Does your setting have any weirdos?
Famous serial killers/stalkers/masochists?
Does your setting have any weirdos?
Famous serial killers/stalkers/masochists?
Jeanjac le Rouge, spooky highwayman and killer of debauched nobles and drunken revelers.
They say he can jump on a horse-drawn-carriage in one leap.
Well, there's the PCs...
Well, there's this group of men who travel town to town actively meddling with the locals and trying to get things done on their own without following any proper legal procedures. For some reason the government never tries to arrest them for looting and tracking the group has been difficult because they all appear to be vagabonds.
They all carry rope and poles around everywhere as if it's ok to do that.
They don't count
Mandalorian mad doctor, probably a serial killer in addition to being a hack.
I drop hints about the wider world in-game, but the only one whose mattered has been Madman, a criminally insane super with a penchant for murder.
About six weeks out from Halloween last year I started dropping in news reports about the trial of a superpowered serial killer. I had already made a habit of peppering in news clippings and the like for exactly this sort of scenario, and filled it with red herrings. Some of the players enjoyed keeping up to date with the news because it provided little side stories that made the world feel living, others ignored it because it wasn't relevant to them. So anyway, Halloween comes, and it's time for my super spooky Halloween special. The serial killer, Madman breaks free during a court session, kills a bunch of people and starts fleeing - in the direction where the player's hero team set up shop.
It was a fun Halloween special, a tough fight for the PC's because Madman was a slippery bastard.
I try to keep the party on their toes with news of other hero teams in neighbouring cities, but it rarely amounts to anything.
>Halloween specials
I'm so miffed I didn't think about this first
I love highway-men
Too many to name.
But one the PCs engaged was a Force-sensitive sadomasochistic pirate queen who made the mistake of trying to get the jump on an Alliance frigate on the same hyperlane the party were travelling on.
She's currently yandere for one of the PCs after he beat her in a duel and had her sent to a Rebel prison. Which she's almost certain to break out of
It's Nechronica.
Pretty much everyone is a mildly deranged cyborg zombie, with varying psychoses and obssessions.
Including the player characters. ESPECIALLY the player characters.
>I wonder if the game that has a bunch of mechanics about insanity has crazy people in it.
He first showed up as a soldier who would appear out of nowhere and mow down the enemy of one particular country before vanishing. Nobody could ever identify what unit he was from and eventually command issued an order for a manhunt, but nobody really wanted to since he always saved the day and took no prisoners. The same guy showed up over and over for nearly 200 years. Many thought that it was a group of similar people, but they all would appear with the same gear (with no signs of wear though), always wearing the same face-obscuring helmet, always the same height, and always seemingly unkillable.
He stopped appearing for about 30 years and then cropped up again as a mercenary. Switched sides all the time, but people realized that he wasn't being paid half the time. Sometimes he'd shows up and just attack both sides. After another 240 years he vanished again.
The third time he appeared as a serial killer. All his victims were the same species, but he never killed people in the same way. It went on for a long time, but eventually, he ran out of basic lethal methods and moved to the next species, as if making a catalog. Again, he vanished, this time for hundreds of years.
He's a military android. A very smart, very bored android that is focused on two things: obtaining information and combat. Obtaining information can be done by just accessing the internet and sorting through everything, combat often ends with death, and so after years of military service when the android broke free it kept killing as a merc, and then decided to keep killing in an efficient manner to see every basic way of killing every species it came across. It didn't help that the first thing it did when it got unrestricted access to the net was to read everything it could, starting with basic things and then jumping to whatever was harder to find. That kind of information is at the same time sobering and maddening to a strong AI.
the PC's
outside of that your usual assortment of magi and priests
also the guy who removed hobbits from the setting
A dude completely removed hobbits from your setting.
I need more info on this
fairly self explanatory
he killed the concept of "hobbit"
How does one kill a concept?
by stabbing the red dot
My PCs just exorcised a prison of the ghosts of FOUR serial killers (and one scammer), including:
-Wizard Hannibal
-The Pied Piper, but with killer mosquito-bats
-Ted Bundy with a decapitation fetish and a strong bladder
-Dwarf Cuckold-cum-slasher
>Dwarf Cuckold-cum-slasher
but the "removing hobbits" was the one that required explanation?
if you couldnt tell it was the result of some jokes in a nasuverse campaign
it was some dude with SHIKI/+ tier mistic eyes of death perception who dun did it
An entire ancient family where the head of the family is driven mad by a necromantic god in exchange for extreme power.
Some notable acts from past heads of the family include
>Making a flesh golem from still living flesh, harvested from barely alive POWs
>Forcibly resurrecting the dead as ghosts, then forcing them to watch as he mutilates their body and forced the body to kill their loved ones
>Killing and resurrecting hordes of children to demoralize enemy armies
>Torturing and mentally breaking priests and holy men until they lose their faith, then killing them and keeping their souls trapped, telling them this is their hell for betraying their god
>Just an untenable amount of body horror, cannibalism, mutilation
>And lots of rape and kidnapping to keep the family line going
A junji ito family?
>Dwarf Cuckold-cum-slasher
I know what you meant by this, but the mental image of a Dwarf murdering people with knives made out of his own baby butter is just too good.
>"they mocked me when I discovered that I could make a semen knife"
>"I'll show them, I'll show them all!"
Well, there's the Death Church.
it's mostly a historical oddity at this point with varying elements of truth and legend, but basically it was murders on top of murders on top of murders.
A Vlad the Impaler type ruler wanted to prove his piety, and so he set about building a church. It's full of some pretty grim statues of martyrs, beautiful frescos by a noted artist illustrating the afterlife, and one of the oldest and largest catacombs still maintained.
So naturally, with varying degrees of truthfulness:
>hundreds of men were buried alive in the walls as it was built!
>the architect/his family were also buried in the walls!
>the statues are plastered corpses posed of men executed in the style of the martyrs!
>the artist of the frescos had people burned alive to portray the suffering of the people in hell!
>the catacombs are haunted!
all of these are true.
To summarize:
-Dwarf was once a happily-married dwarf, living with his dwarf wife in a swamp hamlet, working as a smith.
-Dwarf wife starts eyeing the muscly human peat farmer next door.
-Dwarf wife cucks dwarf with peat farmer.
-Dwarf finds out about cuckoldry when he finds both of them screwing out behind his house when he comes back from the taverna.
-In a fit of rage, he kills both of them coitus interruptus with his smithing hammer.
-After killing his wife, dwarf is stricken with grief, goes nuts, decides that if he puts his wife's skull back together, she'll come back to life.
-The problem is that one piece from the skull got lost in the swamp's waters.
-Smith decides that he'll MAKE a new skull-piece from a woman that reminds him of his wife.
He was eventually caught when he tried to rush out of the swamp, hijack a carriage, and brain the daughter of a baron for her skull.
That's actually a pretty cool concept.
There was that one Nasuverse campaign I played in where one of the recurring antagonists was a serial killer with Mystic Eyes. He was introduced as one of the BBEG's agents but after a couple encounters the BBEG had cut him loose because he was too nuts to control and drawing too much attention.
Related to the op pic, you know those crazy people who think they are vampires?
Had a group of them show up in a vtm game. Had to find a kindred hiding out in them. Pain in the butt
Source on the pic boss?
abnormal kei-joshi, she's second best girl
Abnormal-kei Joshi.
At first I thought you meant you had a group of crazy people who thought they were vampires show up to play VtM with you.
Thx much.
He's currently in a high tech prison provided by alien tech allies, but who's to say he won't get out.
But he's pretty much infamous for sending civilizations and even their gods to ruin and even responsible from creating what was the BBEG. Thankfully his biggest power does not apply to the solo PC or the many kaiju that populate the world: the ability to suppress any supernatural powers.
There's one guy who everyone has a different good reason to hate. He's actually a decent feller, just a bit addled in the head, so when repeatedly confronted with crimes he doesn't remember he snaps until he forgets again.
For me a few PCs who left a group I was in (okay, we mostly just changed where we were meeting and didn't mention it to them) had a bunch of weird ass characters. I kept my copies of their characters, and they developed a reputation as torturers and murderers (things they did as PCs, so I didn't really change them at all). They were met up with the group again, but the campaign ended (by me moving to another state) before the group could be properly betrayed by these psychos.
I can't even quantify what you're asking for in my setting
The only assholes that seem to properly survive are the murder-prone sociopaths
Meet Irina, old grumpy witch inspired by "Latrine" from the movie "Men in tights".
She is foul-mouthed, smell like a latrine, lives in a cabin in the woods, farts sulphur and other witchy activities.
She also Read the future.
>Paladin human PG" What do you see in my future, mistress of arcane arts?"
>Irina *throws some bones on the floor and studies them* "You will fight a great evil, you will eradicate the corruption from your own family, you will triumph in your quest against darkness but you will end exiled..."
>Elf ranger PG: "What about me?"
>Irina:" You will suck Minotaur's dick"
>Elf ranger PG: "What? You didn'y even throw your bones!"
>Irina:" Sucking Minotaur's dick, next!"
>Elf ranger PG: "No, you old bitch, now you read the fucking bones".
> Irina * shakes her head and rolls her eyes, lazily throwing the bones without even looking at them "Oh you were right! My vision is much more clear now, you will suck a dozen of Minotuar's dicks."
>Elf ranger PG: "Oh I'm going to stab you in the face..."
>Irina "Wait! Wait! Another detail! You will suck so much Minotaur's dick that the Minotaur god of fertility will send you a cease and desist".
Pic related is best girl
>harem anime with interesting characters
>best protagonist in like 3 years
>has a propose for the nudity
>harem of yanderes
>awesome art style
>characters so well put together I consider two of them waifus
"I'll just stop making chapters, I'm sure they won't mind"
shit thread
Your setting doesn't have any complete weirdos?
My sci-fi setting has a religion based around Adolf Hitler. It's been so long sense Hitler died that only the /pol/ stuff survived. So due to misinformation they think that Hitler was a peaceful protester like Gandhi.
My setting has a band of elite mercenaries composed of some of the most depraved and mentally unwell people on the planet and the horde of criminals and other groupies they've amassed that practically worship the top killers. They are basically the murder cult that parents were afraid that rock music would produce, spearheaded by an actual rockstar.
well it's 40k
So everyone?
That's fucking brutal as shit.
My setting is a planet full of weirdos
To elaborate, one of my (more serious) enemy factions is an army of brainwashed drones who have been skinned, experimented on, and then reskinned and put into battle armor. The leader is a flayed scientist/psycho with a god complex and maternal issues. I plan for the PCs to encounter one of the grunts in a wrecked house at night butchering a corpse for it's meat/skin.
>inb4 edge
But honestly sounds like a 10/10 doctor who villain, hope it works out.
Yeah, me too. I'm afraid I'll make it too in depth and the PCs won't really give a shit. But oh well.
Don't worry too bad.
Even if they don't care you can always post it here, Veeky Forums is always up for some worldbuilding crap.
Slaanesh worshippers are basically perverts and murderers.
> Unknown Armies
It consists of them.
> Barbarians of Lemuria
The majority of wizards and some non-wizards are these.
My jjba villain is a serial murderer
As is his entire group
He likes feeding the families of his victims tomato soup with the victims blood in it
Did they kill Kenny?
Had one crazy elf that liked to climb mountains and he only talked about climbing mountains
>Hi my name is tony and i want to climb that mountain
>continues to follow PC, they eventually need to climb a mountain and take him with them
It's a elf that went full elf.
All of my character, desu