Pathfinder General /pfg/
Really basic question: what are you playing right now? Shill your character!
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Really basic question: what are you playing right now? Shill your character!
/pfg/ Link Repository:
Current Playtests:
Old Thread:
A: A short aasimar punchgirl
B: A big titted human Icon Mystic
C: A shirren Technomancer who was described as autistic by the end of the first session
An orc sentinel (focusing in the berserking, guardian, and shield spheres).
Who's ready for Duke's Coin Tacticool ERPerators ERPerating ERPerationally?
A: LG Human Cavalier (Daring Champion, Seneschal*)|Paladin/Bard (Archaeologist)
B: NG Angel-blooded Aasimar Bloodrager (Primalist)|Paladin (Oathbound)
C: LN Demon-spawn Tiefling Cavalier
* homebrew initiating archetype
Rogue/Wizard Teleportation Murder Theif.
Rajah Super Support Buff Man.
I am! But I was not aware it would involve so much lewdity!
An Agathion Aasimar Healer who's now fairly scared of undead.
i. NG Human Bard (Archeologist)||Warlord
ii. N Human Investigator/Vigilante (Warlock)
iii. LG Human Paladin (Knight Disciple) / Skald (Battle Scion)
iv. NG Human UC Rogue / Mystic (Knight Chandler)
I dispel these untoward rumors! There will be nothing erotic on my table!
>says nothing of under
1. LN Half-Giant PsyWar (Pathwalker)
2. LE Aasimar Warder (ODZS) | Cleric
3. CN Tiefling UC Rogue (Hidden Blade, Scout, and Thug)
4. NE Human Investigator (Polymath)
5. N Human Marksman (Mind’s Eye Disciple)
Once again PFG proves how mature it is.
I can't wait for PF2.
>2. LE Aasimar Warder (ODZS) | Cleric
Fucking Dumbass.
A tengu slayer merc who dreams of becoming a foreign language teacher at a university.
He has taken over the crows nest of a pirate ship.
What's dumb about that?
1. Human Bard (Rubato) 2 / Vigilante (Outrageous Lyricist) 4
2. Suli Avowed (Dragon Pact) 4 || Vigilante (Draconic Avenger/Exposed) 4
3. Deva Cleric 5 (4e)
4. Variant Human Fighter (Monster Hunter) 3 (5e)
Calm down, Patches.
Is she a draph?
It's one of the most outright powergamey gestalts, and it's the edgy LE alignment.
Will there be foxgirl gunners?
1: Skald 6/Sphere Singer 5 ulfen human. Devout Desnan, a whole ceasar salad bowl's worth of varying mental issues including identity issues (likens herself to a Varisian rather than an Ulfen) and fear of dark (nasty encounters with aberrations in a dark alley)
2: Bard 1/Cavalier 4 tiefling. Bastard son of a noble, lost his horns in an accident as a kid, became a knight to prove himself to be a nobleman that he believes he rightfully is
3: Occultist 1 human. Effectively sold his parents for power, always ends up getting people around him killed, survived a horrid massacre working as a mercenary and now bums around with his war veteran status
4: Vigilante (warlock) 4. Mother of two, devout wife, became a vigilante to dole out vengeance and to alleviate boredom, maybe a capricious prick, but she loves being a mother and sees anybody younger than her as another person to give motherly guidance to (after setting them up for a prank or two first)
Nope. Just the character pictured.
Draph are subpar units, Human+Erune is a much stronger team building choice,
especially when you consider the Baha Weapons.
Gunner girls are cute! CUTE!
I-I don't think I've ever wanted to join a game more than Duke's Coin...
I think I've reached the point where I can't find anything I like about this place, but come anyway because I might as well save all the fapbait that gets posted.
well, what exactly did you used to like about this place? OR did you never really like anything here ever?
>LE Aasimar Warder (ODZS) | Cleric
You betrayed the law!
What's piqued your interest?
When is /pfg/ gonna make that Roll20 where you all play Granblue characters in the Granblue world, but it's an isekai where it's YOU reincarnated in that character's body?
We'll invite /gbg/ from Veeky Forums.
On account of the incredible popularity of the game, I think I might actually open up a Second Irregulars instead of the other game(Eberron: everyone is an undead zombie that used to live in Cyre) I was planning on starting up.
So don't lose hope if you don't get in this one.
Hopefully never. That sounds fucking awful.
Awfully GREAT, you mean!
Well I hope I get in one of them, could be fun to have two groups and hearing about how each other help the war effort, and possibly working together on occasions. Or even as simple as meeting each other in camp to swap stories.
No, just awful. Granblue is bottom garbage that thrives on shitty waifus and being degenerate.
I would rather my asshole rot and fall out than be made aware of such a game's existence.
Confirmed secondary trash. You aren't even from there.
Wait, would that other game not be on Thursday?
The reason I haven't applied yet is because I can't do thursdays.
I've just confirmed with the DM but we'll have advanced weapons and so I'll be starting with a revolver or any other firearm of my choice
>player is playing kineticist
>is about to be hanged after being framed for a crime
>uses telekinesis shit to pull apart the gallows
>leaps into the air, making a jump check to jump like 30 feet straight up
>destroys gallows with telekinesis and turns invisible
>entire party claims it can't be countered by see invisibility because it's "not really invisibility" even though the ability (telekinetic invisibility) says it works like invisibility.
So I ask you: is telekinetic invisbility countered by see invisibility? They all seem to say no. I think it is. Also if you save against Zone of Truth, can you tell lies in the area? I don't see what the point of the save is, if you can't, given that you aren't compelled by the spell to speak. It's just that the caster knows if you saved so they know if you are able to lie.
God I fucking hate Pathfinder.....
It's /gbfg/, but there's still nothing wrong with it.
It's the wrong name, and you clearly don't care about the game outside of the waifubait and the memes. I bet you're a shitter who just follows the f/go waifus too.
>You weave strands of aether, bending light and dampening sound; this works as invisibility except that the aetheric bending is easier to notice than normal invisibility, so your bonus on Stealth checks is halved (+10 while moving and +20 while perfectly still). However, the dampened sound allows you to avoid automatic detection via sound-based blindsense and blindsight, but you do not receive the bonus on Stealth checks from this wild talent against a creature with such abilities.
>this works as invisibility except that the aetheric bending is easier to notice than normal invisibility
>this works as invisibility
They are 100% wrong. It's just like invisibility except for the differences stated, none of which is that it's undetectable from see invisibility.
You are the GM, it says right there that it's invisibility. If there's anything to debate you make a call then and there and deal with it later.
Second question; Unless specified otherwise, making a savings throw makes you exempt from the spell's effects. In other words, you can will yourself to speak lies in a zone of truth assuming your willpower is strong enough.
they pulled this same thing with Camouflage psionic power in 3.5. The psionics guy ran roughshod over the entire campaign because he used a 2nd level power as the equivalent of greater invisbility and did this weird doublethink shit where "it's not invisibility" so he should get the -20 to hide after attacking but "it is LIKE invisbility" so he shouldn't cause he can hide in plain sight and shit.
The rules for invisibility are fucking weird. Like, does it give you hide in plain sight ability and a +40 to Stealth? Or just the Stealth bonus? Goddamn it. Now I have to argue with them next time. At least this means the guy isn't as OP as I thought. Although the abuse of telekinesis is driving me up the wall, especially now that I allowed it because I didn't know that that wasn't how it works.
How do witches deal with that fact most of their hexes require them to be up close and personal while also being pretty squishy?
Alright. Yeah I don't see why it wouldn't work the same way, but they insisted it didn't. Because see invisibility only works on the exact spell invisibility and NOTHING ELSE apparently. Thanks user.
That's what I thought. The wording is somewhat vague, cause it says "subjects cannot speak falsehoods in the spell area" then allows a save to "avoid it's effects" I believe. But they'd probably go "BUT THEY STILL CAN'T SPEAK FALSEHOODS CAUSE IT SAYS SO IN THAT SENENTECE"
Yes, indeed. Probably friday, but 2nd is definitely more flexible.
party members
Have 22 Con and/or be in the body of a creature they Possessed.
Lots of handsome martial arts to do their bidding
Okey dokey, now I just gotta decide between playing an alchemist or a luck witch! I'll mention that I can't make the Thursday group in my app.
Dark doesn't need erunes. You can go away with Baha Sword there and keep that precious Forte in the backline.
A beefy familiar
Not even during the best of times.
I recall a while back people were talking about some sort of druid equivalent of a lich. Does anybody remember what the name of the creature or have a bestiary link?
Siabrae. Nasty things.
Is this /pfg/'s mascot anime?
Thanks user.
Varisian noble with three titles and a combat mustache
A grippli fiend keeper with an adamant greatsword
A gender neutral kitsune sorcerer with six tails who is built for enchantment but ends up being the primary blaster
I thought that was Overlord, what with the socially-inept lizardmen and all that.
>handsome martial arts
So they have to learn the Hamon?
Has there been any new stuff for monks in the past year or so?
It's the only way.
Sounds like a FABULOUS idea!
Battle ladder maybe?
I have a good idea for a Sphere drawback, if you guys would like to here about it
>Fae Magic
>Your magic is is primal in nature, and as such is prone to experiencing interference and feedback when exposed to worked metals such as cold iron and steel. Objects and constructs made of cold iron, steel, and any other form of advance metal are treated as having SR equal to their hardness when targeted by magical effects you create. Further, creatures wearing armor made from those materials are treated as having SR equal to their armor bonus to AC. In addition, while wearing armor made from those types of metals, you are subject to the spell failure chance of that armor. This chance is in addition to any other spell failure chance you provoke from other drawbacks, such as the Somatic Casting drawback.
So thoughts? Is it good, bad, pointless, or what?
That's a pretty severe dicking.
Using weapon mods from AA2 to make a weapon a Monk weapon, then using Aesthetic Style to use it to Flurry with it
Would making it count as 2 drawbacks be better? admittedly, its less severe than my original idea, where it would also let metal weapons be able to pierce magical effects, however I decided that part was too much
Pretty severe. Especially when you compare it to other drawbacks and the fact there are already drawbacks/tradions to reflect nature.
There also isn't a whole lot of precedent for cold iron providing RESISTANCE to fay stuff, much less mundane steel and iron.
Also since blood has iron doesn't that mean you're weak to everything?
What bard archetype would be best for quoting dumb butt rock songs?
The flavor is good, but it assumes that you want to target metal objects or enemies. There is a druid in the Life book that has issues with metal, and this is basically free points for them. Any dedicated healer/buffer who doesn't wear heavy armor will want this. The no-metal armor part makes it more balanced, however. And it's still better balanced than Magical Signs.
>And it's still better balanced than Magical Signs.
What's wrong with magical signs?
None, outrageous lyricist vigilante however...
It only says Cold Iron, Steel, and other advance metals, like Mithril and Adamantine. Normal Iron and Bronze work just fine, so blood isn't a problem. Remember, according to the base PF rules, Cold Iron is significantly different from regular iron.
Also, none of the current drawbacks and traditions really provide the traditional "druid material restriction" vibe too them. Plus this is supposed to be for a homebrew setting were somatic components aren't really a problem (especially since realistically it wouldn't be a problem for someone in say fullplate), and instead its certain materials that make armored casting difficult to use.
But yeah, maybe making it worth 2 drawbacks may be better
Don't forget that it also effects enemies in metal armor, meaning most metal-clad martials are going to be pretty resistant to your magics in general. Also yeah, I don't remember muchabout the Druid archetype, but I'd imagine there would be some synergy problems with classes already. So, do you think this is worth only one drawback however? Because the other anons seem to think this is a tad much for a singular drawback.
Perhaps break it into a 2-stage drawback like Somatic Casting?
>not hipsune
I am disappointed.
How much initiative is enough in Rusty Dagger Shank Town? For full casters I normally default to taking Improved Initiative as my starting feat but I'm beginning to wonder if it wouldn't be better to push that off until later when you have more spells that can take advantage of going first and more spells/day to use them with, and instead take something else 1st level like Combat Advice, Spell Focus, or... Fuck, I dunno.
Is this the cabal's work?
It's Golgom, user.
It's a drawback that almost never hinders anyone significantly.
>Don't forget that it also effects enemies in metal armor, meaning most metal-clad martials are going to be pretty resistant to your magics in general. Also yeah, I don't remember muchabout the Druid archetype, but I'd imagine there would be some synergy problems with classes already. So, do you think this is worth only one drawback however? Because the other anons seem to think this is a tad much for a singular drawback.
>Perhaps break it into a 2-stage drawback like Somatic Casting?
In ability to wear metal armor is by itself a drawback. But I'm not certain if the other features are appropriate as drawbacks, since they don't affect all spheres. A drawback should affect all spheres, or else it's a sphere-specific drawback.
>tfw still forever DM
How much time do I have on Duke's Coin? Or anything that isn't Starstone "Don't even bother if you're not in the circlejerk" Academy?
>what are you playing right now?
Warder/Artisan and Warder (ZS/OD).
t. Slow
Thursday for Duke's and Iron Gods.
Are you saying it closes on Thursday, or is it running on Thursday'?
So is verbal.
>ywn have a raid group that becomes a wealth guild by selling the materials you get from the big kill.
>your irl group doesn't want to play a game where you are a jrpg or mmo like guild
Why does it hurt? What campaign ideas or tropes do you want to see here that don't seem popular enough.
A non-lewd game.
Meant to reply
I mean verbal somatics aren't hinderances most of the time. And I'd say having people be aware of what your doing as you cast without needing a spellcraft is pretty big.
Isn't Duke's Coin non-lewd? Or is that not popular because of time slot/GM attitude?
How does a GM even stop his players from ERPing with each other, or the thread thinking they will?
I'm just being a shitter, desu. Duke's Coin is one of the few /pfg/ games I've seen since returning that caught my interest. I'd probably app to it if I weren't otherwise engaged and hateful of my own voice.
Is it voice? I'm personally fine with it but I get why that is something the thread would shy from. You guys are pretty autistic. I don't want to hear you spill your spaghetti when you realize some other player is a girl.
Same, but I'm wary of the GMs attitude in the thread. Maybe he just gets riled up easily when anonymous, but it's worrying.