UB flyingmen.dec? Would he be too slow? I feel like I'm already hard pressed for mana, to dump my hand and still keep up interaction, that he would only serve to clunk up my hand. Sure he combos well with Fatal Push, but I'd rather just play a much lower curve and guarantee I can always cast my creatures. Or would the abundant removal my creatures face make his inclusion more than considerable? Thoughts?
That sounds like the exact same doom and gloom that happens ever time a new set is released.
So this standard it is going to be
>RG Dinosaurs
>RUG Energy
>UB Pirate aggro
>UBR Revel in Riches control
>tfw all the temur energy players found out splashing B for Scarab God is easy as piss to do
Oh god, make it stop.
If you were to make a deck around a set of these, what cards would you go for?
How UG merfolk looking? Thinking about playing UG merfolk or a stompy deck
Lightning Strike
Spell Pierce
Favorable Winds
maybe some card draw like Glimmer or Hieroglyphic if you want to top end the deck with a Locust God.
Looking at limited looks like it favors Gruul.
Black has much more removal than I anticipated, but there's no real hope for good control
Black White looks stylish, but midgame to endgame is going to be overran by dinosaurs
Pirates look like they have a shot at a decent tempo deck, but again, dinosaurs
Merfolk look the worst of them all
What do you guys think? I thinking about prerelease and drafting to get into standard.
>Play prerelease
>"upgrade" prerelease pool of cards to be semi playable in Standard
That's my plan anyway.
I really doubt we'll see Revel in Riches control, you might as well just cut the revel in riches to get better at controlling instead of adding a lot of cards for your win condition.
We have higher chances of seeing some kind of turbo revel in riches deck, maybe even with fogs
Why is ramunap so popular? The card itself is an awful value. 4 mana for 2 damage AND you lose a land? It just seems like a shit card to me.
The value doesn't matter when you're winning games off it. It's reach on a goddamn land. It patches up a big hole in aggro, which is "I got my opponent really low and they stabilized"
Instead of hoping you topdeck some burn, you spend 2 turns and 2 lands to do the final 4 damage. It's a consistent clock, and on a card-type that is very hard to interact with (I think literally only Disallow in standard).
What lands are you comparing this to? Valakut? Valakut is literally fucking broken, not only in Modern but the standard it was printed in. Ramunap is a balanced Valakut.
Because Walk the Plank is a Sorcery. Needed an instant-speed kill spell and not having Red limits my options pretty badly.
>enemy is on 2 life
>you have 4 lands in play and no creatures in play
>draw a burn spell, win
>draw a creature, maybe win
>draw a land, lo- oh no wait you also win with a land
It turns your lategame draws from 1/3 chance of nothing to always deal at least 2 damage if you draw a land
What memebrew should I play? I used to roll an Aetherflux deck but I played Colossuses in it and they're shit now that Hedron Archive rotates. I could upgrade it somehow but I want something new, possibly not treasure related because that looks like shit.
MonoU flyers
Yes or no?
Cards like skyship plunderer, favorable winds, that pirate raid counter from ixalan and glyph keeper
this is fucking terrible
what's terrible about it
ill play UB Tempo Pirates, dinos a shit
>UW Approach
with or without fog
god pharoah's gift
fuck you i'm playing Sultai merfolk
I think the merfolk engine is gonna revolve around this guy here. It's Oketra's monument for merfolk. I think a curve of metallic mimic into this into herald of secret streams is gonna be your nut draw. The question is where you get the card draw from. I've seen some merfolk lists use growing rites of itlimoc to top out with Tishana, voice of thunder, but I also think the U/G nissa is worth investigating.
Just try and break this enchantment in half, you can do it.
U Favorable Winds
UW Favorable winds with Jace and Anointed Procession
Monument with Legion Conquistador
I'm going to miss bedlam reveler when it rotates out.
Feels great to drop it with drake haven.
Lmao, i still can't beleive there were people who doubted ramunap before it even came out. How bad can you be not to see it now?
Built a rough draft of a UB flying men/pirates deck earlier. Its not all in on either strategy, just a tempo fliers deck.
>playing Myriarch last night
>get a guy with the 12/12 haste flying vigilance lifelink double strike
>end up going 3-1
EVERYONE said it was shit when it came out.
Because everyone just sees the cost and forgets that it's a land slot and not a spell slot.
Never discount lands that do stuff. Ever. No matter how expensive that thing is. Especially ones that produce colored mana, even at a cost.
Gimme a cheap deck. £200 or less.
Both temur energy and rumunap red can both be built for that kind of money, both lose almost nothing in rotation, and both are tier 1 decks.
Cathartic Reunion
Strategic Planning
Cryptic Serpent
Crash Through
Fling (haha got em)
Lightning Axe + Fiery Temper (Oh fuck, exit those cards)
Some counterspells
Maybe a Baral or two
Rotation hurts Enigma Drake quite a bit, since we lose LA/FT combo and Bedlam Reveler.
>it's another episode of 4c degeneracy being viable
This will never stop bothering me. 'nonbinary' in the SJW Tumblr sense indicates more than two genders, not less than two. The term for 'we are all the same and don't have gender' is agender. This is one of the most blatant and shallow forms of pandering I've ever seen from WotC. The Myr are also not male or female, but I don't see Maro going off about how progressive these nonbinary metallic gnomes are.
and here i thought my (you) was going to be about the actual game
// 60 Maindeck
// 19 Creature
4 Gifted Aetherborn
4 Sanctum Seeker
4 Vicious Conquistador
3 Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
4 Bloodcrazed Paladin
// 8 Enchantment
4 Legion's Landing
4 Cast Out
// 4 Instant
4 Fatal Push
// 24 Land
4 Concealed Courtyard
9 Swamp
7 Plains
4 Unclaimed Territory
// 5 Sorcery
2 Call to the Feast
3 Queen's Commission
// 15 Sideboard
// 2 Creature
SB: 2 Vona, Butcher of Magan
// 2 Enchantment
SB: 2 Arguel's Blood Fast
// 6 Instant
SB: 3 Vraska's Contempt
SB: 3 Skulduggery
// 5 Sorcery
SB: 2 Walk the Plank
SB: 3 Dispossess
I've been doing pretty well with this deck on cockatrice, though I know that isn't saying a lot. It's a wonder how many games go to me just using Adanto, The First Fort at their end step 6 turns in a row before landing sanctum seeker and winning.
I've yet to face anyone actually playing board clears. I'd hope Arguel's Blood Fast, Bloodcrazed paladin, and infinite tokens would be enough to grind through.
Wouldn't be the first time that a planeswalker looks strong but simply doesn't have a home.
//side board time//
Does Solemnity really work against Temur Energy, Pummeler, BG counters and that poor Hapatra?
Are 4 fragmentize too much?
Im a Mummy player and I have to hate the graveyard hate.
No Yahenni? With all the tokens I think he'd be better mainboard over paladin
might as well run the horse thing that makes 5/5 horses
>cheaper Wit's End that also ruins any library manipulation they might have done and then throws some minor mill in as an insult (that also sets off any discard triggers you might have going)
Not completely useless, other than the pointless supertype. You'd think something with that name would be less usable at all.
Not useless does not mean 'is good' of course.
Paladin I like better as insurance against board clears and the ability to flash in at their end step. I can try Yahenni but my gut instinct is that if I have enough tokens to make her valuable then I'm probably already winning anyway.
I'm not sure a weenie deck whose curve tops out at 4 wants a 5-mana win more card.
instant too, could be excellent in a limited format with mill theme
>a weenie deck whose curve tops out at 4
it looks like a midrange tokens deck to me
> 5-mana win more card
it wins from any position where you can gain life in the same turn you play it, ie attacking with your tokens
How come every new RDW has to have a new name? From Rabble Red Boss Sligh to Atarka Red to Rumunap Red. Why not just RDW?
Nowhere currently.
Every RDW is a RDW, but from season to season, to format to another the those titles are used to differntiate one from another.
If I were to use a RDW in modern would you know it's the Rumanap Red or Burn?
You would say burn, but you never know.
Sultai and Boros present the colors in a implicit way, instead UW or Mono-Green present the colors in esplicit way, just like RDW, but sometimes colors aren't enought to diferentiate two decks.
Sorry, what I wrote may make no sense
You should definitely be playing that uncommon Cavern of Souls. Depending on how aggressive you want to be I'd even consider Aether Hub
I'm the same guy as here, I added it to the list.
Pls respond
to those trips
>regisaur alpha is 10 bucks
wingmate roc had evasion and better stats and was a mythic
Roc was also pretty weak in it's season of standard and rarely saw much play as the khans format continued. Alpha is just a decent curvetopper for dinos, who can easily hit it on turn 4.
Doesn't give haste, 3/4 in itself, was overshadowed by other things in khans AND ISN'T A DINOSAUR
dinosaur tribal is going to be a meme deck like mardu dragons was
Dino tribal has way more going for it than mardu dragons, but I think RUG energy/goodstuff will still be the better deck.
How do you guys feel about the Squadron Hawk Vamp? Is he good enough or no
Without evasion or powerful equipment to attach, there's not really a point to it or squadron hawk, is there? Maybe if there was a vampire equipment exactly like that pirate sword that auto attaches
yes, it shuts down all plus and minus counter strategies, energy for players included. gonna be good against merfolk and the new enchantments that flip into lands, might spike up.
fragmitize hits alot of things. might be good if people become too reliant on treasure for ramping and splashing other colors or even as a wincon.
i also am interested in starting to play standard with bw mummies post rotation. got a good list to get started?