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Orc Art Thread2
Sure, I have some.
>Orc men are hulking, ugly brutes
>Orc women are 10/10 qts with tasteful fangs at best
This meme again
Ya'll got any pig orcs? I use pig orcs, but scarcely see any art of them.
Well, you know with selective nonconsentual breeding especially with other humanoid races, it might be true.
Just let us have this
basically what these little fuckers are
>user can't into dimorphism
Do you even sexual selection bro?
I prefer my orc women big, green, amazons
Finna think of a 5 letter name for my female orc warrior, I wanted to use Rouka but I let my mate use that name for an orc a year or so ago, does Ragna sound orcish enough?
Rouka is pretty good. I think too many 'rough' sounding names start with R and G though.
Just helping you brainstorm. Ragna is a fine name if you prefer it yourself.
I realize a few I suggested are more than five letters and I forgot to ask: why the seemingly arbitrary restriction?
bayard wu is a god
here are the others from the last thread
Agreed. I have basically every pic of his I can find. His female Orcs are equally savage and beautiful. It's awesome. I'm much more into that than the cutesy animu crap femOrcs.
"orc art thread"
op post a green human
green human again
blue human. why did you decide to post this here? kys faggot
green human
green human
green human
green nigger
anime dark elf
There's all kinds
post art or stop bitching
if you hate green humans so much why don't you start posting your favorite pig orc hentais i'm sure those fit the orc art thread
almost green human.
faggot shit for fetishists
green human. not an orc. why post it in orc thread?
dumb take on orcs
this is a troll
bald green human
again shit for fetishist faggots
if you were a decent person you wouldnt post this shit on tg
extremely bad takes on GREEN HUMANS
what do orcs look like?
Special pig disgusting snowflake flavor
Warhammer, LotR movie uruk-hai and Mordor orcs, HoMM, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3 and WoW. Big variation.
But not shitty green elves from Elder Scrolls
most of these are green humans as you called them.
Bait harder faggot
ignore trolls, post orcs
green human
I wonder if there's a setting where orcs are as varied as all their depictions
It would make sense if they were capable of breeding with most other races like dnd fluff suggests
is that hillary clinton?
Anybody got any orc wardrummers? Could use some.
Basically green muscular humans.
There are people who *insist* that they have to look inhuman, but they're racist assholes who base their whole lives on lame caricatures.
I like LotR orcs. I like Warhammer orcs. I like Warcraft orcs. I like green humans. I like green 10/10 qts with tasteful tusks. I don't like bitchy shitposters who add nothing to the thread, so either shut the fuck up or post some orcs.
>if you were a decent person you wouldnt post this shit on tg
You have the strangest priorities when it comes to decency
>tusk piercings
That would be really painful to insert without significant pain killing magic right
Maybe that's the point. I heard somewhere that roman legionnaires sometimes got their nipples pierced to show how hard and manly they were.
Warcraft has several depictions of them, from Pale Orcs, Mag'har, Fel, Black, Green, mixed with the Tiefling equivalent to make Blue half orcs, parasite plant malformed revenant Botani Orcs, you name it.
I find the idea that they have to be green to be a racist caricature