What went wrong.
What went wrong
Due to some typographical oversight all Elves are called Merfolk.
lot of cards are just boring
none of the tribes really do something unique
They have really colorful fins, for elves.
They didn't want to break Merfolk in Legacy and Modern, so they made all of the Merfolk boring shitty.
>inb4 hurr durr muh diversity
>inb4 hurr durr muh NWO
>inb4 hurr durr muh MaRo
Finally almost nothing :)
this set is full of dinosaurs and pirates how could anything have gone wrong
I'm really bothered by lack of intersection though.
Unless told, you would have no idea that both those tribes exist in the same set.
Maybe more in the second Set, after they established the tribes in the first.
The tribes are fucking boring
Dinosaurs? Boring? You are fucking boring!
They are purposefully segmented off, there are not going to be any Pirate Dinosaurs just because you think it would be cool.
So what you want fucking dinosaur pirates? What intersection did Vampires have with Spirits in Innistrad? The set actually looks good, the first one in a LOOOOOONG fucking time, and youre worried that rando jank tribal pirate commons dont mention dinosaurs specifically enough. Will you mother fuckers bitch about literally anything???
>Starting a thread off with a no-effort meme
What went wrong.
what game do you play? Lorwyn had like 5 cross-tribal creatures and that was a decade ago. Tribes have never had "intersection" in Magic
No, but if there's no common conflict there's no real reason for either to become prominent. Why make a set with half ideas when you can just flesh out two new ones?
Innistrad's monsters were all linked by human tribal.
Yeah, Elves get gimmicky like that. Lorwyn elves had horns. Mirrodin elves had those kinky metal bits. And so on...
How the fuck is there no common conflict? All the tribes want the same thing, and are clearly fighting each other on multiple cards. I don't even know what you're trying to whine about.
No they aren't. Why would pirates fight dinosaurs? Dinosaurs aren't a naval force with riches.
It's ok to demonize Europeans and celebrate Mesoamerican cultures.
Maybe not but apparently that sun cult definitively has some beef.
Yep. then again, the vampire conquistador dudes dont seem particularly evil for a faction of vampires imo.
Still not sure if theyre supposed to be spanish, english or french though.
To me, the intersections seem pretty nice where they occur thus far. Pirates and Dinosaurs in particular feel like they'd combo well with any other tribe. Treasure is good for color fixing and makes it easier to splash, and they can use some of their utility creatures for the WB vampires or put some of their cheap spells and flyers to work with Merfolk.
Dinosaurs work well as big curve toppers for basically anyone running the proper colors.
The main place there isn't much overlap is Merfolk and Vampires, and even then they might have some WU stuff going on with their flyers or going for lifelink and +1/+1 counters.
The links between tribes aren't as strict, but they don't really have to be.
>What went wrong.
this kind of thread for every new thing in every hobby. What bunch of change allergic pussies.
the vampires have bitching conquistador armor and mustaches, giant cathedral ships, and have paladins trying to reclaim an artifact that will save them from feasting on the blood of others, of which they try to limit to heretics and nonbelievers. Show me where on the doll the shadows of SJWs are demonizing them because right now they are the most badass faction on Ixalan.
Cards are too expensive, effects are underwhelming to such a point the set will be almost ignored in standard sans a few value rares.
Because they all want the Immortal Sun, and they're all trying to find it both on sea and land.
Jesus, do at least a little bit of research before you bitch about something.
Frankly, their depiction of the "demonized" Europeans is pretty sweet.
>We need to keep bigotry, chauvinism, rape, and other shitty things in fantasy settings because of historical realism
>White people aren't allowed to be the bad guys in a Mesoamerican setting
Pick one, /pol/
I'm kinda glad. We've had a lot of X vs. Y sets these days. This one feels more like just a place.
whole set feels very uninspiring.
nothing cool at all.
Or you could come up with an original setting that doesn't reminisce history and in where diverse group is the evil guys and another diverse group is the good guys.
What is it with /pol/ not even bothering to look up the basics of the setting? Like, are you seriously so lazy you can't even be bothered to figure out the basic setup of Ixalan before you shitpost?
>We need to make settings obviously based on history
>Bad dudes have to belong to a single irl race
If it's just a flavor concern, then just look at the art.
>Lorwyn had like 5 cross-tribal creatures and that was a decade ago.
Lorwyn had an entire tribe of cross-tribal creatures.
>bigotry, chauvinism, rape,
>in Magic the Gathering
Delicious bait
They found a way to make vampire conquistadors and dinosaurs and pirates really uninteresting from a mechanical perspective.
Except the conquistadors are possibly the most justified faction, once you look past them being vampires and realize they're reclaiming something they once owned for the good of their entire nation.
>dinosaurs cannot sacrifice other dinosaurs to get stronger
where is my foodchain you hacks
>Doesn't look at the cards
>Doesn't read the lore
>Bitches about it anyway
Classic Veeky Forums
Vampire Conquistadors are way cooler than Meso/Elf Merfolk, and honestly it's probably the most "good guy" portrayal of a whole Vampire faction I've seen wizards do; they're picky about who they drink from and are honestly trying to cure their bloodlust. I hope we get some cool characters out of them.
Ah the good old /pol/tards and their persecutory delusions.
It's almost as though these people who constantly bitch about identity politics don't actually play the game and aren't remotely interested by it. Where have I heard about those sort of people before?
>They're picky
Draining "enemies" is not very picky. You could say the same of Zendikar and Innistrad ones.
Until shown otherwise, they're certainly more benevolent than vampires from either of those planes. They only drink from heretics, enemies of the state and criminals. Judging from the lore that cites that vampires are the nobility of Torrezon, this means that they have a living lower class population that they don't actually feed on, that they rule over without sucking any blood. This is much more pleasant than Innistrad vampires, who protect humanity solely for the purpose of maintaining their food supply and Zendikar vampires, who required an apocalypse in order for them to work alongside mortals and gladly preyed on mortals before that.
>This is much more pleasant than Innistrad vampires, who protect humanity solely for the purpose of maintaining their food supply
And let's not forget that they were actually pretty bad at that.
But MaRo is literally the MtG devil that keeps things unfun and lame and expensive
>What went wrong
Jesus Christ, the fucking set hasn't even been released and you're already complaining? How are you that utterly determined to shit on everything? Mother of fuck, dude.
There is intersection between tribes. There literally needs to be to make limited work. However, the intersection isn't as shallow as making pirates that care about dinosaurs or making Merfolk Vampires. Why do you think they decided to make treasure ramp?
I read the cards and it will have next to no effect on standard.
I've run six different simulations of Ixalan prerelease night on Cockatrice and after running the numbers, I can confirm less than ten Ixalan cards will see any play in standard.
It's garbage.
I remember when people said this about vehicles and energy.
I remember when people said this about Delirium.
I remember when people said this about the new Ulamog, Kozilek and Emrakul.
I remember when people said this about Converge.
I remember when people said this about flipwalkers.
Enrage mechanically represents this, though it isn't necessarily flavorfully related. Enrage encourages lots of fighting, blocking, and direct damage between creatures
What else exactly would you do to mechanically represent them that would be more "interesting" than what they did? Keep in mind both pirates and dinosaurs have like 3 things going on.
Let's lionize plunderers, looters, and war criminals instead, haha.
Not only that, but the Dinosaur tribal is inherently tied up with the Sun Empire and their tame dinosaurs. It isn't like Jund where you want them all to be eating eachother all the time.
Who ever said that about those cards that are obviously powerful? The only thing that will see play are the relics and some replacement removal and burn spells.
Name a card in Ixalan better than Bristling Hydra, Glorybringer, Scarab God, or Walking Ballista.
Sometimes it is just a shitty set, like Dragons Maze. Hell it mirrors Dragons Maze to a tee.
Well, their dinosaurs aren't tame, but the idea is that in general the Empire works in harmony with nature. It isn't flavorfully correct for them to have a mechanic like Devour (though what they DOES make perfect sense for the "noble savage" archetype they're trying to convey).
just one of the best blocks ever seen in magic senpai, dunno what you're talking about.
Is it seriously that hard for /pol/ to realize that there are no good guys and bad guys in this narrative, just a bunch of people fighting over the same thing? Is that too morally complex for them to wrap their head around?
Hodgepodge set made out of 4 things that couldn't fill a set on their own. Then slap a tribal/multicolor faction set on top, things that every normie under the sun loves.
And presto; Ixalan
Not enough trilobites.
No trilobite empire.
Too many card-thieves.
Community grown far too toxic for its own good.
If you like diversity so much make the bad guys the non-mesoamericans this time.
Just going with the most recent example, do you really not recall how a large portion of Veeky Forums insisted that vehicles would not see constructed play, not a single one?
Do you not recall the disappointment that Ramunap Ruins was not a Lightning Bolt reprint or invocation and that it instead was a trashy land that wouldn't even see play in the jankiest casual deck?
Do you not remember how all eight of the Amonkhet gods were considered completely garbage and absolutely unplayable?
No because I generally don't browse Veeky Forums and i just play standard on MTGO. And after playing 200+ matches and reading the spoiler I see next to nothing that's going to effect the field besides adding some new bad slow decks for Temur Energy and Approach to beat.
justifying the conquistadors and their looting is fucking disgusting senpai, It's one of my top reasons for hating this setting, haw haw haw.
Depicting the Spanish as vampires is absolutely on-point, though.
>It has to be A or B, is not like there's an entire abecedary of options
Or, you know, not make a setting obviously based on history so you can demonize one side
Hualti rides a dinosaur through a crowd of people without it attacking anyone, has it wear armor, and they have stables for their raptors.
That's literally the definition of tame. Granted, not all of the dinos seem to be that as depicted, but at the very least the faction as a whole is less 'wild animals' and more 'you stumbled upon a carefully arrayed ambush of dinosaurs prodded to your vicinity by the natives'
Everything besides the merfolk make perfect sense for the proposed setting, and the merfolk add an additional angle that many mesoamerican themed worlds lack, that is to say making at least a few of the different ancient mesoamerican cultures actually different rather than being an amalgam. It's a little disingenuous to say the tribal was "slapped on" (its not really a multicolor set not sure where the fuck you got that, having factions in multiple colors doesn't make you a multicolor set) because it makes sense for the idea for the setting is different factions vying for control, though you could argue the tribes themselves seem random. It's not really a "hodgepodge". It's at most two very clear themes which is EVERY set (a mechanical hook + theme to flavor the mechanics), the age of exploration theme and the tribal theme, and I reiterate that tribal makes a lot of sense here in the same way lands matter makes sense for a world about adventures like Zendikar, so the themes blend themselves quite well, to the point that before we got the Making Magic articles I for one couldn't tell whether the set was top down or bottom up.
Oh well, see you in three months time when you completely forget your predictions after they turned out to be wrong, only to shitpost Rivals of Ixalan next.
Fair enough and I suppose it's a little pedantic. It's just they seemed to want to make it very clear their dinosaurs aren't "tame" in the strictest sense in the worldbuilding panel and the flavor text. It seems more like the dinosaurs follow people when the people show they are strong enough. Kind of like, trying to link to their animal instincts and make themselves appear as strong leaders to convince the dinosaurs to help them.
I like settings that are based on history a lot in general but my favorite settings MTG has visited are Arabian Nights and Three Kingdoms, so I'm a biased fucker.
literally name a card that effects the format from the spoiler.
I'll wait.
You are a dumb dumb nigger if you think Walk the Plank isn't going to be a piece of premier removal even with its limitations
No, we've seen they are very clearly tame. The justification of them being in white is that they are tame. We just got in the latest story Huatli controlling her mount through some form of telepathy.
It's replacing black removal rotating out from BFZ/SoI it doesn't change the U/B Control deck at all.
I'm a little disappointed that there isn't a card representing the vampire queen.
I'm not dumb enough to try and predict something that I don't have all the information on yet.
So wait as long as you like, you won't get an answer until the middle of October, when it has become apparent you were wrong.
Why would she be away from the continent?
The justification for white is that dinosaurs follow strong leaders based on flavor text for that shitty big butt white vanilla. Dinosaur knights don't appear to have particular domesticated amounts, it seems like they call whatever dinosaurs are around. I assume that's why Huatli didn't get or make a legendary dinosaur.
Next sets. I hope.
She's not present on Ixalan, she's back home on the vampire continent.
Expect her to maybe show up in the middle of Rivals or for her to appear in one of the next EDH sets.
>I can't find a single obviously powerful card in the spoiler despite my supposed superior intellect and prediction abilities but you're still wrong
This is obviously your first rodeo if you think a weak constructed set is some sort of uncommon occurrence.
I think it's more that there's a mix, but in terms of Dinosaur tribal, them working together is the work of the Sun Empire. On a more savage plane, they might have had a setup based more around them eating eachother, but here the tribal interaction is going to be in the context of the natives using them to fight off invaders most of the time.
>Name one
I said that effects the format, 4 Walk The Planks replacing 4 Grasp of Darkness is not an effect on the format cum guzzler.
Maro has literally said on blogatog that the justification for dinos in white is that they are domesticated.
Getting used is "affecting the format". By what shitty definition are you using to define "affects the format", and why are you backpedaling to a clearly much more narrow definition than your initial idiot post that implied no card from Ixalan was going to do shit?
Yeah, but do any of the faction leaders show up on a card?
Consider that you're stating that literally no card in Ixalan will have any impact on standard, whereas I am suggesting that at least one card, although I cannot say which, will probably have an impact on standard.
Which is the bolder statement?
I thought that was the reason....
Wonder if they could make a flavor card about the queen.
Something like "she cant attack or block" because she isnt really there, but on other continent.
or dont know if she would show up eventually....
But I cant imagine why she would show up in person on Ixalan.
Maybe if the rest of the world exploded and the only save place at the moment is Ixalan..... but thats dumb
Literally said in the worldbuilding panel that dinosaurs are not domesticated because they were directly asked that exact question. I genuinely think the worldbuilding team knows more specifics about the setting than Maro does.
The Sun Empire's emperor has no card.
The Legion of Dusk's queen has no card.
We do not know if the River Heralds have a leader or who the leader is, but we might have gotten a card for them.
Similarly, we do not know if the Brazen Coalition has a leader or who the leader is, yet I am willing to place a bet on Admiral Beckett Brass being the closest thing.
Affecting the format means changing the distribution of decks at the top of the meta in a significant way. Changing the text on a doom blade does not change the fact Temur Energy will remain the best deck.
I'm not saying literally 0 cards from Ixalan will be played, I simply stated there are no new archetype defining giant cards that will challenge the meta in any particular fashion. Maybe you should get out of your armchair and play the format sometime.