I am so fucking sick of selfish, scene stealing elitists. They always want to have their private, in depth, soul-searching narcissistic word diarrhea eruptions right in the middle of something important, like combat. Why exactly they gravitate towards ttRPGs instead of wandering over to their local shakespeare festival or some other conglomeration of shit where at least they wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb is beyond me, but they are the cancer that is killing games.
The problem with modern roleplayers
Cam down buddy and greentext us what's happened
>Playing near future sci-fi totally not inspired by Star Wars campaign.
>Fighting the good fight, you know?
>New guy joins
>Wants to play a more conventional terrorist type, because he has to be edgy
>Has to whine about how his people were off hiding in the mountains and fucking each other's goats, because muh backstory
>Has to go on and on about how the bad guys we're fighting intervened for no reason and gassed his people's settlement
>Has to have special (but useless) weapons, instead of the guns the rest of us use, he's got a poison stinger installed in his mouth, and a CQC weapon; gauntlets that heat up and fry people, combined with a personal shield that isn't so great but sometimes lets him get into close range to use it.
>Winds up actually using a plasma rifle like everyone fucking else, but is terrible at it.
>Get mission to defend archeologists at some dig site, they might be uncovering something important which would attract the baddies.
>Keeps whining about how static defense in our situation is a terrible idea, we should just grab the eggheads and run.
>Instead of actually deploying, goes to talk to said scientists to try to get them to leave, now.
>GM shuts down that stupid shit.
>Send him off to scout the mountain, away from anyone else so I don't have to hear him talk.
>He finds some kind of transmitter, destroys it, baddies are spying on us.
>He keeps saying we have to leave immediately, before we get gassed or blown up by artillery or anything else the bad guys have.
>We get attacked.
>We beat the enemy forces off.
>He keeps whining that there have to be more of them, because why would they send an appropriately leveled encounter at us (BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING GAME YOU FUCKTARD)
>Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch.
>He talks more than the other 4 of us in character combined, and always tries to hog the spotlight.
That's not an example of "a modern roleplayer", that's just a That Guy or at least someone who isn't on the same page as you. Why not fucking talk it out with them instead of bringing a shit argument to Veeky Forums?
I actually agree, we had an action scene where my character was struggling not to drown in quicksand, but the other player wanted to describe how his guy (who was perfectly fine out of the water) was hemming and hawing over weather to give a proper elven burial to a dead body of a scout we had found hours before.
That's not stealing thw spotlight, that's just being an unsufferable fag who can't adapt. Does he have autism?
Have the group speak with him:
He gets his shit together, or you kick him out.
I don't believe that anybody who uses this board plays games with "new" players let alone rotates players enough that they can form an accurate opinion on "players these days"
You beat off the enemy forces? Your GM is pretty nice, my GM's enemies would demand at least fellatio to be left in peace.
That joke kind of sucked.
To be fair, the state of the game is so confused right now that some people don't know what else to do. It used to be simple tactical fun, but the hobby started bringing in people who couldn't handle tactics. That left exploration of the game world. If the DM was tactical, he'd crash that down; if he wasn't, he would burn out from the strain of creating and improvising. That leaves introspection, again for people who aren't analytical enough to handle combat tactics.
Sure, he's insufferable for the first bits, but...
To be fair, if you knew the enemy had detected your presence, deciding to leave now, or that an engagement might escalate is a completely fair assessment.
I mean, your *characters* don't know you're supposed to fight level-appropriate encounters.
nothing a decent GM can't handle
>Wants to play a more conventional terrorist type, because he has to be edgy
sorry, this is a good guy campaign. please develop a different character concept.
>Has to whine about how his people were off hiding in the mountains and fucking each other's goats, because muh backstory
>Has to go on and on about how the bad guys we're fighting intervened for no reason and gassed his people's settlement
sorry, this is not in the tone of Star Wars. please redraft your backstory.
>He talks more than the other 4 of us in character combined, and always tries to hog the spotlight.
sorry, you have just had your spotlight in the last scene. now, it's X's turn.
>Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch.
Wait, are you talking about that guy, or yourself, right now?
>Implying the GM actually thinks it's a problem and OP isn't just anally annihilated about someone actually trying to roleplay in a roleplaying game.
>He keeps whining that there have to be more of them, because why would they send an appropriately leveled encounter at us (BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING GAME YOU FUCKTARD)
gonna side with him on this one, it makes no sense
>Why exactly they gravitate towards ttRPGs instead of wandering over to their local shakespeare festival or some other conglomeration of shit...
'Cause no one likes them there, either/they're not good enough
I found two of the people you're upset about, OP.
You sound like a colossal faggot
Nice fellatio joke
What are you even on about?
not OP but am i supposed to recognize them?
They're from Critical Role, a streamed 5e game. A lot of people like it, but a lot of people on tg don't. Those two are some of the biggest reasons why, b/c of some of the things OP complains about. Huge attention whores and bad roleplaying combined with either not knowing how to play after literal years (the chick) or "cheating" by forgetting the rules in his favor (the dude).
Maybe if you talked more in character then he wouldn't talk so much to presumably fill the void you're leaving.
I'm with edgy McTerror on this one. He's making rational decisions here; treating the game like a game is meta AF and also shit role play. Git gud scrub
Sounds like you got Captain America in your squad. Unfortunately for you, you aren't Iceman, you're Encino Man.
>Encino man
Now that's a movie title I haven't heard in a long, long time.