Describe a character that is simultaneously morbidly obese AND likable.
Describe a character that is simultaneously morbidly obese AND likable
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Character is morbidly obese, has a real good personality and manages to do heroic things despite being that fat.
Character is a nice, funny guy that takes care of personal hygiene. A movie-John Candy type.
If they had a good personality and a willingness to be heroic, they wouldn't be fat.
Santa during his off season.
Only is you tell me about your tax policy
A good king? Probably not. Charismatic and likable? Absolutely.
What if they were magically cursed into being fat?
Krupp from Malazan book of Fallen
Not that he's technically a character, since he's real
user, there's a thing that you must be told...
And what is that, user? What are you going to tell him?
That arctic night is mighty cold?
Don't you dare.
Volstagg the Vast.
... santa quit sugar in 2014 and lost about 75 pounds
Look up Bob from Tekken, thank me later
Yes, Veeky Forums, there is a Santa Claus!
Shakespeare's Falstaff.
>The ultimate lord of misrule, as charming as he is pathetic, a liar, a coward, a glutton, but deeply intelligent and proudly unapologetic. Just as Hamlet embodies all of humanity's self-loathing, Falstaff is humanity's self-loving. Merrie Olde England.
Fun fact; you can get banned from Wikipedia for trying this on his page
You know that one friend you have? You know the one, always brings snacks, polite, etc., but really really likes eating? He's never a jerk about it when you tell him to hit the gym, he just can't be bothered. Whatever he's studying, it's something that doesn't take a lot of physical effort, but you can tell he's putting all the focus you would put into exercise into doing that thing.
The jolly jellybean. That person. You know the one.
Heavy's like 102% muscle though.
He's still fat.
Would Santa count?
Taurus of Nemedia from Tower of the Elephant.
I want to talk shit, but I can't bring myself to be a dick in the presents of a saint
I will, OP: the character is morbidly obese and likable at the same time. You can thank me later.
The Tyrell in a wheelchair from ASOIAF books.
I mean, if its not technically morbidly then that's the equivalent for the age.
that's not fat, it's all muscle you god damn fool.
I mean, everybody has their flaws, what if somebody is kind-hearted, wise and humble, but happens to have a very weak will when it comes to twinkies.
An 48% fat, he's man and a half!
Wyman Manderly
Now that is funny.
Rhodar of Drasnia.
Baron Harkonnen
>the villain of the week takes advantage of this by threatening to destroy the local bakery if he doesn't back down
>they don't count on his rage-strength
>even the party is surprised when he beats them singlehandedly
>"I wasn't going to let them lay a FINGER on my favorite place in town"
>everyone laughs
>credits roll
He's probably, like, 80% muscle, but he's still got a gut. He's also characterised as liking to eat since he's the only character in the game with food as an item, or at least he was last time I checked. (Scout's energy drinks are drinks so they don't count, and he's characterised as a hyperactive little fuckwit for the same reason.)
There's a lot of horrible vices out there, and I don't think liking food more than usual is one of them.
Alia, pls.
good one
Don't let God hear you say that.
>someone heavy but still truly strong is the same as morbidly obese because he don't looks like a bodybuilder.
I'm not disagreeing with literally anything you said. But even if it was all muscle he'd have to eat a lot to maintain it.
Eh, Tristitia is far more dangerous. I still don't see why it didn't make it into Deadly Sins 2e.
/pol/ returns to Veeky Forums I see. Here's how to make a fatso:
>Strength: 12 minimum due to momentum and weight
>Dex can be as high as an 8 but no higher. Depends on how fat you are
>Con varies depending on the situation such as cold environments but it has to be low in most cases. 8 or less
>Int can vary. Knowing things isn't tied to weight.
>Wis can vary but typically can't be ultra high due to fatso having low willpower and can't stop eating. It's hard to play an 18+ wisdom fatismo without questioning why they won't lose weight for their own sake. Needs a fucking great reason
>Cha takes a hit in some cases but over all fatasses are seen as nonthreatening and that makes up for it. They have an innate penalty to intimidate and diplomacy to seduce but otherwise there is no reason this should be lower than anyone else due to the bonus they gain to placate foes and being overall funny to look at
delet this
Yes, I was hoping someone would post this. Wyman Manderly is the MAN.
God disapproves of anyone doing anything but praying and self-flagellating.
Never said he was morbidly obese, just that he was fat. I'm a different guy to the one who originally posted Heavy.
Only like, 10 people on this shitshow will get this reference since people on Veeky Forums can't read. Herbert predicted /b/ with that character.
He does. The Sandvich has a 30 second recharge time.
I want to say that Heavy is all muscle, but his legs are really small. I mean, they're basically cartoons, so I don't worry about it too much.
"It's from this obscure little book called Dune, not many people have read it"
i don't know why the people generally think TWINKIES of all things would be the de facto fat inducer food for all fat people.
my fat food is popcorn
I have read the book, all the books, even some of the prequels and I still don't get the reference unless it's his grand-daughter talking.
It's not that it's obscure, it's that this is Veeky Forums where the average person is under 20, shitposts and typically dropped out of high school.
>Only like, 10 people on this shitshow will get this reference since people on Veeky Forums can't read
Go back to wherever you came from that gave you that impression.
lolwut. Unless you're dousing that shit in movie-theatre butter and eating it every day, I kind of doubt that. I mean, for a lot of people, they don't know exactly what it is that makes them fat.
>Oh, I'm probably fat because I like to eat a little bit of chocolate every day, tee hee. My regular diet is mostly salads, actually! I really like ranch.
Trying what? Saying he isn't real?
He's literally described as a mythical figure in the opening paragraph.
Morbidly obese to the point of needing a gravity belt thing, pedophile/diddler and pretty much the grand-king neckbeard.
Ya know besides the murdering and raping of childrens. IN AN OPEN FIELD NED
legendary != mythical
Jack Black
>I mean, for a lot of people, they don't know exactly what it is that makes them fat.
Soda for me. I was drinking about a two-liter or two of soda every single day almost. Recently moved out of the shithole that is Indiana, bought a bike, switched from soda to tea, and now all my clothes are too big.
I don't know why this isn't common knowledge yet but you don't get fat from a single food. You get fat from having a caloric intake higher than your output. You don't 'eat too much popcorn' you just 'eat too much of everything' really.
There is a dude who put up a shitload of videos on youtube or something showing he literally ate nothing but twinkies and took a multi-vitamin for months and he lost weight because he was counties calories, not the type of food he was eating.
TLDR: You'll get fat if you eat 4000 calories of salad every day. It's not about the type of food but how much.
>implying the Targaryens didn't deserve it
Bob Richards.
War's war. Besides, he didn't tell the Mountain to do what he did, Tywin just rolled up and had his boys start wrecking King's Landing.
Oh, don't be a pedant. You know what I'm talking about.
If you eat one really unhealthy food that ticks your calorie intake above your TDEE, that unhealthy food is, pragmatically speaking, making you fat, and removing it will make you lose weight or maintain.
Way of the Open Hand
There's an entire section about arguments rising from the ethicality of telling children he's real.
>described as a mythical figure in the opening paragraph
When phrased like that it will fly over 8 y/o's head. Explicitly spelling out "not real" won't. On one hand shame that we institutionally maintain such a lie, on the other hand of all the lies we institutionally maintain, this one really is pretty harmless.
I pretended to believe in local equivalent of generous Christmas spirit until early teens because I though my parents would stop giving me shit at all if they don't feel the need to keep up the act.
Yeah that's true but it really rustles my jimmies when people say to 'just cut X' when it really isn't that simple. Your body is use to that intake so you will subconsciously try to replace whatever vice you had with something else and it is typically more food in general.
I was a fatty-mcfatso but I didn't start to lose weight after cutting soda. I lost weight after consciously and with difficulty at first counting calories. Now I'm a healthy weight. Once you lose it, it's easy to keep off since you know what you're doing. I still eat unhealthy shit but if I feel I need to lose a pound or two, I just go back to that weight-loss mentality for a month or so.
if you eat 4000 calories of salad every day you're probably elephant or something
How else are you supposed to keep the magic alive in their eyes, user?
>Kinda want a sumo-wrestler archetype for Monk in 5e now
Dependable programmer who's always working so he has no time to prepare healthy food or exercise. The best wingman ever.
>Santa during his off season.
I know what you mean by off season, but now I can't help but picture Santa Claus as a bodybuilder.
Haha wouldn't it be weird if elephants were on the internet? haha
Yeah, I did read the book. I still don't see how that labels him likeable. Relatable perhaps.
>Yeah that's true but it really rustles my jimmies when people say to 'just cut X' when it really isn't that simple.
Except when it is. And it is that simple, sometimes. Other relevant factors include how overweight you are: you and I both know that a fatter person is going to have a higher TDEE than a thinner one, so if somebody with a very high TDEE cuts one specific food they eat often, they'll probably see more results than somebody with a lesser TDEE.
So in some ways it can be easier for other people, but you followed through even when it wasn't, so congratulations.
He's not likeable at all unless you are /b/ or /pol is the joke I think?
How long have you been waiting to use that .gif?
3 seconds since I googled it to put into this thread.
Now I don't know what else I can use it for.
Not so much on Veeky Forums, you're describing /pol/.
Veeky Forums is pretty good when it comes to classic/mainstream scifi lit. Autistically good.
A laughing, jolly fat man, who's weight comes from his bountiful prosperity, who is a generous and content.
The only spark we need to preserve until the adult age is that of a madness, that warms you against the coldness of everyday mundane. Everything else is a baggage you're better off without.
>Veeky Forums is pretty good when it comes to classic/mainstream scifi lit. Autistically good.
Not him, but I don't know if I'd agree. There are individual posters who are very good at this or that piece of sci-fi or fantasy, but as a whole, Veeky Forums is fairly ignorant. You look through a thread on say, Lord of the Rings, and you'll find at least 3 posts positing nonsense or citing stuff from the movies that they just assume is in the books when it isn't for every post that's actually knowledgeable.
Did she got slim in the last panel?
What the Jesus fuck makes you think raping children is a everyday fact of war?