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Is the rapid draw adept power worth it? or should I pump that half point into more improved automatics? Also am I gimping myself too much by taking a silenced 223 as my go to gun instead of an assault rifle? I know AR's are better range and statwise but they're just seem too obvious and hard to conceal for regular work.

Full sized AR's are a thing of the past. Most AR's today are carbines. The line between an SMG and a Carbine is pretty fuzzy at this point, but the primary difference seems to be the caliber.

Does your shadowrunner play THE premier leading ARMMORPG Arcadium Online™? What race? What class?

what does rapid draw do?
let you draw your weapon as a free action?

Thats interesting but doesnt really help in this situation.

Rapid Draw lets you quick draw any properly holstered/slung weapon with the threshold decreased by 1. It turns quick draw into a free action. So it means you can draw and fire as a free action.

yeah, sorry, thought I was on /k/
smgs are pretty small, and back a bit more punch.

that sounds pretty cool. Are you dual wielding?

No, I'm going for a more military adept instead of john woo. And yeah it does seem nice but I planned on abusing called shots with my sharpshooter quality, and it doesnt really help me with that.

AI rigger / street sam.

not sure how you quickdraw while wearing a lanyard.. but yeah, i'd go with quickdraw

Free action attacks is pretty good, though.

>A character may take one Free Action during his own Action Phase or at some later point in the Initiative Pass.

Means you can attack during someone else's turn, Take Aim more often before attacking, or use the Perfect Time quality to called shot attack for two free actions.

>perfect time for two free actions
Shit I hadnt thought of that.

Also, while the simple action attacks RAW are limited to once per action phase, complex action attacks are not. This means that when you turn it into a free action attack, (again, RAW) it has no limitations on whether you can attack again afterwards.

Fuck no
Plugged into Desert Wars and I'm never looking back

Theres an AR FPS thing similar to it that you should probably be playing instead. I forget its name though.
AR is the future user.

Action Shooter.

Miracle Shooter

Miracle Action

Is there a list of wireless bonuses anywhere? We've got a framework in place for implementing them, but haven't done the data entry yet

Which is the shootier shooter?

Shooter Shooter

Miracle Whip

Well this thread is certainly riveting.

>A character may attempt to quick-draw a pistol, pistol-sized weapon, or small throwing weapon and immediately fre it by using a Quick Draw Simple Action.
You can't quick-draw anything bigger than a heavy pistol/machine pistol, so I hope you don't think that Quick Draw applies to pulling an Assault Rifle out from under your black trenchcoat.

>Is there a list of wireless bonuses anywhere?
Haha, what? No. You're going to have to go through every book entry-by-entry.

>rapid draw
>for the purpose of this power, large weapons such as smgs, shotguns or assault rifles that are attached to slings and/or held in front of the adept at the 'low ready' position are also considered holstered and can be quick-drawn as such

Since CGL want's to bring out a new matrix book (which some have described as "We are sorry for Data Trails": The Book)
How do you think they will fuck up (because they will, a LOT)?

I'd put my money on them 'forgeting' the technomancer chapter yet again.

It's virtually certain they will fuck it up, and my money is on shit like wifi grills.

My money's on them canceling it at the 75% mark just like the technomancer book.

Alternatively, they double down on the Foundation, a thing that literally zero groups actually interact with.

I'm putting my money on them including a sidebar that clarifies some element of how Decking works that makes 90% of existing Decker sheets retroactively unplayable.



First half of the book is more CFD metaplot bullshit. Second half has 2 or 3 new decks that are actually worse than anything out right now, has a dozen "famous deckers" that don't mechanically work, and has a total of two pages on technomancers. one of those pages is entirely Jackpoint posts.

Have they not killed off the CFD plot by precisely link related #death?


What are the most recent shenanigans that happened in your games?
Our Decker put some npc in an UV node, basically making the GM play a PC while the decker became the GM of this subgame.

nah, some want to go to mars/Alpha Centauri, some want to return to the matrix, some want to stay in their bodies

Super minor complaint, but why does it default to Karmagen on the New Character window? Should it default to standard priority, and not the least-used chargen type? It's not a real problem, just sort of counter-intuitive.

>some want to stay in their bodies
"Heya we stole these bodies can we keep them" yeah nah blasting them into space is the only option.

Holdover from when I first picked up development that I never got around to changing. There should be an option to change it in the options menu.

I'm making a human with lots of cyberlimbs. Is there any reason to go above Strength 4 if I'm not making a melee character? That's enough to get Recoil Compensation 2 from Strength, and have the character count as 'above average' where Strength is concerned.

It would save me about 40k nuyen at chargen to make the limbs Strength 4 instead of Strength 6, I'm just not sure if I'd be missing out on something I didn't notice.

Huh, I guess it's impossible to take Burnout's Way and Biocompatibility at chargen and still have resources leftover to take Restricted Gear for some higher-Rating 'ware.

I guess that Burnout's Way is more optimal than Biocompatibility+Adapsin, because Adapsin eats into your nuyen allotment and .2 Essence, while being a burned out Adept just eats into your Edge (due to a lower Metatype allocation)?

What do you nerds think? I have my heart set on an Availability-higher-than-12 piece of 'ware that would be concept-breaking to pick up post-chargen instead of in my backstory. Should I be a Burnout, or go with Adapsin+Biocomp?

Play to your character instead of whats optimal. If you need adapsin for your guy then take it.

Either work, is the thing. I'm making a character who had to get full-body cybernetic replacements after exposure to a necrotizing bio-weapon; I'm hoping for the corporate military science program that engineered the weapon to get brought up again by my GM as an easy-to-leverage plot hook.

But that means I need to take Restricted gear to get a Cyberskull (even if a Partial would be better) regardless of whether I take the cyber-body as a Bundle or individually.

Being a burnout could be cool - it would add an extra layer of pathos, because the character didn't just lose his body, he also lost his Magic. On the other hand, that could be a distraction from the core concept, pulling the character towards magic-restoration-related subplots instead of in the direction of the corporate black-project direction of his backstory. Adapsin and Biocompatibility would help keep the concept tight.

So, fluff-wise, I'm torn. That's why I'm looking at it mechanically right now.

>just copied and pasted the previous OP
What the hell? Real old thread:

Are shapeshifters in yet?

Wait how much free RC do you get in 5e if 4 str gives you 2 RC?

4 is more than enough strength unless you are primarily a melee character.

If you are primarily a melee character, you are Shadowrunning wrong.

You get (STR/3) rounded down RC. So, 1 RC automatically, 2 at 4, 3 at 7, 4 at 10, and 5 at 13.

(STR/3) + 1.

Not quite yet, I got distracted working on some more interesting stuff slash divinity original sin came out. In theory they're close enough to done that I could just pull in the branch and be done with it, but I kind of wanted to implement something to make sure that racial bonuses only apply when you're in the appropriate form. If I just leave it as the shapeshifter form's bonuses only I guess it's close enough to be functional.
1 + STR/3

This is right.

This is wrong.

your total RC is 1+(STR/3)+(Weapon RC)

>I kind of wanted to implement something to make sure that racial bonuses only apply when you're in the appropriate form
Does it show you both at the same time?

But 2 divided by 3 rounded down is 0.
4 divided by 3 rounded down is 1.

What's the absolute bare minimum of strength you need for a weapon foci user?

CRB pg. 175:
>To figure out your recoil penalty, start with the amount of recoil compensation you have. You get 1 free point anytime you start firing, then you add your Strength/3 (rounded up) and the recoil compensation of any guns you are
prepared to shoot

so (STR/3) + 1 + (WhateverYourGunHas). You're welcome.

It's rounded up.

>rounded down
I meant rounded up, as evidenced by my math. I suck cocks.

It could, but it would mean that things like a troll's Reach bonus would apply while in your wolf form.

Reread the entry on Shifters. The metahuman form gains animal bonuses, not the other way around. A troll-wolf would have a wolf's vomeronasal organ, but not a troll's thermographic vision.


Are drakes supposed to be the descendants of true drakes that mated with meta-humans or dragons?

If I would to run a cyberdeck in AR mode with a multi-dimensional coprocessor, would that still add an extra d6 in my initiative?
Does intiative and AR matrix initiative behave independently?

No. They're metahumans who have been gifted the ability to magically assume a draconic form, and can pass that magical adaptation down to their offspring.

>If I would to run a cyberdeck in AR mode with a multi-dimensional coprocessor, would that still add an extra d6 in my initiative?

>Does intiative and AR matrix initiative behave independently?

You only gain Matrix Initiative in Coldsim/Hotsim VR. If you're in AR, you're just some nerd in meatspace wearing smart-glasses.

Doing what said, making half the book Redditor Jackpoint bullshit (which helped create the faggotry of Runnerhub), fluffing more bullshit characters that do not work on paper, making another contrived plot that breaks canon/makes no sense, and just to piss people off maybe make a blood magic version of Technomancy via dissonance (if they remember technomancers) but then make them the new evil since Blood Magic is all good now from the last book.
>Its shit jim.

Which is the problem I have; the bonus system isn't built for conditionals currently, so I'd have to do some shenanigans to store and rebuild the improvements whenever the attribute categories changed. Easier if I just leave them off for now.

So.we aren't supposed to buy CGL books. How are Pegasus books? I speak German and could translate for my group, but is the quality any better than CGL's?

>How are Pegasus books?
FAR better
don't buy CGL books but buy Pegasus books
The worse CGL has it and the better Pegasus has it, the better the chance that Pegasus gets the license
Generally if a rule has a german version and an english version and they differ you should use the german rules

>the better the chance that Pegasus gets the license

You mean the chance goes from 'absolute zero' to 'never going to happen'?

Consistently sounds like Chummer isn't built for Chummer.

You've had so many legacy bullshit problems at this point that you probably would have been better off starting from scratch back in the day.

Too late now, and you couldn't have known that at the time, but in retrospect it really sucks.

>Too late now
That's what Yekka said before. It's never too late.

>How are Pegasus books?
Fantastic. Always give Pegasus money.

>I speak German and could translate for my group, but is the quality any better than CGL's?
The books themselves are higher quality, they actually pay their writers, and the rules are better-written too.

While this is the description I have heard of
I totally dig this guys idea way more.

>Generally if a rule has a german version and an english version and they differ you should use the german rules
Is there anywhere for non-germans to see the major rule differences?

AFAIK there are no major rules differences. The German books have optional rules to tweak problems that pop up. There is no German rule repository that I know of.

For an example of a commonly spoken of German rule, if you have four Cyberlimbs you can use the limb attribute averages to determine limits, rather than your meat attributes.

Thing is, when I started working on Chummer my code was awful; I definitely couldn't have made a better product than what I've achieved so far if I'd started from first principles, despite how long it's taken to get to this point. If SR6 ever comes out it's probably going to be a ground-up rebuild, assuming I don't take the opportunity to run screaming into the hills.

The biggest annoyance I have with the older code is that I want to make as much of the logic as possible be user accessible. I detest putting in patch-job fixes like 'If priority choice is Aspected Magician, change the priority selection to skill groups and push the selected skill group to the improvement manager so that the free skill group points work'. It should be a field in the XML that dictates that behaviour. Sure, nobody's ever likely to use it, but if it'd been done properly from the start then I wouldn't have to dig through the code to puzzle out why making the Enchanter group didn't work properly when it was based off the Aspected Magician.
That's the magic of legacy code and technical debt. Since pretty much all of the codebase came over from Chummer 4, it's occasionally hard to tell what came from SR4 and what was added in. One of the other contributors wants to pull the entire improvement system apart and start over from scratch, which could be interesting.

Wait, that's not a rule in the English version? My group has been doing that and we use CGL rules.

It's a "common sense" rule that, amazingly enough, some people don't like using.

Do people houserule the costs of the armour in Run and Gun?

Okay I read that Runner-Kompendium from the german versions have other pictures than the ones in Runners Companion.

Please Germans, show me!

German 5E stuff should be in the pastebin.

What's wrong with Data Trails? I'm a little new to this game and haven't gotten around to skimming through it much.

Foundations were an attempt to bring the rest of the group into the Hacker's portion of the run, as well as make that portion less boring. However, it rarely to never comes up as an option because it's another subsystem for EVERYONE to learn and pretty specific when it's applicable.

The bookmarks and layout are atrocious. You have no idea how to navigate the book until you read it once or twice.

Very little for Technomancers.

AI rules don't work for AI who want to hack.

Ignoring editing and rules weirdness that's standard for 5e, It just feels like its 75% of a book.

>AI rules don't work for AI who want to hack.
What? How is that possible? I mean, they have mental stats, don't they? Aren't most hacking checks just something like hacking + logic?

It seems more sensible than just randomly being born with the ability to turn into a dragon.

Books mentioned are 4e.

Pic related is great, especially compared to the CGL pic of the troll metavariants

that looks more like a goblin

also this as a direct comparison

Oh, and this as well
see the difference? And we aren't even half into the book

>Not having your Red Onis based off Hellboy.

Fake & gay.

Thank you based German.

On the subject of metavariants, why are some cool and some utter shit, mechanics wise? Do CGL just not give a single flying fuck?

If/when it comes to SR6, you should consider a Patreon to fund development.

I know you've expressed your discontent for the idea in the past due to the shaky legal standpoint, but let's be honest: You're definitely the reason a lot of people put up with Shadowrun and play the system at all, and at least SOME of those people have to buy books.

>Do CGL just not give a single flying fuck?
Do not attribute to malevolence which you can instead attribute to incompetence


I am so disappointed.