>3 models for 60$
Aint you loving nuGW™?
>3 models for 60$
Aint you loving nuGW™?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this Australian thing?
>3 models for $15
That price is absurd.
Yurop prices are €15, which is a little under 20 USD
Nothing about about these models is worth 20 bucks a pop.
The fact they weren't just extra bits in the regular terminator kit is absurd. Especially when they don't look that different. I'll just use my existing models, thank you very much.
But I am very worried about about the proper terminator and plaguemarine kits. If they're gonna be equally monoposed... I just wanted some corrupt MkIII bits to mix with Prospero MkIIIs... I hope they at least got tons of helmets I can buy from a bits store. I just want MkIII DG with proper MkII helmets.
Christ I remember when Tactical squads were about £15 and I haven't even been in the hobby that long in the grand scheme of things. £35 here for three models. Absolutely absurd price, and they aren't even metal. Do they even sell metal anymore?
>waa waa, I want posable action figures
Fuck off, monopose is the only way to give figures character and dynamics
To be fair they are technically a unique unit unlike the normal DG termis and they only come with one loadout so customization isn't really needed nearly as much but it should be like $10-$15 cheaper.
>monopose is the only way to give figures character and dynamics
Aren't you a little young to be on Veeky Forums, Timmy ?
Sisters, guard, and leldar have metal stuff, mostly characters
I got three of them for 15 euro on eBay today. Seems too good to be true, hopefully it's legit. Couldn't not buy anyway at that price.
€15 each, to be clear. €45 for the box. So not only does chaos have to suffer meganob pricing, they get it on monopose models. Just wait until the next loyalist terminator kit comes out.
>implying these figures have character or dynamics
>monopose is the only way to give figures character and dynamics
You need to go back to where ever you came from.
Just sitting here, watching people cry, whilst I piss out my arse.
Nurgles blessings all.
See a doctor, my dude
All good, made the mistake of eating a Mcdonalds after playing a few games of 40k earlier..
Self inflicted :D
The old metal sculpts by Jes Goodwin are the definition of monopose and still hold up well today. Or just compare the lame multipose space marine captain to the monopose space marine characters that they've put up recently.
Granted, these minis are a bit shit. But if you want interesting lines and geometry or, cloaks that interact with the body etc, monopose is the only way to go.
>both local 40k communities are already back to dead again
This happens every edition, people emerge for 2-3 months and then put their armies back in storage. Like Cicadas.
While I agree, I don't think GW should go mono pose. Their kits are liked for conversion possibilities not actual dynamism. Leave that shit for more fiddly miniature companies like Wyrd or Corvus Belli
The FW version both look better and are cheaper. This is stupid.
Where you reside? Kinda dire that.
>"GW wasn't always so expensive guys!"
Let's look at white dwarf 200 from 1996 and adjust for inflation
>chaos terminators for $20 a model
>chaos dreadnought for $100
>fabulous bill for $25
Would you look at that
Wasn't the only good point where GW exelled than they did plastic with lots of stuff and than were well designed to allow poses?
>3 models for 60$
Suck it up American
Name me a kit where they don't pose the same whilest holding two-handed weapons. That's right, they don't.
>Ain't you loving nuGW™?
Luckily we got second/third party models/recasts/backlogs and sick conversions to fall back on.
>B-but muh models
Than don't fucking buy GW has been "nuGW" for ages now.
pic related, it's you.
Sure that's 3 and not just 1?
These and some green stuff and bits.
>tfw buying from chinaman from a long time ago
Even when china fucks up with the molds they're easily fixable and I pay like 1/3rd-1/4th of what you have to pay
>No plural
Yeah, you got 3
Id say $60 aint that bad to be honest.
I have played this game for well over 20 years now, and when I started you would have to pay around 8-10$ worth of money for a mono-posed metal slugger in a blister, maybe even a bit more if it was of this size (which nothing really was back then).
Take those $10 and take in account the inflation and you would probably end somewhere around $15 in today's money. That's $5 of, sure, but its also a hell of a lot better models today. A increase in money of $5 over 20 years aint really a big deal seeing as most people also have more money to spend (myself included).
Now for the second point, them being mono posed. Again, Ill inform you that everything used to be fucking monoposed! You know what we had to do? We actually had to do some good´ol honest hobby work! Yea, that's right, you had to cut and pin and bend and sculpt to get a model that said "I made this, this is my model!". But today's kids are to damn retarded, and most of all lazy, to imagine something like this. Just thinking about converting those solid mono posed models still hurts my thumbs (we had to carve like crazy just to bend an arm!), these are plastic and easy as hell to pose the way you want to.
$10 around when 40k came out is around $20 take that for what you will.
This, a hundred times over. People seems to forget to adjust for inflation. Not to mention people just seems to have more money than ever they can spend on just about anything these days.
I remember when I started way back (around the time that WD came out actually, or perhaps a year or two earlier even), I had roughly $65 for allowance, and I could still enjoy this hobby.
That greatly depended on what type of blister it was, and the fact that I live in Sweden.
A blister then cost around 80-100SEK, which in today's money would be around $8-$10. And to be frank, I don't know what the price was outside my country back then (hell, we didn't even have internet in those days!).
So perhaps it was, as you say $20 for any blister outside of Sweden, but I highly doubt that as picture can tell. But I also think the $ didn't stand as high in comparison to the Swedish crown, which might explain why $12.95 (for a chaos terminator) would back then translate to around 100SEK (and not 130 with today's currency).
>Their kits are liked for conversion possibilities not actual dynamism
True, but it's becoming more and more clear that those aren't dollars they're interested in chasing. Not gonna assign motive to why, but it feels like they'd rather be seen as more of a 'fiddly' company now. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong about that.
Maybe they feel like bit trade is cutting into their profits. It's stupid, but I wouldn't put it past them.
Another possibility is that they just don't want to waste time sending back and forth samples between the factory to test things out during the mold process.
Wyrd didn't want to go back and forth with their malifaux models and the Chinese so they took the route of cutting the figure much as needed while sacrificing ease of assembly and conversion possibilities.
Maybe GW just doesn't want to bother with that step anymore
The worst offender is those $100 chaos horsemen. You only get 3 also.
Seriously, how bad is fast food over in america?
might be the most retarded thing I've read all day
This. My 25 model monopose black orc unit is miles cooler than any multi-part kit out there. Bask in the dynamic and wild poses!
That's what I'm using
Meh, 60$ isnt that bad. a normal term kit is not as good at there job as 3 of these guys, and i Don't mind paying 10$ more for a unit i will probably never buy or need more than 3 of in the army. Frankly, on paper at least, yet to playtest, their rules look AMAZING and they will easily out perform 5 normal chaos terms.
is just a matter of time before 3d printing ruins gamesworkshop
>A models rules determine it's real life cost
Christ you're retarded
You're being ironic, but the essentially mono-pose metal black orcs were the coolest shit in the game when they came out.
Alright fellas, I have a question. I don't play this type of tabletop game, so bear with me.
Why don't you all just 3D print everything?
In fairness, poseability is REALLY FUCKING BAD when poorly thought out assembly can prevent your dudes from ranking properly. t. Southlands player fffffuck you skinks
>But today's kids are to damn retarded, and most of all lazy, to imagine something like this. Just thinking about converting those solid mono posed models still hurts my thumbs (we had to carve like crazy just to bend an arm!), these are plastic and easy as hell to pose the way you want to.
Pic related
There's 3 places where monopose works.
1) Characters.
2) Small units, where where each model gets to be an individual.
3) Huge blocks, where it's all the same and you can't see individual models that well.
And 3 comes with a caveat, being that the more individualistic the poses and details are, the far easier it is to spot the repeats. Those black orcs are fairly simple and similar, so the repeats don't stand out. Now imagine you had 3 models, each with different poses and gear. And you had a dozen or two of them.
>Why don't you all just 3D print everything?
cause printing in a quality you can use for miniatures is way too expensive. It's done for prototyping masters that go into traditional casting.
Assemble them right.
But I agree, especially when GW kept creeping up the models in size and adding wider and wider poses to them.
Even a cheapo $400 printer can print a miniature these days. Sure it won't look perfect but it can definitely create a little plastic dude.
Because the quality of 3D printed figures is drastically worse than buying GW kits. Also for people who play at GW stores 3D printed stuff wouldn't be allowed since it's not official GW/FW stuff.
>In fairness, pose ability is REALLY FUCKING BAD when poorly thought out assembly can prevent your dudes from ranking properly.
THIS, in fantasy at least monopose was okay since they ranked up easier, still usually had some variation, and looked fine since you didn't look at individual models really, you looked at the units as a whole.
But for 40k, I would argue this doesn't work nearly as well. Since you actually look at models separately a lot more, and the squads are obviously smaller. But the main argument here isn't so much as monopose is bad, it's the price for a monoposed model. After having all these multipose kits for years with GW raising prices higher and higher, why all the sudden are they backtracking? And why are the prices still going up with it? It's easier to sculpt a monopose model, as you don't have to worry about any extra bits on the sprue or needing to fit anywhere, and thus it costs less to produce. A major reason why GW monopose models used to cost so much was that they were metal, you know, and actual resource with lots of value. But now, they are plastic, and so the price gouging shouldn't be here. And with every release we slowly are seeing GW raising prices, as before they would just flat out increase prices overnight, which gave them backlash. But now they a subtly doing it. A good example is the Tau Firewarrior kit. It used to be around $28, came with 12 Firewarriors, and 2 Gun Drones. Pretty great deal, right? Well with the NEW and IMPROVED GW kit, they are $50, come with 10 Firewarriors, and 3 Drones, one being that new tiny turret thing.
I long for the days of paying $25 for 24 Orcs in the LOTR game.
They were fine for a while with the AoS kits, repackaging the WoC as $40 for 16 and $25 for 10 skeletons but the prices they've got for the 40k stuff is ridiculous.
No, there rules determine there value to me as someone trying to make a viable, competitive list from scratch with a brand new army, and one more leet slot to fill.
...and I happen to like the sculpts.
The two things I hated most about WHFB were ranks and square bases. Round based skirmisher masterrace.
>They were fine for a while with the AoS kits, repackaging the WoC as $40 for 16
They were cheaper before they got repackaged, at least the Skeletons stayed the same. The exception is things staying the same price after a re-boxing, not the norm. I will say though that the undead stuff always stays weirdly cheap.
Oh really? I guess I'm just talking out of my ass then, sorry.
Except they do in terms of points
A ten man Tac squad costs the same as a 5 man greyknight squad despite being same material and model
>No, there rules determine there value to me as someone trying to make a viable, competitive list from scratch with a brand new army, and one more leet slot to fill.
But that isn't what the thread is about, the thread is about how stupid it is that GW is charging $60 for 3 monopose models that should be $20 max. That is what this is about, not "muh stats are worth $60."
There's a small handful of ork models that are still metal also.
>Except they do in terms of points
>A ten man Tac squad costs the same as a 5 man greyknight squad despite being same material and model
No, they don't. A regular 10 man Space Marine Squad costs $40, while a 10 man Grey Knight squad costs $60. So a $20 dollar difference, which is accounted for from the difference of bits, if you've ever looked at a grey knight kit they have tons and tons of weapon options.
GW doesn't price things off of their in game rules. They price it however they want, to maximize profits with each release steadily going up in cost.
EXAMPLE: There is a $10 difference between the Gorkanaut kit and a Stompa kit.
Agree Monopause is fine for characters, and back when in WHFB ranking was a thing. But for 40K, where the models are seperated repetition makes and army look ugly. A sure fire way to spot a "that guy" in 40k is to look at the variation in his multipose. If they all look the same, posed the same way, then chances are you have an asshole more concerned with beating his opponent than fielding a beautifully painted army. I've always been a narrative fluff guy, when I field an army I want myself, and other people to enjoy looking at all the different models. In a funny way multipose means that my armies (with my kit bashing, conversion, greenstuffing coupled with extra care for detail when painting) means that whilst my army maintains some uniformity, it is a joy to look out and I have an army where each mini (not just HQs and Vehicles) has character. Mono-pose and the extra detail on the new CADs really limit the potential and variation. It is a step in the wrong direction in my opinion, and whilst I'll be doing a death guard army, I'll only be using Mortarion and the vehicles, and sculpting and kit-bashing my own from MKII, MKIII and FW Plague Marines armors and adding bits from 3rd parties like the guy in the link below.
I'm a model and paint guy first and foremost, and I consider what I do to be a little like what the lowrider guys are into. I want to put my spin on the concept and field the best looking army I can. I also want other guys in the hobby to do the same as nothing fills my fa/tg/uy heart like seeing some put love and effort into their army. I love it when you teach a kid or a newbie a few techniques and they use it to make their own unique thing, watching them grow and improve. It's rewarding. (cont)
>Southlands player
Holy shit, I feel like I encountered a unicorn.
There are less Southlands players than Chaos Dwarves or even Dogs of War!
Monopause deprives us of options, and will result in same/same not only in armies fielded by different hobbyists but also within the same army. Our hobby is one of creativity, and we, aswell as GW, should be making moves toward rewarding that and not limiting it. I could argue til I'm blue in the face about the quality of the new minis (I dont think they're good) but I understand that this is a subjective thing. I can however state that the limiting of options is a bad thing for the hobby overall, as limiting options creates both a restriction on individual creativity and makes the teaching, passing on and practicing of conversion, kit bashing and sculpting harder to do. And this, in my opinion, is why these clip together mono-pose minis are an awful idea, and a bad thing for the hobby overall.
>I'll just use my existing models, thank you very much.
Incidentally this is why they're 20 euro and monopose. You aren't the target. Newbies are.
monopose is the reason i haven't bought any Chads desu, nor will I til they get a kit that actually allows bashing and doesn't require me to hack away at them to allow any customisation at all.
It's lazy and irritating as a design choice.
well, he's correct, so look in the mirror for the new retarded thing to look at.
If you feel this way you're not very good at modelling, or are too lazy to do it properly, or both.
>Cheaper than GW stuff
How the fuck did that happen?
>play daemons
>love my metal pink horrors because they rank and file so well
>they are also proper gribbly
>new plastic comes out
I hated the new horrors and I still do
I was around then too, and you know what, multi-pose was a god send. It changed the hobby and improved the skill level. Arguing in favor of more restriction, going back to the days of trial and error, where nobody taught, encouraged or passed on conversion advice is just really bad and it's the type of argument made by someone who either wasn't there, or is an asshole.
Seriously, I think half the people arguing for the glory days of 2nd edition when "Everything was better" weren't around. We had fun with 2nd edition sure, but the game drastically improved when we got the kinks worked out of 3rd edition, and things were in late 5th (Amongst friends we still play a bastardized 5th with some elements of 7th thrown in for our campaign games and 8th for our casuals) along with the improvements of multi-pose kits it made making an army of "your guys" easier and also made it easier to teach people modelling skills (conversion, sculpting, posing etc.). The claim things were better is just fucking retarded. They weren't. Fuck the late comer hipsters to the hobby who think that something they consider "nostalgic" is the way to go, especially as most of them weren't around then and haven't been here to enjoy the actual improvements we've had over the last 25 years.
Well, strictly speaking, FW is a bit more expensive.
Although not much, and you get more models for your money.
nope usd
>onopose is the only way to give figures character and dynamics
then why are they so bad at it
>see typhon
he is dynamic in that pose but he also looks stupid
If you're not gonna pay for the real deal why pay at all? Scanning or creating your own models is not as simple as it seems and not everything is available (or even looks worth printing) on thingiverse. After much deliberation on the subject myself I decided if I'm not buying nice looking models it's not worth spending anything at all - your $400 for example could get you a nice army (or two) that would be "legal" to play rather than some low-res nurgle-blighted resin minis. Proxying and papercraft poorhammer is the way to go for cheap non-store games imo.
Powerfully stupid.
>he is dynamic in that pose but he also looks stupid
and that is consistent with my statement that they are bad at dynamics.
Just curious, how do they compare scale-wise?
you folks could just get manreapers and convert up tartaros termies
I'm not a fan of the dumb extra shit like tentacles. But I'm mostly concerned with size/scale. I don't want them looking hilariously small.
Also I work at my flgs and get nice discount. So it's not too bad either way
I really love it when they all can rank up neatly like that. POST YOUR RANKS!
I wish I know how to buy from based chinese
>GW-fanbois now defending monopose
I personally hate the models solely based off the fact I hate nurgle but the models look good for what theyre supposed to be. they have MUCH more detail than most models ive seen (probably too much) and for $20 a pop its worth it. they could easily compete with most space marine characters on an individual level (and most cost $20+).
and the whole mono pose no creativity thijg is bullshit. oh wow your spafe marine has a different gun and an added purity seal. I do repect those that truly kitbash well and convert with greenstuff but those are rare. unless yoyagnetise yourew paying more for plastic you'll never use.
I think you are confusing conversion work with sculpting.
Miniatures can be:
Easy to assemble/convert
You can't have all 3. For every full detail that undercuts, you need additional pieces which increase the assembly difficulty.
For dynamics of movement, lines of motion need to be obeyed so you can't create swivel joint pieces and hope that it looks good. This is why space marines don't get flexing muscles and every infantry is in that squatting pose. Since the modeller's the one determining the direction of each piece, the base of the figure, ie the leg must remain neutral as possible.
If you look at lot of the multi pose plastic kits, you will notice lot of the details just extend into the mini, medals and purity seals get raised above the body with no undercuts or space between the body surface. GW doesn't want to do this anymore. They want their stuff to look good as a set piece with details going where they want it.
You notice this really hard on their single plastics. Kharn, Ahriman all have musculatures and robes that do not work in appearance when you swivel the arm joins. That's how you make a cohesive miniature that have unified direction of motion, have details with depth.
You can have 2, but you can't have 3. Look at any miniature game company in the market and you will notice that something had to be sacrificed to get their miniature made.
"easily fixable" bullshit. mold slips are impossible to fix and the flash is takes mucu more time to fix. don't get me wrong I love me some china man recast but dont put it on a higher pedastool than it deserves. you get slight less quality (sometes utter garbage) but takes much more time. depends on what you have a surplus of, time or money
>obligatory thread complaining about GW pricing
we get it. there's threads about this 24/7. if i didn't know any better i'd think it's the same schmook making a new complaint thread everytime the last one died
Welcome to 2014
t. an ork player
Kharn and Ahriman are Characters, they're meant to stand out, the clip together monopose works well FOR NAMED CHARACTERS.
I greenstuff, and I realize that there is a lack of detail on multi-pose. Which is why I like them. The choices for what goes on them should be mine, the hobbyist, either through painting, kit bashing or sculting detail on with greenstuff. I've even seen great work done with the old CSM sprue with people doing this. GW, and mono-pose CADs, remove that choice for hobbyists lie myself. Again you end up with repetition, same models repeated over and over again. And fuck this "dynamic" argument you're using, the impression of movement is good for centrepiece miniatures like Kharn and Ahriman, but remember Dynamic actually means "characterisd by constant change, activity and progress" having the same 5 or 10 clipped together already mono-posed models, repeated again, and again, and again will kill any sense of individuality or dynamics within a faction or army. This style of thinking is the very antithesis of what actually is Dynamic. The one thing that needs to improve in our hobby for modelling, and it's not something that GW can or should do, is to have a more formalized way of teaching working with greenstuff and other techniques so we can choose what Dynamics I add to it. Minis should not be a standard product which the only thing I can d is clip together and paint. That removes so much of the modelling part of the hobby we enjoy and restricts or modelling choices. I stand by my word anyone arguing for less choice, less options and less variety is either not very good at modelling or is just lazy.
a-a-at least there is alot of place for customization
$98 in Australia.
There is also the important part where someone will then have to spend the man hours designing the mini to be 3D printed.
Peoples effort would probably be better spent buying the minis, making a cast of it, casting their own copies, then reselling the originals.
>Mega Ork Kit: 81 parts to the kit, all similar parts interchangeable, little bit of saw, and glue work to get new unique Claws, guns and Gubbins. No that hard to get varied and unique.
There is room for customization you dumb faggot (speaking of ), stop shilling for GW's new stuff, most I've heard from or spoken to find the new Minis too detail heavy, and lacking in variation. They may look good by themselves, but fielding an army of the same minis is just going to look like shit.
Only kids care about "multi" pose models that have exactly one pose in which they don't flail around or look retarded anyway. I'm incredibly happy we're back to monopose sculpts.
Stop Shilling
So since customization literally not an argument anymore, could we start a new chapter of our little holywar/shitstorm?
I enjoy watching people continue to put up with this shit because they're too far down the rabbit hole to ever leave GW.
Accept that it is shit, use 8E and the index's and just drop out of the rat race.