They're such dicks to Boy and I fucking love it. Any thoughts? Feelings about Taco Tuesday maybe?
40k Podcast 2.0
Who knew not liking Taco's made me an agent of Chaos....well time to devout myself to Tzeetch and join the Thousand Suns
It's the only explanation really for SCUM like you
I liked the episode
The review segment itself was weak, but whenever they were talking about broader religious themes it picked up.
Q&A section probably best overall.
Stop shilling your awful shit here.
everything with uriah was brilliant
Oh yea, i really want him to come back later and maybe have him and the emperor grow as persons and be less bitter than a lemon soaked salty lemon juice.
Is anyone else upset about how it went with the priest?
They didn't even develop respect for each other. They just said "screw you"
Uriah has to come back later, he is way to interesting a character not to come back
Fuck off contrarian.
No he doesn't. That was kind of the point. He was dying with his beliefs.
It was in regards to the podcast, fool. Listen to it before you take part in a conversation about it.
I think it's pretty much guaranteed that Uriah will come back since he's so far the only one who has definitely called Emps out on his shit.
I was kinda surprised the strippers started to call Emps out, but they still backed down like good little automatons.
>Feelings about Taco Tuesday maybe?
It's two piece Tuesday you fucker, nobody has a taco Tuesday.
I was disapointed by Uriah being a chaos priest, kinda makes the argument one sided to the emprroe
I disliked how they made Uriah into a slightly less obnoxious Carnac. I'm with Custodisi, how they handled him undermines The Last Church a bit.
Boy and Hello? were great, I still enjoyed it.
These are more or less my feelings. What made Uriah compelling was that he was a decent and humanistic man who was also religious. Having him sell out to Chaos portrays his decency as only the result of blind faith and adherence rather than any intrinsic qualities.
If he's falling to Chaos out of a blind need to obey something, rather than adhering to a religion because of the good it offers to others, then the Emperor was honestly pretty justified in burning down his church.
Reminder that BOY is a cute
Reminded me of pic related
You gotta give props to brother titstitch though for being willing to call Big E an asshole.
I swear to god if Boy ends up being a Girl all along my sides will never recover.
Side note:
Weren't they seriously looking for a female voice actor anyway? Or was that someone else.
They were, Nostalgia did the recruiting vid. No clue whether or not they've closed the auditions.
This was way, way, way too long. The Last Church isn't worth 90 minutes.
I just had it playing the background while I painted my models
I tried that but I actually started falling asleep.
It doesn't help that I don't like the return to the Imperial Truth narrative of TTS. It doesn't actually work, we already know that, even Magnus explained it.
Fucking philistine
Too long, needed to be like 30 minutes and have better jokes.
Yeah, the Custodes are cringe instead of funny.
>even Magnus explained it
Do you often listen to people who did everything wrong?
>Hello? Hello? Hello?
I don't know why that shit made me laugh so hard.
If you haven't listened to the podcast, only half of it focuses on The Last Church. The other half is interesting.
Would have liked a little more focus on how entry-level that story's theology was. Fun overall, though.
And give that boy some fucking new lungs or kill him off because he's mostly insufferable.
Wonder how he would have felt about the Living Saint and such.
Honestly these pod/vodcasts needs Kitten and Magnus in. Not the same without them.
This we need more kitten, not just in the podcast but in every thing really