The village drawing dude, and scifi colony game from years ago.
Old tg veteran launched a project
Buy a self serve ad next time
seems interesting
I hear what you're saying, but this guy is one of the legit Veeky Forums questfags from before they were pure cancer.
Having said that, this is some low-effort bullshit.
Could have at least tried for a little bit of engagement.
Looks pretty cool. Most of the the top down tokens in roll20 look like a boulder ran over them.
Yeah I like roll20 but am not a fan of the flat top down style of play at all.
It has been a very long time between posts. The massive quest threads were a special time indeed.
Folks still remember, dude.
I like the idea, not sure about the pricepoint. It's probably what it's worth, but the campaign might do better if he had some smaller, more limited pledge levels. A lot of people will toss a buck to a creator to follow project updates, and those updates are good for convincing them to put in more.
looks like shit. I'm judging harshly and at a glance because the words "Veeky Forums veteran" just scream some kind of ascended grognard out to push his tomb of horrors level ADND homebrew system
I remember your shit. Good looks. I'll check this out later today.
I've got a few more of these to chuck up from loooong ago.
Seven years.
Holy shit.
55 dollars for the ability to assemble your own maps is too expensive.
Should have switched the prices. Cheaper lets you get the set pieces, more expensive get you premade + unique elements within those premade ones.
Has it really been that long? Doesn't feel like it's been that long. I remember the art though, one of the few good things to come out from those days.
According to the date of creation data.
Presumably a few of them were earlier than that too, I'm pretty sure I remember them from Christmas holidays home from college.
I didn't realise they were that old either.
Seems like were were getting a lot done in a day...
I feel old, probably rightfully so.
I must have been here for half my life, and that's retarded.
If you're going to shill your crappy overpriced MS Paint sketches at least try not to be so obvious about it.
He's fagging under his old trip, you lemon.
Hardly trying to be subtle.
If anything, if it hadn't gone up under drawinganondude, I would've thought "huh, some fuck is ripping off the old quest artist".
I for one am glad he's got it funded.
Dude gave me many days of enjoyment when he was running those quests.
>MS Paint sketches
Those look like professional game concept art.
Neat. Always loved the Stratedgy time lapse gifs.
>55 dolaridoos
I bet its also individually so you need to each buy it for it to work.
Also 185k dingocoins as a strech goal
And while the arts good and you should get paid for the fruits of your labor I gotta say, 35 wallabies for 8 maps, the icons being the only thing that carries it they are also kinda so so.