Fresh OC
Do you understand what a filename is?
Looks like someone forgot to take their daily dose.
Awesome gif, Ishtan!
I don't actually know what that is, but thanks I guess.
thanks omae
Good one.
No problem kisama
Thanks Doc
There's a Bolo miniatures game?
I don't get it.
Look at the time taken
Alternative name
>Guaranteed replies
And now blondie's friend has no feet.
ecks dii
I think OGRE might pre-date the bolo tank.
Nah, no way. The first bolo anthology predates OGRE by a year (the stories themselves started getting published during the '60s/early '70s).
I myself had an idea about a Starcraft Ghost-esque caster who creates portals near them and then let HQ fire rockets trough those portals
Now you're thinking with portals!
I don't get it
Flash may have stupid villains who aren't even close to a match for him (except that one guy with exactly the same powers as him,) but dammit, they've got moxie.
Like, if you're a blue-collar criminal with no powers, the sensible thing to do would be to go to one of the cities where the local hero has no powers either, or a city with no local hero at all. But these guys make a beeline for the city with the most overpowered hero in a world of overpowered heroes, the guy who can patrol every square inch of the city every second of every day if he wanted to, the guy who could carry you to a police station before you were aware anything had happened - and that's if he's feeling nice and doesn't want to change history so you were never born or punch you so hard the universe explodes. And what do they have to deal with this unstoppable living god? The stupidest gadgets you've ever seen. Brass balls on these guys.
>Flash may have stupid villains who aren't even close to a match for him (except that one guy with exactly the same powers as him,) but dammit, they've got moxie.
They've also made a laughing stock out of batman before. The Rogues may be goofy and they may be low tier but trying to keep up with the Flash means that they are all really fucking good at using whatever limited power they have and thinking fast. Flash keeps them sharp and them being as creative as possible keeps Flash from getting into a rut where he doesn't think much.
Sneed sold it to bart.
That's supposed to make them sound badass, but it just provides further proof that they could make a killing and retire in comfort if only they picked a slightly less omnipotent superhero to pick on.
Is that a secret meaning, or did they line up the words like twats to confuse people?
Some villains want to cure cancer, some want to turn people into dinosaurs.
If I recall, the rogues are among the few supervillains with a code against killing. So what's their endgame here? Throw a boomerang so hard at Flash he gets sad and decides to leave them alone?
Honestly, most of them know it. The Rogues are, for a lack of a better term, artists. They are interested in the thrill and the challenge and the attention more than the goals. They don't kill and in exchange, the Flash makes a show of it.
Heck, the Flash slept on...I think it was Captain Cold's? couch for a while when he needed a place to stay. They also threw a wake for the Flash when they thought he was dead.
To my understanding? Make a killing even with the Flash trying to stop them. What fun is playing a game you can't lose?
let's not forget this
It's at least preferable to a game you can't win. Like, they're doing their best, but Flash is just toying with them. He could do any of a number of things that would end their criminal careers forever if he wanted to, and he could do it faster than a thought could enter any of their brains.
That and being a Flash villain is a pretty safe gig. You don't need to worry about some psycho nutter turning up claiming he's the new murderous batman or running into a Punisher wannabe if you are facing the Flash. You get to banter, pull off heists, live in a nice town and sometimes you even get away with it. If a psycho villain turns up, the Flash will handle him or you have a bunch of buddies who can help you show what happens when the kid gloves come off goofy villains.
which is sorta why I prefer older Captain Boomerang stuff, before they made him super sleasy and skeevy. It's one thing to be penny pinching, it's another to be selling drugs for pocket change when you are supposed to be putting the Super in Supervillian.
Some day I'd love to play a ex-supervillian in a superheroes game. You were a Rogue-style villain until the new generation of vigilante, dark 'heroes' turned up and started putting your buddies into the dirt. The last straw was when your former hero nemesis got crippled in a brawl with one of them.
This shit isn't how superheroics goes. They don't deserve the name. It's about flair and style and matching wits, not just shooting the guy in the face dammit!
Tomb of annilation
Fran would look pretty good after some dental care
>It's about flair and style and matching wits
and presentation. Don't forget presentation
>'You're a villain all right, just not a super one!'
Something tells me I should have watched Megamind at some point.
not an exceptional movie but fun to watch once
Starting to think being a green lantern villain is a pretty cushy job if he's that easy to outwit.
Nobody even outwitted him there. It's amazing.
And yeah, the Green Lanterns are the jobbers of the universe. The whole corps gets destroyed on a semi-regular basis, and their powers are designed in such a way that they're easy to defeat in a family-friendly way. If Green Lantern punches you with a giant energy boxing glove, you can shatter it into pieces and it's par for the course. If Batman punches you with his actual hand, you can't say the same thing.
I want to read Loss in the constellations on her robe.
It's there, you just have to turn your head. Ethan is missing from the 3rd panel, though.
I'm fine with it so long as you pitch boomer as the scumbag of the rogues. Whether because upbringing or the Suicide Squad the rogues should tolerate him rather than enjoy him.
Alternate filename: Lindy Beige Has A Stroke
It could be better executed.
>a typical battle in the grim, dark future
For a few moments I thought that was filmed at a larp or something. That's a pretty good render.
It took me shamefully long to realize the grass never moves. Top notch lighting, though.
Man, that doesn't seem half bad