WIP - Work In Progress General

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>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Reinforcements are en route

>Previous Thread(s):

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I got my first ever pot of Lahmian Medium today, I'm making custom mixes in separate pots. My only gripe is how much medium you need to use to make a glaze or wash. It's a fucking lot in comparison.

Onyx Contact Force Remotes. Following the Giraldez book method.

Rate B paint scheme. I can't be the only one that likes it.

I think you need another layer on that red. Looks to be a bit thin to me.

You are.

I already know I'm gonna need to buy a lot more of this shit. I made a mix of darkened green to cover up some blotches on my Stealthsuit armour and not only does it cover every fucking blemish I made, but it goes on so fucking smoothly. Perfect coverage, one thin coat.

If anyone can recommend more price efficient alternatives for it from other companies, I'd love it. I'm gonna need a bigass bottle.


Australia please.

the colors do not fit well. A is a bit better.

It can work, just take away the yellow on the feet and hands and your good, whats the chapter name?

More often than not, I don't. I just do two thin layers of flesh tone and a wash, don't even bother with eyes because I know I'm gonna fuck it up.

Whatever you're doin with those Sisters, keep doin it, m8. Looking pretty nice there.

How do you guys paint faces? I have a hard time everytime.

What's a good way to make cloth look shitty and worn without drybrushing?

Lahmian Medium is just liquid acrylic medium except GW has put it in a tiny jar and cranked up the price.


Update on the Glow

Looking good

holy hell you actually have a hospitilar fig?

So any acrylic medium I find in any art store can suffice? I thought GW changed a formula or some shit. Lots of reviews I read say that Lahmian is the best even though they tried other companies' stuff.

Much better!

I'm going to ignore your disgusting overuse of BftBG because that glow is really cool

Yeah, I picked her up alongside some diazmonettes and imperial psykers from that limited run GW was did a while back.

It would be an alternative scheme for space wolves. Yellow is retributor armour gold. The idea would be a lot of gold bling.

The pink, gold and blue-gray should form a colour triad, but I am a complete beginner painter and dont exactly know how that shit works.

Repostin' my 6 dwarf giants

That's on purpose, just to see if anyone paid attention to it, I'll remove that layer later

got the branches done on my chaos tree

I've recently bought two of those bad boyz, but I've never painted anything bigger than killa kan.

How do I approach model this big?
I got an airbrush, but I've spent maybe 10 hours so far using it, and I don't feel confindent enough.

Also, still thinking about colour scheme. Should I go full rusty with browns and oranges all over, or spray dark iron all over him and do zenithal with brighter metallic?

top view

almost ready for papermache, after that plasterfiller

I am probably starting this Army's on Parade Project far too late, but at least it motivated me to get something done.
The picture doesn't give the best Idea of how I want this to look in the end, but it's all I have right now.
The necron flyer is a standin for a helldrake conversion, yet to begin.
The lying model to it's right is the beginning of a keeper of secrets conversion.
The slightly bigger cybot is a stand in for a hellbrute conversion, material yet to be acquired.
The three models behind Celestines squad should be replaced with daemonettes converted into raptors. Build but baseless.
The two somewhat empty bases towards the middle are a Lord and a dark apostle, which are actually more or less build by now.
And I will have to rebase all the daemonettes.

You need to make the rest of the model darker or tone down the glow

Good start so far. I hope you plan on livening up the trim though.

And the two models I did today.

Thanks dude. I was having a hard time deciding on a color scheme for my sisters so I tried dessert camo.

Camera is making it look a lot brighter than it actually is, specifically by making the light blue look turquoise

>Made a light box to better photograph my dudes
>It's dark as fuck no matter how much light I shine in

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong - tried it with natural light, natural+artificial, and purely artificial. Models are still too dark. Sad days.

Working on my corrupt commissar. unfortunately he had an acetone bath some time ago and its screwed his face up. painting over it wasn't the greatest.

The only thing I did for the gold was basecoat so I get an idea of how it'll looks like,safe for the guy in the middle, so yeah I'll do it

kinda fits honestly

Fluff him around it. Absolute madman survived a tyranid acid spray. This left him ugly on the outside and twice as mean on the inside.

That's why he has a giant chainfist, to RIP AND TEAR HUGE NIDS as revenge.

Probably shitty white balance on a phone camera?

I've made a terrible mistake...

I'll never paint all of this...

It's going to be a grey winter.

Lost a set of Skitarii legs, so I decided to work on my terrible greenstuff skills by making him a mechasnek. Honestly I think my first attempt looked better, but it fell apart while adjusting the pose

Army progress report. Actual wip incoming

Can't wait to finish this guy and get started on my hellbrute

I may actually be getting the hang of it.

Ignore the comical bolter.

Forgot pic, lol

She's not compensating for anything


Latest haul of what I've been working on. Took a break from KDM to do Dark Souls and Endure the Stars. Got a whole lot of cultists, robots, and genetically enhance stupid alien enemies ahead of me T-T

Things that AREN'T 40k? in my /wip/? What madness is this?

Got some more work done on Chaos Johnny. Just need to highlight and he will be done

Mistakes can be corrected.

I spent ages looking at a grey army but one day I decided to stop being scared and do it anyway. Sat down and did 1 fire warrior to get the scheme done and have an example model for the rest. Then I started doing them in batches of 5. "Today I'll do all their armours", "Today, I'll get the undergarments and black cleanup done" etc. When I got bored of the same unit type, I switched to another to give myself a slight fluff-sanctioned variation of the scheme to avoid burnout.

A month later I had 1.2K worth of Tau fully painted. Get to work, you didn't spend all that money to have it gather dust and be a source of guilt every time you look at them. You're better than this.


FINALLY got all the red armour painted on this Terminator squad, took over 8 hrs to do all 5. If only I wasn't so accursedly slow :( Now onto the rest of the models, which hopefully will be done a little faster.

That's some nice lookin red there boi

Looks super smooth user, great work.

Speed isn't an issue, bro. They look clean and smooth, that's what really matters. Well done.

Rationalization is a hell of a drug.

He should be called Jerry or Lonnie

I'm proud of them.

Cheers guys, I'm glad the toil was worth some (you)s

Really cool mate

Excellent highlighting, love the fleshy striping on the tentacles, super gross

A good way to make cables out of GS is to roll it into a thin cylinder and then run a comb over it and roll it under the comb slightly, makes a really regular even cable with little effort. Just do it on a piece of plastic that's wetted so it keeps the shape without sticking/smearing on the table

Then do recommend some others? I'm keen to try them.

>Get model to a standard I'm happy with, going to buy some more paint and do some highlighting later
>Decide to do the chapter symbol
>Fuck it up
>Decide to buy a micron pen instead

Anyone got experience using them? My paint brushes/my own skills are too shitty to do accurate small freehand.

Heavy washes?

What chapter?

Great tabletop standard
Bases could do with a little love though

These bases are really just temporary. I've got some sick bases inbound that emulate the base of a trench. Seems fitting for Trenchers.

Iron Knights, but with the chapter symbol on the shoulder. This is my first time trying painting again after the mess of my early teens. Kinda wishing I would have chosen a chapter I can use transfers on but I'm committed now.

If you search for PROFESSIONAL ACRYLIC MATT MEDIUM by Windsor and Newton, and thin it down properly you can make more medium than you'll ever need for the cost of a few pots of Lahmian.

Lukes APS on YouTube has a really good tutorial for ratios and what have you.

There's a site that illegally sells knockoffs of that chapter's symbol. It's called Shapeways. Just search for "iron knights" and it shows up.

Necromancer Warband Update

All I found time for the last couple days was basing this grave servant and painting this really cool Wraith.

The Wraith took ages because I tried a different mix than just straight VGC Shadow Grey and had to do several coats of a blue glaze to get a blue tint back into it that the mixed had knocked out. Vallejo Glaze Medium dries very, very slow if anyone was curious.

I know, I had a look at them. I'm very tempted, but I've already glued the pauldrons on for this squad. I'm a bit hesitant to spend money on any 3-D printing that might not be 100%, he admits on the site there might be some errors.

That's fair.
Best of luck regardless. Painting chapter symbols is a bitch.

>selling a conversion part with an icon that isn't GW owned

Does anyone have any guides for making banners for models? I've never done it before and I don't want to fuck it up

its not illegal to sell knock-offs.

Pretty sure GW lawyers have figured out a way to sue for selling parts that GW doesn't make, but could potentially be making even if they don't actually intend to.

Reposting from last thread.

Im tired of looking the three cancer patients I have as kasrkin sergeants so wanted to give one of them his hair back.

Anyone ever used crackle paint/medium? I've been looking at some videos and tutorials with it, looks like it'd make fucking amazing ice world bases.

And from the side/rear

they actually lost some lawsuits about that, but they still take some things down anyways.

Thanks user, I'll look it up!

Yeah, and for some smalltime bitz makers, even the threat of a suit is something they can't afford

I like using Geedub's website to compare paints as they have a nice 'general overview where you can view all the colours of a respective live at once, however recently any attempt to view those pages is giving 404's. Anyone know what's up?

They recently released a painting app, or will be soon, so maybe the painting material on the website is going to be updated or removed.

how much does wip have to paint Ive got so much grey its giving me anxiety like you will not believe I cant make myself paint everyday.

I stopped counting back in 2015

far too much and I keep buying more;
infinity army, two massive fleets for DFC, a resistance army for dropzone, a guildball team about 6 malifuax crews, marine army for 40k and a nurgle deamon army.
I want to paint all of it but I don't even know where to start

I hear you, user.

Depends, are you counting projects that have been shelved?
If we're going on painting for games I'm active in, I've got a small LotR army (with more minis on the way), a handful of Battlemechs, and five Blood Bowl teams, plus some Shadow War Armageddon warbands I haven't even started.

If we're talking total, however.... then kindly never look in my attic.

thank goodness im not alone

>all those metals
Glorious, user. Each new plastic kit seems more dull and soulless than the last.

No, was using an actual bonafide camera, but maybe I wasn't getting light sources in at the right angle or something. Gonna try again tomorrow.

What game?

Chaos Johnny/Jimmy is complete

Well, my creativity comes in fits and bursts, so I too collect stuff and then never finish it. Currently sitting at:
>The entire axis catalog for Dust Tactics
>4 large fleets for Dropfleet Commander
>A pile of Epic 40k Squats
>Two Dark Imperium Primaris sets
>An army of Convergence of Cyriss, still NiB

Actually making a dent in the chads these days, thankfully. Helps I've found a chapter I like with an easy color scheme.

he looks displeased by what the ammo is saying to him, looks really nice though.

Oooh nice, strong tone did the job then

Could you guys please give me some C&C, I am a new painter

>Helps I've found a chapter I like with an easy color scheme.
what chapter user?