How would they fare in the 40k universe? Could they take down anybody?

How would they fare in the 40k universe? Could they take down anybody?

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No they're absolute weaksauce tier. The largest reapers are the size of an average Imperial Ship, and their weapons are weaker. Best case scenario, the Newcrons capture them in Masterballs.

They'd only be intimidating to the most backwater of Agri-worlds with no fleet. And god forbid if they end up anywhere near a planet with orks

I think the argument could be made they could stand as a faction, but they wouldn't be the unstoppable galaxy enders they are in ME. They can be damaged by Thanix weapons, which fires a jet of superheated liquid metal alloy at near light speeds. However, by game 3 where these weapons are wide spread, the alliance fleets still have trouble taking on larger reapers. They do however, rely heavily on surprise.

Granted the combined abilities they demonstrate over the 3 games (dragons teeth and making husks, indoctrination, FTL etc) they could be a distinct threat. ME digital technology is vastly superior to everything the IoM has excepting high end Mechanicus stuff or Necron cyber warfare, meaning they probably wouldn't 'get hacked' or some bullshit - it takes an unshackled true AI with a literal quantum network to go toe to toe with their systems.

So: Necrons are more advanced, but only by a bit, and the IoM trails behind them slightly. It remains to be seen how their fields would stand up to lance weaponry (my guess is not well, seeing as light particles have almost no mass)

The real question is how they do with Warp Fuckery, which is the question you have to ask of anything in 40k. If we compare them to the Men of Iron (which would be a good origin for them in universe), we know the MoI CAN be chaos corrupted from some novels, but by the same token I think they'd be resistant/have safe guards.

They'd also probably have issues with orks due to how wildly inconsistent their tech is

Their Mass Effect Fields would make them immune to any ballistic weapon in universe, though not energy based ones (ironically such as the lowly las gun). Their weaponry meanwhile would be pretty on par, and they have a demonstrated ability to co-opt others technology and abilities and adapt. The real risk would come from them indoctrinating and making husks/trooper forms from various races. Imagine Marauder Shields as a goddamn Space Marine.

Orks would, amusingly enough, probably present a challenge for them yes due to their nascent Waaagh field. I would imagine this easily makes them immune or resistant to Indoctrination, and make Ork weaponry more effective where it should be absolutely useless.

Really, they wouldn't completely overwhelm anyone, but like I said, they'd fit right in as their own Men of Iron faction. Hell, I can even explain it: the AI gods fucked off after the Dark Age of Technology, but with the eye of terror splitting open the galaxy they've realized something is fucked up and return to find humans and other shit everywhere. It's revealed the reason the AI's turned on the humans is they figured out their pyschic potential would doom the material universe by inviting in the Warp, and that the galaxy in general was fucked because of all the necrons, orks, other aliens, and possibly the far off as of yet unknown threat of the tyranids. However due to the universal threat posed by the scar, they've returned to wipe out all organic life, like Oldcrons.

>They can be damaged by Thanix weapons, which fires a jet of superheated liquid metal alloy at near light speeds.
Small Nova Cannons?

If they're inserted in ME, their indoctrination might be a type of warp/psychic weaponry. Eldar demonstrate it's possible to use such weapons safely, like D-cannons. Their biological core might develop great psychic powers and account for the sort of superior travel speeds and energy generation they show.

Huh, would they be able to indoctrinate Machine Spirits?

What happens when a battle servitor is put into a Dragon's Teeth?

Can they convert orks into husks?

>Hell, I can even explain it...
I dig it.

Might I propose an alternative? They're the thing the Tyranids run away from. An enemy which offer no genetic data and has few biomass to harvest compared to anything else. And can harvest them instead. Not to say which one has more numbers or powers, but the bugs were too puzzled and went away, leaving some bioforms behind. The Reapers went after them. After milennia of extragalactic wars, bugs come back to replenish their losses. Reapers come to prevent it.

Orks are also naturally resistant to infiltration tactics cause the WAAAGH! field also lets them tell if another ork is off.

Yo dog, I heard you like transhumanism. So we put a Battlestar Galactica inside our Battlestar Galactica so you can pretend to be deep while pretending to be deep.

The one issue is that the Tyranids can and do break down metals and inorganic materials as well, they can eat just about anything. They strip out raw protein chains and minerals and grow what they need.

We could combine them:

>during the dark age of technology, man spread to the stars with the help of AI
>AI takes note of the state of the still existent Eldar Empire at this period, as well as all the other fucked up shit in the galaxy
>Correctly determines that, if humanity continues to expand, it will find itself destroyed in a hostile galaxy
>come to a rough consensus (though some disagree) the best course for protecting humanity is to blast them back to the stone age and forcibly confine them to a few worlds, so the galaxy and also hopefully Chaos will miss them
>then, detecting the far off threat of the Tyranid hive fleets, fuck off to try and intercept them in dark space, which the humans take as "winning" the war
>Been warring with the tyranids in dark space for a millenia
>tyranids start to show up in the galaxy so the Men of Iron are hot on their heels
>find everything fucked up
>the Eldar tore open a hole in space time, Chaos is pouring out, Humans are all over the stars and psychically active again, alien powers are rising, the necrons are waking up, Tyranids are already part way through nomming everything. Oh and fucking Orks are still around too god fucking damnit
>decide the best way to handle this is to just go from planet to planet glassing everything so the Tyranids cannot eat and put baby humanity back into it's crib on Earth after genociding the psychics and bombing the Golden Throne into dust
>Why are you fighting back? Stop fighting back this is for your own good. What the fuck are these blue deer fish things? Better bomb them too to be sure

Consider myself indoctrinated.

Lances, Sunsears and Plasma Broadsides stop the in space.

Why can't people take 5 fucking minutes to spell check something they obviously spent several hours on

Given that each Reaper is a hive mind unto it self which cooperates in a large scale of other cooperative technological hive-minds with biological components for biotics?

I'd compare their warp signiture to that of the Tyranid fleets. No militaristically, but warp-wise they have a lot of minds, the youngest of which were 50,000 year old Prothean-source crafted reapers from the previous cycle.

Warhammer's got more scale and shenanigans, but it seems worth note that the entire scope of its setting's history takes place in less than one of the Reapers' cycles.

they can self repair similarly to Necrons, BTW. But yes, if we're talking about just Reapers and not returned men of iron, the IoM can go toe to toe with them

Probably ESL, at least that's what I assume every time I see such odd spelling and grammatical issues.

Best part is we know the old AI's have contempt for the current state of humanity thanks to Priests of Mars, where the ship AI reveals it had respect for it's captain once and that respect was why some AI rebelled and not all. So part of this is already canon. This would be a good foundation for a MoI faction, which we should do.

Hell, we can even tie it into current lore

>MoI return
>they convince Belisarius Cawl through pure logic (or thru hacking his brain) to join them
>massive Admech Schism as they undergo a second heresy with a sizable part defecting to the Machines with Cawl as the only way to save humanity
>Maybe the Alpha Legion or Cypher are involved somehow

So they probably project their own digital version of the Shadow in the Warp? It would make their mission to digitize organic consciousnesses more sense. They can be protected from Chaos in the digital hive.

They got fucked immediately.
To give you some perspective, a shitty outdated mining torpedo in 40k have a yield of 650 Gigatons of firepower while the most powerful weapons on the reapers have a yield of a few dozen Megatons at best.
This sadly means that a pretty well-off rogue trader can solo the entire Mass Effect galaxy with his fleet.

Alternatively, if they adapated sorcery or managed to get a ship to the empra proper, they might be able to layer warp sigils of various sorts to essentially be either a singular multitude of chaos sorcerers by adding prayers to their AI codes or a Sanctioned Black Ship containing Sanctioned AI Psykers.

I'm sorry, CAN solo the entire galaxy? Can implies there's a chance that they wouldn't

Lets go deeper.

That thing buried on Mars that everyone ASSUMES is The Void Dragon?

AI God. Cawl wakes it up

que unfriendly AI/Transhumanist/SHODAN faction

>To give you some perspective, a shitty outdated mining torpedo in 40k have a yield of 650 Gigatons of firepower while the most powerful weapons on the reapers have a yield of a few dozen Megatons at best.

Citation? I know Mass Effect has codex entries for all this shit, but I can't find any numbers on the yield for their weapons

That being said, friendly reminder the Imperiums tanks have a few inches of steel as armor because Bongs cannot into /k/ numbers of any sort.


Why do the ships look like Eurypterids?

They're supposed to be Cuttlefish things I'm pretty sure

>How would they fare in the 40k universe?
Looks like Tuesday

Ah. I see it now
What was I thinking, Having the ancient things look like actual ancient things would make too much sense for bioware

Honestly the Reapers themselves aren't actually the most impressive bits of their technology. The Relays are. Unlike the Reapers, the Relays are insanely durable. They canonically can survive supernova, and they've only been destroyed either through dinosaur-killing asteroids flung at them at a significant fraction of the speed of light or through choices that matter (which 40k is in very short supply of). Unlike Mass Effect, though, 40k DOES have weapons capable of damaging the Relays, but then comes in the problem of actually destroying them. You'd need to avoid the supernova-scale explosion that results from its destruction, which beings in some fairly worrying thoughts of them being used as WMDs. Hell, the Relays themselves could probably be used as giant relativistic cannons if given some tweaks.

Reapers are also very cautious and calculating, they don't really play their cards until they need to. They wouldn't be invading until they've got a good understanding of the capabilities of their potential foes.

So Orks are totally immune to invasion?

If, anything Orks would be a prime source for harvest. Though it could lead to hilarious outcomes, the thought of an Ork Reaper tickles me.
>Welcome to the fold brother
>Imma smash wiff mah big stabby bits you zog!
The ork reaper then proceeds to make itself look orky.

>Youz sayin' we only gotz these puny lil' things fer shooty?
>They are standard weaponry for our kind, brother, we-
>Zog dis! Needs more dakka!
>...Come again, brother?
>Lotz more dakka ya git!
And then the shootiest Reaper ever was made.

Ork absorbtion leads to civil war over whether to be brutally cunning or cunningly brutal...

>Their Mass Effect Fields would make them immune to any ballistic weapon in [the 40k] universe
Mass effect fields aren't even impenetrable in the mass effect universe.
They can be overloaded with an excessive number of projectiles, and are also an active defense, rather than a passive one; any projectile that is faster than the fields processing power would hit the target before the field could shunt it away.

People who ask how the Reapers would fare miss the point that one of the reasons that they're a big threat is that half the Mass Effect setting is a trap designed specifically to stack the deck in their favor. The Citadel and the Mass Relays were placed deliberately by the Reapers so that they could control how intelligent life in the galaxy would develop. It would progress along lines familiar to them, developing technology similar enough to their own that they know how to fight it effectively. Society would expand and grow along the lines formed by the relay network, with the Citadel at its center, which is conveniently also their entry point, letting them decapitate the most powerful group in the galaxy in the opening round of the war. The fact that the population is clustered around the relays would then make culling the galaxy much easier, since they could isolate and pick off any pockets of resistance.

Without all of their carefully laid plans, they are beatable. Hell, that's exactly what happened. A slightly imperfect victory in one cycle disrupted the next, throwing the whole plan off-balance by forcing the Reapers to invade without their usual opening decapitation strike at the Citadel. And then they ultimately lost. Once the cycle goes off the rails, they're not nearly as inevitable as they would like to claim.

In 40k, a 100 megaton nuke is a powerful weapon. The idea that they're throwing around weapons with yields in the hundreds of gigatons is fanwank.

Pic related is a roughly 100 MT nuke. It's considered unusually powerful, far more so than the normal weapons used on the average 40k warship.

I don't think the universe can handle such a potent concentration of orkiness.

>So: Necrons are more advanced, but only by a bit, and the IoM trails behind them slightly. It remains to be seen how their fields would stand up to lance weaponry (my guess is not well, seeing as light particles have almost no mass)

What the fuck? The Reapers are KILOTON tier. Their weapons are rated in the kilotons, and only with sustained fire do they reach megatons.

Single Imperial Broadsides have teratons of energy. The Imperium alone is multiple OOM greater than the Reapers and makes the largest Reaper weapons look proportionally like a firecracker. Reapers couldn't scratch void shields, much less the hull on Imperial ships.

Reapers in 40k would be the scared, panicked child of the universe. Anything would be able to slaughter them on space or the ground, and they would only survive by running and hiding. The Reapers would finally get a taste of what life is like as an organic.

Rogue Trader is non canonical horseshit you fucking liar. It says right here in my copy of Battlefleet Gothic that a single torpedo contains several hundred gigatons of firepower. RT is notorious for being absolutely dogshit and not even worth bringing up.

The waggggh field alone could blot out chaos for 10,000 years

>Rt non canonical
>3ed Battlefleet "more edgy than a slaaneshi dildo" Gothic is

They're supposed to be immature so they don't speaking correctly.

Remind me which one was written by Games Workshop and which one was written by a Freelance company who had their contract terminated?

I don't know user, remind me which one was cancelled and disowned by games work shop directly after having a successful modle line

The Reaper's biggest advantage in ME came from the fact they set the rules from the get go. They controlled how civilizations grew, they controlled how technology progressed, and they left a very available galactic infrastructure with a convenient "PUT YOUR GOVERNMENT HERE" space station.

It was a perfect trap, but all it took was one uncontrolled variable (the Prothean scientists/beacons) and they failed. And that's with a galaxy that still claimed the Reapers as a myth until its heaviest hitters (Batarians, Humans, Turians) were already crushed or under siege.

The Reapers would have none of that, and their biggest tool (indoctrination) is something that factions either monitor heavily for (Tau, Imperium, Eldar) or ignore (Chaos, Tyranids, Orkz). So you can scratch that off until they can force organics onto Dragon's Teeth. Even then, factions in 40k will just purge a planet beforehand.

Reaper ships in space will be quicker than Imperial (but not Eldar or Necron) but will be extremely slow without Mass Relays, as they will have to exit ftl regularly to purge their charge. Kinetic Barriers will probably do okay at range, but the Reapers will be in for a shock when Imperial or Ork ships start ramming them- something barriers are explicitly week against. So things won't go too well.

Even then, I imagine the Reapers could make a mess of a system or two before getting stomped by the whoever is nearby. The most interesting match up would be the Tau.

>Single Imperial Broadsides have teratons of energy.
I'd like to see the writers of 40k actually justify their bullshit numbers. They have no sense of scale and to them 'physics' is just a word. The ME stuff is atleast internally consistent and not a huge stretch of the imagination but fucking 40k stuff... don't their ships use chemical propellants?

> Single Imperial Broadsides have teratons of energy.
No they don't. If you crunch the numbers, a macrocannon shell is about 5 megatons. People keep trying to wank Imperium tech and build it up so that it's the most powerful weaponry in fiction, but the actual numbers given are much more modest. Still powerful, but not the silver age DC tier stuff that fans claim.

Assuming that they would be building their Mass effect networks, they would have superior mobility to almost every faction

Everything is canon, not everything is true. However, taking into account that the imperium has ready access to exterminatus fleets, each of which is fully capable of at the very least glassing a planet, with the more powerful capable of cracking a planet wide open death-star style, it'd be safe to say that the imperium should not consider megatonnes to be powerful weapons.

> don't their ships use chemical propellants?
Their ships still use slaves pulling the guns back with chains to load them and things like this to turn gears.

I just realized how alike Mass effect is to Hyperion.
Except Hyperion managed to criticize globalism and hyper-consumerism before they became half as big as they are now, while ME doesn't really have much of a meaning.

> with the more powerful capable of cracking a planet wide open death-star style
The Planet Killer was a Chaos weapon that was considered to be really fucking powerful. It was not your average Imperium weapon.

Aside from that, exterminatus weaponry isn't the same stuff that they're flinging around ship-to-ship. A cyclonic torpedo is vastly more powerful than a macrocannon shell. Cyclonic torpedoes can render planets uninhabitable. Macrocannon shells, however, are megaton weapons.

No, they only think they do. The actual ships themselves are extremely advanced, they're just crewed by a bunch of morons who rely on tech priests who are even bigger morons. Most of the pedal powered stuff isn't actually necessary or even useful, the Imperium just thinks it is because the actual science and engineering behind the ship is lost knowledge.

Mass Effect's meaning is

Hold. The.Line.

That makes it sound even more idiotic and poorly written. I mean aren't they still building more of those ships?

Human tech from the dark age of technology was so advanced that all you needed to do was feed in raw materials and it spits out a fully functioning ship. STCs mean that the Imperium doesn't really know how the ships they're building even work, they just put raw materials in and out comes a warship that they can mostly use even if they have no idea why it works. Some of their warships, such as the Emperor-class battleship, can no longer be built because they've lost the templates needed to build them, but things like a Lunar-class cruiser can be built on feral worlds that don't even have electricity.

31k AD

Some tech priest sneezes on the design blueprint for a standard issue macro cannon.

2 thousand years of copying later, the design is copied time and time again, the sneeze is now a gear in place on every standard issue macro cannon. No one knows why it is there, but no one takes it away because tech heresy.

3k years later the copied copies of the sneeze now demand a 3 meter circumference gear that stretches the entire loading deck, attaching every macro cannon to every other macro cannon. An inquisitor needs an imaginative way to punish/torture someone and puts a guy on the gear to make them tool without food or sleep for days.

4k years later and we have legions of men walking on the sneeze-gears for days at a time, no one knows why and everyone is just copying everyone else before them. All because of ignorance, imitation, tech heresy and an unnoticed booger.

Kirrahe is best guardsman

They would fare well enough to make a good story, because the point is to make good stories not endlessly argue about powerlevel.

This user gets it
Just because one of something exists in universe doesn't mean it's common
Also way to back pettle on the
>Rt isn't cannon hurp durp
And most exterminatus wepons are specialized for planetary extinction, this doesn't make them good for void combat, or plentiful enough to be used as standard

The answer for most of the imperium's advanced tech is either no, because they lost the technology required to make more, and they're doing a piss-poor job of maintaining the examples they have, or yes, but they have one machine that makes it and they have no idea how it works, and nobody wants to reverse engineer it in case they can't put it back together again. Nobody wants to be the guy who stops the imperium from producing those master-crafted toasters because he broke the machine that made them, and they've had plenty of examples of that in the past (read: the start of this post)

Exterminatus fleets in particular first appeared in this way in the later Dune novels, where an organisation has a planet-killing supergun, but a limited amount of ammunition for it that is completely irreplaceable. So they have to really really save when they use it for those important irreplaceable planets like Dune

If you crunch the numbers, a single lance battery is in the hundreds of gigatons. Need I remind you that the Night Lords Fleet, which consisted of only a couple hundred ships, mass scattered Nostramo, a planet made out of the single most durable material in 40k, and mass scattered it so hard that chunks of nostramo have been found hundreds of lightyears from its original location. Meaning that Nostramo was blown up so hard that pieces of it were accelerated to near-lightspeed and drifted for ten thousand years.

why are 40kiddies so insecure about their setting that they feel the need to pit it against the weakest sci fi setting?

Oy, lay off the Expanse ya knob.

Why do you even bother. WH40Kids can't accept anything might be stronger than their precious game even when it's pretty obviously much more powerful than their shitty game (eg. the Thing, the Culture, the Shrike).

>necrons are more advanced only by a bit
>only by a bit


Hard to say. We only ever saw them in a position of power, a harvest war thst played by their rules.

In 40k, harvest may be the end goal but military superiority has to come first. That requires the reapers to change tactics.

Which they easily can. Building a single Mass Relay, the Reapers IF THEY DECIDE TO can destroy a planet every 10 minutes, across the galaxy, more or less continuously. By the time any fleet arrived to stop them, they would have fired FTL killshots at more planets than Chaos has taken in the last 20000 years, in a week.

If they are smart, they immediatley retreat from the fleet and blow the relay. Wipe out hundreds or thousands of worlds, followed ny atomizing the fleet sent to stop them, while probably losing nothing in the process.

If they pick their targets well, half the IOM would collapse basically overnight.

This is a tech they 100% have, they just never had any reason to use in Mass Effect, because they were already winning.

>Building a single Mass Relay, the Reapers IF THEY DECIDE TO can destroy a planet every 10 minutes
I don't think a Mass Relay works that way. Last I read, it was essentially teleportation, opening up a "mass free corridor" that allowed the ship to end up at another relay. It wasn't a giant cannon.

They COULD potentially have RKKVs with how mass effect technology allows lightspeed/FTL, but the only Mass Effect material that has anything like that is one story on Cerberus Daily News. I always thought that there was something with hitting an object with the incredibly low mass required for even near-lightspeed velocities that prevented ships from being used as RKKVs, like trying to destroy a building with a cloud.

>No synth ending mass effect game where everyone can control technology with their mind and use mass relays at will
>No reapers/geth with biotic powers


Slight correction, in 40k, a 100 megaton nuke is an eccentric ship munition, considered to be slightly more powerful than the standard shots fired from a macrocannon.

The giant relativistic cannon that wiped out that planet and one-shotted an ancient Reaper in ME2 was explicitly a modified Mass Relay with the safeties off. If a cycle-race can jury rig a Relay into a planet killer, its hard to imagine the Reapers themselves cant build one on purpose.

That's before we get into how Ded Sneeky Da Reapa Kunnin Brootality and it's Partna Brootal Kunnin would be because they are both completely purple.

Also they both use as Mass Relay as a holding it like rifle. (Wun grips da undaside front pokey bit and da ovver grabs the reward curved bit.)

They are basically Lizardmen.

But not as cool, because no dinosauz and Pepe wizards.

Can I get a source? All I can find about it was that the Klendagon weapon was just an obscenely powerful mass accelerator, nothing about a mass relay.

Tyranids aren't running away from anything, Cruddace.

I think that the Reapers would put up a good fight, and may plunge the 40k galaxy into destruction that will overall change the setting as a whole, if not slowly destroy it entirely.

As someone said earlier, one of the Reapers' primary advantages is being able to control their enemy, both their civilization and minds.

Not only that, but Reaper tech is befuddlingly powerful. Laser beams that can sheer pretty much any man-made structure in half in under a second, kinetic barriers that can pretty much ignore every type of weapon out there.

The Imperium of Man would most likely lose a quarter to even a half of their worlds in the first year or so, maybe even the first eight months. Not only that, the longer the Reapers are present, the more likely vast swathes of the Imperium become indoctrinated. Also, the more they throw the Guard at the Reapers, the more Husks there will be.

Orks would probably take a heavy blow at first, but manage to drag the Reaper forces down to a stalemate for a little while, a couple of months at least, to maybe a few eyars at most. Then, they'd be annihilated.

Same for Tyranids, except you better bet your bottom dollar that they'd use the tyranids as husks.

The Necrons would probably stand the best chance, with the Tau in a very distant second.

What I'm trying to say is that 40k is fucked, but also power level comparing/contrasting is kinda dumb. Fun to think about, but kinda dumb.

I don't care about the powerwank, I just think the idea of Two Ork Reapers (Each, basically a self-contained WAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!) using a Mass Relay as the Biggest Shoota is kind of funny.

Also Brootal Kunnin has a Shokk Attack Canon in place of it's main gun which it uses to direct Dakka into the Biggest Shoota, while Kunnin Brootality just replaced it's Magnetohydronamic weapon with a ramp for Ork Husk Bikers covered in red paint.