What's the weirdest die ever? Post weird dice here
What's the weirdest die ever? Post weird dice here
Shapeways has a lot of dice which are trying to be cool but are actually ugly
That omni-die that's supposed to be all dice at once, but in practice it's just easier to have separate dice than to read the thing.
Do my 3D printed sea mine dice count as weird?
In the last thread I posted these in, anons asked how unbalanced they were, so I did a 500 roll randomness study. The 3D printed dice proved to be much more fair than a randomly selected Chessex dice from my collection. (Which was my benchmark for the least fair dice that was acceptable)
>a 500 roll randomness study
>3D printed dice proved to be much more fair
At what p-value?
Chessex sucks. Gamescience, 3D-printed, or machined are the only fair dice.
I should really remember what this means, considering that I took a prob-stats class not to long ago. I think it had something to do with statistical significances or something? I don't have the data on hand right now, but this is what I remember from the data: after calculating the standard deviations of each roll result on each dice, the Chessex die had a std.dev. of about 1.2% and the 3D printed die had a std.dev. of about 0.6%. I don't know too much about probabilities, but I hope that answers your question.
I am well aware that Chessex is garbage, but most GMs I've met tolerate Chessex dice at their tables. I only was going to consider bringing my dice to the table if they were noticeably fairer than Chessex dice.
>Do my 3D printed sea mine dice count as weird?
why would you do this? It's like less than a dollar to buy dice. I can't think of a commercial 3D printer that would make good dice
>In the last thread I posted these in, anons asked how unbalanced they were
>so I did a 500 roll randomness study. The 3D printed dice proved to be much more fair than a randomly selected Chessex dice from my collection. (Which was my benchmark for the least fair dice that was acceptable)
It doesn't matter what anyone says, you're not gonna listen because you have full blown autism.
well I think his dice are cool and would let him use them regardless, even if the first one looks hard to read.
Out of curiosity, why did you make them?
We have a really nice 3D printer at work, and the guy who runs it is a total bro. He let me slip small parts into other print jobs in exchange for helping out with the post processing of parts from the printer. (Which isn't hard, just messy)
Fun fact: since the resin these dice are made with cure under UV light, the transparent dice glow a nice blue color under a blacklight.
The D16 from new blood bowl is a bit unusual. I'd never seen or heard of one before it was released. Only used in game to pic a random team member.
I sort of want to write a stalker rpg that uses a D20 as the base but never could be bothered.
Post the raw data, I can do the math
I've seen odd dice like a D7 that are made with irregular geometric shapes. Kind of like a small pencil with different sides?
But you can't really divide 360 degrees of a cylinder into 7 evenly
Sure you can. Each angle is 360/7 degrees.
Anyone know of any dice with bird themes? Like a feather or a wing for a 6? Trying to buy theme dice for my players.
You can, they don't have to be evenly flat on each side but still the symmetrical all the way around. They looked sort of like this from what I can remember.
Skewed Dice.
Literally for what purpose
I can get this , but this is something incomprehensible.
...Can I buy these from you? Or can you post the model (despite me not liking painting, and thus not liking most war-games)? I love these, this is so cool.
>"I don't have the data on hand..."
>Post the raw data...
Why do you insist on sucking your own dick this hard, user?
Are these fair? Like, via some sort of black magic maths fuckery? If so, I need to have about 40.
Id probably say thats just because they're lighter, and therefore less prone to having a center of mass that's meaningfully off-center to effect their roll.
>I think it had something to do with statistical significances or something?
>after calculating the standard deviations of each roll result on each dice, the Chessex die had a std.dev. of about 1.2% and the 3D printed die had a std.dev. of about 0.6%.
The point is that you can't just say "Stdev. 1 is higher than stdev. 2; therefore, die 1 is less fair than die 2.". Rather, you have to say, "Given these test results, what's the probability that die 1 is less fair than die 2?".
The hexadecimal die, for all your Traveller needs.
You're new to the game? Here's your dice bro
>I don't have the data on hand right now
>right now
When your guy has a million-to-one shot (ok, ten million)
I want these
>6 000 000 face on top.
What did they mean by this?
Nobody knows what dice these are or where they came from.
Nontransititve dice.
>all of them have the same average result as a normal die
>die A rolls more than die B, the majoritiy of the time, die B rolls more than die C the majority of the time, and die C rolls more than die A the majority of the time
Finally, dice for FATAL.
It means up to 20 000 000.
What the fuck?
I wish I could find a ton of these in good colors. Where do you get them from?
That could be cool if used in a fire emblem RPG.
Given their structure you'd be better off just having three sets of symbols and having all the dice 5 and 1 with 5 of their symbol and one of the next one over.
How the hell do you even read those?
The dark pips...probably?
Behold, the d1
Perfect for when you do anything that has a 100% chance of success. In fact, buy a whole bag, and roll one each time you need to do something you have a 100% chance to do.
This weird marble salesman keeps following me around and trying to force me to buy his wares. Just try to ignore him, sorry everybody.
They look weird
That's the only point. Use them if you're playing a jester or some shit
Garbage. Dice with sharp edges like that don't roll well
>everyone has bags of weird dice
>can never find the right dice to roll in good time
>does arbitrary rituals for each different dice
>swaps them out after each roll for no reason
>can't even see what's being rolled anyway
>tfw hundreds of these but none remembers to bring a pencil
I have a d10 with Japanese numbers on the sides. I'm always called a weeaboo when I roll it, and the only DM that allows it is a Chinese guy that knows the kanji.
>not being a weeb
Don't post my waifu motherfucker
>not even knowing basic japanese number kanjis
You're waifu is a CUTE
I doubt people in japan would even use those. I mean I would allow it since I could read them, but it's kind of stupid
Y'all muthafuckas need Jesus
What did you do to my sex dice?
And people say tabletop gaming promotes satanism
the only way to make sure your chances are exactly even is to us a digital roller
rolling dice is traditional, but certainly not preferable
I have a set of the green and yellow Dragon Dice that I got as a kid and thought were cool, with no idea what they were. Took a hell of a lot of searching to find out they were actually a TSR product.
Don't forget them
Looks euclidean to me.
Fuck you and your bullshit, my d1s are better!
Sweet. I want FF6 Magicite dice.
Brotip: The d4's are god-tier, but everything after the d8 is hard to read, and never stops rolling. Also, given the barrel design, even the slightest variation will heavily skew the odds in favor of a single number. The d20 that I had rolled 4's so often we did a test and found it favored the 4 by almost 20%, because a small imperfection on the opposite number made it slightly heavier than the other sides.
I had the same situation. The d20 I have only seems to roll 3s. It will literally almost stop in a number, and suddenly roll back to land on a 3. I emailed the company about it and they blocked me. This was six years ago. Still bitter.
It's an old GW game. I had them in the 90's but I don't recall what they came in.
looks like binary
>I emailed the company about it and they blocked me. This was six years ago. Still bitter.
Your d1 cost me PT and the entirety of Konami, fuck you.
you're confusing a symptom with the cause, user. talk to anyone that's ever worked there
I ordered these almost illegible d16s off of Amazon recently.
Bottle of nail polish and a gentle touch would solve that problem real quick.
>ctrl+f d3
>0 results
It's the humble d3.
old school d&d dice had no paint in the numbers. one common hack was to rub a crayon on them so the wax would get in them.
I honestly bought they because they were unreadable. I can probably ink them in if they're that bad during gameplay, though.
Oh, that changes things. If they're just a showpiece, leave 'em be. If you actually intend to use them, don't be the scrub who Sharpies 'em. Take your time, and keep them looking nice, because they do look nice.
So what is the proper way to test my dice to see if they're not rolling true, or to prove I am an unlucky rolling nexus of the universe?
I have one of these. It's pretty cool
That's not a hack, that's intended. They were cheap fucks back then.
>one common hack was to rub a crayon on them so the wax would get in them
How is that different from just writting with them?
The pips read the appropriate value minus one, in binary. Take the D4 for example. It has 00, 01, 10, and 11. That's 0, 1, 2, 3 in binary. So convert from bin to dec, add 1, and boom, you've got your result.
They literally came with crayons to do exactly that. Everyone knew about it.
A cup of heavily salted water. Give them a spin and see where they stop.
Anyone know what type of dice those really pastel and chalky looking ones are?
I dunno dude, i don't own any I just saw them once. For reference this is the site I took the image from
>So convert from bin to dec, add 1
Yeah, because CLEARLY the 0 in d10 is meant to be read as 1.
Not bad. Have an .stl to share?
Wait wait wait
Can they be used in a rock-paper-scissors type of gameplay? Different shields/attacks using the different dice?
Are they giving an equal advantage/disadvantage across each other?
Surprised nobody posted these badboys
Comfy image
Better go tell that to every casino on earth, then.
>I got a foot print and an elf, what does it mean?
>I don't know nigga, I don't speak hierogrypish
D&D players often fight dragons in game. But what if you want to fight a dragon in real life? Go to your local laboratory and use the DNA Nucleotide Dice!
Gamers have long struggled with combining genetic information. Luckily the solution is here. Just roll this d4 set a couple million times and it will give you a fully random DNA sequence. Uses for these dice include simulating evolution, randomizing your own clones, and giving your children color blindness. Order yours today!
(Manufacturer is not responsible for any damages resulting from rapidly evolving genetically engineered viruses or from genetically augmented superhumans staging an uprising against humanity.)
I like his dice! You shut your trap.
I am interested as well.
Ask and ye shall recieve
I posted the d5. I also have the d3, d24, d14 and d16 in that set.
Dbz ttg. Role your power level to show off *why* its pointless to measure power levels