Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Angery Admech edition

>New Duncan, some eldar shit who fucking cares

>Top 5 Squigs

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:


RIP cogboys, I am so fucking sorry, you deserved better.

Lucius a best, Mars can go suck a mechadendrite.

By the blood of martyrs, His eternal will is manifest

What the hell happened?

Update on my Thousand Sons.

Ideas on colour scheme?

I think a darker blue than the Thousand Sons blue could look cool? Trims gold still probably.

Why did GW make Admech an afterthought? They didn't have to rush out the codex.

You are now 7th Orks.


Ad Mech review. Warning: Very salty. Only a few relics/warlord traits are good. Most things the same, a few tiny buffs. Best FW is Stygies 8 or Lucius.

Fuck waiting for FoC, from the look of this it's going to be more of the same shit.

I'm going back to 7th, it's shit, but at least it's shit with flavour. 8th is the nutrient paste of tabletop, functional but flavourless.

reposting if needed for new thread

And here I thought the Necrons got it bad.

>anubis doghead 1ksons
Dear lord, the irony

Reposting a few images from my wednesday game. No batrep, since the other guy had to leave early.


You didn't get anything special. Some of the stratagems are okay, but there's no new units and the "chapter tactics" are similar to other ones revealed so far.

No new units, no "teleports behind you" knights, and infiltrators got nerfed again.


Looking to start painting up some Raven Guard, but I'm running in conflicting claims of what colours their right pauldron trim is supposed to be, everywhere I check has different colours for tactical/assualt/etc


why jackals, why not birbs

Go full anubis color scheme
Black head
Yellow Armor color
With blue and white stripes as the secondary color
gold and brass colored metal bits.

*childish shooting noises*

What everyone who isn't delusional knew was going to happen:

Your codex is a 99% copy/paste of the index, with 4 pages of generic and derivative stratagems, warlord traits, and relics added on.

In short: You got the 8th edition treatment.

That skull relic is totally bonkers yo

Let's start this off with terminators. Which armor variant is your favorite?
Legions, if you could have your special variants ported into 40k would you? What armor type would you want them to be?


Salty review. Everyone is meming that AdMech are terrible now.

you can summon after disembarking.

and that is all I got

What really gets me was half this shit was wargear, they fucking took away our wargear (Of which we had very little choice in to begin with) and turned it into fucking Stratagems.

This is the fate that awaits the factions that aren't being given new stuff to sell, pucker up.

If you're the blandposter good fucking riddance. I've been waiting for you to finally fucking leave.


Thanks for the effort but why the fuck did you take pictures of like 1/4 of the pages, your hand covering the rest?

People are buttmad that ad mech aren't the most powerful thing ever because a few legitimate issues didn't get fixed.
General Veeky Forums overreaction, turn a legitimate complaint into meaning that everything is fucked, and you should just burn your models now.

What was your first ever model, /40kg/? When did you get it?

You can be reported after shitposting


GK Strike Squad. March/April 2014.

Necron stratagem:
The rest of the game, the cover of darkness rules apply.

It's from youtube.

Not that guy, but I can see his point. The game is more balanced now but it's just not as fun by far.

Starcraft 2 is an extremely balanced game but by god is it a fucking slog. C&C Generals is a mess, especially with the bloat from the Zero Hour generals, but it's fucking fun.

A box of grots in 2008.

>Let's start this off with terminators. Which armor variant is your favorite?
The good old one without the horns coming from the face

>no new HQ option besides Cawl and Dominus (?)
>no new stuff besides knights which are hamfisted(?) in
>salty review up front
Hm, I expected something like that. Shame. At least we won't become WAAC-fags. I'll still play my 'mediocre' AdMech and will always love them.

I'll make technology great again. I promise. What about you fellow brothers? Hiw do you feel?

Not my book.
I was taking screenshots of the Codex Review, guy blocks off stuff a ton so it is a struggle to get a good cap.

I like tartaros and cataphractii equally.

Lerneans in 40k will never happen because "le ebin chaos can't maintain weapons" as the squad comes stock in 30k all wielding volkite guns. They'd be cataphractii.

I ventured into a hobby shop destined to fail located in a valley girl mall one day with my late grandfather, one of the few times we had spent together (mother was estranged from the family, cousins got to see poppop more)
The very meager 40k selection that consisted of a few blisters caught my eye and they were bought for me. I was maybe 9.

What you posted, before they were turned to dust

Disagree entirely. Stratagems offer a tone of options that simply did not exist before. Plus armies that aren't marines with drop pods generally have far more viable mobility options than they did in 7th. The game is simply better to actually play.

Enginseer is HQ

Hanging in there, gonna keep with my men for now as well, lucky for me I have a friend that mains marines that focuses in melee so at least allying with him will still be fun.


Necrons arent shit, user.
They're just boring as fuck to play as and against. Seriously, can any necron player here on this board explain to me their appeal? (models aside for a moment)
We had 2 "fulltime" cron players at our shop. The first played a cheesy, but fun and interesting bike/wraithspam list. He put his crons on a shelf for 8th cause he couldnt bear playing them effectively, it bored the crap out of him.
The other guy does exactly what he did in 7th. Set up his warriors in the middle of his deployement zone. Hide hus charaxters inside the blob. Walk to the midfield. Thats it. Every single fucking game. No tactics, no interesting deployments, no nothing. Then he gets salty when his dudes die and gets obnoxious when they come back to life.
At least most games I can kinda try to guess at unit movement and my opponents tactics, but with necrons, its the same shit everytime. Even when some random dude shows up for a game with crons, its the exact same thing.
How do you enjoy that? Atleast in previous editions, most monobuild codexes had some quirky thing or two about them.

Looks like being early in the codex queue isn't all that great as usual
t. Orks and Necrons


Does anyone know what shotgun arm this is?

Also, do the genestealer neophyte legs fit on the chaos renegade bodies? Haven't seen images of them.

Pretty much everything non-Space Marine is getting fucked with the new releases. Apparently you only get new goodies if you're wearing power armor.

Uh. There's only been one non Marine book. And half the Marine books didn't get new models either.

Oh fuck I missed that. That's what you get watching saltmine reviews on a phone while being tipsy. Thanks

That sounds nice

I wished for a more potent instrument of liberation. In the end we got our knights back in a way which kinda seems like it was a last minute push-in.


SC2 actually removed a lot of the unit diversity by fixing the pathing. In Brood war, every unit paths differently, so optimal control of one unit will not be optimal control of another. It's hard to master how to control all the units in brood war, even in the same faction.

This lets you develop your own unique style as you get better at the game. You can become the player with the crazy zergling micro, or the player with the great reaver drops, etc, etc. It means even at the highest levels of play, players are extremely different from each other, and every game is a pleasure to watch.

SC2 removed the pathing quirks. Now every high skilled player is a virtual clone of each other, games all play out the same ways, etc.

Now, one caveat is that brood war was a balanced game. 7th is not. But still. In removing a large source of unit diversity (for blizzard, this was the pathing, for GW, this was their deliberate homogenization of 40k), the parent company has made the subsequent product worse than the former.

>B-but byun-sempai is special!

What options? The dataspike one that is just a worse version of the dataspike wargear? The cognis one which is just slightly better version of old cognis? Heal something slightly better?

Only ones which are even remotely new are the faction specific ones, and formations had teleporting Kataphrons before. The rest are just shit that was either already in the army in 7th or from formations.

Just finished watching that AdMech review which crushed my enthusiasm for starting them. So it's either Guard or Space Marines. Don't get me wrong I don't feel the need or desire to run a WAAC list, all I want is an army that is competitive, and more importantly has multiple styles of play to mix up every game.

Post your commanders/characters

pic related, just finished COBRA commander, going to work on Vindicare Baroness next.

Yeah, at least we won't be Waac. I'll keep painting and modeling, though this has killed my project boner for at least a few weeks. I was hoping to take this to tourneys and do well, but Marines it is...

Yeah, that version of Scarab Occult looks really nice too. There's just something about the tartaros version (and tartaros in general) that makes me like it a bit more though, as good as the pre-heresy ones look.
What makes you like those ones more? I'm kinda curious

Tartaros is pretty neat even if you don't see it as often

kabalites, last september

I'm working to strip all but one of my first kit, but I didn't use GW paint and the paint isn't coming off in greenstuff.

>Expecting to be competitive in 40k: Primarch Edition without a Primarch

Maybe you'll get Scoria at some point

For safety go marines, I hold no hopes for Guard after their Index and the Admech Codex.

I honestly think Catachan will just have the -1 to hit rule, Cadia maybe having a morale bonus

FW is your only hope user.

big bag of the monopose goff orks and gretchin from one of the really old 40k starter sets, got em from a charity shop for like £1

mark my words, catachan will have a +1 conditional bonus to survival, and some ability that allows them to deploy within 9 inches of the enemy, either by deep strike or infiltration.

GW isn't messing with that archetype, and it will be repeated with every codex.

I prefer Tartaros. It just looks so much cleaner and better than the other Termie variants.

I just wish you could field a decent army without bringing a primarch/special leader. Having every army consist of the same 3 fucking characters is annoying.

He would be a Chaos character and either he would be solo or with an entire new line of Dark mech stuff (Same as old stuff but with spikes) to buy.

>got em from a charity shop for like £1

>mixed weapon immortals squad

Can you do that? I'm new to this.

Yeah, it's either singular named super power or spamming hordes of cheap shit, and Admech (despite out lore :( ) doesn't do either well.

Would be nice for them to Whip out some insanely OP stuff for us. That'd show those fuckheads not really, I just want everything to be balanced. The DG Codex makes me sad cause it's so well done, and ours feels like a passing after-afterthought.

Ad Mech aren't broken broken are they?

Feels like they have 1 or 2 lists that work, just without much variety or choice. Grey Knights feel similar.

Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines and Death Guard feel like proper codexes insofar as allowing multiple ways to play without feeling totally gimped.

>one caveat is that brood war was a balanced game
I'd love for 40k players to deal with the relative win rates that brood war players dealt with and see if they call the game balanced. Just look at the composition of the top players over time.

But you're right that the difficulty of actually playing the game lead to a large diversity in how people played it based upon their own personal strengths. The same thing used to be true for fighting games, which combos were harder to pull off and individual players became known for their specific combos they were good at.

I do wonder if the removal of premeasuring from 40k would bring back a little bit of that skill cap. It would break up the units not only by how "good" they are statistically, but also how hard they are to use properly.

Poor bastards didn't know what they had. You just robbed from the poor user.


>mfw I see the admech dex

That was actually really well written.

this was about 20 years ago

Any good ways to convert electro-priests?

They'll make for some neat chaos cultists. Maybe add some pestilence, and make them poxwalkers.

You either go Cawl and his posse of robots ft.The Neutron laser light show or go home.

Everything else is pretty shit, Skittles are in that awkward zone of too shit to be shock troops, but too expensive to be chaff, and do neither job very well.

I heard someone saying using stormcast heads with chaos warrior bodies.

A box of the 3 space marines from the local stationary store. I was 7, I'd seen some kids playing it in break time in my schools library and I fell in love instantly.

I still have 1 of those 3, to remind myself how far I've come.

Yo, quick admech question. Do you roll once per Admech detachment, or once and it affects all Admech? That is, could I take a Mars Spearhead of Cawl and 3 Onagers, then take a more traditional Lucius/Ryza/etc rest of the list, and still get Cawl's -1/+1 to everyone?

>Ad Mech can destroy Magnus or Mortarion in a turn for just 2 command points
>lol they terrible

Remember when Orks and Necrons were going to be utterly broken? When Tzeentch Daemons were the worst?

Now you see one salty video and its game over.

I'm not sure that I would say SC2 was balanced by any stretch of the imagination.
Weren't the first tournaments completely dominated by Hellions?

So... Wasn't Winters supposed to be showing LESS of the codex?
Cause that was what GW told him to do with the DG book. Too salty to care?

I believe so

I know Space Marines are the safer option but I heard good things about IG with their Index, what don't you like about them right now?

How's that?

I need to protect my throbbing red Primarch

Thanks but I use far too many adverbs when I write.

jesus. you can hardly see anything on the model, what did you use? fucking industrial grade wall paint?

>>Ad Mech can destroy Magnus or Mortarion in a turn for just 2 command points
While I agree that ad mech aren't nearly as bad as people claim, which stratagem does that?

Sc2 is still going on, and blizzard still takes an active role in balance patching based on community feedback. right now, I think it's balanced, but nobody is actually happy with it.