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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Which release are you most looking forward to?
>5th edition cliffnotes
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
> What release are you most looking forward to
Hunter 2e, gotta get my monster slaying on.
>Which release are you most looking forward to?
Changeling. If the pieces - especially the New Orleans Market Freehold - released are indicative of quality, we'll have something special.
I know it's a meme question but from a mage viewpoint, are traps straight if they have enough feminine supernal symbols?
I guess being supernally female is more *true* than chromosomes and naughty bits?
Supernal identities matter just as much, if not more than, Fallen identities to Mages. So while I don't know if a straight Mage would be totally down with doing a trap, most of them would consider that trap to be female, or at least respect their Supernal identity. This isn't even conjecture. There's a whole sidebar in 2e about Mages fiddling with their genders, and how they consider themselves "above" Sleepers in that they don't really care if a Mage replaces his penis with a vagina, or vice versa. The Daksha, a whole Legacy about becoming evolved hermaphrodites that can switch back and forth between to distinct yet similar male and female forms, are only really considered weird because they're super Nazis that may or may not have wet dreams about genocide. There's another section detailing how seriously Mages take Supernal identities and Shadow Names, to the point that for some Orders calling somebody by their Fallen name, unless you're a trusted friend and speaking in private, is a punishable crime.
>There's another section detailing how seriously Mages take Supernal identities and Shadow Names, to the point that for some Orders calling somebody by their Fallen name, unless you're a trusted friend and speaking in private, is a punishable crime.
Because it makes sympathetic casting easier. It's a fucking security risk.
And because of how seriously Mages take symbols. Your Shadow Name is a symbol of who you've chosen to be, and that makes it who you are on account that for Mages, and in the Supernal, symbols and what they represent are considered one in the same. For the Guardians of the Veil, they're chief concern is probably the security risk, but for the Silver Ladder? The Order that believes magic is the right of humanity and wants everyone to Awaken to their true selves, to break free of the Lie? Take a wild guess.
Life magic gets more satisfactory results than anything Sleepers do to their bodies. Mage traps don't have to rely on wigs and heavy makeup, mage trannies won't come out looking like stubbly fat troons.
What I'm saying is, if it's hot enough you're not going to waste your time pondering whether it's gay.
>If it's cute fuck it
Sounds about right.
Mage trannies would also have their proper genitals. Probably much better than most normal Sleepers' genitals too. And Mages without Life.
>Which release are you most looking forward to?
Signs of sorcery, i am shinning my nerf bat in anticipation
this desu
Is it ok if my mage's waifu is his avatar?
Why not?
>Which release are you most looking forward to?
Geist 2e. In the mood for something different.
What happens when a human go to Integrity 0 or loses his soul?
0 integrity they can become slashers.
Losing your soul I'm not sure about.
When a normal human (one with Integrity) loses their soul, they gain the Soulless persistent Condition. They suffer a -2 to attempts to resist being possessed and every time they would regain Willpower through their Vice, it's a breaking point with a -5 penalty. They can't get Willpower back by sleeping or surrendering, and they only get one point of Willpower back for fulfilling their Virtue, which they can only do once per chapter. They get a full replenish if they indulge their Vice in a way that's dangerous to them. You get beats every time your lost Integrity because of your Vice.
Once you lose all Integrity from being Soulless, you become a thrall (and get that Condition). You can't spend Willpower or Experiences, and can't apply Defense. You also suffer from the effects of the Broken condition. -2 to all Resolve and Social rolls, and a -5 to any rolls involving the Intimidation skill.
This is roughly the same for Mages, except they lose Wisdom more quickly and once they become a thrall, they can't cast spells anymore.
The book suggests you stop playing the character unless you have a chance of getting your soul back.
My bad, they can get Willpower back with their Virtue once per scene.
It doesn't have to be your soul I thought. Just *a* soul.
>Which release are you most looking forward to?
The Werewolf Night Horrors book, because I love the Bale Hounds and more information in Ghost Wolves sounds cool.
Also I still hold onto a futile hope that the Beast Players Guide will make Beast not terrible. Please, don't take that dream from me.
>Please, don't take that dream from me.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment
Mummy 2e
First for humans are meatsnacks
Beast can already be made not terrible with a decent group.
They're just plain old boring.
So impossible in all normal situations?
Save the blood we'll make a bath later
>not rationing the blood responsibly
UnLive you old stuffy. This is exactly why no one invites you to the blood raves
I thought you guys only drank straight from the tap
Like some kind of undead hipster with a can of pabst
Without irony, what orders would be the most attractive for an awkened /pol/ack?
I kinda think both the Silver Ladder and the Seers of the Throne.
Mysterium by the looks of it.
Which one involves you bringing a bunch of pepperoni pizzas and beef jerky as a protection payment so I don't eat you?
Silver Ladder looks poorly upon racism, the Awakened are One Nation, and Sleepers are potential Awakened.
You want the Mysterium.
You know it always kind of grinded my gears when high power level splat would have optional write ups about how other splats or their antagonists were merely bitches of this splats antagonist. (I am looking especially at you Demons and Mages)
The playing field needs to be equalised. I propose brainstorm to make possible justification how every splat is other splats bitches.
Ok I can see for these guys, especially whe they draw heavily on the nazi brand of theosophy
Why the Mysterium in general though?
>The GM is subservient to True Fae
>The Binding Obligation
Long ago from the times that people would speak of as when humanity lived by side of their capricious gods, True Fae ruled Earth almost as hands on as they rule Arcadia. Until They grew bored and proposed a deal to first societies of man. True Fae would leave the majority of humanity to regulate themselves and in return steady supply of marginals would be sent into Arcadia on tightly scheduled basis. Societies agreed to the offer but tried later to weasel out. The wrath of the Wyrd was most throughout and cruel reinforcement of every clause and term of the bargain, which manifested as unfeeling and detached God-Machine, to regulate humanity to honor their half of Arcadian treaty.
Humanity is free to kill itself via boredom while God-Machine carefully selects and isolates those most suitable for eternal service in Arcadia.
Loved Geist. Hope they don't change the tone too much and just give it the love it needed
>Why the Mysterium in general though?
Because the Mysterium's party line is that it doesn't give that much of a shit beyond the capacity to use, and learn Magic.
Though Wisdom is also important, due to its effects on Magic use.
Also because they're the primary Order for the Daksha.
Who are the most racist fucking Legacy ever, given that they overtly supported the Nazis in WW2.
>You know it always kind of grinded my gears
*ground my gears
I don't think I even need to defend myself. But just in case, in my defense I am about to blackout from how tired I am.
That's right. My bad again.
Quick rules question:
If I wanted to get the three-dot version of a style merit, would I spend 3 merit dots or 6 (1 for the first dot, 2 for the second dot, 3 for the thrid)?
What are some good premises you've seen done or tried for getting a group of new/fresh from torpor vampires to converge in a new city and work together?
Dracula was the "Theban" responsible for the creation of the modern Tremere.
By the fucking way: I absolutely welcome fansplats to explain how rest of the world of darkness (or even other fansplats) are your splat's bitches.
Things tend to get more creative in my opinion when you give fansplats space to shine.
>Princesses grab your Hopes
>Geniuses hold onto your Transgressions
>Leviathans and Dragons... I have no idea what's your deal is but I am sure you got this
It's a one for one thing, unless I've been doing it wrong this whole time. So a 3 dot merit costs 3 points.
>werewolves are heading to town, time to unstake the criminals we had put on ice and use them to buy some time. Better throw in a neonate or two just to be sure.
>freshly embraced/awoken vampires that have little to no ties with the power players in town can be used as impartial agents in a sensitive case.
>change in leadership, the new prince is prepared to buy your unambiguous loyalty for a reasonable price.
Really the only angle you have to work here is their absence of ties to political actors and/or the fact they're expendable.
Pardon my tiredness and retardation
I had missed the "new town" bit
>Leviathans and Dragons
Hording wealth and knowledge I assume?
That's true for regular merits, yeah, but style merits have a special rule about them:
>Merits marked as Style Merits allow access to specialized maneuvers. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next in its sequence. So if a Style Merit has a three-dot maneuver and a four-dot maneuver, you must purchase the three-dot version before accessing the four-dot.
>purchase the three-dot version before accessing the four-dot
That part in particular makes me unsure of how style merits are supposed to be priced. The way I'm reading it I think it means "pay the three dots to get the third level, then pay the four dots to get the fourth level," which would make prices additive per level (1 dot for level 1, 3 for 2, 6 for 3, 10 for 4, 15 for 5) but I'm not sure.
Do the subsequent dots seem like they're worth that much?
Mage: the Ascension or Mage: the Awakening?
Relevent forum post on why it's worded funky. It's 4 dots for the 4th level, and you must also get the benefits from every level before it.
Do you like terrible rules where every situation turns into rolling dice to magic away problems or do you like that with terrible 90's metaplot and somehow even worse character archtypes?
Awakening, hands down.
Ascension. It's more rooted in historical beliefs, has a wider focus with more factions and actually will be supported in the future. Also, the new edition of CWoD is on its way to achieving mechanical parity with nWoD.
Seriously, awakening could be crammed into a single Ascension splat and could be summed up as "Everything is fucked forever so rev up the mystery machine something something Atlantis."
Probably Awakening. The best things about Ascension are consensual reality, which is an exciting and intuitive idea, and the Technocracy. But on the whole, Awakening is a better game.
What is Mummy: The Curse actually about?
I mean, I get that you're a mummy, but aside from playing in a funk band and chasing the Three Stooges, what are you all about?
What is a Mummy session or campaign about, who are the antagonists, and what's the driving force behind a Mummy's actions? What does a Mummy do all day?
Are you even wrapped up in bandages?
>and actually will be supported in the future.
Except said support will be done by either Goat-boy Brucatto and/or Dracula.
>could be summed up as "Everything is fucked forever so rev up the mystery machine something something Atlantis."
Is more like "lets explore the themes of hubris and abuse of power in the more hamfisted way possible...... but the system is okay mostly"
I know *someone* out there has that Purified one that details how they take on greater and lesser titles and become a form of Shadow God.
You wake up and don't remember anything. Somebody probably stole something from your tomb. Go get it back. Later: steal shit from another mummy's tomb. Recover some of your memories. Run out of wakeup juice and go back to deathlike sleep for a few more decades.
Okay, that explains it. Thanks a ton!
Ascension is in awful, awful hands. And for everything that's "rooted in historical beliefs" there's shit like cyborgs and spacemen and super kung fu, all mashed together. You are right in that Awakening could be fitted into Ascension, but only because Ascension is a sink while Awakening is focused.
I loathed consensual reality. It's about as fucking drab an explanation for magic as you can get, and the fact that so much shit can be done with it just dilutes anything magical about the game. I feel like there was no depth to it.
For me the drawback is that it's going to leave mages preoccupied with the consensus, which can be the root of a lot of good stories but is ultimately limited. In Awakening, mages can have Obsessions about anything.
>Somebody probably stole something from your tomb. Go get it back. Later: steal shit from another mummy's tomb
Forming an endless chain of mummies fucking over other mummies?
Wakeup juice is Sekhem, right?
I'm reading about Decent rolls now. It's an odd mechanic, though I guess it's thematic.
You've got the standard 'theft recovery', but your Judge/Tem'akh/Fate wants specific things - so your GM can just go berserk with whatever the fuck he wants. One day you might be disposing of Shamkhausen, another organising a Cuban Pete style flashmob in a mystically significant location.
I'm okay with that as long as it's not Brucato. This is a game line that is coming out of hibernation and so things are going to change like having a partially blown Masquerade.
All of which also come from factions that are rooted more deeply in historical beliefs. And... why Wouldn't I want any of those things? This is a game about people who can do anything with the right training and rooted in real world conspiracy lore. The genius of Ascension is that it can have all of those things in a context where it makes sense. Awakening has none of that and its primary villains are a melange of the technocracy and the Nephandi that lacks the things that made either of these things interesting.
And there are no exarchs to retcon you out of history if you get one over on them.
Well, yes. Change the consensus, change the world. That's a pretty big carrot to dangle before the players.
>All of which also come from factions that are rooted more deeply in historical beliefs.
More like pulp sci-fi. Only really historical if you consider it to be really, really recent history. Especially at the time Ascension came out. As far as I know, there's no historical factions that believed in anti-magic terminators, or building super spaceships. Also if you want those things, good for you. I don't. At least not in my game about magic. And it doesn't make sense to me, at all. The Consensus is dull as fuck, and only makes sense on a surface level. The Seers are also interesting because of how similar they are to the Pentacle. Because once you really get down to it, the differences start falling away, leaving only the fact that they want different things.
>weeb Ascensionfag
Reminder that if you don't let your players spend their merit points on Gnosis you are indeed a gigantic cuck.
Right, when Sekhem hits 0 it's back to the tomb.
>partially blown Masquerade
How? Either the Masquerade's blown or it's not. What's the compromise position -- "only some vampires are real"?
Reminded that this position was constructively dismantled in the last thread.
"Werewolves and Mummies aren't real retard. Yeah the Vampires are real and kinda weird but that doesn't mean other fairytale shit exists."
In my experience Mages follow the path of least resistance. You would probably only 'think' your hot.
Not him, but from what I remember, the Masquerade is now more important that ever, and more severely enforced. I suppose "close to being blown" would be more accurate.
Depends on the era, Revised era the consensus was a lost cause so you get to do whatever you liked.
>In Awakening, mages can have Obsessions about anything.
Thats not exactly true however, they can have any obsession about anything that mesh with the DMs-game.
I have said no to crossover obsessions on the basis i dont do crossovers of any kind. Or about Atlantis or even globe-trotting ones.
>Revised era the consensus was a lost cause so you get to do whatever you liked
God bless Revised.
user please. The one true choice is giving your players Gnosis 2 for free. It works on so many levels.
I know this is a gnostic distinction, but is there any difference between a 'soul' and a 'spirit' in this context? i.e. spirits being immortal and immaterial, but having no permanent shape or form, souls being immortal but containing the same essence or ego.
You ever think some weres have trouble entering the spirit world? Or that some awakened have trouble remembering extremely bizarre or strange incidents?
It can't come soon enough, for a variety of reasons.
... Dementia fucking sucks
do all awakened then have a seeming? A mortal shell which connects them to this world?
Yeah, a soul is part of the human anatomy, but a spirit is a complete and somewhat autonomous variety of non-human entity.
Never mind, I see what you're saying. There is SOMETHING in a mage with a Legacy that causes a replacement soul to manifest the same Legacy again. It might be their Gnosis, which would mean ordinary people don't have this non-soul spirit.
DaveB mentioned that gnosis is shaped by the legacy and praxes. I'm guessing that souls have at least two parts - the regular 'soul' is a power source, more than anything, that slots in neatly. And then you've got part two, the 'gnosis' or whatever. Probably where the piece of the abyss lies in sleepers, and where the mystic merits go for mortal magic. Werewolves don't have 'human' souls, the Purified are spirits with human minds, vampires probably lack it entirely and get a candy coated beast instead, etc.
Which is which?
>Which release are you most looking forward to?
Deviant. I want to make Eidde Brock: Monster hunter.
There are, functionally, two parts to a soul. The part that your soul fits in (which is what is shaped by your Gnosis and Legacies) and the soul itself. 2e describes it as a vase and water. You shape the vase, the water conforms to that shape.
The general public is still unaware of the existence of the supernatural. NATO intelligence agencies have figured it out, however.
It's okay. Maybe you'll get a 20th Anniversary Edition in 2125.
Remind me again how many supplements have been released for Awakening 2e?
And yet it's playable from core...
So I just finished my latest session of Vampire.
Tzimitze child story is go.
>Party is going through the sewer, we follow the path of devastation, expecting a rainbow shrimp.
>Gangrel carries the Tizmitze child on his shoulders so she does not have to walk in/around sewage.
>Run into a Nosferatu whom tells us that it is not a single creature doing this but a bunch, one of them being very large.
>Tzimitze goes oh fuck, that is not a rainbow shrimp that is a Vozhd and War Ghouls.
>Our Gangrel makes a deal with the Nosferatu to deal with the war ghouls in exchange for gasoline and explosives.
>Find out the rainbow shrimp is down here and where it is as well.
>Goto fight the Vozhd and friends, the plan is for the gargoyle and the Gangrel to coat themselves in sewage, then have the gargoyle fly into the warren and dump gasoline everywhere then trail it back out.
>Gargoyle is pissed about this but eventually is talked into doing it.
>After the preperation and the gargoyles return the Gangrel celerities up says what amounts to whats up bitches, and lays a dragons breath round into the trail of gas, setting everything on fire.
>The flaming ghouls start shreaking inhumanly and charging us.
>The entire party makes the fear of fire checks and starts laying into the war ghouls that approch, well the Gangrel unleads his shotgun into the Vozhd, and our tag along ghoul starts doing the same with his rifle.
>Gargoyle and Tizmitze both manage to hit the war ghouls for negative succeses in damage pretty comicly. A little more comicly for the gargoyle to do so since the tizmitze is a child.
>The Toreador manages to hit nothing, well the Tremere spends the entire combat cowering and dodging.
>Tizmitze hears a voice in her head calling her to come dance with someone, and then a large screach goes out and all the war ghouls drop dead, the Vozhd had already been shotgunned to death at this point.
You're all going to get fucked by an even bigger Vozhd.