ITT: the meaning of your full name is a city, state, or country of the world we build.
But, to put a twist on this, choose one.
>Combine the meaning of your name to create a creature
>Combine the meaning of your name to create a spell.
ITT: the meaning of your full name is a city, state, or country of the world we build.
But, to put a twist on this, choose one.
>Combine the meaning of your name to create a creature
>Combine the meaning of your name to create a spell.
my name is Sharkeesha Herpeesha Jackson
> It is possible that the name is derived from an Old Celtic word meaning "high" or "noble".[1] For example, the element bre means "hill"; which could be transferred to mean "eminence" or "exalted one"
> derived from the Roman name Vincentius, which is derived from the Latin word "vincere" (to conquer).
> last name is derived from a Spanish city.
Meet, the ruthless warlord most know as The Mountain King, lord of The Jagged Heights. He's amassed his army, and believes it is his Divine Right to rule the land as he mobilizes them to strike out.
First name meaning "Protected by God"
Last name meaning "Merchant"
A City-State of deeply religious merchants, protected by a spell that stops evil spirits from taking your gold.
>First name, at its origins meant "Strong willed warrior in ye olde englishe.
>Middle Name appearently means "Brave in battle" in ye olde swedishe
>Last name's just a sort of musician.
Guessing that the resulting city would be a nordic city state surviving on the export of manly warrior poets working as mercenaries, it would be run as a sort of Kratocracy, meaning one would have to fight to take power and keep it, picture it as an italian city state, only instead of elections upon the Doge's death, there would be a tournament like melee and the last man standing would become the boss, after said Melee, all other the defeated captains and leaders of mercenary companies would pay tribute to keep their base of operations there.
also: The spell, would be sort of a courage boosting magic, but it would require music, so imagine it as a bard, only with ACTUAL magic put into the song
First: Gift from God in Nigerian.
Middle: Greco-Roman hero and star of the Illiad
Last: Warrior in Nigerian
>A dying race of supernatural warriors that are literal demi-gods but cannot reproduce fast enough because when two of their race touch, they form a fusion of both with 1.5 times the power of its components combined. Thus, as their numbers dwindle they only grow more powerful, in the hope that one day they will be strong enough to restart their race.
Wood (heheh)
Sea Lord
City, state, or country: an old forested island, renowned for naval expertise.
Creature: A large skeletal creature made of driftwood, that emerges from the depths to seek revenge for this lost at sea or to protect sacred natural sites near coastlines.
First name means name of God. My last name refers the profession of the people who placed wood studs in the mines, but not necessarily miners.
I dunno. This is hard.
My name means "Twin Hillside Spring".
Works great as a name of a town, pretty hard to make work for a creature or spell. Unless it's a very specific spell to bring two freshwater springs from a hillside.
>ssion of the people who placed wood studs in the mines, but not necessarily miners.
>I dunno. This is hard.
> Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)00:27:08 No.55426442▶
> (OP)
My first name means god is gracious. My second name is an obscure region of northern India.
So, a proselytizing religious kingdom of in Northern India? I can dig it.
"Defender of Man"
"[owner of] an Inn besides a Footpath"
A small fortress town settled next to a rarely traveled, but strategically important path; such as the only pass through a mountain range to the barbarous wilds beyond (or, more specifically, the only way from the barbarous wilds to the civilized world)
The town is famous for stopping multiple incursions that would have brought great ruin to the rest of the realm, and has become a Sparta-like society that frequently produces great warriors.
In times of great need, a single champion may be imbued with great power in service of the defense of others. He becomes a great warrior without peer, and his power persists until the threat is driven back, or until his death.
Should the threat be driven back, a cost is demanded of him by fate itself; he is doomed to become forgotten and mundane by those he protected, despite their best efforts to record and remember him.
As such, the realm's history is punctuated by the occasional "forgotten champion".
My surname already means "village of the beekeepers"
Great Strength
This fortress-city is protected by a circumference of pentagonal sandstone walls, barrelling upwards into the clouds. At it's centre is the basis for it's founding, the only oasis ever found in the hazen wastes. It is the sole civilisation to have withstood the mass sieges that raked the lands decades ago, earning it's regal name.
Straight up strength buff.
>First name is named after a god of the star Venus and Fire, as well as meaning Plum/Sour Fruit, and is possibly a corruption of the name of the god of Death/Lightning of the same pantheon.
>Middle name means "beautiful face"
>Surname means "son of the saint/sanctified"
A near-tropical city built upon the rich-soiled steppes of a dormant volcano, famed for its fruit orchards, as well as being the seat of power of a small theocracy derived from a former, fallen empire. They worship an aspect of the former empire's god of death, trading in the Ash-Hound of the Storm for the caring warmth of the Star-Crowned Serpent, who trades the former god's presence as a bringer of death for the mantle of a harbinger of rebirth. They are also reputed as rather attractive, by and large, and the priest-kings and queens are not without suitors.
Believed to be an avatar of the aforementioned Star-God, this creature appears as a writhing nest of serpentlike coils the size of a man and half again, and terminating in beauteous humanlike face, androgynous and slightly reptilian. Its scales glow like embers, and flare brighter while excited, as does its body temperature, reaching hot enough to burn skin directly in contact with it. These creatures are intelligent, but alien in their mindset and actions. They usually nest in isolated calderas and warm caverns, and trade sweets, information, and requests for cryptic insights and their venom, which if ingested in small quantities causes mildly painful, but very effective regeneration.
Some sightings of these creatures have noted them burning hot enough in times of anger or outrage that their scales turn a coal black, their faces gaunt and angular like that of a wolf. Though these are unconfirmed, temperatures above their highest recorded would be enough to cause minor ionization of the air around them, and would be extremely lethal.
The literal meaning if my name's are rock and supplanter (one who follows). I am a rock golem
Mountain Man
I have no idea where to go with that.
Perhaps some kind of small village on the eastern side of a mountain, where travelers come to seek enlightenment? Kind of like a mountainfolk monastery, but with less shambala and more appalachia.
"Pillar of Faith"
Works pretty well for City or Spell.
>Son of the House of Brown
>Illuminated One
The seat of a Cadet line of a lesser noble house, this town is well reknowned for it's various ancient life-giving innovations that somehow sustain this place despite sitting in the most dry and arid region in the kingdom, and some often say the continent. Ingenious windcatchers built by a long-past local scholar to keep meat and grain fresh and the noble house cool tower over the stark, blocky walls. The dusty streets steam under the blazing sun, and only the regular fountains fuelled by some unseen aquifier sustain this island of civilization. The town is surrounded by wild, arid, and infertile hills populated with shepherds, cattle herders and possible bandits. It is the hardy, cunning skirmishers recruited from these nomads the area is best known for.
A rather unique enchantment, this spell is called down by the line of Brown to crown their heads in distracting blazing light meant to confound and confuse opponents who cannot bear to look upon a son of Brown for fear of blindness. Also used as a way to instil awe in the lesser masses.
>Wealthy guard.
>Increasing; addition.
>Priceless; highly praiseworthy; flower.
>Strong; powerful.
Adding it all together, I get a city, state or country that is strong, powerful and above all else, extremely wealthy, devoted to acting as a guardian and enforcer of justice and virtue in its immediate region. Flag likely incorporates rather royal colors and possibly a flower of some sort. It's on the up and up.
>Son of the right hand/the south
>home or house protector
>dear beloved man
>A spirit that claims territory and protects it through the use of charm type spells, if something already lives within the territory it may be included in the protection
>A blessing that empowers a loved one who fights to protect their home
>Bearer of Christ
>Great Strength
Linithiliel, the drugged up !Vatican of this new world. Ruled over by prophet-generals, men who raise armies and scourge the earth of those threatening men of the faith. They wait for the return of their lord, shepherding the faithful until that day when they will spill over the earth and wash it clean.
The Anchorites are the quivering flesh of a hundred dead true believers. Molded and warped, they form a titan that bestrides a single patch of territory deemed befouled by the Church. Their presence renders it barren and desolate, and they use their great strength to destroy any who enter their demesne.
>Golden Crown of the Stone Bridge
I am the lord and sovereign of small, meaningless architectures. Specifically over water.
The Little Red King of the Valley
So I guess some murderous child king of some shithole valley.
'That which surrounds' 'Farmstead at the creek' 'Gift of the lord'
Guess it's a blessed (rich?) farmstead was built all along a creek.
(First name) Usurper
(Middle name) Patrician
(Last name) Chalice
It's a city in a crater that became the new capital by force, inhabited by the patrician.
Oh, as for spell
It's basically an enchantment to take away divine right from a king and have it bestowed upon you. A bit of a holy grail deal.
"God Has Given"
Town: rural town nestled among gentle rolling hills and pastural plains. The inhabitants, primarily herders, are seemingly always in good spirits and radiant health, and the area is almost never afflicted by drought, crop blights, or other small disasters.
Creature: ...sheepfolk? I dunno.
Spell: sacrifice a sheep at a handsomely decorated altar, and the gods will bless you with what you most lack.
Fuck man, I got like 5 last names, this is gonna be a bit.
>Divine Poet
>Hope (Again)
>Son of Wolves
Uhh.... Really fucking optimistic and religious were-wolves who are farmer-poets?
First name:
>probably from the Celtic/Brittonic: "bear" or "bear-like"
Middle name:
>from slavic: "famed for his strength"
Last name:
> literelly "curly-haired"
Sounds like some low-level creature...
City: I'm thinking some form of 'every man and boy must be able to fight to prove their worth', or nearly everyone has access to their own golems, for personal care or some-such.
I wonder what 'stone man soldier' could be...
I wonder what 'stone man soldier' could be...
>God is Gracious
>Dark Stream
Oh man, this is gonna be a knockoff Lovecraft religion, isn't it? Maybe something like a small village on the banks of a swamp, who believe their god lives at the bottom of the swamp.
A summoning spell, summons an emissary of the god out of muddy waters, which can fight, and answer questions, but only in the language of the god.
Bear King
Celtic/Saxon Farmer
A predominantly arable nation full of big burly bastards with who will fuck your shit up if you trespass with a big burly bastard of a king who will be leading the shit fucking up.
Maybe something kind of like a sheep-based Huldra? The kind of thing where its an attractive faerie, but slides into sheep-wool like a selkie. Could be cool?
>highly praiseworthy
>famous warrior
>renown, or horseman (distinction unclear)
Famous citadel of centaurs that's basically "Laconia but everyone is cavalry"?
OP here. A trend we used from previous threads worked like this.
>First Name = The Face. How everyone sees you/the setting.
>Middle Name = What's Inside/Hidden. What people usually don't see, a special hidden trait about yourself or your setting. If you're referred to by your Middle Name more than your First, switch the two.
>Last Name = The Foundation. What your whole family and history is founded on. Yourself and others carrying the last name are known by it as their trade and/or way of life.
First name means "Who is like God?"
Middle name has no meaning, comes from a noble roman family.
Last name differs from "Monkey" by one letter.
Uuuuh, civilization of curious and laborious pseudo-primates ruled by a wealthy and ancient dinasty, they tend to be deeply religious but not overly zealous, rather expressing their devotion through pondering and examination of their God's gifts and creations (builder/creation god?)
They just got through a long and protracted expansion campaign that saw them annex neighbouring cultures through a mix of diplomacy and strong-arm tactics.
Despite their forcefulness, once they have seized control over a territory they tend to leave native population to itself, acting more as "distant rulers" (much like their God) through their diplomats/governors and spreading their Gifts all over the territory.
"I'd rather handle it myself" is key in their way of thinking: watching others do something that they could be doing themselves makes their hands itch, they NEED to get on it.
This leads them to being overbearing and a tad forceful, although they try to rein themselves in while in the presence of other races not accustomed to their ways (mostly due to their God warning them about this).
No time to write more, but I'll probably get on it later, I'm starting to like this.
"Benevolent God trying to teach patience to brilliant but overbearing gorillas".
sent by God, God's chosen, protector of god (alternately maker of ale)
city is Mecca constant war. possibly a drunkards paradise
loud warrior
Plays music
Well, my dad sure didn't actually put any thought into the meaning of any of these. Dunno what to make of it.
> First name means Glorious for the blessing of the Fertility god
> Second name means Son of a falconer
I guess, it's a rich and prosperous town with a great temple of a god of Summer (his domains are life and fire). The city is also famous for its royal falcon trainers and archers.
> Creature
Summer god's firebird. It's a blessed bird of prey that is shaped similar to a falcon, it shines like a torch but doesn't burn on touch (if it doesn't want to). Its touch makes plants grow more quickly, and it can increase fertility by animals and people by its presence alone.
> Spell
Whoever's affected with it now burns with energy. You can fall into berserk rage or shine (and create the aura of sexyness) for one scene. If you do neither of these, you take fire damage that ignores your armor.
>Black River
>He Who Supplants
>Dispenser of Food
I guess a huge agricultural city that provides food for all the rest of its predominantly industrial nation. Built on a massive ol' river, obviously; the 'black' part refers to the great black fish that abide there in abundance. The city is the hub of the nation's revolutionaries who plan to overthrow the ruling class of bourgeoisie and begin a new era of prosperity by dint of their labours.
Uh, a river monster? Maybe it's like a leech that burrows into your head and sets up a symbiotic relationship with your subconscious. It's like having a weird passenger in your brain that provides it with nutrients but gives you extremely disturbing and cannibalistic impulses.
Nope, I got nothin'.
City, state or country:
A country filled with ancient towers, each one a home to a family of Aarakocra who have a warrior culture, where your worth is how many you've killed.
An avian beast that hides inside old towers and drops on prey below it, tearing it's stomach out before eating.
This spell summons a bird demon to protect you while a tower of magic energy grows around you.
Did I do Good?
>first name means rock
>surname means brown
Welcome to the city of Brownstone: an unassuming place filled with unimaginative people.
> First name is derived from an older greek name which translates as 'valued of god'.
>Last name translates as Free Mountain.
Perched on a tall, solitary mountain lies a a holy city to which people in the thousands make pilgrimage every year.
>First name means "an era"
>Surname means "grace"
A city in perpetual Grace? I dunno man
>White Hawk
>Fame Bright
>Haze (specifically nautical)
A large island full of not!Scottish kilt-wearing bird people that has a long history of famous heroes. Also has sailing and noblebright piracy as strong influences on the local culture.
>my name is a name and not a word
What now?
>Combine the meaning of your name to create a spell.
>Freeman Metalworking
>Dissolves shackles, chains, ropes, or other bonds restraining a creature.