Stat him

Stat him.

Other urls found in this thread:

-10 hp

Regicidal Crown Maniac [3]
Owner Of The Royal Arsenal (3)
Troglodyte Exile (2)
Hook: Uncontrollable Power Hunger

Multiclass King/Monarch.

>Uncontrollable Power Hunger
He doesn't want power. He doesn't want authority, or wealth. He just wants crowns. Pointy ones.

King: 2

2 HD, +2 to hit and AC, 1d6+1 fists
Morale- 12, +1 per crown

Each time he take a crown, gets +1 HD, to hit, and AC

Whicih game is this?

That's Risus, my man.

Ty, I suspected it, but the 'hook' entry confounded me.

What the fuck was his deal?

He was a king, but his people are all underground? Does the sun burn them? Is that why he has the robe?

Why is it the same as the carpet in the underworld?

Crowns: 2

He doesn't really care about the whole "ruling" thing, he just wants to get shiny, pointy crowns, it's his drug, his heroin, his goddamn cocain

>He was a king, but his people are all underground? Does the sun burn them? Is that why he has the robe?
I think they're like the rich guy's embarrassing redneck family.

>Why is it the same as the carpet in the underworld?
Aesthetics. Felix is all about aesthetics like that.

It's like those World's Most Satisfying Videos, the animations just satisfy you.


I'd always assumed that he wasn't originally a king but just another of the cave dwellers who stole kingship. Keep in mind this is a world where crowns literally make kings as evidenced by the cloud king.

The cave dwellers themselves seem to be some sort of monstrous beast, like ogres/trolls, or I even saw someone describe them as dragons.

>Is that why he has the robe?
Silly speed-watcher.

The animator started by drawing the creatures that were pulling the pillar. The next thing animated was Double King standing atop the pillar. This is the deal with Double king.


>Still no Double King soundtrack

Felix said he's not releasing one. All the sounds and music are just short clips anyway.

>Double King thread

My body is ready

Didn't seem to stop him.

King 1/King 1

Think again!

Exactly, he's a hoarder with a very specific fetish.

Hell yes.

btw, Emps never had an actual crown as far as I know, just that laurel wreath thing he always wore. So would DK try to steal it?

Probably not. The crown he got from the mushroom monarch didn't seem to satisfy him, so neither would the laurel wreath.