Who would win in a fight between a yugioh player and a mtg player?
Who would win in a fight between a yugioh player and a mtg player?
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Depends on the game system.
Yugioh players are black, so they'd probably win.
Yugioh player is playing Yugioh, Mtg player is playing mtg.
At the very least, the MtG player will realize his deck and his trade binder were stolen 5 minutes after the game ends
Which formats
Generally when two humans clash and neither of them has any fighting skills, the one with bigger mass will get upper hand. While MtG crowd poses serious challenge in that regards, YGO guys and gals will still be able to top them.
Entered the thread to say this
MTG nerds are all pasty skinnyfat or fatfat whitebois. Some of the Yugioh players I know are hood as fuck.
t. MTG nerd
mtg player is playing modern, yugioh player is on a motorbike.
Alright. Yugioh player runs over MtG player.
The MTG player
Pic related
The yugioh player then. In their first turn, they'd have at least three monsters infinitely bigger than any blocker the magic player could put out, never mind how they'd crush the 20 LP magic players have with even pic related without battle.
MTG player. YGO players are going to believe that they'll win due to the power of friendship or some dumb animu shit like that. MTG player's gonna bust a bottle over his head and snatch his binder.
Like.. like a fist fight?
Yugioh player would just shoot the MTG player with the game he brought to kill everyone in the tournament in case he didn't win
gun not game
MTG players can win turn 0 (on your turn with you going first) with infinite damage or forcing you to deck yourself.
How consistent are whatever decks that can do this? Because any Yugioh deck can do 1000 damage if they run Fire Cracker. And 1000 is 50 times more than 20.
The rest of us.
There is a rarely played format called unlimited, its rarely played because its completely solved turn -1 wins that end when the opening hands have been drawn and the YuGiOh player starts the game milling 49 cards (for magic its "turn -1 lose 21 life). If we are talking normal formats probably yu gi oh with its massive japanese numbers
Fairly consistently. The real problem comes with having to play around counterspells like Force of Will, but since Yu-gi-oh lacks those in the same capacity that Magic has, the MTG player can really just set his deck up as aggressively as they want.
Yugioh has bigger numbers, but Magic has a much bigger card library and range of abilities, with thousands of game-ending infinite combos alongside defenses that can potentially strike yugioh players in various weakspots they didn't even know they had.
>Who would win in a fight between a yugioh player and a mtg player?
The shareholders.
Can you re-type that in a way that doesn't make it seem like you had a stroke just beforehand? Thanks
Yugioh has -1 turn wins.
Full on "you are already dead" card shit.
What mtg has instead are white cards that prevent losing games, black cards that prevent your opponent winning games etc... that ensure they can do at least one turn.
Let's fucking go. I'll play Yugioh. A fucking petdeck. Just need to find a place to play.
But there's also a 50% that a yugioh player is mentally retarded.
Yeah but then he has retard strength. You lose either way.
He already said they're black, user; no need to be redundant.
He said they were black. How do you stack retard on retard?
MtG players probably can't afford a gun
dude LMA0 skill hatsudo!
>White people
>no money for guns
>being able to afford anything that doesn't explode in their hand
Niggers just steal some guns/know people who loan them guns.
>not having a creature destroying instant
>Spending card money on guns
Well yeah, there's always the gun libraries.
Depends. Yugioh would go for a blitz, but if the mtg player didn't immediately die, he would be utterly spent an unable to resist the mtg player from then on.
Depends. YGO are mostly weak whitey weebs and weeb groids.
A non-eternal player is normally a jewish puppet libshit so he'll surrender to the bbc.
A meme format player is a neckbeard, so he'll run away from the spooky spook.
A legacy player is rich enough he doesnt interact with blacks.
A vintage player would shoot the filthy coon off his lawn and remember back to the happy times of jim crow.
>not spending card money on guns
You can have more than one hobby, you know that, right?
It's ironic that $500 can get you a hell of a lot more bang for your buck carlos.jpgin the firearm business than in MtG
Yes, but there aren't gun tournies for gun afficianados to be sociable at.
Let's face facts: guns will never be as popular as mtg.
why are magic players so alpha?
There are gun tournies.
Even unsanctioned ones in the ghetto, v. Multicult.
>yugioh players
Clearly you have been in only one local store
As someone who has played both "competitively", yugioh is more about cheating/stealing than actually playing the game.
Yugioh players are often big black guys. MTG players are overweight or straight up scrawny white boys. It wouldn't be too hard.
>Yes, but there aren't gun tournies for gun afficianados to be sociable at.
Except that there are.