well fuck, also ADB announced that yesteday was HH's last meeting for Siege of Terra Book
well fuck, also ADB announced that yesteday was HH's last meeting for Siege of Terra Book
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im starting to think that sooner or later geedubs will find a way to replace Emps with Girlyman
how can the emperor be a such hypocrite
Irish was being a bitch baby as much as the Emperor, both are hypocrites that can't ser past their enourmous egos.
That subtle void dragon reference. Why is the Emperor not talking about it?
Really enjoyed that. Better than some episodes of the show. The priest's speech about the Imperium being hugely hypocritical was very well done.
he probably doesn't want to suffer everyone's panic at the revelation that there's a c'tan shard - one that even he himself couldn't properly defeat - locked so close to them
yeah imagine if the mechanicus discovers that he Machine spirit is a c'tan
>the subtle hint about the Primaris and Girlyman's return
>shipping Uriah with the Emperor
>shipping boy with Rogal
At least it means the machine spirit can actually talk back
If that was the priests reaction to finding out big E bitch slapped Tzeench around and took back Magnus's soul, I wonder how he would react when he learns that Kitten beat Tzeench in a childrens card game?
its talks with children like some Gamera shit
How do you think TTS-Emperor will react to someone improving the Space Marines?
Why didn't Emps just counter Uriah's the Gods have always existed claim by pointing out that Slannesh was only born 10,000 years and some change ago(and from Eldar fuckery not human) while the rest of the bunch came to be during the Middle Ages
I woulnt mind Uriah coming back to the podcast from time to time. he's a pretty rowdy boi. That and i always liked priests, sure this one is a bit more inflammatory than my general "mr the priest" coming to the party for new year's eve but he's still nice.
From what I could tell, based on the fact that he worships Chaos Undivided Uriah wasn't referring to the individual Chaos gods, but the warp as a whole.
Please delete that
Boy is it for sexual
Son is Rogals surrogate son
This would be a fun idea
>Emps starts shitting on the Chaos Gods
>Uriah appears and starts yelling at him for it
He could have cited the whole Immaterium being screwed by the Necrontyr & Old Ones fighting but Black Library made it so that daemons always existed.
I think that judging by the Emperor's citing of Bloodletters & their violence, the Emperor was more opposed to the Chaos Gods themselves. Maybe if they were nicer people who don't skullfuck people to death, they could have been best buddies with the Emperor.
So how is Leman going to react when he finds out Magnus burned Prosepro, how deep and angry will his voice get?
Like a pile of petulant psychic children
So essentially they were arguing passed each other.
can't wait for that revelation, magnus and change fucked up the fenris system, killing most of the mortals and likely dooming the space wolves to the same slow degradation that the blood angels face, he'll go apoplectic.
It'll get even better when he finds out the sons of the lion decided to enact a discount exterminatus rather than help the sons of the wolf.
emperor or no emperor russ won't forgive magnus for that.
i want more Uriah in my life, i found him delightful
Knowing the Emperor, he's the kind of guy to do that.
Mostly because he's exactly right. Sanguinijesus had me chuckling the most.
Honestly if Uriah really wanted to twist the knife, he could have just brought up the Interex.
>Angron highly enjoyed watching sitcoms
Do you anons think that pic related is the best way to get Angron back to the imperium?
Give angron the entire box set of Married with children
>every daemon of tzeench will be called marcy, including Magnus
So if Mortarion is George, who are Kramer and Jerry?
Kramer is Konrad and Jerry is Roboute
>Its a crusade about nothing
They still exist?
No. but that's clearly the point.
Technically, Erebus' fault. Kitten was right.
>That smile. That damned smile
Fuck you Erebus
Fuck you Erebus
Fuck you Erebus
Kinda makes me wish he made the thunder warriors live longer.
Fuck you, Erebus.
I thought it was a full c'tan.
I'm sure it's just a shard but I could be wrong. Imagine it invading the next Podcast. Also I hope they talk about successor chapters next time. I'd like to here the Emp's thoughts on the Lamenters and the Soul Drinkrrs
Think Alfa said the next podcast is going to be about Helsreach
Oh cool Black Templars
>Imagine it invading the next Podcast.
Complete with Gamera theme?
It's a vast Shard of the Vpid Dragon. The World Engine and Gods of Mars novels confirm this.
The Mechincum novel says that of the existence of the Dragon was fully revealed then the Great Lie of Mars will cause the Admech to shit the cogs and go crazy on everyone on the Imperium.
Which honestly makes no sense to me. Your god is a space vampire. So what?
On a tangent of that. How would the AdMech feel about being able to make their own necrodermis
Double dubs confirm. Void Dragon will have the Gamera theme.
Depends on the tech priest, some would go insane with the potential others will consider it vile tech heresy.
I could imagine some trying to make make the emperor a new shiny body
Didn't one learn to extend his lifespain by ripping out some special organ from a space marine and successfully place it in himself via surgery, so he's still alive?
I'm really liking the podcast format, if only because it mixes things up from the last few regular episodes. Shit was starting to go dry.
>arguing passed
what does that mean?
Fuck you, Erebus.
the argument that the emperor hates humanity is.... pretty damning.... he may be trying to ascend mankind to perfection, but mankind is not humanity, mankind is just a bunch of primates, while humanity is the emotional spectrum and capacity for a soul and empathy. its also worrying that the emperor mentioned morality as a construct to be tossed out too
Fuck you Erebus.
Thoroughly enjoyed the voxcast, felt a bit closer to how it started. With the Emperor despairing at how His Imperium has degenerated as His body and lore discussion rather than their side-plots.
Love you Erebus
~Erebus the Shitposter
>10,000 years of military training and all he can think of is snapping necks and throwing people out of windows
man, karstodes is really fucking useless
So, gonna be honest, I've been faithful to the Imperium, (More specifically towards the Mechanicus) for all this time, but Uriah fucked me up with his speech.
With the Custodes shit talking Boy, Random Mechanicus Guy, and the people of the imperium as a whole...
I find it hard to stand besides anyone besides Uriah and Rogal in that one.
I'm low-key considering Chaos now, but I know that Chaos is ALSO really evil...I'm all conflicted damnit!
>They threw Remleiz out of the fucking window
If Erebus was even half as convincing as Uriah, I can see why the Heresy happened.
He can't even read
Fuck you Erebus
Fuck you erebus
Really? I didn't find Uriah all that convincing. He's obviously ignoring all the grand evil Chaos does and provided no examples of them doing something good, just vague references. And he's ignoring the Chaos gods haven't always existed, they were created (and then somehow became so they always existed but whatever.)
>Chaos gods haven't always existed
I'm pretty sure they did. Maybe not as they are now, but since they are essentially giant clusters of emotions, they were around for as long as soul-bearing species felt them. Just devoid of any form of direction or self-awareness until way after the war in heaven.
>you have always existed, not as you are now, but as a scattered pile of atoms, you were around for as long as it took some cosmic body to shit you out. Just devoid of any form of direction or self-awareness.
If the Emperor becomes a Chaos God, what would Uriah think?
>uriah now worships chaos and donned himself a much sinister chaos cultist appearance
>he also hates taco
This is hilarious
tacos aren't even that good
You know what your right.
I prefer pozole.
Well part of it was the emperor talking over him to the point of frustration. I'd definally like to see him interact with prominent chaos followers and get pissed at them for constantly seeking to prove the emperor right
YA! Wir sind vergeben!
Wait, now what? Do we still fight the war?
Well ofcourse to not fight for the emperor is treasonous, you just don't have to throw yourself bodly into everysingle mortal danger to achieve forgiveness.
why the fuck is it an hour and a half
why are they making this bullshit instead of the show
So can we get a good codex now, ya? And die Fraulines?
Because it's a filler to fill the rather long times between uploads of actual episodes.
since it doesn't take much time and effort to sit down with a bunch of the voice actors set out a rough script and blab into a microphone for a few hours.
Probably so they can dump more info that can't fit in a 20-30 minute episode of animation.
Whatever works
I guess it's the animation (or whatever it's called) that takes a long time. That or making up a story rather than just talking about thinges
Scripting and voiceacting takes far less time than all the animations per episode.
He would be a dick in that way.
I made this image, I just thought more people ought to proudly stand up and say Fuck you Erebus.
A worthy goal
I like you
>And he's ignoring the Chaos gods haven't always existed,
Actuall, they always existed. There is no time in the Warp.
He's talking bout those presence in realspace I think