The goblins camouflaged better and they spent 364 days waiting for your party to lower the guard. Truly a wily hunter, a goblin.
Party goes out to desert land
It was a duel of autism between the players and the goblins
Jokes aside i would decide it with a die roll if you guys are attacked
But of course the goblins would attack on the day they saw you didn't post a guard, dumbass.
I prefer to run systems where the PCs can recover most of their resources between fights.
I think you will find that by eliminating the players (free will and imagination are pesky distractions) and reducing the whole game to rolling a few buckets of dice against pre-determined DC you will greatly improve efficiency of the whole process.
I prefer to run games where the half of PC build options based on consistency-not-peakiness are relevant and useful.
>players want to play the game
How fucking dare they anyway, don't they realize we're writing a BOOK here? Someday we're gonna be famous! That fat fuck GRR Martin is gonna weep into his fat fucking hands at how successful our HBO show is!