Weapon Art Thread
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Oh fuck this is cool
Does it like... go back in the bottle if it's recorked, or is it a one time use?
Anyone got two-handed swords?
Blade would shatter into a million pieces after first use.
Horribly decorative, awful choice of materials, likely to have warped into a useless chunk of metal after four or five strikes.
Double-edged curved sword? Like that's got no fucking chance of backfiring.
Literally a liquid. Garbage weapon choice.
Likely to fracture in a dozen different places after trying to stab someone, emphasis on try.
Machinery on both is awful and haphazard, like to warp and be rendered inoperable after the first one or two strikes.
Curved dagger is ceremonial at best, double-edged curved sword again, awful hand on the axe, bad choice of metal for the mace will lead to it deforming, awful hand on the double-edged short sword, single-edged short sword likely to snap in half due to awful blade shape.
Likely to jammed in whatever you cut into, disarming yourself after your first strike.
Awful choices of metals, bound to warp and deform.
Edgy garbage that would snap extremely easily.
See above.
Jesus Christ, see above. These all look as fragile as fuck.
There's a reason why we stopped hitting each other with wood and bone five hundred years ago. The worst metal is a better choice for a weapon than the best bone or wood.
Do I really need to explain why this would blow up in your face?
2/10 post actual weapons and not decorative garbage
>Edgy garbage that would snap extremely easily.
Joke's on you, the system i play doesn't have durability rules.
> Likely to jammed in whatever you cut into, disarming yourself after your first strike.
> What is flamberg?
>There's a reason why we stopped hitting each other with wood and bone five hundred years ago. The worst metal is a better choice for a weapon than the best bone or wood.
are literally Tyranid bioweapons engineered directly into the creatures by the hive mind.
>bad choice of metal for the mace will lead to it deforming
You can't even tell what it's made of.
This definitely extends when its user spreads his or her wings.
Not to come across like but metal furniture... eeesh.
>Awful choice of metal
>Literally katanas
>Edgy garbage that would snap extremely easily.
>Double-edged curved sword? Like that's got no fucking chance of backfiring.
Real life is so unrealistic, amirite?
>What a terrible night to have autism
Are you the same faggot who was bitching in the Orc thread?
>Feather of Judgment
A nearly weightless weapon used by judiciaries to carry out justice upon the wicked. Should the weight of ones sins prove too great, the feather cuts cleanly through flesh and bone, while against the innocent it will simple glide across them like an ordinary feather.
>The Hound's Pursuit
Any beast, no matter how great or small, no matter how resistant to mortal weapon or wound, will perish if shot by all three bullets from this firearm, provided all three bullets are loaded at the same time in a short ritual blessing. This guarantee of death is valid even if the three shots are sustained years or decades apart from one another. A popular tale recounts the journey of a lineage of devil hunters who pass this weapon from father to son to grandson, each landing a shot before succumbing to trickery by the beast, before the last living member of the family finally destroys it forever with one final shot.
Don't be that guy
>Blade would shatter into a million pieces after first use.
It's a feather. Feathers don't shatter. All that effort to type up such a post and you didn't even look at the pictures.
I have a great confusion upon me
>Bastard sword longer than longsword
>One-handed longsword
>Single-edged, curved dagger
>"shortsword" nearly identical to dagger
>Rapier is 100% realistic
>Warhammer looks like it came from warcraft
>Morningstar is a spiked club, not at all like a morningstar
>Implying nunchucks were weapons
>Mace is fine
>fucking STARKNIFE
>Light crossbow is perfectly normal crossbow
>Longspear looks quite short for a spear
Wow, like, I don't mean to be autistic, but god damn, the two realistic weapons just make the others look so much worse by comparison. All they need to do is have a glaive labelled as "Halberd" and the cycle is complete
Light crossbow isn't. It's a stone bow, basically the bastard offspring of a crossbow and a slingshot.
I don't know, you could have that stylistic bend in a normal crossbow as well, and I think I'm seeing a notch for a quarrel up front. Though those strings look made for rocks.
How much you want to bet someone used a rockbow for reference without knowing what they were looking at?
Sadly a high probability. Uncle google image search for stone bow agrees.
I don't think that battle axe would be very effective. A rounded edge would work better.
In the end this is the result of artists trying to mix a substantial level of reality with a high level of stylization and artistic freedom. A hideous mess that has just enough elements of reality to deny the "just fantasy" argument.
This guy got bullied so fucking hard in high school and still didn't learn a thing.
Anyone got halberds?
now THATS a halberd
Gimme rapiers?
you have genuine problems.
2/10 for getting me to reply.
At least three of those are pollaxes
Welcome to D&D, the reason nerds have no clue what weapons are called.
Under rated poster
I finally figured what the fuck was my problem with those 2 sets, and it seems extand to way fuckin more sword designs I've seen "realistic" or not.
Fuckin small as fuck grips compared to overall size.
>Blade would shatter into a million pieces after first use.
Its magical you stupid fuck. Its not even a blade itself, its a bunch of feathers together giving the shape of a sword's blade.
How did the American Indians crafted this? I thought they had no metal forges
You guys suck at magic weapons. THIS is how you magic weapon.
you do know that the first European contact was in 1492, right? that's -plenty- of time to learn what a forge is and how to use it before guns took over.
Some tribes had access to basic metallurgy, plus they were effectively post-apoc scavengers by the time Europeans started settling in the new world. Plus, even though they lacked forges, NA natives made extensive use of natural sources of copper and would shape objects with it via cold hammering.
When the Europeans came by and introduced the NA tribes to proper smithing, they took to it quite easily, and were able to easily circulate metal tools, weapons, and smithing through thier already existing trade routes and mercantile centers.
Meanwhile, in the Northwest Archeologists have found artifacts and evidence of both copper and iron tools in traditional burial and other significant sites, meaning they must've had access to at least basic iron smithing
Meanwhile, metallurgy has always been a thing in Central, South, and Mesoamerica
Basically, as soon as the Europeans showed the Natives that they could make some sick axes with smithing, they adopted the practice near immediately and started making tomahawks
Is it legal to marry an image of a gun someone posted on the internet?
Merlkir is based.
You fell for the meme, user.
Next you'll say Sub-Saharan Africa had no metallurgy.
"I'm a huge fag please don't play with me" -the comment
Ted Cruz will make it legal.
Shame on you all for giving such obvious bait so many (you)s
you misspelled vomit
How the french say "fuck you".
I got one
>fantasy is unrealistic and I'm intellectually superior for pointing this out
>tfw a elder hermit wizard will never deliver unto you during a storm the blade to sunder worlds