ever like to use goofy or discredited scientific theories as the basis for your world building? stuff like macroevolution.net
Fantasy world building based off bad science
You know whose made a really crazy setting based on pseudo science and false Information?
Really dissect their ramblings sometimes, shit is fascinating stuff.
the problem is /pol/ thinks those settings are real life
I remember a thread that had a cool concept not long ago. It was a sort of bio punk weird west setting where the theory of spontaneous life was proven rather than disproven.
I have since used parts of that for my 1840-1850's frontier pulp setting.
>that article
>stegosaurus was a mammal
I want what he's smoking
I want a look around you setting
The party has a run in with some intelligent calcium
I recall deliberatly using semi-modernized versions of debunked dinosaurs and other animals to fill in the ecology, I might make use of the articles presumed giant pangolins, as they are an awesome animal already
what... the fuck?
Do you WANT infographics of black IQ-levels backed by scientific studies?
cant wrap my head around this
Crime statistics are better
>/pol/ false flag detected
Back to faggot
>that whole website
What the FUCK
What went wrong with Protestantism?
Do you mean things like using that gonzo remote view of molecules manuscript theosophists did and outdated notions of gravity and planetary growth based on ethereal particles? That different races are fragments of a primordial race of giants with mighty arts and sciences? How ley lines allow for nearly instanteneous travel and somehow relate to pantheism? Fractal this, fractal that? Laplace's Demon? Moon is a giant geode? Necrogenic life?
Already did pal. Studying that thing has an in-game name: sacrophysics
I don't understand, what are they driving at?
What the everloving shitting dicknipples did I just read?
Yeah, that one was awesome
There was a big thread about a setting based off of the Nightland book. It was based off the idea that people thought the sun would die out in a few thousand years and space horrors came to Earth after.
Paranoid user? Must be the micro Jews in the water
So everyone seems to believe that article is crazy.... why?
Yeah, I like to include global warming in my setting. I find all my players get a kick out of it.
>the highest levels
>represented here as the Justice League of America.
I still love that, and it shows you even the craziest motherfucker has some redeeming qualities.
Well, because it's based on the fact that "hey these two things look kind of similar", it's the kind of thinking that gets you salt-frosted corn flakes.
Ever taken a look at Charles Fort's Book of the Damned? It's a fun read. He took a bunch of reports of rarely occuring events that'd been more or less discarded (thus 'the damned') and just made up possible explanations for them.
Rains of fish, the Super-Sargasso Sea, alien supercargos, vitrified forts in Scotland, giant space crows, wheels of fire beneath the ocean, it's a fun read.
Oh I forgot to say it's on Project Gutenberg:
Mmmm, 1919's crazy theories.
Keep reading
Did they take any precautions to prevent the Helvetica scenario?
Wegener's contintental drift was a terrible blow to fantasy/scifi stories. No, really.
Before that, continents sinking and appearing, generically apocalyptic movements of lands were the thing. Which meant that if you wanted a lost civilization, it was easy as fuck to insert it and bury it. Probably to undercover it as you wished.
Interestingly the vitrified forts are more or less real (I mean, there are some instances of "glassed" rocks). The explanation is of course pretty lackluster.
Interestingly enough the theory kinda took ground when fantasy settled for high fantasy and alternate earth settings.
I've always wanted to do something with those batshit hollow-earth theories, where there's a second sun on the inside and massive jungles and stuff like that, but I'd like to learn a different game than D&D to run it. D&D just wouldn't have the right kind of pith-helmets-and-muskets pulp-adventure feeling to it, and I want to avoid unwelcome comparisons to the Underdark. I really like massive underground environments, but now that the Underdark is the thing everybody's already expecting spider queens and stuff like that. I'm thinking Savage Worlds might be nice, just based on the branding.
OP this was literally a setting I was working on.
The idea being that it takes place in a setting where reality is dictated by general consensus and science of the world resembles how it existed around the turn of the 19th century so physics and biology reflect that however some things can be possible in spite of scientific claim to the otherwise as long as enough people can be made to believe it, so there is a struggle to control the world raging between the rational scientific minds known as "eggheads" and the mystics and witch doctors known as "mad men" both groups hold about equal sway over the world and neither is actually aware of their manipulation of the cosmos, to them it is just debate over two different viewpoints of the world.
Pseudohistory and pseudoarcheology are great inspirations for settings as well.
And, of course, cryptozoology.
Some Italian wrote a series of novels about the mafia wars occuring after Europe went through with the Atlantropa project.
I got about 10 minutes in before my hrain tried to escape out my ear.
Hollow earth is where the gods live in my setting
Literally Inverse World
Mwa mwa mwaaaaa
are you talking about this thread, or is there a more recent one??
I unironically believe that a campaign where PCs play ascended masters has a lot of potential.
Hmm, I mean, I wouldn't mind having more ideas, but usually these splatbooks are always sort, of, I don't know, nailed down, and I get antsy when I feel like I don't have creative freed --
>Rather than list solid facts about anywhere, Invells is full of Rumors, and you play to find out what exactly is true.
What the fuck? Was this written for me? This is how I've always wanted a book of fluff to be be: full of uncertain facts that the GM and/or players can build on and use of selectively. Thank you, Anonymous #55463846. I'll name a settlement after you there if I ever get to run this.
The work of Vincent Gaddis May interest you.
>The 'thing' that fed on the crews sanity!
So, Cthulhu?
>Cthulu is the only thing that makes people crazy
Have some imagination, would you?
>Given available evidence, and given stabilization theory's assumption that new types of organisms typically arise from precursor forms similar to themselves, the obvious conclusion seems to be that the various forms described as armadillos of the "Age of Mammals" (the Cenozoic Era) are descended from the various forms described as ankylosaurs of the "Age of Reptiles" (the Mesozoic Era).
What in the unearthly hell am I reading?
>Before that, continents sinking and appearing, generically apocalyptic movements of lands were the thing
That still happens dumbdumb. The entire reason the Javan Rhino isn't extinct is because Krakatao fucked up the island so bad humans left and didn't recolonize that part of it for decades, letting rhinos repopulate.
>Which meant that if you wanted a lost civilization
You can still do this. There are ruins all over the world off the coast under meters of water.
That might have been one of the first. There was a series of threads that lasted about a month.
Didn't Veeky Forums do this kind of? The stories all set in notbritain that were kind of drunk history but actually really. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?
>*Actually really good
Could you give us an example? I don't remember seeing anything like this.
> every custom setting I make has a twin sun system because I think it looks cool as shit.
> also the night sky always looks like a frazetta painting.
> fuck it everything I run looks like Frazetta in my mind
>ever like to use goofy or discredited scientific theories as the basis for your world building?
yup been fiddling with a setting based on this book(and several others)
Well fucking christ, this is awful.
I can't look away.
have some more craziness
>those acronyms
God I fucking love this thing.
I mean, do I even need to make the connection?
>when you was kangz just right
This goes beyond kangz and straight into ancient alien astronauts territory.
I remember a long time ago where someone had their steampunk setting have cold fusion as the fuel source for all the machines, in addition it had someone actually building something like the Analytical Engine and connect them to homes via telegraph.
and one more
Oh, hey! I've seen you around before. Your setting seems fascinating.
>B: Biological
>O: Youth
>Y: Organism
Author seems to not realize that convergent evolution is a thing.
I once ran a game where Max Nordau was literally correct. That letting women ride bicycles and smoke and letting Oscar Wilde write would literally degenerate the mental faculties of people. So Germany and Austria became autocrats and were incredibly advanced superpeople while France, England, and the US degenerated into lawless wastelands. The players were Austrian nobles who were touring the wildlands of France in the 1950's and were armed with stuff like lightning guns and .50 caliber hunting rifles with stocks that magically removed the recoil. It was fucking hilarious. One character went insane because he read the last remaining copy of Dorian Gray left in the world.
I mean sure, we could start a worldbuilding thread based on /pol/ staples like race realism and zionist conspiracies, but I don't think our irreverant and transformative handling of the material would be very well received.
I don't think people would be pacified by the disclaimer that it's all *ironically* racist.
This right here is cool as fuck.
That's pretty much all of The Hyborian Age.
>new age in a nutshell
It is a good chunk of inspiration for a fantasy setting, though.
It gets worse and worse the longer you watch. You didn't even get to the magical tablets you can read by astrally projecting yourself under the pyramids, or the 3 atom thick spaceship used to defend the earth from aliens.
Gotta wonder just what he has been injecting to himself to get that potent trips.
Martians did nothing.
You really should put a warning before posting material that can cause brain damage. Jesus, I could feel my brain cells dying while listening that shit.
Google "Britbongsteros" and have like 8 hours to hand, get a nice cuppa and enjoy it .
I suppose Fallout is basically this. The radiation causing tentacle mutations stuff and so on.