>All Demonic forces are expressions of the primal rot that lurks beneath the totality of reality.
A Horror Setting Thread
>All transactions are paid in Rape Dollars.
>All magic is performed through the manipulation of spiritual patterns and processes.
>the only group able to work magic are a group of all-male, baseball-playing catboys
>The vile forces of the abyssal void between all spaces constantly push and prod at the veil between worlds.
>Sometimes, they even succeed at tearing it.
>Space is nearly limitless, and Humanity is but a speck in the vast and incomprehensible scale of the cosmos. Left in a state not advanced enough to be interstellar, they are forced to live in fear that one mighty solar flare or great asteroid could obliterate their pitiful planet.
>Rape dollars are massively inflated.
The rot's is the totality of all the shitty 'horror setting threads'
>Despite all this, the Whisperers of the Dark assure those who will listen to them that if they tear down the divide, and let them in, everything will be fine and they shall be "spared" destruction.
Those are some pretty sloppy metaphysics OP.
>Those are some pretty sloppy metaphysics
There are worse cases. This isn't even in the top 500.
Space isn't empty, and the spaces between our worlds and station-cities aren't empty either. Our cameras could never detect them, there's something specific about our eyes, our brains, that pick up and process them. The further out into space we've gone, the bigger our foothold, the bigger they've gotten. We ar enow taking the first permanent steps outside our solar system, on the frontier. We have no reason to believe they'll stop growing in size. Generation Colony ships have reported not only ones bigger than their ships, but they've reported, all of them, having even worse nightmares than we have here.
is Kult any good? what about witchcraft?
KULT is good for just being a general basis for a setting, but it also relies all too heavily on HFY. So it is a tad difficult to use it for anything that isn't about that. But it is a good system though.
Humanity Fuck Yeah. Basically, it's just the idea that "Humanity is da bestezt and can't be beat EVAR!!011!!01". It's fucking retarded, and those who support it even moreso.
>Failed writers jot down flowerly language that doesn't actually mean anything, without considering how to make a setting you can actually play a game in
>The autistic OP spams Veeky Forums with the same thread in hopes of having others do his work for him
>user contributes nothing and bitterly samefags
>Retarded cock-sucking, 40k-posting user decides to same-fag and revive an already dead thread.
try again
t. cuck