What would a Neolithetic/Mesolithic fantasy setting look like tg/ ? What troupes could be applied ? Are their any similar settings like this ?
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>What troupes could be applied
Troupes of monkeys
>Are their
It's fantasy user, it belongs to everyone
Was thinking Neanderthals could fit a orc type role. Maybe Cromagman, a half-orc role.
With early agriculturalists/ urban dwellers being the equivalent of high elves.
>Neolithetic/Mesolithic fantasy setting
You have enough natural threats to overcome adding supernatural ones feels unnecessary.
test bump
Invading indo-european horse riders can be the big bad evil, of the scattered hunter gathers and early farmers.
Lacking metals, the different qualities of horn, bones, leather, wood and stone become big enough to work as different stats and bonuses. A composite bow made with the horns and tendons of a carnosaurus become the equivalent of an artifact. The obsidian swords are the stuff of nightmares.
If magic is available, the wizard/bard/? conducts the ritual of painting a sucessful quest in the cave. This grants the party fate points.
To get non-metal weapons as powerful as the usual rpg ones, they must be hunted and undergo rituals in which the source of raw materials is incorporated into the craft. You don't hunt just the wolf's flesh, you also hunt its soul and make a club of its jaw afterwards. It reveals to be more powerful when one fights in groups, mimicking the wolfpack.
The danger is to do this so much that you become infected by Animals, Minerals and Plants, acquiring physical traits that may do both harm and good. Gather too much flint, and Nature punishes your greed with unfeeling skin which feels rough to the touch of others.
The group's "barbarian" class is the lycanthrope made when one hunts and stays away from society too much, for example. A true berserker and a pariah.
Consider my homebrew orcs, some said they fit such settings.
I still don't get why informing anons about medieval ships got me banned, but such is the lot of Veeky Forums.
Also, want to make a Bard/Speaker with the Dead/Necromancer that terrifies enemies?
Pic related may be currency, a very valuable one. Good for scrying rituals.
Tendons, flints, conches and obsidian flakes are "coins"
The Great Evil is Nature: hostile, full of snakes, diseases, unknown beasts and spirits to appease.
African witches are a great alternative.
>witches in Africa can summon bees and fire on command, whenever.
>And just about all of them are cannibals.
>There's an account of witches using nightmare demons to kill their enemies in their sleep through sheer terror.
>legend about how witches have small mouths of razor sharp teeth all over their backs.
>The scariest part about witches, though, is that they can be bought. They'll gladly fuck over anybody they're paid to, so you don't even have to make them mad at you personally.
Wizard would have to be the town shaman, or an apprentice. Think Africa/Ace Ventura 2.
Clanship would be a lot more important. Think native americans and how different they were. How some would shoot others on sight, and others would bust out the peace pipe. Some stationary, others wander. The keeping of animals would be a big part of their lives. Also think of early Scotland and highlanders and stuff.
Also DCC has this adventure which starts you off as cavemen, but has a cool twist where there's a time traveler cloistered away up in the arctic mountains.
yeah there's ''nature magic'' bascally shamanism/ beastmasters. Some have greater ability to ''commune'' than others. eg, some gifted humans can, half-nanderthals have a easier time, but must still work on the skill. Full blooded Neanderthals have an intrinsic connection to nature from the womb. they can communicate with it as easily as two people of the same language can talk.
I once played a supernatural ice age game. I mean, we did have to fight supernatural monsters, courtesy of the fallen god we were opposing, but the worst of it was simply weather hazards.
It would be very survival heavy but theres still room for primordial forces to be running about.
How heavy should i got into fantasy elements ? should it be minimalist or full-blown elves,wizards and orcs n'shiet ? or would the latter just defy the whole point of the setting ?.
To give you an example from Far cry primal which seems to be the best thing to work of off for stonage settings
Elves would be the Izila people whove just figured out putting plants in the ground in certain places gives them a somewhat more reliable source of food(Agriculture) and create stone monuments and slightly more advanced huts made of more then just animal skins drapped over bones. Theyll have started to put together some basic theology that theres spirits and gods, which they see as the reason season change and preform complex rituals to appease them.
Orcs would be the uldum borderline feral or ruthless savages covered in blood and bones.
As for fantasy elements you could maybe have a few elmental beings running around but to people who at best have stone spears theyre quite literally forces of nature that you cant fight and win against but perhaps you could appease them.
You could throw things in like vampires and were wolves as being the result of animal spirits.
Wizards would be shamans/druids.
Well, I'd say use some.
Dragons still work, just play them up as primal forces of nature. In the freezing lands where ice has taken over, you have an ancient white dragon, whose breath causes the snowstorms that blanket the area.
Neanderthals were smarter than homo sapiens, if anything they should be the elves.
They could be smarter,but in a different way. As in connection to nature allows the land itself to be in their aid.
Natural druids, the first planewalkers
TOTEM gets recommended a lot because it's fantastic.
>spoiler text
Show us in the 4plebs archive what you were talking about user
GG thanks bro. Original thread starter here
Do you want the information? I put it here:
>A bit of 16th century help for sea adventures
The Quest for Fire
Gall Dennar from hellboy
Abstract epic myths and legends of gods and monsters and primal spirits.
But they were also stockier, they're dwarves.
We also have mini human relatives for halflings and big hairy human relatives that could be orcs or ogres but they had a more vegetarian diet.
This was for
use that in your setting, op
I'm sick of all the "masterwork Clovispoint dagger-axe" bullshit going on in this setting right now. Folsom point weapons deserve better than that. I should know what I'm talking about; I myself flintknapped a genuine Folsompoint spearhead from Black Hills chert and have been hunting mammoth and shoveltusker with it for 26 moons now
Rock brand Rock is all Og need. Go back home berrypicker.
They are dwarves.
Not quite stone age, but check out King of Dragon Pass for Iron Age inspiration (especially the incorporation of mysticism and hero quests).
>Picks apart bad spelling.
>Ignores the subject matter.
>What would a Neolithetic/Mesolithic fantasy setting look like tg/ ?
>Hamfisting neolithic populations into orc, dwarf, and elf stereotypes
D&D please go. Let this be its own thing. Stop trying to refluff everything else as mechanically identical variants of your thing.
While Neanderthals had larger brains, the part of the brain that it responsible for higher cognition was smaller. Brain shape>brain size.
>Gall Dennar from hellboy
>You are a Hunter. A man or woman of the Tribe
Dropped. Berrypicker as fuck.
This. I mean, I'm running a setting with neolithic/mesolithic societies (and a super advanced not!Atlantis one) using 5e rules but I had the good sense to at least nix the elves, dwarves, halflings, and orcs.
b-but I like the nonhuman races...
>The evil warchief of the Blackfire Tribe has discovered ancient power from beneath the earth
>With it, he conquered a dozen other tribes with ease
>He call it 'Iron'
Other key differences are that they were physically incapable of using throwing weapons (and so probably bows too), and tended to avoid large bodies of water.
Races are
>Cro Magnon
>Feathered Raptor Guys
>Scaled Saurus looking guys
>Thri Kreen
>Sentient Centipedes
>Wooly Rhox
>Mammoth dudes from Dark Souls 2
Monsters include:
>Invisible Smilodon
>Pygmy Gastornis Cavalry
>Fire breathing Megalania
as bad as the game was, check out Far Cry Primal for a pretty comprehensive casting of roles in a neolithic setting.
>or woman
>Other key differences are that they were physically incapable of using throwing weapons
Sounds really interesting.
Their shoulders and upper bodies were designed differently. Gorilla's are the same - they can't actually lift their arms over their head, and are incapable of over-arm throwing. That's why you always see them use an underhand throw. They are incapable of moving their arms over their head and forward (which is why all of the Tarzan movies are ridiculous - the gorillas can't actually climb trees).
Thanks user
> Gorilla's are the same - they can't actually lift their arms over their head
>the gorillas can't actually climb trees
True, I think you can flesh out the natural threats quite a bit though. So a pack of wolves isn't just some lowly enemy but an actual existential threat with maybe even some tribal lore attached to them.
I always picture it being just like we know about them from fossil records, but to keep with the fantastic elements we love, there are old gods roaming the world. They wield ancient mysteries like how to make simple tools and how to farm.
You could base it this flick.
>implying Orcs aren't smarter then men
One problem I've seen with it is the lack of technology, societal scope, and lack of modern sensibilities towards a tribal lifestyle make it hard for people to envision important stories and characters at the time.
Personally I would mix it with slightly more advanced technology, more fantasy archetypes, NOT using near human hominids as races, and some other stuff that doesn't really fit but fits better for fantasy adventuring. Wolfpacks and Winter snow is an OSR game of tribal life I think is pretty swell.
I was actually just thinking of this; the anachronistic technology of the movie is totally fine in my book, and evil pyramid building slavemasters are a pretty cool evil empire.
Is that a tribal beaver?